View Full Version : Wtf... School Kids rant

05-11-2006, 05:08 PM
So today as I was driving my brother home from school some dumb white kid with white tips and wearing a homo blue italia shirt throws his bottle of sprite at me from the damn bus. Nails my windshield, didnt break anything though, but goes on laughign thinking its hilarious... Like wtf, dumb school kids, they need to grow up. Made my car smell like berry fushion, and if u read this, U suck at throwing, u totally missed my passenger window and didnt make it inside u dumb POS.

Any of you get stoopid Highschool incidents like this?

05-11-2006, 05:50 PM
I've had kids on busses throw shit at my car before. It's a huge piss off but I figure it's karma. Back in the day throwing shit at cars (however, not as big as a sprite bottle) off the bus was teh hotness, i'm just paying for it now.

05-11-2006, 06:02 PM
Originally posted by liquidboi69
So today as I was driving my brother home from school some dumb white kid with white tips and wearing a homo blue italia shirt throws his bottle of sprite at me from the damn bus. Nails my windshield, didnt break anything though, but goes on laughign thinking its hilarious... Like wtf, dumb school kids, they need to grow up. Made my car smell like berry fushion, and if u read this, U suck at throwing, u totally missed my passenger window and didnt make it inside u dumb POS.

Any of you get stoopid Highschool incidents like this?

How can your car smell if it didnt get inside? Just give it a wash down.

Yah.... stuff like that sucks. I got a big pile of dirt/grass throw at me once. Man those kids ran once i screeched to a stop.....


05-11-2006, 06:18 PM
the worst is driving under an overpass by a jr high school at lunch time. Some little fuck threw a milk at my car and as i stopped to get out and provide him with the discipline his mother never did, they all started screaming and ran like little bitches. I kno i was probably guilty of similar, yet much milder versions of this, it still pisses me off like nothing else.

05-11-2006, 06:36 PM
worst ive seen is kids throwing shit at a dude on a motorcycle

like seriously, those fuckers need to grow up

my tires on my old beater integra (dad uses it to go inbetween here and creston) got slashed the other day. as well as a couple other cars parked in the alley.

IMO, these kids need to get a good shit kickin

05-11-2006, 06:57 PM
Hey Henry (this is a shared account). That happened to me in Drews car back in grade 12...except it was a water filled sprite bottle (i know cuz the water hit my lip..the window was down.)

Anyway that sucks. At it's only sprite tho, coulda been alot worse. Should be a super easy buffout...just get stuff from CT

05-11-2006, 07:00 PM
Is the bus driver/company responsible for the actions of the people on the bus if this were to cause damage?

05-11-2006, 07:01 PM
Yeah a good shit kick'in should do the job. I used to work across the street from St. Francis and going to work, the punk ass kids will be sitting on the F...king streets, not on the side, but in the middle :guns:

Then again I've done some pretty dumb stuff as a teeanger myself, and i've grown up so hopefully these stupid ass teenagers grow up a bit and realize how stupid they are.

05-11-2006, 07:02 PM
Man even as a teenager though, I learnt to respect cars. It's like an unspoken code not to mess with a man's car...just like no kicking in the groin :nut:

05-11-2006, 07:18 PM
ya same here though we did squirt water pistols at people walking by. :D but never cars, and ive only had paper balls thrown at my car

05-11-2006, 07:49 PM
Originally posted by 403Gemini
worst ive seen is kids throwing shit at a dude on a motorcycle

like seriously, those fuckers need to grow up

my tires on my old beater integra (dad uses it to go inbetween here and creston) got slashed the other day. as well as a couple other cars parked in the alley.

IMO, these kids need to get a good shit kickin

dood..that shit happened to pretty much everyone on your street. I was over at a friends house and his dad was telling me that the same people who slashed the tires broke into the neighbors car, opened the garage door, found a torch, lit it, and then put it inside the truck that was in the garage and shut the door. Could have burnt the whole fing house down. SOB's I tell you.

05-11-2006, 07:50 PM
i used to throw water balloons at huge crowds at bus stops in grade 9. hahaha after school, the bus stop is loaded with people :rofl: :rofl:

05-11-2006, 08:13 PM
Originally posted by JordanEG6
i used to throw water balloons at huge crowds at bus stops in grade 9. hahaha after school, the bus stop is loaded with people :rofl: :rofl:

That's actually funny. :rofl:

05-11-2006, 08:19 PM
Lol thats why u follow the bus wait till he gets out and make him lick it off :D thank god im not a stupid little kid like that im 16 but i dont do stupid shit like that

05-11-2006, 08:32 PM
kids are so stupid!!
Once I was walking from the store w/ a Slurpee in my hand waiting to cross the road a a falconridge/castleridge intersection. This car full of kids armed with a water balloon starts to turn towards me and out of no where comes this fucking balloon and hits me right in the chest, knocks me on my ass with my full Slurpee all over me. They drove away laughing.....little bastards - one day, one day..lol:banghead: :banghead:

05-11-2006, 10:57 PM
Kids are getting worse now a days. They need a good ol fashion ass whoopin. They are so damn lippy towards people, it pisses me off. I don't remember kids acting so asshole-ish when I was a kid.

05-12-2006, 05:30 AM
Originally posted by liquidboi69
So today as I was driving my brother home from school some dumb white kid with white tips and wearing a homo blue italia shirt throws his bottle of sprite at me from the damn bus. Nails my windshield, didnt break anything though, but goes on laughign thinking its hilarious... Like wtf, dumb school kids, they need to grow up. Made my car smell like berry fushion, and if u read this, U suck at throwing, u totally missed my passenger window and didnt make it inside u dumb POS.

Any of you get stoopid Highschool incidents like this?

Why didnt you follow the bus? man, if someone threw crap at my Datsun....i'd quickly be charged with murder in the second degree.

05-12-2006, 07:49 AM
One time these kids were throwing rocks from the top of a berm. They hit this minivan and thought it was pretty funny. They laughed a lot until it smoked the brakes, did a 180 from the street across an intersection, and flew up the alley where they were. Then 6 guys who were off to a late night sparring session jumped out and ran them down. Holy shit those kids were totally freaking out, crying thinking they were about to take a serious shit kicking. We ended up calling the cops (who showed up in force and in full body armor) and I'm pretty sure those kids never pulled that shit again. Never know who's gonna jump out of some family car!

05-12-2006, 09:27 AM
^^^^that is BS. Just like when kids think its funny to throw large rocks off a bridge, trying to aim on coming traffic. I can't remember the exact details but someone died within the last few yrs from doing that, but I think it was a that was used. do innocent ppl have to die before it finally sinks in their heads?

05-12-2006, 09:44 AM
Haha I laugh at them for riding the damn bus! You know it make them feel better.

05-12-2006, 09:47 AM
What would happen if you catch them and beat the living fuck outta them infront of everyone? Would you get in trouble?

05-12-2006, 09:54 AM
Originally posted by R!zz0
What would happen if you catch them and beat the living fuck outta them infront of everyone? Would you get in trouble?

I HIGHLY doubt anyone here would "beat the living fuck outta them"..... but its fun to think about.

05-12-2006, 10:09 AM
I think it was a pumpkin... and that dood died slowly in his car..

Originally posted by joyridder
^^^^that is BS. Just like when kids think its funny to throw large rocks off a bridge, trying to aim on coming traffic. I can't remember the exact details but someone died within the last few yrs from doing that, but I think it was a that was used. do innocent ppl have to die before it finally sinks in their heads?

05-12-2006, 10:10 AM
^^ Or even scare them^^
While back 3 little kids threw rocks at my windshield and i stopped my car and rang their doorbell and talked to their parents...They got in shit badly.

05-12-2006, 10:15 AM
When I was younger we'd throw snowballs at cars on Crowchild, juiceboxes into cars beside us when we were riding the bus.....its just a phase that messed up little fuckhead children go through I guess. :confused:

05-12-2006, 02:31 PM
When I was 18 I was driving home with my girlfriend and sister and out of nowhere, a rock smashed my passenger window. I looked back and my sister is hold her face and there is blood everywhere. I am thinking holy shit, race home, only a few blocks, kick the girls out and go back to the overpass. Bunch of kids there ask if they seen any other kids run by and they said yeah, towards the elementary school down the road. Race to the school, 2 kids playing b-ball and 2 other kids just sitting there. Ask the b-ballers how long they were there, 1 hour they say. Ask the others, and they say 5 minutes. Walk up to them and ask them to hold out their hands. Sure enough dirty as hell from chucking rocks. Grab the little fuckers and toss them into the back, and I mean tossed. All over the glass. Take them back to my house and my mom and g/f had to pull me off the little bastards cause they had called the cops and they were on the way. Was ready to kill them, and if it ever happened again, whether rocks or sprite, would probably beat them worse. Never fuck with a man's vehicle. Sorry about the length, just wanted to share.

GTS Jeff
05-12-2006, 04:13 PM
I did a lot of dumb shit as a kid. I mean a LOT. But you know, after a couple scares from the cops and some beatings, I stopped. It's a phase...

05-12-2006, 10:33 PM
The kid was on a bus, and you didn't follow him home? Not even follow him long enough to make him nervious?

05-12-2006, 11:06 PM
yeah man, never ever fuck with a man car. i would flip if something ahppened to ym impala jsut cause it would be so ahrd to get repacement windsheilds etc. i was neevr a punk fucker like that when i was young, and if any of u were i cant help but say u deserve whats coming to u and i hope it happens. adn idefinetly wouldve follwed the little fucker home and beat the shit out of him.

05-12-2006, 11:21 PM
some kid threw a frisbey on the road infront of the car infront of me and they ran it over and they laughed, then i did.. and they laughed but they wernt laughing when i pulled a nice lil u-turn... there lucky it was a frisbey!

05-12-2006, 11:31 PM
Originally posted by cycosis
yeah man, never ever fuck with a man car. i would flip if something ahppened to ym impala jsut cause it would be so ahrd to get repacement windsheilds etc. i was neevr a punk fucker like that when i was young, and if any of u were i cant help but say u deserve whats coming to u and i hope it happens. adn idefinetly wouldve follwed the little fucker home and beat the shit out of him.

Dont worry, most punks would rather throw a bottle at a POS ricer. Your impala is safe. :devil:

05-12-2006, 11:32 PM
Originally posted by dub_686
some kid threw a frisbey on the road infront of the car infront of me and they ran it over and they laughed, then i did.. and they laughed but they wernt laughing when i pulled a nice lil u-turn... there lucky it was a frisbey!

:eek: That could have taken out your entire under carriage! :eek:

05-13-2006, 05:44 AM
This happened to us last night... 3 NSXs, and the lead car got tagged by a paintball... mint '91 NSX, 19,540 kms on it. Can't say I was too impressed with that one. At least it washes off...

:thumbsdow to stupid idiot kids.

05-14-2006, 11:13 PM
You should keep a burlap sack full of mandrin oranges in your car.
"Doesn't leave a bruise and shows em whose boss."