View Full Version : Nissan engine compression

05-15-2006, 05:41 PM
how good is Nissan 240sx 1989 engine compression mentioned below:

Should i buy this car or not? Please advice. How long u guys think engine would last?

I could do the swap, but currently I'm short on cash. So swap is out of question right now, unless i get a sweet deal from somewhere.

Thanks for any help!

Supa Dexta
05-15-2006, 05:48 PM
I don't know the spec it would have started at, But I'll guess ~180 (someone with one of these cars will hopefully know and post up) So having a range of 30 psi is getting quite high, regardless of where it began.. Not saying the engine won't last, but it's not a help.. You can't base a vehicle purchase on a compression test alone anyways...


just found that for a good read.....

05-15-2006, 05:50 PM
i wouldn't...i always thought your engine was good if all 4 cyls have within 15psi. but it could be because of maybe a build up of carbon/piston ring...etc

I would fully looking into this before buying the car/engine.