View Full Version : NW Acura = Jerks

05-18-2006, 07:57 PM
This would be the second time NW Acura has screwed me over. I had a potential buyer for my car today, and he took it to NW acura for a mechanical inspection. The guy lays down a $100 deposit, and I hold off anymore phone calls regarding my car.

So the car inspection comes back, it passes! BUT... the mechanics there told the guy that since I didn't do all the maintenance through the Acura dealership, they highly recommend NOT to buy this car because they don't believe it was property maintained.

What?? I have all records of all the oil changes I've done!

So I look at the inspection report, everything passes except for coolant which was uncircled. (I go to Mr. Lube for my oil changes btw, and they inspected my coolant just 3 weeks ago and it passed). So from the inspection certificate, the inspection passed, but because I didn't do all my maintenance through NW acura, they told the guy not to buy my car. So.... the guy doesn't buy my car. Shit! I had around 4 guys wanting to come take a look this weekend and I told them all the car was sold!

We signed a contract saying that if only the inspection fails, I would refund the $100. To me, the inspection passed, to him it didn't. The guy got all angry and threatened a law suit... (ya for $100 :rolleyes: ) so I told the guy to go ahead. The $100 is going towards my advertising costs... I lost 4 potential buyers!

I hate NW acura, everyone there is only looking for money and more money. I couldn't believe they told the guy not to buy my car just because I didn't do all the maintenance through those jackasses. I'm not gonna pay $50 for a damn oil change when I could do it all myself even

rant off :whipped:

PS.. do you honestly think the guy will sue me for $100? I'm pretty confident that even if he did, he'd lose because i have a copy of the inspection report, and everything passed... although the coolant check was uncircled (would that mean the inspection failed?)

Thanks for the help!

05-18-2006, 08:06 PM
I highly doubt the person would sue you for 100 bucks. He'd up losing even more after court costs, etc.

But yah..:thumbsdow to NW Acura for doing that to you. Doesn't even seem ridiculous that a dealership would do such a thing. They're all just out to get your money. The mechanic is just implying to have the person consider getting a vehicle from NW Acura instead.

05-18-2006, 08:07 PM
so your saying this potential buyer didnt buy your car cuz your coolant supposedly wasnt changed?

that guy needs to figure out what a car is and what it does before he goes and buys a car.

as for having them do you inspection why not choose a different dealership?

05-18-2006, 08:10 PM
I would give him his $100 back. Bad Karma sucks. NW is in the business of selling cars. Why would they help you sell a car?

05-18-2006, 08:19 PM
Originally posted by benyl
I would give him his $100 back. Bad Karma sucks. NW is in the business of selling cars. Why would they help you sell a car?

Well i dont know about you but when i read things like this about dealerships it throws me off and makes me think twice before i head over there and buy a car. And to answer your question about "why would they help you sell a car" there not, there basically doing their job but tryin to screw everyone else.

Had they simply passed the inspection nothing would have happened and the dealership would have been fine, but look at it now, they have an angry coustomer who puts a bad name on the dealership because of their selfish act and everyone reads about it.

how appealing does northwest acura look to you if you have angry coustomers complaining about them?

05-18-2006, 08:33 PM
If the inspection was less than $100, you could refund him the difference. It's standard fare for the potential buyer to pay for the inspection.

05-18-2006, 09:17 PM
man when i was 16 I went there with my little 91 civic hatchback.. knowing nothing about cars and asked them about getting a new clutch or if it can be adjusted. The guy goes under the hood tells me it's done I need a new one. $600. So i goto t&t honda a few weeks later when I find out my heads need to be machined and I ask them about it.. Well it still has lots of adjustment and they do it for free..

bottom line crowfoot acura can suck my balls. I was 16 years old and 600 dollars was a months worth of work. At least be smart about it and rip of a lady driving her $50,000 car that her husband paid for. JACKASSES.

oh ps... don't give him the $100.

05-18-2006, 09:26 PM
It might end up costing you more in the long run if he know's were you live & decides to get revenge by damaging your property :dunno:

05-18-2006, 09:27 PM

id take that inspection to the manager / owner of nw acura and blow up in his face about it. maybe even the media?

in fact, i think that a manufacturer cannot deny a warranty claim or anything like that if there is a record of the regularly scheduled maitenance doen anywhere by anyone...

btw, i wouldnt give back the 100 bucks, but i would also keep an eye open for vandelism and such

05-18-2006, 11:28 PM
Yeah I'm not refunding the money. A deposit was made so I wouldn't sell the car to anyone else while he goes get it inspected. I'm sure if he went to anywhere else other than NW acura, the inspection would have passed. Hell it even passed at NW Acura, just the mechanic told him since I didn't do my service at NW Acura, he doesn't think it's properly maintained. Load of horse shit.

So I held the car for 3 days for this guy, told at least 4 people the car is sold. I think $100 is fair to cover my cost and loss of a potential buyer. And really if he ever tried to vandalize my property, I know his address too.

God damn NW Acura. And Benyl... no shit they're in the business of selling cars. They're also in the business of ripping people off and influencing people not to buy used even though the inspection report says everything passed.

So retarded. I'm never buying from NW Acura. Hell I'm so pissed I think I will speak to their god damn manager. Knowing how their business works, I bet the manager is just as much an asshole.

And I don't believe in karma.

05-18-2006, 11:32 PM
Yeah that's pretty shitty I guess. I bought my first car from those guys, it went well for me but it was pretty damn hard to get a good deal but I ended getting a pretty good deal on my civic in the end. Overall the managers of that place are bloodsuckers though but one salesman is a great guy (Donny T.) :thumbsup:

05-18-2006, 11:32 PM
that sux man,

i have had always positive stuff to say abt charlesglen toyota which is almost neighbours with NW acura...

and i think its a good thing u r spreading the word about their rant operations.

Talk to their manager or the highest ranking guy!

05-18-2006, 11:37 PM
The first time NW Acura screwed me over was when I bought my first Acura. I went to NW Acura first, and practically bought a car the same day, cept the trade-in value for my car was way too low to my liking. The guy constantly kept telling me, "Hey just buy it, why don't you just buy it?", I finally told him, "it's my god damn hard earned money that's why! sheesh" So I go home, and decide to actually shop around. I tried negotiating with the guy at NW Acura, he wouldn't budge ONE PENNY, so off I go to Silverhill acura.

Silverhill is 100x better. Their service is much more friendly and helpful unlike NW Acura where they were very pushy and really annoying. I managed to bargain down the price a bit and even got some free toys included and 6 free oil changes. So i was wondering why NW Acura told me they couldn't lower the price ONE cent. I emailed the guy I was dealing with and asked him why there was a price difference. The fucker at NW Acura phoned the dealership at Silverhill and ratted me out for asking him that question.

In the end, I got shafted. I lost the 6 free oil changes and the bargained price too. They told me they were in a lot of trouble with them. So ended up screwing me around $500.

For what? because they couldn't compete with the price at Silverhill. If you're buying an ACURA, go to SILVERHILL. You'll get a better deal.

05-18-2006, 11:40 PM
I would definately refund the $100. That's not cool on your part to keep the money. If those were potential buyers, you can easily call them back and tell them that the buyer didn't come through.

Also, the inspection in my eyes would have failed also. A coolant system problem can mean any number of things, and people who aren't mechanically inclined would not like to see something like that.

05-18-2006, 11:43 PM
What?! so let me get this straight, Silverhill who won your business with a better deal was scared of NW Acura and rolled back their deal with the potential of losing a customer? that doesn't sound right at all! These dealerships compete with one another why would one even care what the other thought as long as you are getting sales. If what you're saying is true, Silverhill is no better than NW Acura.

05-18-2006, 11:43 PM
I don't have caller ID, nor did I take their phone #s. It wasn't a coolant system problem. It was the coolant needed to be changed. Which is a really simple job

05-18-2006, 11:44 PM
Originally posted by Orbie
What?! so let me get this straight, Silverhill who won your business with a better deal was scared of NW Acura and rolled back their deal with the potential of losing a customer? that doesn't sound right at all! These dealerships compete with one another why would one even care what the other thought as long as you are getting sales. If what you're saying is true, Silverhill is no better than NW Acura.

I don't know what NW Acura did, but the guy at silverhill was freaked out and told me, this is now the deal. take it or leave it.

05-18-2006, 11:59 PM
Originally posted by frostyda9
If the inspection was less than $100, you could refund him the difference. It's standard fare for the potential buyer to pay for the inspection.

An inspection at NW Acura is $149. The same inspection at Crowfoot Village Honda is $89. I asked them why they cost more than across the street to do a pre-purchase vehicle inspection. "mumble mumble"

Great value for the money. :rolleyes:

05-19-2006, 12:00 AM
They are ok to me .. I bought 2 Acura .. I am not sure if I had the records ( both sold from Silver hill, and I took to NW for inspection before I bought them ) they didn't say anything ...


May be that is just the excuse for that buyer since he doesn't want to buy your car now? I wont' take just $100 for deposit .. what is $100? dinner for 2 ? at least take $1,000 deposit buddy!

05-19-2006, 01:33 AM
Hahahaha, NW Acura offered me $4000 trade in for my Prelude.
I just laughed and walked out.
The guy was like "Weeeell it IS pretty old, and there are some dings on it..."

Went across the street to Charlesglenn and the guy offered me $11000. Still not what I wanted but look at the difference in thought; the guy at Toyota said:
"It was the last generation, and prices do usually stay more stable and higher when a car is discontinued. I think we can give you around 11 for your car."

I got a kick out of it.

Oh PS: Give his money back man, it's not his fault he's stupid.

05-19-2006, 03:00 AM
i really don't think u should give it back.. like you said you lost 4 potential buyers and he's an idiot. What if the guy offering you $1000 more than the other 3 already found another car? well you're out $1100. FUCK him.

05-19-2006, 07:07 AM
This is why i'll never take a deposit on a car.
Until I have full cash in hand the car is NOT sold. Too many complications can happen. The guy wanted an inspection that's great. But i would have still had those 3 people come over and if they wanted to give me cash I would make a courtesy call to that other guy and tell him to come buy it now otherwise it's gone.

Its tough selling a used car, screw deposits and holding it for a week for anyone...

05-19-2006, 07:42 AM
^^^ deposits are only good if the buyer already wants it, and needs to get a check from the bank like in my case. i held it for $500 and he came the next day with the check. soo oin some cases its bad and others its good. DONT GIVE THE MONEY BACK. wtf would you, hes a bitch in my eyes. just because it wasnt serviced there they shouldnt buy it? im surprised they didnt say anything to me when i was in there monday (to get an oil change). it was orginally for an diag test. thought it would be something else they told me just my oil so they change it and ask me if i own the car..........no i drive somebody elses car. i bought it used and private yeah your records would still have the orginal drive on the record cause it hasnt been takin back to acura. just remember acura = honda engine. if you dont wanna drive to silverhill just take it to crowfoot honda they are good and dont fuck you around as much as NW acura

05-19-2006, 08:04 AM
Yeah, screw deposits. If I don't have cash in hand, the car is still for sale. And I was going to charge the guy $500 deposit, but he looked like he was going to buy it for sure once the inspection passed, so I just said $100.

I'm still laughing at this, god damn NW Acura. The dumb buyer was pretty stupid too. "uhh.. he said you need some work done, and the guy was telling me not to buy it because it's not maintained there. He says the coolant needs to be changed, and the brakes flushed and some stuff."

Well whatever, if I can sell the car this weekend I may return the $100 just to be a nice guy. If not, then I'm keeping it to cover advertising costs.

05-19-2006, 08:06 AM
Do NOT give his money back. He signed a contract with you so he knew what he was getting in to.
Like you said it passed, but the mechanic made a comment which made him change his mind. It seems lie he doesn't know much about cars, so he probably too the mechanics advise and left it at that.

Just to let you know, theres a massive thread about this dealership, I think it was made about 1-2 years ago, search for it and show the link to this potential buyer.

From everything I've heard and all these people on Beyond who have ha dnothing but shit from them, I'm sure he'll understand.

05-19-2006, 08:15 AM
When i am selling a car, i will tell the person the situation of the car and ask if they want me to call back if the deal falls through.

and when a deal did fall through for me, i had a buyer for the same exact price less than 24 hours later :)

05-19-2006, 09:49 PM
Yea the thread starter shouldn't have blew off the other 4 potential buyers. The car shouldn't be deemed as sold until the money is handed over. And a deposit never works IMO which is why when I sold my cars I never accepted those; Just whoever could bring me the cheque first pretty much got the car.

05-19-2006, 10:01 PM
That sounds right. Dealership have the right to void your warranty just for not getting your oil changed there every few months. If you read your terms of service you sign with your car, it states this.
Now, it's not logical to say a car is a pile just because it wasn't serviced at the dealership, but they're totally right in telling the guy that they don't have any records of you getting maintenance there. What if you just drove it for 100,000 kilometers and never serviced it once? It just happens you were going somewhere else (which a lot of people do) but he didn't know that. I'm glad he told the guy, I hope he'd tell me too.

05-19-2006, 10:11 PM
Originally posted by Mar
What if you just drove it for 100,000 kilometers and never serviced it once?

Originally posted by yellowsnow
What?? I have all records of all the oil changes I've done!


05-19-2006, 10:26 PM
Personally i trust Mr Lube to change my oil over the dealership i purchased my car at. Not to mention the fact that at Mr Lube i get a paper and a free cup of coffee and in 10 min im out, at the dealership i might have to leave my car for 1/2 day to get a 15 min oil change. No thanks

05-19-2006, 10:43 PM
I wouldn't give him the money back. Just because that's the dealers opinion he shouldn't buy it cuz it wasn't done there? And he believes them?

A car either passes mechanical or it doesn't. The dealer probably gave the guy a card too when they told him that.

It sounds like the car didn't fail the inspection, and if it didn't fail then you don't owe him the money back.

The dealer can say "this car is immaculate but I wouldn't buy it because it's 3 years old"

Does it still pass inspection? Then who teh fck cares?

:thumbsdow to tire kickers

05-19-2006, 10:54 PM
Originally posted by TeamBestBud

Ya that totally makes sense but all I was saying is the guy at the dealership doesn't know the difference, he was just saying they didn't have records. It was then up to the buyer to go ask the seller if he has other records.

05-19-2006, 10:56 PM
Originally posted by BigMass
Personally i trust Mr Lube to change my oil over the dealership i purchased my car at. Not to mention the fact that at Mr Lube i get a paper and a free cup of coffee and in 10 min im out, at the dealership i might have to leave my car for 1/2 day to get a 15 min oil change. No thanks

You only leave it for half a day if you're not sticking around. When I get my oil changed at T&T, they ask if I'm staying or leaving. I chilled in their lounge area for 45 minutes and it was done.

05-19-2006, 11:02 PM
And I told the guy I had all the records, and showed it to him. He still believed the acura guy.

The point of this thread is to let people know that NW acura only cares about money, even if it means screwing people's hard earned money. I use to only think badly of their sales staff, now even their service staff has become questionable to me. :guns:

05-19-2006, 11:04 PM
Originally posted by Mar
That sounds right. Dealership have the right to void your warranty just for not getting your oil changed there every few months. If you read your terms of service you sign with your car, it states this.
Now, it's not logical to say a car is a pile just because it wasn't serviced at the dealership, but they're totally right in telling the guy that they don't have any records of you getting maintenance there. What if you just drove it for 100,000 kilometers and never serviced it once? It just happens you were going somewhere else (which a lot of people do) but he didn't know that. I'm glad he told the guy, I hope he'd tell me too.

They CANNOT void the warranty if you don't service the vehicle at an acura dealership. As long as you have records showing oil changes are done, they cannot state the car has not been properly maintained. :rolleyes:

And just FYI, I had ALL of my oil changes done with silverhill and NW Acura except for my last one with Mr. Lube. So they definately had ALL my service records except for my last one, which I had the receipt for in the car.

05-19-2006, 11:06 PM
Originally posted by Mar
That sounds right. Dealership have the right to void your warranty just for not getting your oil changed there every few months. If you read your terms of service you sign with your car, it states this.
Now, it's not logical to say a car is a pile just because it wasn't serviced at the dealership, but they're totally right in telling the guy that they don't have any records of you getting maintenance there. What if you just drove it for 100,000 kilometers and never serviced it once? It just happens you were going somewhere else (which a lot of people do) but he didn't know that. I'm glad he told the guy, I hope he'd tell me too.
I assume that the seller had receipts from all the maintenance he had done.

Dealerships cannot void the manufacturer's warranty because you got the oil changed somewhere else. What they can void is those dealer-offered warranties where they do things like cover the powertrain for 10 years if you have ALL your service done there.

05-20-2006, 12:51 AM
Originally posted by benyl
I would give him his $100 back. Bad Karma sucks. NW is in the business of selling cars. Why would they help you sell a car?

You answered your own question - karma

05-20-2006, 01:20 AM
after steve and ryan left nw acura, the place has turned to shit, and silverhill is like worse than nw acura... sucks for the people that bring in their cars there for service

05-20-2006, 01:30 AM

05-20-2006, 10:36 AM
I had much much better service from Silverhill Acura and wish we bought our Acura from them. Much more professional guys there.

05-20-2006, 11:06 AM
Its hilarious how they say your car wasn't properly maintained when close to 80% of their used inventory comes from auctions. Meaning that the cars have close to no history and in most cases are out of province.

05-20-2006, 02:35 PM
Return the money, the guy is seriously looking into taking you to court, a friend of mine called me today and told me his best friend needs some help. He explained the same story u just did and asked for my lawyers number. I didnt give him the number yet cuz i remembered this thread and thought I might give u a chance to fix it first, and I ran the situation by my lawyer and it looks like hes probably gonna win if it goes to court. Plus if it goes to court hes gonna sue u for a lot more than $100. Hes a stupid young kid, just give him his money back. Which ever way u decide let me know asap so i can talk him out of the legal shit if ur gonna give him the $100 back.

05-20-2006, 02:45 PM

Go to court for $100? Small claims court? or hire an actual lawyer and file proceedings? For what? Over $100? LOL Sure! I'm curious how that would actually would work though.

Here's my take, just give the guy his $100 back. Forget about it and move along. Live and learn. Now you know what to do next time.

05-20-2006, 02:53 PM
^haha thats what i was thinking too but i talked to the lawyer real quick and he said that if it went to court the kid would most likely win, i didnt ask why. and he said that he could sue him for court fees too. I dont know this kid that well so I would rather help a fellow beyond member and im just letting you know if u wanna avoid legal matters its probably easiest to return the money, and i can convince the guy to forget about the legal issues if decide to return the money

05-21-2006, 12:50 AM
ok, you sound like the dumbass that lost his deposit. no one talks to a lawyer for small claims court. lawyers dont even touch small claims court. theyd probably laugh at you if you asked them to.

i say keep the money. unless the inspection says fail, its yours.

tell him to bring on the lawyers. thats such a load of crap. :)

05-21-2006, 03:22 PM
Car is sold! Told my buyer the exact same story I told him. Oil changed regulary, no accident, etc. Honestly, who stops buying a car due to "It needs a coolant flush, brake flush, etc."

I actually have a signed document myself that states if the inspection passes, he has to pay me the remaining amount on my car. So technically I could've sued him, but the car is sold, so who cares.