View Full Version : Overseas question (japan)

05-21-2006, 01:05 AM
so the gf's going to jap to teach eng for a yr, and long D or not I need some tech to help us keep in touch
Webcam - should I wait for the windows live! stuff that's coming out? (it's all branded as HD cams, has nothing to do w/ HD)
Skype - I heard that the phone rates there are ridiculous, that most ppl just sms everyone else instead of calling each other. perhaps someone w/ experience can update me on this. ipdrum has a new cable. you connect it usb to a mobile phone (ie. fido). when you get 'skyped' that phone automatically calls the specified number (ie. another fido phone, urs) and tech. you can get skype calls on your mobile phone. pair this with a roaming local number (like a japan phone number that she calls, about $20US /yr) I should be saving a whole bunch on long distance fees. problem is she keeps telling me how expensive it is to call even local, home phone or not.

any other tips on the tech / how to deal would be greatly appreciated

05-25-2006, 02:53 PM
Good idea to go with VoIP. I'd also take a look at SunRocket. I've had a phone with them for about a year and its been pretty darn good to me.


I know they're run all kinds of promotions (free cordless phones and such) and they actually just started (in addition to their unlimited, monthly program) a 3 cents a minute to select countries international calling program. That's pretty damn cheap if she decides to get a Japanese number....

of course you can just have her sign up for a local area number where you're at and avoid the 3 cents all together.

05-25-2006, 05:58 PM
well, i have no problem paying the money and such
it's the plans in Japan that's the problem, i want it so that when she calls me it's pretty much cheap or free, or I'm paying for it using some sort of internet tech etc.

05-26-2006, 08:56 AM
Originally posted by dragonone
well, i have no problem paying the money and such
it's the plans in Japan that's the problem, i want it so that when she calls me it's pretty much cheap or free, or I'm paying for it using some sort of internet tech etc.

Right, so if you where to sign up for something like a SunRocket (VoIP) phone contract, your GF would get a local phone number to wherever you are and using her computer and a broadband connection, you would be able to call her for nothing more than an across town call and she could do the same.

Using Voip it won't matter where she is in the world because it won't be using landlines/satellites to get to you. That's the great thing about this technology. You can be making "local" phonecalls from anywhere in the world. Unlike a Skype, VoIP technology has far better sound quality (I think SunRocket has some of the best) and you can use a normal-style phone (or multiple cordless phones, should you choose to have them) to make the calls. You're not necessarily tetherd to your laptop/computer that way.

05-26-2006, 12:09 PM
Originally posted by dragonone
well, i have no problem paying the money and such
it's the plans in Japan that's the problem, i want it so that when she calls me it's pretty much cheap or free, or I'm paying for it using some sort of internet tech etc.

Probably want to take a look at the Wiki entry for VoIP in general to give you a better idea of what the differences between something VoIP/SunRocket and other internet telephony systems are like:

That said, if you have questions about the ease of use (whatever you want to call it) for setting up a VoIP phone, the SR website actually has a good little video about how to set up their phones (if you where to use them). Its similar, or identical to the other companies too:


Maybe that will help you while you're looking for a solution?