View Full Version : Finally, my new camera!

05-27-2006, 09:25 PM
As a present for graduating from the Civil Engineering program at SAIT this year, Dad bought me a new camera. I spanky new Nikon D70s. :love: I know all the Canon boys are going to hate me for switching to the dark side, but the Rebel XT just didn't feel right.

SO at any rate, feeling hungover still I decided to head out for a walk along Elbow Creek to get some fresh air and get some shots.

So the first thing I find is our national animal, the good old beaver. I couldn't get closer to it due to having to stand above on a wall.


There was a very nice section of hedges that were well kept and I thought that it would look cool, keep in mind they are about 2 feet high.


A couple of interesting flowers, not sure what they are.


Bleeding Hearts, theres a story (http://www.cren.ca/content_view2?CONTENT_ID=1337) about them and you take them apart, something to do about a Prince and Princess.


And a couple of other shots.



All comments and criticisms welcomed, but remember that the light was horrible today.:(

05-27-2006, 09:52 PM
congrats on graduating and getting a bradn spankin new camera.
not to bad photos.

05-27-2006, 11:07 PM
i remember those bleeding hearts flowers from my childhood - now i dont see them anymore

any congrats on graduating and super nice shots.

05-27-2006, 11:18 PM
Nice. Have fun and practice lots.