View Full Version : Memo from Bin Laden- hahaha

04-03-2003, 07:28 PM
> From: Bin Laden, Osama
> To: All Al Queda Fighters
> Subject: The Cave
> Internal Memo. Do Not Distribute Outside The Organisation.
> Hi Guys,
> We've all been putting in long hours recently but we've really come
> together as a group and I love that! However, while we are fighting a
> jihad, we can't forget to take care of the cave and frankly I have a few
> concerns:
> First, while it's good to be concerned about Cruise missiles, we should be
> even more concerned about the dust in our cave. We want to avoid excessive
> dust inhalation, (a health and safety issue) so we need to sweep the cave
> daily. I've done my bit on the cleaning rota - have you? I've posted a
> sign-up sheet near the cave reception area (next to the halal toaster).
> Second, it's not often I make a video address but when I do I'm trying to
> scare the sh*t out of most of the world's population, okay? That means
> while we're taping, please do not ride your scooter in the background or
> keep doing the 'Wassup' thing. Thank you.
> Third, food, I bought a pack of Dairylea recently, I clearly wrote "Ossy "
> on the front and put it on the top shelf. Today, two of my Dairylea slices
> were gone. Consideration. That's all I'm saying.
> Fourth, I'm not against team spirit and all that, but we must distance
> ourselves from the Infidel's bat and ball games. Please do not chant
> Ossy, Ossy, Oy, Oy, Oy" when I ride past on the donkey. Thanks.
> Fifth, Graffiti. Whoever wrote "OSAMA F**KS DONKEYS" on the group toilet
> wall, It's a lie, the donkey backed into me while I was relieving myself
> the edge of the mountain.
> Sixth: The use of chickens is strictly for food. Assam, the old excuse
> the chicken backed into me, whilst I was relieving myself at the edge of
> the mountain' will not be accepted in future. (With donkeys, this is still
> a grey area.)
> And, finally, we've heard that there may be Western soldiers in disguise
> trying to infiltrate our ranks. I want to set up patrols to look for them.
> The first patrol will be Omar, Muhammad, Abdul, Akbar and Dave.
> Love you loads,
> Group Hug.
> Os.
> PS - I'm sick of having "Osama's Bed Linen" scribbled on my laundry bag.
> Cut it out, it's not funny any more.

04-03-2003, 08:43 PM
hahahahaah thats fucking funny:thumbsup: :thumbsup: :werd:

04-03-2003, 08:46 PM
link to fullsize avatar request

04-03-2003, 08:53 PM
Originally posted by Ekliptix
link to fullsize avatar request
WHAT:confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:

04-03-2003, 09:06 PM
link: to click on
fullsize: bigger then shown
avatar: canadian milk jugs
request: please give it to me
to: self explanitory(sp)

04-03-2003, 09:19 PM
hahahahahahahaha that's hilarious!!! :rofl:

04-03-2003, 10:32 PM
Originally posted by Ekliptix
link: to click on
fullsize: bigger then shown
avatar: canadian milk jugs
request: please give it to me
to: self explanitory(sp)
sorry dude that all I have is the avatar:banghead:

04-03-2003, 10:51 PM
That was good.

2pac for life
04-03-2003, 10:59 PM
ya fuck u guys thinking it is funny making jokes about osama and using muslim terms, is very racist and not to funny to some of us, so fuck off and do somethign better wiht ur life becaus eall u bitches going down in the end.

04-03-2003, 11:09 PM
I think it's showing some humor at stereotypes.

If a mod feels it is a racist post, please delete it.


04-03-2003, 11:54 PM
Originally posted by 2pac for life
ya fuck u guys thinking it is funny making jokes about osama and using muslim terms, is very racist and not to funny to some of us, so fuck off and do somethign better wiht ur life becaus eall u bitches going down in the end.

Something better with our lives...you mean like...learning to spell?

04-04-2003, 12:01 AM
Originally posted by Glowrider

Something better with our lives...you mean like...learning to spell?

no, praising 2pac, if it was up to '2pac for life' we would all bow down before his dead body and suck his cock all day.

I don't really see anythin racist about the post, if I make fun of some chinese dude cuz he ugly am I bein racist? Same shit way I see it.

04-04-2003, 12:07 AM
There isn't anything racist in the post. It's making fun of UBL. That's not racist, that's just making fun of some guy.

People like "2pac for life" are bored. He needs something to be angry about, and this is it.

04-04-2003, 12:07 AM
he "is" ugly

04-04-2003, 12:15 AM
please highlight the racist parts for me. you see im a non-secular individual and I really dont see how its racist.

Now lets get into the real problem with this. Being anti-muslim is in no way racist. Being anti-arab is. There is a difference between race and religion. Now in terms of it being ethnocentric or whatever, just highlight those areas for me please.

04-04-2003, 12:18 AM
Originally posted by 2pac for life
ya fuck u guys thinking it is funny making jokes about osama and using muslim terms, is very racist and not to funny to some of us, so fuck off and do somethign better wiht ur life becaus eall u bitches going down in the end.
OK, just read you post again.....

what are you, a freakin terrorist. you gonna bomb me? hmmmm? seriously, what the fuck is that supposed to mean. I dont know what it is about you, cause normally im pretty easy going in my posts, but you just get to me. were all going down. what the fuck. you are a tard.

04-04-2003, 12:19 AM
now that was slightly racist, but it doesnt matter cause its not against anyone but you. BOI.

04-04-2003, 10:00 AM
2Pac for Life??? seriously, someone missed the bandwagon when it was really cool thinking he is still alive and coming back.....HAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHA, now you are just being stupid.

04-04-2003, 10:02 AM
And please don't come on here spouting that terrorist shit, you are making good arabic people look bad...keep your own ridiculous dirty thoughts to yourself!

04-04-2003, 10:11 AM
It was just a lame attempt to "Islamasize" a joke. He tried to make it into us being racist and against his people or whatever. But it didn't work. I think he gave up.

04-04-2003, 10:11 AM
Originally posted by hjr

OK, just read you post again.....

what are you, a freakin terrorist. you gonna bomb me? hmmmm? seriously, what the fuck is that supposed to mean. I dont know what it is about you, cause normally im pretty easy going in my posts, but you just get to me. were all going down. what the fuck. you are a tard.

If that's what you mean, three words for you 2Pac, Reinforcing The Stereotype.

04-04-2003, 10:15 AM
Reinforcing The Stereotype

...and 2pac for life wonders why people don't like him.

04-04-2003, 10:50 AM
whoa, so much drama on this site...but it was still funny, chill people

04-04-2003, 11:09 AM
and of course there is not relpy from the OWN3D member we know as '2Pac for life'

04-04-2003, 12:00 PM
Originally posted by hjr
and of course there is not relpy from the OWN3D member we know as '2Pac for life'

LOL. While it would be great because we would tear him apart...there is really nothing he can say. :D

GTS Jeff
04-04-2003, 12:31 PM

04-04-2003, 01:05 PM
Originally posted by Ekliptix
[B And, finally, we've heard that there may be Western soldiers in disguise trying to infiltrate our ranks. I want to set up patrols to look for them. The first patrol will be Omar, Muhammad, Abdul, Akbar and Dave.[/B]

LOL that was funny :rofl:

04-04-2003, 01:29 PM
Originally posted by Ekliptix
he "is" ugly

You know who I'm talking about? :rofl:

hehe, spelling mistake.

Honestly I'm dissapointed, I opened this thread hoping for another stupid comment from him, I got nothin. :dunno:

haha, yeah, that part with 'Dave' is my favorite.