View Full Version : Behind the Wheel - May 31, 2006: Helmets

05-31-2006, 10:47 PM

Is there a difference between the helmet laws which make it law to wear a helmet on a bicycle,and the wearing of one on a motorcycle? The reason I ask is that I ride both a motorcycle and a bicycle. I find I can ride my bicycle without a helmet at any time, but when I tried on two occasions to ride my motorcycle without a helmet, the first lasted 10 minutes before being pulled over and the second time I was only a block down the road. It seems to me selective enforcement, and this smacks of injustice.

As I am sure that this reader is aware, there is no difference between having to wear a helmet when you are riding a bicycle or a motorcycle. In both cases it is an important piece of safety equipment that should not be forgotten. If you choose to ride without a helmet the possibility does exist that you will be ticketed for it.

During my service with the RCMP I seldom wrote a ticket for either one. It was rare to see a motorcycle rider without one which removed my opportunity, and until now, I did not stop to examine my motives with regard to bicycle helmets. It is easy to say that I worked the highway rather than in the municipal areas and there weren't many without a helmet on the highways or that the problem of injury due to not using a helmet was vanishingly small there as well. However, enforcement is expected to be preventative to keep that figure low.

Is it unjust to ticket helmetless motorcycle riders while ignoring helmetless bicycle riders? I would have to agree. The police are expected to enforce the law equally and fairly. Perhaps this comes from the perception that motorcycle riders are at higher risk when they don't wear a helmet, they are generally mature enough to know the rules and they are easily identifiable through the use of the drivers licence.

When one looks at how most cyclists operate in traffic there are a lot more opportunities to write tickets for many things in addition to helmets. The most recent collision statistics are from 2004. There were 992 injury and 6 fatal collisions involving cyclists, which are not negligible numbers. This could be a wake up call to traffic enforcement, pay closer attention to cyclists.

Reference Links (http://members.shaw.ca/behind.the.wheel/current.htm)

The Cosworth
06-16-2006, 05:14 PM
A bike has a way higher speed and you cant keep up to vehicals at 90k/h on joh laurie

Also the dirtbike helmets are street rated helmets

06-17-2006, 06:02 PM
Is it legal and stuff for me to wear my helmet wearing driving my car just because it looks cool?? :D

06-17-2006, 06:08 PM
The only reason you could not do this is if you were using a helmet that obstructed your vision to the sides. I guess if you could turn your head to look, even this would not be a problem.

There is a neurosurgeon in the states that wears a helmet whenever he is driving. He's seen too many crash victims.

06-17-2006, 06:41 PM
Honestly you cant even compare riding a pedal bike to riding a motor bike...

06-17-2006, 06:53 PM
In Alberta, helmets for pedal bikes are only mandatory for minors.

06-19-2006, 10:15 PM
I'm actually a fan of the helmet law.

But you have to admit, that its crappy laws like the helmet law that makes it possible for some people to feel like we don't have the same level of freedom that we used to have 30 years ago. When is all this law making going to stop?...I quite enjoy picking my nose while driving, I hope this doesn't land me in jail before I'm in retirement.