View Full Version : WTF: My router stops working once a day

GTS Jeff
06-01-2006, 01:30 AM
Anyone know what's up with my router?

It'll basically stop working (my internet goes down) about once a day. It works again when I pull the power and plug it back in. This happens about once a day and is starting to get annoying. It used to work ok. I've tried using different computers and stuff...no dice.

It's an SMC wireless G router, but I am connected to it with an ethernet cable...

06-01-2006, 01:31 AM
same shit happens to me man:confused:

06-01-2006, 01:32 AM
same here

06-01-2006, 01:33 AM
is it your router or actual cable modem?

06-01-2006, 01:36 AM
update ur firmware

GTS Jeff
06-01-2006, 03:18 AM
Originally posted by GQBalla
is it your router or actual cable modem? The title says router.

GTS Jeff
06-01-2006, 03:19 AM
Originally posted by Lexxan
update ur firmware Good idea.

06-01-2006, 05:54 AM
it's a typical SMC router, i had the same issue. but it was only when i was using a lot of bandwidth like torrents, so i assume it was overheating or soemthing... i ditched mine and bought a linksys, all is well now.

06-01-2006, 07:38 AM
I used to have an SMC i think, I got rid of it, now no problems.

06-01-2006, 08:02 AM
Firmware. I had same issue with my old linksys router. I updated the firmware and it was all fine.

06-01-2006, 08:27 AM
it's overheating problems, use to happen with my old router. don't leave it on your cable modem, or other heat sources and see if that helps. some routers just plain suck

06-01-2006, 09:46 AM
Dude ditch the SMC. I had one and had the same problem it would go down for no reason at all. Disconnecting the power and re-plugging it seemed to fix it but only temporarily. Throw that piece of shit in the garbage and pick up a Dlink or Linksys.

SMC = suck my cock

06-01-2006, 09:48 AM
picking up a d-link would be a mistake.

06-01-2006, 09:50 AM
I had the same problem with a 3com. Found out that it was a security thing.

If anyone got thru to my computer it would completely lock down and stop any internet activity. If its happeneing alot you need to upgrade your firmware or tweak your security settings.

Anyways, my 3com died a month back, and I picked up a linksys, I'm fairly impressed with how easy it is to use. I'd say go linksys, I've heard bad things about d-link.

And if possible, NOT WIRELESS.

06-01-2006, 09:54 AM
Originally posted by googe
picking up a d-link would be a mistake.

GTS Jeff
06-01-2006, 10:00 AM
Originally posted by Thaco
it's a typical SMC router, i had the same issue. but it was only when i was using a lot of bandwidth like torrents, so i assume it was overheating or soemthing... i ditched mine and bought a linksys, all is well now.

It sometimes does it when the connection is idle too.

Originally posted by yellowsnow
it's overheating problems, use to happen with my old router. don't leave it on your cable modem, or other heat sources and see if that helps. some routers just plain suck

Hmmm it's sitting by itself with no flow impedance...

Thanks for all the suggestions guys. I updated the firmware so we'll see how things go for now. I've had worse luck with a $200 Linksys in the past...and this is a $30 SMC...

06-01-2006, 10:06 AM
^yeah I havn't had much luck with routers in the past either. I have gone through 5 in the last 2 years :bullshit:

06-01-2006, 10:11 AM
Dlink is a BIG BIG BIG BIG BIG mistake. I bought 2 from Future Shop just a few years ago (one for me, one for the in-laws). Since new, the Dlink would actually DROP connections for anywhere between 30 secs to infinity (until you unplug it).

It would just stop working (I mean, windows would actually show the network cable as being unplugged). Then all of a sudden, the connection would start up again. This happens to mine, and I know for a fact it happens to the in laws. At night, I'll see my sister in law log into MSN about 10 times. I know that it's because the connection was dropped and reconnected. This happens on both wired and wireless. It's stupid.

At least Dlink offers 2 or 3 years warranty on these items. I've just been too busy to call. I suppose I should do it soon.

Also have an SMC, and once in a while it'll just stop working (usually only happens a few times a year).

06-01-2006, 10:24 AM
Originally posted by viffer


pretty much what this guy said:

Originally posted by clem24
Dlink is a BIG BIG BIG BIG BIG mistake. I bought 2 from Future Shop just a few years ago (one for me, one for the in-laws). Since new, the Dlink would actually DROP connections for anywhere between 30 secs to infinity (until you unplug it).

It would just stop working (I mean, windows would actually show the network cable as being unplugged). Then all of a sudden, the connection would start up again. This happens to mine, and I know for a fact it happens to the in laws. At night, I'll see my sister in law log into MSN about 10 times. I know that it's because the connection was dropped and reconnected. This happens on both wired and wireless. It's stupid.

At least Dlink offers 2 or 3 years warranty on these items. I've just been too busy to call. I suppose I should do it soon.

Also have an SMC, and once in a while it'll just stop working (usually only happens a few times a year).

i have 2 or 3 dlink wireless routers. the later ones arent bad as long as you dont do any torrent/ed2k, otherwise they'll puke. i havent found any of those home routers that actually handle those properly, sadly :( ive only tried a few though.

06-01-2006, 11:41 AM
I've been bringing in US Robotics stuff. Has been working fine for me. Something you might want to be aware of is what time of day and how long it goes down for. Sometimes something as simple as a microwave can scatter your wireless signal. I would also suggest loading Net Stumbler up to take a look around your wireless area. Somebody that lives around you might have a wireless router on the same channel causing a jam.

06-01-2006, 11:44 AM
Originally posted by googe

i have 2 or 3 dlink wireless routers. the later ones arent bad as long as you dont do any torrent/ed2k, otherwise they'll puke. i havent found any of those home routers that actually handle those properly, sadly :( ive only tried a few though.

Your correct. BitTorrents for whatever reason over whelm a SOHO Router. I *Think* its because the buffer gets full to quickly. I am experimenting with set ups right now but I am going to attempt to use a switch in place of the router.

06-01-2006, 12:09 PM
What ISP you using?

I switched to Telus a while back... *ugh* and ever since my connection will go down not neccessarily every day but almost. Often just after I begin doing something over the internet, so I'm pretty sure it's not an overheating thing. Also I never, not once, had this problem with the exact same router when I was with Shaw. It began only after switching to Telus. The fix, is just to log into my router and manually refresh the WAN IP. It seems every day or so or even just when I go to use my internet connection, Telus changes my subnet and for some reason the DHCP offer or DHCP ACK communication is breaking down somewhere. Of course all Telus support will tell you is "Have you tried disconnecting your router and plugging into the back of your computer, blah blah". I fail to see how my router is at fault when I used this router with Shaw and NEVER had this happen.

06-01-2006, 02:05 PM
Originally posted by BigBadVlad
What ISP you using?

Telus changes my subnet and for some reason the DHCP offer or DHCP ACK communication is breaking down somewhere.

Load up ethereal and record what is happening.

06-01-2006, 02:09 PM
That happened to me TONNES with telus. I thought it was just the ISP...so I switched to Nucleus.

However, the problem was still there...so i called Nucleus. They sent over repair guys, and they told me it was my ethernet cable. They cut and recrimped the cable...and it seemed to fix it.

I however THEN...switched to a wireless router G, and i kept on disconnecting. So I put my non-wireless router back on..and it worked! Havn't disconnected for 5 months (vs once every week.) So for me...it was my cables AND router.

So...check your cables. If thats not it...it'll be your SMC router most likely.