View Full Version : need monthly furnished rental - summer

06-02-2006, 02:03 AM
Hey guys,

may be coming down to calgary to work for the summer - likely starting in July or so. Do you know where there is to find a 1-3 month furnished apartment to rent? I know there is the Birkenshaw in MtRoyal, but any others? Preferably less than $1500/mth. I know someone had mentioned another place before but can't think of the name. Thanks all.:dunno:

06-04-2006, 01:48 AM
anybody know?

06-04-2006, 02:59 AM
with a name like mad druggist I dont think you will have a hard time finding a landlord that will want you to rent their place for a few months:rofl:

06-04-2006, 08:31 AM
No no no, I think his user name is "mad ruggist," and landlords love a guy who's down with the rugs.