View Full Version : Hobo living in garage...

06-07-2006, 03:15 AM
So a year ago when I worked at partsource there was a hobo that lived out back. He came in to buy Liquid fire (ethanol to snort) and paint thinner (drink/sniff) and he was always around. They got rid of him told him to leave the property and not come back, and lately ive seen him on my street alot.

A month back I left my garage open overnight by accident and the next day I found the large swinging doors to be open. I closed them, locked it, and moved on.

A week later my mom left it unlocked and again the doors were open, and I noticed there was a bed made from my old floormats, a chair pad and a doormat. I also noticed a plastic bag with a wd40 soaked rag and 2 cans of wd40 missing. At this point I was suspicious.

Lately ive been leaving it unlocked, purposly and ive set up and aimed a motionsensor light to try to catch him in the act. Ive seen him on my street many times and I know he knows I live there because I live a block from partsource and hes seen me in my porch and washing my car.

Now, im wondering, since im 99% sure its him what should I do to stop this? I dont want to confront him because he might be hopped up on drugs of all sorts and capable of god-knows-what.

Im tempted to just yell at him next time I see him "I KNOW ITS YOU" or something similar. If it isnt him, he might just be like WTF, if it IS him maybe he'll get the point.

At this point, I dont know. My garage is more of a SHED that you can get into with a flathead... I took all valuables out but it just makes me uncomfortable knowing someone might breakinto it and sleep there. Today I went out with a flathead and a hammer and I found out it takes me 20 seconds to hammer up the big door lock without damage and sneak in.

If you have any ideas let me know.

06-07-2006, 03:59 AM
get a camera in there man

06-07-2006, 08:01 AM
exactly, then give him 20$ to fight another bum then sell it!

but seriously,

fill paint thinner cans/ WD 40 bottles/any other chemicals with water. Then he will think all the chemicals you have are weak and won't get him high, and you'll no longer have the WD-Den he was hoping for.

06-07-2006, 08:24 AM
He's not a fucking animal people, just call the cops or sit in your shed waiting for him. Otherwise lock the garage up.

06-07-2006, 08:29 AM
Leaving the garage open isn't going to make him leave, lock up the garage and he'll go elsewhere.

06-07-2006, 08:32 AM
Originally posted by glennc
Im tempted to just yell at him next time I see him "I KNOW ITS YOU"

:rofl: :rofl:

Borrow a friends dog for a few days, that'll keep him away and it'll bark whenever the bum comes in. Just hope the bum won't steal or eat the dog.....

06-07-2006, 08:43 AM
I found that the side door of garages are just invitation for criminals. The should not build houses with that anymore. It's stupid.

In my old place, we don't just lock that door. After a few times of attempted break-in, we just nailed 3 2x4 across the door and seal it forever.

06-07-2006, 08:44 AM
^and here I am wanting to get a side door on my garage, guess not :thumbsup:

06-07-2006, 09:04 AM
Call the cops and inform them of what is going on. If he stays there every night just call them and see if they can come by at night and get him.

After the cops get him just do what Xtrema said. Just board up that door and if there is a window board it up too. As long as you have a garage door opener you should be able to access it fine.

If boarding up is too ghetto then perhaps find other ways of locking the door. Use a latch (that you attach to the door and door frame) with a nice hefty pad lock. Or you can by one of those door jam things and set it up behind the door so they can't push their way through.

06-07-2006, 09:31 AM
Set up some halogen lights, or any lights for that matter so you can plug them in from outside. When its night and you feel he might be in there, turn them on and have friends pound on the doors, and basically all over the garage. Leave notes around were he is sleeping saying you are welcome to stay here, then the next day leave another note saying WTF! are you doing? GET OUT.



06-07-2006, 10:09 AM
BBguns and paint ball guns are your friend. As are dobermans. And a shotgun + rock salt.

06-07-2006, 10:20 AM
Leave a bagged lunch for him with a note attached that reads

"For the Hobo that lives in my garage. please gtfo"

06-07-2006, 10:20 AM
Set a rabbit trap with wd-40, then you can poke him with a stick when he gets caught!

06-07-2006, 10:29 AM
tell him that he can stay, as long as he guards your garage with his life.... now you'll have a personal security guard for your garage man!:thumbsup:

06-07-2006, 10:45 AM
........make him pay u rent?or do funny thing to him like bunch of nails over the shed floor....piss on his bed.....fart bombs..etc

06-07-2006, 11:59 AM
Originally posted by Xtrema
I found that the side door of garages are just invitation for criminals. The should not build houses with that anymore. It's stupid.

In my old place, we don't just lock that door. After a few times of attempted break-in, we just nailed 3 2x4 across the door and seal it forever.

I agree - We never build houses with garage side doors cause we think it's stupid..and the fact alot of people leave them unlocked...and then their garage interior door unlocked..

06-07-2006, 12:03 PM
Man hes homeless do you blame him. I don't know if it was me i would give him a meal $20 and send him on his way. I had something like this happen to me ...i did this ecact thing and i never saw the guy again. But its youre choice. Just be friendly :D

06-07-2006, 12:18 PM
^ wtf are u talking baout be friendly THE MAN IS LIVING IN UR GARAGE!@!!!@!@ kick his ass outta there tell him if he comes back again ur gunna beat him simple as that

06-07-2006, 12:28 PM
Originally posted by harley11
Man hes homeless do you blame him. I don't know if it was me i would give him a meal $20 and send him on his way. I had something like this happen to me ...i did this ecact thing and i never saw the guy again. But its youre choice. Just be friendly :D

dumb idea. then he'll know where to come back for free food/money. "dont feed the bears"

06-07-2006, 12:40 PM
Originally posted by harley11
Man hes homeless do you blame him. I don't know if it was me i would give him a meal $20 and send him on his way. I had something like this happen to me ...i did this ecact thing and i never saw the guy again. But its youre choice. Just be friendly :D

Let me guess.. your a liberal?

Call the Cops.

06-07-2006, 01:04 PM
Originally posted by harley11
Man hes homeless do you blame him. I don't know if it was me i would give him a meal $20 and send him on his way. I had something like this happen to me ...i did this ecact thing and i never saw the guy again. But its youre choice. Just be friendly :D

it doesnt always work like that. i was friendly to my neighbourhood crackhead once. later that day he broke into my garage and stole most of my tools, then the next day he used those tools to break into my house. i came home to having my house ransacked and robbed with a few of my stolen tools laying around the window he broke into. it just goes to show every crackhead is different, and sometimes approaching them doesn't always work. the most effective thing you can do is increase your security (ie. motion detectors [i think you mentioned you already have one], security system, and deadbolts) they see this and they know your on to them. ever since i went with a nice security system, i haven't had a problem since and they tend to stay away from my house. and if that doesn't work, i suggest land mines in strategic positions around your garage :rofl:

06-07-2006, 01:56 PM
I have called the cops. They say "well, unless you KNOW hes in there we cant do anything".

A: Im not about to bust into my garage at 3 am with the chance of a high hobo sitting in there. I dont want that type of conflict.

I have locked it and its so easy to get in he still finds a way in.

Any I was freindly to him when I worked at partsource, he used to sell flowers and I bought some once, and then I found out he was buying ethanol from my cowokers.

06-07-2006, 01:59 PM
Originally posted by eb0i
Call the cops and inform them of what is going on. If he stays there every night just call them and see if they can come by at night and get him.

After the cops get him just do what Xtrema said. Just board up that door and if there is a window board it up too. As long as you have a garage door opener you should be able to access it fine.

If boarding up is too ghetto then perhaps find other ways of locking the door. Use a latch (that you attach to the door and door frame) with a nice hefty pad lock. Or you can by one of those door jam things and set it up behind the door so they can't push their way through.

I would board it up. But it already is. The little door is padlocked and the big doors (2 big opening doors not a auto-one) this garage is small, barely fits one car and its got 1/2 cement 1/2 wood floor, its ghetto, but its mine :))... Anyways the big doors have a HUGE 2x4 across them but the gap between them allows you to put a screwdriver in and simply push the 2x4 up and open the doors.

06-07-2006, 02:07 PM

06-07-2006, 02:08 PM
I could try that, I already do have a motion sensor light... Problem is, neighborhood cats set it off.

GTS Jeff
06-07-2006, 03:06 PM
It's odd the guy doesn't fuckin die from drinking ethanol. Ethanol is usually spiked with a bit of methanol to make it poisonous - so that people won't drink it instead of alcohol.

It sounds like you're a bit scared of confronting a bum that's high on drugs. You've got nothing to be afraid of. People are usually fairly harmless when they're super fucked up. Anyway, walk in there with a crowbar (just in case) and a Google directions map that shows how to get from your house to the nearest bum-shelter. Maybe give him a cookie for the road too.

If he doesn't cooperate, call the cops while he's in there. Then it becomes their problem.

06-07-2006, 03:13 PM
He doenst drink it, he snorts it. Its aero-sol can of car starter, and he sprays it up his nose. Seen him do it behind partsource, really sad.

I think I'm gonna leave my window open a bit so I can hear for noises OR just go to xs cargo and get one of those stick-on door alarms that chime loudly. If I hear it, Ill procede outside with a weapon.

It was funny, first time I found out he was staying in there I heard a noise that night... I ran outside with my "show" katana.

GTS Jeff
06-07-2006, 03:18 PM
Originally posted by glennc
He doenst drink it, he snorts it. Its aero-sol can of car starter, and he sprays it up his nose. Seen him do it behind partsource, really sad.

I think I'm gonna leave my window open a bit so I can hear for noises OR just go to xs cargo and get one of those stick-on door alarms that chime loudly. If I hear it, Ill procede outside with a weapon.

It was funny, first time I found out he was staying in there I heard a noise that night... I ran outside with my "show" katana. :rofl: Try not to chop him into a million pieces. All you need to do is show him off your property. A good way of doing that is by directing him to the hobo-shelters..

06-07-2006, 03:21 PM
Yeah... I know hes a nice guy, sobre. When he came into partsource he was nice. After he got high (i think its ether actually) he would yell at people and twice he got high and destroyed his house (around an electrical box, some matresses and shit...).

I dont want to bring it to a confrontation, maybe I'll just leave a note saying hey, I know your sleeping here, Ive padlocked the doors and make a threat about getting him on camera and turning him in.

06-07-2006, 03:24 PM
Originally posted by kaput
Get one of those motion sensing lights and wire it to a bulb in your bedroom so that when he goes in you'll wake up and phone the cops. Then either return it or keep it pointed at your back door so it comes on if anyone approaches at night. Good for security and comming home drunk and looking for keys.


06-07-2006, 03:29 PM
Call the Cops let them deal with the problem and make sure you lock your garage every time.

06-07-2006, 03:29 PM
make a sandwich, fill it with asbestos, and leave it for him there.

or do what you do with ants, leave some borax mixed with powdered sugar laying around, mayby he'll think its coke.

antifreeze looks like kool aid....

06-07-2006, 05:33 PM
^ since when has it become cool to make death threats on someone who cant afford to eat let alone find a place to sleep?

I agree about the confrontation part, although kicking the shit out of a bum would be easy in his narcotized state, doing that would be less honorable then pissing on a passed out prostitute.

Seriously if you want him out, want to help himout then set up a rig to let you know when he is there, go out there with a bus ticket and directions to get some help.

There is no excuse to throw another helpless human to the curb, creates more of a problem for society to encourage self-pityness and helplessness, then to spent a few moments of reflection and maturity, sending someone on a path to help.

Some of the responses in this thread make me sick.

There is a reason why people do not like hc conservatives. THIS KIND OF ACTIVITY IS WHY.

Even Stephen Harper isnt as callous as some of you, but then again given the direction of king ralph, its hardly surprising.

As Dave Chapelle said in a show "Its no wonder we grow up to walk over homeless people ... "get it together grouch, get a job""

06-07-2006, 05:43 PM
^^^ most hobo's are too fuckin lazy and cracked out to work. im supposed to feel sorry for them???? while i work my ass off to pay rent and eat. i do feel bad for the handicapped homeless who really cant work but thats it! do u know they offered ALL the bums on whyte ave in edmonton decent paying jobs a year back (local stores offered not the city) and every single bum said no because they make more sitting on their ass begging for change.

06-07-2006, 05:44 PM
Originally posted by glennc
Anyways the big doors have a HUGE 2x4 across them but the gap between them allows you to put a screwdriver in and simply push the 2x4 up and open the doors.


On either side of the door, nail the 2X4 into the stud to prevent door from opening. If the hobo still has strength to open that, your are screwed.

All these lights and camera idea are stupid. The whole point is not letting him in. Not trying to find out IF he's in.

Cops are pointless. All cops can do is give him a nice warm place to sleep for the night and he'll be back next day.

The point is not letting him in EVER.

06-07-2006, 05:46 PM
Originally posted by talon31
most hobo's are too fuckin lazy and cracked out to work. im supposed to feel sorry for them???? while i work my ass off to pay rent and eat. i do feel bad for the handicapped homeless who really cant work but thats it! do u know they offered ALL the bums on whyte ave in edmonton decent paying jobs a year back (local stores offered not the city) and every single bum said no because they make more sitting on their ass begging for change.

I don't like welfare, it make people lazy. I don't mind donation base charity. Just don't like tax based welfare.

06-07-2006, 06:03 PM
I still need acess to the garage I cant just "nail it up".

I agree to help him, but its hard to help someone who has been intruding on your property, living in your space and possibly looking in your windows at night.

I have no respect for people who intrude.

06-07-2006, 06:28 PM
You have no choice but to move.

"They don't just sleep in there! They URINATE!"

06-07-2006, 06:43 PM
^:rofl: :rofl:

Just walk out in the middle of the night with ur sword in your hand and tell him "if i catch u in my garage again im gonna make diced meat out of ur ass"

06-07-2006, 06:47 PM
Originally posted by turbotrip
^:rofl: :rofl:

Just walk out in the middle of the night with ur sword in your hand and tell him "if i catch u in my garage again im gonna make diced meat out of ur ass"
Or pretend your blind and just start swinging randomly.

06-07-2006, 06:58 PM
2 Words ---> Booby Traps!

06-07-2006, 07:00 PM
Maybe ill just use non-toxic spraypaint and paint him in the night. Paint him orange, and then call the cops saying an orange man was sleeping in my garage... shoud be easy to find. They can take him to the homless shelter.

06-07-2006, 08:00 PM
Originally posted by t-im

I agree - We never build houses with garage side doors cause we think it's stupid..and the fact alot of people leave them unlocked...and then their garage interior door unlocked.. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Anyway, I would just take whatever advice gtsJeff dishes out because he has experience in dealing with hobo's :D

06-07-2006, 08:07 PM
Just bribe him.

tell him if he goes away and never comes back, you'll buy him a 6 pack of WD-40

06-07-2006, 11:30 PM
Originally posted by Oldskool
Just bribe him.

tell him if he goes away and never comes back, you'll buy him a 6 pack of WD-40

What makes you think I can afford, and will give away a 6pack of squirrel piss?!

06-08-2006, 11:31 AM
when you know he is in there, lock him in and call the cops.

or wire a motion sensor to a siren.

06-08-2006, 11:37 AM
Originally posted by nonsane
when you know he is in there, lock him in and call the cops.

or wire a motion sensor to a siren.

He would go nuts and break all his shit.

06-08-2006, 01:51 PM
Originally posted by talon31
^^^ most hobo's are too fuckin lazy and cracked out to work. im supposed to feel sorry for them???? while i work my ass off to pay rent and eat. i do feel bad for the handicapped homeless who really cant work but thats it! do u know they offered ALL the bums on whyte ave in edmonton decent paying jobs a year back (local stores offered not the city) and every single bum said no because they make more sitting on their ass begging for change. Get a huge siren...go in there, if hes sleeping there, blast his homeless eardrums with it!! chances are he won't come back....

06-08-2006, 01:52 PM
I have an airhorn that does 120 DB.

D. Dub
06-08-2006, 04:47 PM
Originally posted by Xtrema


On either side of the door, nail the 2X4 into the stud to prevent door from opening. If the hobo still has strength to open that, your are screwed.

All these lights and camera idea are stupid. The whole point is not letting him in. Not trying to find out IF he's in.

Cops are pointless. All cops can do is give him a nice warm place to sleep for the night and he'll be back next day.

The point is not letting him in EVER.

best advice yet.....fix the freaking garage door and lock it up so he can't get in...:thumbsup:

06-08-2006, 06:48 PM
Knock him out when he's sleeping and crap in his mouth. Have some fun, paint smiley faces on him, cut him up, tie him up and hang him upside down, beat him, etc.

On a more serious note there is one very good way to get rid of him. Give him five bucks for a meal or something and tell him to pay you back next time he sees you. He will avoid you forever, because he doesn't want to pay you back, and there are plenty of other garages to sleep in.

06-08-2006, 06:51 PM
I saw him again today, I pulled over and told him "I know youve been staying in my garage, Its locked tightly and if you try to get in I'm going to phone authorities".

06-08-2006, 07:02 PM
Originally posted by glennc
I saw him again today, I pulled over and told him "I know youve been staying in my garage, Its locked tightly and if you try to get in I'm going to phone authorities".

weak, you shoulda said "im gunna beat you senseless pee in your hair(to wash it) and then call the police and tell them you were in my garage pissing on yourself cause you snorted to much ethanol" or something that actually might scare him.

06-08-2006, 07:51 PM
Well, he knows where I live, he know which car is mine, ect. No can do

06-08-2006, 08:38 PM
rent Rambo..first blood.. theres some great ideas in there for booby traps!!:thumbsup:

or place a sign on the door that reads "premisis protected by beyond.ca" when he reads that, the threat of thousands of e-thugs, vigilanties, emacks and lowballers coming after him will scare the shit out of him and he will never return...

06-08-2006, 08:40 PM
Originally posted by civic_stylez
rent Rambo..first blood.. theres some great ideas in there for booby traps!!:thumbsup:

or place a sign on the door that reads "premisis protected by beyond.ca" when he reads that, the threat of thousands of e-thugs, vigilanties, emacks and lowballers coming after him will scare the shit out of him and he will never return...

You definitly get the win on that one.

Beyond needs to start a protection agency full of rice-rockets, and everything you listed.

If we cant scare them over the internet, then hell, well show them up with car knowhow. YO!?

06-08-2006, 08:52 PM
Just tell him he's free to stay in your garage while only asking one thing in return.

Bum fights, not to the death, but no holds barred, good old fashioned entertainment.

He just needs to find one other bum to fight each night and your set, if he can't find another bum, then he can't stay, that way you both get something out of it.

Only problem I can forsee is having to clean up in the morning after he leaves your floor a bloody mess. ;)

06-09-2006, 09:04 AM
While he is passed out, cut his hair, change him into a suit and leave a resume in his hand.

edit: Or put all Mugen/beyond/HKS/AEM stickers all over him and make him the beyond mascott!