View Full Version : Mitch Fatel at Yuk Yuks

06-10-2006, 02:46 PM
I appreciate a good stand-up comic, and I couldn't wait to see Mitch Fatel when I heard he was coming to town. He was at Yuk Yuks last night, and I attended the 8pm show. I'll say I haven't laughed that much that hard in years. I believe he was the one who won the 'last comic standing' dealie a while back. He's also been on the tonight show around 20 times, and has appeared on Letterman as well. He's....different. His persona is basically a creep/retard, but he pulls it off perfectly, and is nothing short of hilarious. Now I don't want to ruin any of the jokes, so I won't. I urge you all to see him tonight, as he's doing another show at Yuk Yuks, so long as there's still tickets. In my opinion, he is funnier than Dane Cook by a long shot, and the only living people that can touch him are George Carlin, and Stephen Lynch. Fatel has a CD out called "miniskirts and muffins" which I haven't gotten yet, but I will, as I know it'll be worth it.