View Full Version : Dogs

06-12-2006, 02:11 PM
Hey does anyone have any good ideas on the best way to train a puppy?

06-12-2006, 02:14 PM
Do it yourself, it's actually a lot of fun.

What kinda stuff are you trying to teach your puppy?

06-12-2006, 02:16 PM
treats work pretty good

06-12-2006, 11:27 PM
use cue words, and repeat them all the time. eye contact, dont repeat the dogs name over and over. once is enough when teaching say... "sit".
umm, use a lower tonned voice, and praise them when they do something right. :thumbsup:

06-12-2006, 11:35 PM
do u think it's better to let it sleep in a crate/kennel

06-12-2006, 11:37 PM
A proper sized kennel for the puppy should be adequate (if its too big the puppy will not be comfortable in it).

06-13-2006, 07:16 AM
Originally posted by blazetrees
Hey does anyone have any good ideas on the best way to train a puppy?

go to a class try,


they run puppy play time also that every should go to so they learn how to interact with other dogs.

06-13-2006, 07:17 AM
Originally posted by blazetrees
do u think it's better to let it sleep in a crate/kennel

yeap, that way it is like there protected space for them so they feel safe, and they will not wonder around at night and pee in the house!

06-13-2006, 08:17 AM
My dog sleeps in the kennel when i'm not there. She does get the bed at night though hehe.

06-13-2006, 09:43 AM
thanx everyone for the great advice keep it coming

06-13-2006, 09:45 AM
make sure the kenell isnt too big, because they will piss and shit in it.
if its small they wont, cause they wont want to sit on it hahaha

06-13-2006, 10:02 AM
make sure you flip it on its back at least once a day and pin it down.. and stare at it in the eyes for 5 mins.. or longer if it's still fighting.. Have a few friends who have done it and their dogs are amazingly obedient.. gotta get the dominance thing down while they're a puppy

06-13-2006, 10:45 AM
^^^ the same thing works with girls

Reward good behavior too, alot of people i see just punish bad behavior, and don't reward good behavior.

06-13-2006, 12:46 PM
We got a play pen and put our dog in there and night and during the day.

That way it still has room to move around, play, eat, etc, but is confined to one area of the house so that it won't mess things up.

06-13-2006, 04:35 PM
Originally posted by nonsane
^^^ the same thing works with girls

Reward good behavior too, alot of people i see just punish bad behavior, and don't reward good behavior.


06-15-2006, 12:09 AM
Id recommend checking an specific breed message board.
Myself, i own a lab retriever and i check lab-retriever.net quite a bit.
I dont know what i would do without message boars haha, most of the stuff that your gonna go tru with your puppy, 1000 of people have already done once or twice, and have gotten really good at.
I had my lab sleep in a kennel during his first months, when he couldnt sleep all night long without wanting to go to pee. Now, he sleeps.. wherever.. and holds his stuff all night (hes 8 months now).
Training, is tedious at times, but 98% of the time is lots of fun. Its 100% worth it, it will come back to you as good times with ur dog when he/she grows up.
Treats is the key word, he will eventually grow out of it, spend short sessions with the dog.. dont get him bored. Instead of a 1 hour lession, try lots of 10 minute ones thru the day.
The whole back thing works really well.. put him on his back, put ur hand on his neck and play with him on his chest/belly, dont give him food before you eat, dont let him walk out the door first than you, dont walk "over" him instead have him move.
Something id suggest, if his a big dog.. teach him to wait for you to go down the stairs before he goes.. haha.. Mine likes to walk right besides you while you go down the stairs haha.

Theres lots and lots of info online..

and heres the first pic of mine ;)
he was 7 weeks then..


06-19-2006, 10:36 AM
You're going to get a lot of conflicting advice as to what is proper to do w/ your dog and what isnt. It depends on who you want to listen to.
A lot of the times I get totally conflicting advice from one person as to how to train my dog.
I wasn't able to use the food training method as my dog wasn't very food motivated to do anything. I had to use the 'choke chain'. This is a deceptive name for this chain because it doesn't choke the dog, it applies an even amount of pressure around the neck. If you take the chain and pull it on yourself you will see that it doesn't hurt but rather it calls for someone's attention.
The schools that I was looking at when I was decided for dog schools did not endorse the domination method (throwing the dog on his back).
I think in Calgary the most 'popular' method of training is through treats.
I'd say to find a trainer that you like and trust and follow their advice (if you like their method of training) since everyone else will give you conflicting advice (books/online resources included).

06-19-2006, 11:11 AM

I can't personally vouch for this because I don't have a dog yet, and I bought this ($9 ONLY) in anticipation of getting one, but it looks like an excellent e-book and makes sense.

Definitly check it out at least.

Also look at the rest of the site, theres lots of free information right on the site itself.