View Full Version : Motorola Q

06-12-2006, 11:22 PM
I know this phone is out with Telus (I think? I read it was released with Telus on June 6th) and that it is a CDMA phone. Will there be a GSM one that will work with Rogers anytime soon? Anyone know anything about this?

06-12-2006, 11:44 PM
Yeah probably. ;)

Look at the Razr. Originally GSM, but motorola said "whoa we can rape the cdma market as well". Now everyone's got one. Except me. :cry:

06-13-2006, 06:27 AM
Originally posted by anarchy
I know this phone is out with Telus (I think? I read it was released with Telus on June 6th) and that it is a CDMA phone. Will there be a GSM one that will work with Rogers anytime soon? Anyone know anything about this?
FYI it has not been released by TELUS yet and from researching the phone they might be working on a GSM version but you will probably not see it anytime soon.

06-13-2006, 07:01 AM
considering it's past June 6th. Telus won't come out with the Q... when has telus been a leader in new phones?

06-14-2006, 02:26 AM
Sorry it was June 9th that I read, but I guess it's been pushed back. Here is the link:


As for Telus getting it first, there is only a CDMA version available right now and the GSM one apparently isn't coming out til later because Motorola is working on the Edge technology for it, or something like that. I'd love to get my hands on one, I have the Treo 650 now but the Q looks awesome and got good reviews so far as well.

06-14-2006, 08:00 AM
Originally posted by Rav4Guy
considering it's past June 6th. Telus won't come out with the Q... when has telus been a leader in new phones?

hmmm well I guess you have been proven wrong.


06-14-2006, 08:02 AM
Originally posted by anarchy
Sorry it was June 9th that I read, but I guess it's been pushed back. Here is the link:


As for Telus getting it first, there is only a CDMA version available right now and the GSM one apparently isn't coming out til later because Motorola is working on the Edge technology for it, or something like that. I'd love to get my hands on one, I have the Treo 650 now but the Q looks awesome and got good reviews so far as well.

Really? I read a review on phonescoop and it didn't seem like an overly positive one. I didn't really learn what OS version it was running though as they made some references to what you can't do on the Q that you can do on a pocket pc. is pocket pc different than windows mobile 5 alot?

I'm having trouble finding a PC phone, i want one, right now only the UT starcom phone from telus seems any good, maybe the Q would be a better choice. Hope its out soon, I need a new phone badly.

06-14-2006, 08:05 AM
Anybody know of a Calgary store with it in yet?

D. Dub
06-14-2006, 10:07 AM
Originally posted by GoChris

I'm having trouble finding a PC phone, i want one, right now only the UT starcom phone from telus seems any good, maybe the Q would be a better choice. Hope its out soon, I need a new phone badly.

I had the UT Starcom and I couldn't get rid of it quick enough!!

I went through 2 of them and they both had the same problems.

-crappy bluetooth, freezing, poor quality construction, poor ergonomics--like a slippery brick in your hand, crappy speakerphone, volume was too low, the slide out keyboard felt like it was going to fall apart any time.

I went back to a Blackberry.

Hopefully the Q will be good, Motorola is usually good quality... but being MS based I really doubt it.

06-14-2006, 03:10 PM
As of this afternoon the Q has been official release.
Check the website www.telusmobility.com

06-14-2006, 03:22 PM
The Motorola rep was in my store yesterday and he said Motorola won't be making a GSM version of the Q for at least another year.

Interesting considering the GSM market is more plentiful than the CDMA market.

He had the Q with him and it's a pretty sweet phone, screen is very flawless and watching video on it is superb. I'll be getting rid of my UT 6700 for that one for sure.

06-17-2006, 12:34 AM
does anyone know if bell would have this phone very soon?

i need a phone badly and this one is probably the best for what im looking for but...damn I hate telus.

06-17-2006, 01:11 AM
Well they already got the dummy phone for the Q at Best Buy stores, just got no product

They also got some nokia phone that looks like the GSM 6270 slider phone

06-29-2006, 10:57 AM
So does anyone have the Q yet?
Pros? Cons?

06-29-2006, 11:33 AM
i wouldnt get the q...first off it has no wifi so you are stuck using telus' evdo network which would rape you in fees and ive heard the software is very buggy.

06-29-2006, 05:18 PM
The q is not that bad of a phone. Many features to it. However, if you go from a berry to a q I'm sure you will be disappointed. The Q.has its advantages such as the expandable memory. But, the berry has rim on it which makes business so much easier then emailing.with that in mind, the Q for bell (which should be out in 3 months or so) should or will be on the rim network. Making it a little more tastefull for blackberry users. These are my 2 cents. !!!

06-29-2006, 07:12 PM
Originally posted by bigboom
i wouldnt get the q...first off it has no wifi so you are stuck using telus' evdo network which would rape you in fees and ive heard the software is very buggy.

I got a phone last week, I was debating between the Q and the UTStarcom. I heard some bad things about the starcom so I was really leaning towards the Q. After about an hour from a very informed salesperson, I ended up not getting the Q and do not regret it. a HUGE plus, is the WIFI, I have used it many places in the city, you'd be surprised how many unsecure networks are out there if you are stuck waiting for something. I waited for a wheel alignment a few days ago and was able to surf the web without paying telus because of the built in wifi.

plus the Q screen is smaller and the camera only takes up 50% of that it seems (that could be fixed in a rom update, who knows).

D. Dub
06-29-2006, 08:44 PM
Originally posted by GoChris

I got a phone last week, I was debating between the Q and the UTStarcom. I heard some bad things about the starcom so I was really leaning towards the Q. After about an hour from a very informed salesperson, I ended up not getting the Q and do not regret it. a HUGE plus, is the WIFI, I have used it many places in the city, you'd be surprised how many unsecure networks are out there if you are stuck waiting for something. I waited for a wheel alignment a few days ago and was able to surf the web without paying telus because of the built in wifi.

plus the Q screen is smaller and the camera only takes up 50% of that it seems (that could be fixed in a rom update, who knows).

No offense....but the cellphone salesmen will be pushing the UT Starcom like there's no tommorow b/c the Q will sell itself.

06-30-2006, 07:55 AM
Originally posted by D. Dub

No offense....but the cellphone salesmen will be pushing the UT Starcom like there's no tommorow b/c the Q will sell itself.

ya, I realize that, but i went through the actual features. you cant even edit documents on the Q, you can view them only, plus the wifi, plus the bigger screen, plus the keyboard buttons on the q are fucking tiny, much easier on the starcom. i had him open up both phones and power em both on for testing, I didn't just fall for a sales pitch ;)