View Full Version : Have you ever fucked up behind the wheel?

GTS Jeff
06-22-2006, 12:44 AM
It's very common for people, especially us car enthusiasts, to proclaim that we are better drivers than most other people. Now this may be true most of the time, but at some point or another, we've also all messed up behind the wheel. I think it'll be interesting to hear about all the mess ups. So let's hear the stories; I'll start.

I'm normally a very alert driver. I can be very aggressive during rush hour traffic, but I am always alert and I am careful to drive defensively to avoid accidents. However, a couple days ago, I nearly caused a ridiculous accident and it would have been my fault 100%. I was merging onto Deerfoot while going about 100 and while traffic was moving at about 80. I found a small spot to squeeze in and went for it. A bit of braking required, but no biggie, at least not until the car in front slammed on his brakes. I was fucked, I couldn't slow down enough, and I wasn't sure the car behind me would be able to avoid hitting me either. So I dodged back out. But there was already some Nissan SUV next to me in my original lane, so I basically ended up driving between two lanes for a couple seconds, while the SUV had to move over to avoid hitting me.

I felt like a total douche after. I think it was the dumbest shit I've pulled since being a teenager. :banghead:

06-22-2006, 12:52 AM
4 years ago I crashed and completely wrecked my 2000 Prelude. It was a write off. I was speeding on Glenmore Trail East over 140kms/h on bald summer tires during a snowy -25 winter evening. Oh man I can't believe how much of an idiot I was back then. I'm ashamed.

06-22-2006, 12:55 AM
Originally posted by GTS Jeff
It's very common for people, especially us car enthusiasts, to proclaim that we are better drivers than most other people. Now this may be true most of the time, but at some point or another, we've also all messed up behind the wheel. I think it'll be interesting to hear about all the mess ups. So let's hear the stories; I'll start.

I'm normally a very alert driver. I can be very aggressive during rush hour traffic, but I am always alert and I am careful to drive defensively to avoid accidents. However, a couple days ago, I nearly caused a ridiculous accident and it would have been my fault 100%. I was merging onto Deerfoot while going about 100 and while traffic was moving at about 80. I found a small spot to squeeze in and went for it. A bit of braking required, but no biggie, at least not until the car in front slammed on his brakes. I was fucked, I couldn't slow down enough, and I wasn't sure the car behind me would be able to avoid hitting me either. So I dodged back out. But there was already some Nissan SUV next to me in my original lane, so I basically ended up driving between two lanes for a couple seconds, while the SUV had to move over to avoid hitting me.

I felt like a total douche after. I think it was the dumbest shit I've pulled since being a teenager. :banghead:
i was driving my corolla gts on glenmore going like 90 km/h one time going south just before blackfoot and i tried to initiate a drift by jerking the wheel left and right and stabbing the gas. it finally gave out but i couldn't control the slide and i spun the car around a couple times, and almost smoked the center median. the cars behind me had to slam on their brakes to avoid me while my car was spread across two lanes facing oncoming traffic.

oh wait, that wasn't me. it was YOU. guess you ARE a shitty driver eh?

06-22-2006, 12:56 AM
No - not ever. Way to go douchebag!


My latest of many "driving errors" was while I was driving with my wife in the passanger seat. I was turning right onto a busy road, and I was so intent on timing my moment to pull into the right hand lane, that I did not notice a pedestrian to my right.

According to my wife, the pedestrian made eye-contact with her (not with me, obviously since I was concentrating on the traffic to my left). At the moment I found my spot to drive forward, this woman took a step into the intersection. I still had no idea she was there until my wife screamed at me to stop. I hit the brakes hard, looked to my right and saw the most frightened looking elderly woman. I sort of waved a weak apology at her, and since I was now part way into the intersection, I proceeded forward. At this point she recoverd from her shock, and her shock had turned to anger/hatred towards me and my stellar situational awareness. She gave my car a tap with her purse as I drove by.

Luckily for me, I was in the minivan, so I didn't give a shit. My wife and kids treat that thing worse than a gentle tap from a frightened/angry old lady could ever compete with.

06-22-2006, 12:58 AM
This doesn't really have much to do with me fucking up, though I've had a couple of close calls, but here's my story.

I was heading back towards Deerfoot from CMS, just picked up my tire (my car had a flat and I took the old beater out to pick up the new tire) and right past STRD there's an intersection (12th St. I believe) and the light was red, a big truck in front of me, and for all of you who are familiar with the road, you know that it's on a slope downward. So I hit the brakes, and they held for a second and then all of a sudden shot to the floor and the car started picking up speed. Now this was an automatic so I didn't really have a chance to downshift or anything. Almost rear ended the huge truck in front of me though I swerved and luckily missed it. I went through the intersection at a red light and got t-boned by another big truck on the rear driver's side quarter pannel. If I had left CMS .5 seconds earlier the truck would have hit dead on where I was sitting and with the beater and no safety features whatsoever, well god knows.

That was one of the scariest moments of my life, I didn't stop shaking for 45 minutes.

06-22-2006, 01:04 AM
i had just left my friends house in my civic, i rolled through a stop sign, looked to my left to grab my seatbelt and when i looked back to the right to click it in, booooooooooooom, i got t-boned, lady was going at least 70 but it was my fault cuz i rolled through the stop sign, quite possibly the most retarded moment of my life..
seatbelt saved me though, only injury i got was a bruise on my chest, my civic was totalled though :banghead: :(

06-22-2006, 01:07 AM
3 years ago, was pissed off cause i got fired from my job over 25cents. so i was all pissed off and started drifting everywhere. so i knew it was bound to happen cause it was a wet evening, i threw the car sideways, awsome drift may i add, but when i went to straight the car out good old under steer kicked in. and i smashed into a curb. after this i stalled the car, and they had to wait for me to come off of the curb.

we all have dumb ass moments every once in a while, my last one was going through a red light while i was trying to impress my girlfriends dad talking about golfing, about 9 months ago.

06-22-2006, 01:41 AM
Part I:
Smashed my 2000 lude 4 days after I got it......7 g's worth of damage. The worst part was it was by the university at prime time 9am. Its was the shoulder checking while the guy in front slammed on his brakes accident. I drove sobbing all the way home with a busted front bumper, smashed passenger side fender and headlight.....

Part II:
The day I got the lude back from the accident, ran a stop sign. I was at Autotemp and was going straight through. I missed the stop sign cause the sun was glaring on it and I couldn't see it, but I knew it was there. My passenger screamed out STOP!! But it was too late to brake before the intersection. I saw a mini-van coming from the left and a car coming from the right. I was like OMG not again!! Scared the day lights outta that soccer mom that was about to T-bone me, missed me by about a foot. She swerved right and I braked hard and steered right. Layed a nice patch down and ended up facing the oncoming traffic with a nice pick up trunk touching my front bumper.....stopped for a couple seconds, gave my "I'm an asshole" wave, gathered my thoughts and proceeded into the parking lot adjacent and stopped for 10mins. My passenger in the mean time managed to rip his hands off my dash......

Been safe ever since *knock on wood*

06-22-2006, 01:56 AM
wow ... coming back from a business thing in kelowna I was daydreaming about how awesome the event was, then realized there was an immediate sharp right hand turn over railway tracks but the road was wet because it had been raining ... I cranked the wheel to the right and drifted sideways into the oncoming lane and thought I was going to pull through and be ok, luckily no other traffic, but my car started spinning out of control, I was doing like 110 in a recommended 60 turn <I was really zoned daydreaming> next thing I knew I was sliding sideways towards the ditch facing opposite direction as I was, I wasn't slowing down and "scrape" I went maybe half way off the road .. there was a fence just at the side of the ditch too I was 6 or 7 feet away from, i thought it'd be expesnive...

I quickly collected myself, started the car and was able to drive it out of the ditch into this drive way I had skidded past, I got out of the car inspectd damage and found NONE! I had narrowly escaped a wreck , adrenaline was going but I jumped up and cheered, hopping in and kept going .... man that was scary.

as for stupid thing sin the past, I came out of SAIT parking lot after dropping off some chicks nad ws shoing off, it was near end of summer roads wereok but gravel ...

I came out of sait, got up to 120, slowed down to about 70 and continued to slow to make the right turn onto 14street north from 16ave and hit gravel, went skidding towards a traffic lite pole, tried to abort the turn and get into the main road but ended up launching on the island because of a large pile of ice, took out amerge sign while airborn out a merge sign and my back tire caught the when my back passenger tire caught the edge of the sign and landed me facing north on the 14th exit if you were to turn LEFT on 16ave... I peeled forward, heard a wobbling and screeching from my rear tire, I knew my car was fucked... I went to pull a u turn on 20ave and ended up doing 360 degrees. I had smashed the rear quarter panel, driver side door had a small piece out, and snappd my rear tie rod end... cost me ~$2500 to fix

all becaues I was showing off to my friend who was in the driverside, and luckily wearing his seatbelt.. this made me take a seriously look at my driving habits and calmed down especially when having somebody else in the car... carryin gpassengers is a big responsibility...t he biggest thing that struck me was if it had been worse, would I really want to have to tell somebody else' dad I had killed his son ? ...

06-22-2006, 01:57 AM
my first time drivin in the winter, i didnt no wtf was up cuz my windows would keep on fogin up wit a layer of ice, i was turning right, there was a yield sign, i didnt see any traffic coming cuz of the windoes so i just kept goin forward, almost hit the car but the toher driver cut into the other lane to avoid me.

Then the next weekend i was driving on the same road goin forward, i was goin throught a green light, some cop goin the other way gets to the intersection and turns on his lights and siren to make a U turn while i was goin throught the intersection. i had to swerve into the curb and hit a patch of ice, i ended up getting stuck there for 15 mins tryin to get my car out

06-22-2006, 02:03 AM
Hehe, 17, And i havent gotten into an accident, or even been pulled over once. But still, i have had my share of fuck ups.
Worst one ever, and i mean it was CLOSE.
Last winter when i was 16, i decided to head er home at about 3am (way past my GDL limit) all was well on that cold winter night, except for the fact that the road had a 2inch layer of packed snow over it. I'm almost home, going down a very dead road along a playground, i was doing 30k, and for some reason my brain didnt comprehend the yield sign... so what do i do? jam on the brakes, beginning the worst understeer slide known to man. i'm quickly approaching my neighbours brand new Grand Am GT (nothing special, but brand new none the less) and my brain finally kicks in, i let go of the brake, and pull the most amazing shit i have ever done in a car. i point the nose just behind the Pontiac, and miss it, just barely, i then slam into the curb (its the rolled type thank god) hit the brakes again, and slide a few feet into the neighbours lawn. Now, i am shaking like crazy, click into reverse, and sit there and spin for 10 seconds. The neighbours outside light turns on. At the point i am really panicing, someone is coming to the door, and i am half way up their lawn, so i finally ease the car off the grass, and relize that i was sliding sideways when i went onto the lawn, so im now 1 inch from the Pontiac. I ever so slowly back it up, and head up the street in the opposite direction of my house, as fast as my shitty motomaster tires could handle. Now that night, was an act of God i tell you.

06-22-2006, 02:05 AM
I was going around the corner at the anderson on ramp to deerfoot and I was racing one of my friends that goes that way and I was doing 140 around it after a hard long rain. I ended up going over the curb around in the grass a couple of times then was facing side ways on the anderson to deerfoot route wrecked the entire fron suspension and rim and tires had to replace the good side of my car and there was only mechanical damage. That was brutal:cry: . Not to mention that it is a chrysler concorde. Funny thing is my passenger said after it happened is that the CD didin't skip.:banghead:

06-22-2006, 09:23 AM
I was driving down Macloud with my buddy, going north just past South Center Fine Cars. I was shoulder checking to my right, to pass around this corrolla (who I thought was moving). He wasnt, and I had to cut my jetta so hard right to miss him, I hit the curb on the right side of the intersection.

06-22-2006, 09:29 AM
driving home around 12ish night time from 5th ave and memorial i noticed that the city was cleaning the road because it looked wet. what i didn't realize was that it was -4 (when i got home and checked) and the lane was iced out. so i proceded into the turn around 55-60ish and what do ya know, my rear end swings out, countersteer, grips on road, swings the other way, looks like i'm going to smoke the curb, countersteer some more till i finally did a 360 and stopped. i guess that would be me fucking up going over 15-20 on that turn that's recommended for 40, but who in their right mind decided to clean the roads when temperatures are near 0?

06-22-2006, 09:47 AM
driving down memorial east, turned to go up the ramp and over the bridge to go onto st georges drive, and i came around the corner. was spaced out and couldnt even see the light (im tall the roof blocks alot of lights for me) then i noticed it was red, it was raining so i slid through the intersection and played bumper cars with two lebanese girls, we both pull over to ttalk i get out, crack bumper and headlight and the bumper was pushed all down, they had a little scratch. for sure my fault but these two girls jump out and start apologizing? i was just like, no no no, it was my fault ill pay to fix your car bla bla bla, all said and done nice girls, didnt go through insruance and i paid.

fuck like two weeks ago though, scariest shit ive ever seen. they were doing the deerfoot road cleaning near 130th ave, no signs letting me know what was ahead and all of a sudden the turn under thebarlow over pass (going south) they cut it down to one lane in about 100m. so fuck im already mad, then there is like lights out where they are cleanign so i cant see where the fuck to turn through the pylons, a SUV in front of me goes to turn and sees a pylon infront of him rips it back to the right and nearly fuckin flips! now that scared the shit outta me and my girlfreind. he shoulda just drilled the pylon..

06-22-2006, 10:04 AM
Originally posted by xrayvsn

My latest of many &quot;driving errors&quot; was while I was driving with my wife in the passanger seat. I was turning right onto a busy road, and I was so intent on timing my moment to pull into the right hand lane, that I did not notice a pedestrian to my right.

According to my wife, the pedestrian made eye-contact with her (not with me, obviously since I was concentrating on the traffic to my left). At the moment I found my spot to drive forward, this woman took a step into the intersection. I still had no idea she was there until my wife screamed at me to stop. I hit the brakes hard, looked to my right and saw the most frightened looking elderly woman. I sort of waved a weak apology at her, and since I was now part way into the intersection, I proceeded forward. At this point she recoverd from her shock, and her shock had turned to anger/hatred towards me and my stellar situational awareness. She gave my car a tap with her purse as I drove by.

Luckily for me, I was in the minivan, so I didn't give a shit. My wife and kids treat that thing worse than a gentle tap from a frightened/angry old lady could ever compete with.

Watch out for something along these lines!


06-22-2006, 10:12 AM
Haha, yeah it was something like that.

06-22-2006, 10:12 AM
when i first got my drivers, i bought a suzuki grand vitra right.(bought it in winter) drove it for three weeks then one day me and my buddie and going south on deerfoot. we were going to get some lunch before we had to go write our test for school. so i was drving and got on the the cafrobrige (spelling) then out of no where this lady in a m3 rear ended me which made my suv spin out and hitting the cament piece in the middle. and then which made m suv go into a roll 5 times and end up on the other side. if another car would of hitted my suv i think i would be dead. i walked out of the car and was scared shitless. only have a broken wrist and my friend had glass in his eye.
got lots of money from that and the woman who hit me lost her drivers for D.U.I

06-22-2006, 10:14 AM
who hasent? :dunno:

06-22-2006, 10:18 AM
Not too long ago I was picking up new tires for my car. I had been working since 5am and had to drive all the way from Cochrane to S.E. Calgary to pick them up. Finally got the tires around 4pm and driving home from the tire place I got stuck in crazy traffic. I decided to take a short cut through some back roads to avoid Glenmore. Got myself a little backwards and thanks to a combination lack of sleep, glaring sun, and lost-ness ended up running a light a good 3-5 seconds AFTER it had turned red. People were already moving through the intersection. I didn't even realize what I was doing until I was half-way through the intersection. Got a bunch of honks and dirty looks. Any accidents would have been completely my fault. Felt like the biggest asshole.

06-22-2006, 10:23 AM
Oh man, I just had the worst one last week.

Driving north on crowchild, just came out of downtown in rush hour. I'm in the middle lane, just went through the lights by 5th ave, by the car wash and gas station. I go to change into the right lane because its moving a lot better, and right when I shoulder check I see a car there, so I go to look back ahead and wait for the opening. In the split second I shoulder checked the car ahead of me squealed to a stop because up ahead there were people cutting in from the university drive only lane. I see it, hammer the brakes, ABS kicks in, and BAM!

We pull to the side, and luckily the noise was scarier than anything, no damage to either vehicle. The lady is super nice and then I notice she has a baby in the car and I start freaking out because I just hit a car with a baby in it. She says don't worry about it and she's only crying because she's hungry. So we exchange information just incase and she mentions she's from out of town. I ask what she's doing in Calgary and she says "Now you're going to feel really bad... my son has leukemia". This really cute little kid... probably 5 years old... in the back seat waiting to go to the hospital for treatment :cry: Man did I feel bad for her, and like a jackass.


Driving out to my friend's girlfriend's cabin by Sundre after the Flames game on New Years '03. Its blizzarding pretty good, so I'm taking it slow. We are supposed to call when we turn onto their road because you don't get cell service after. My friend was going to come to the road with a flashlight so we knew were to turn. I'm driving along and driving along and don't see anyone. Then I see the river which means I went to far. The road is pretty tight so I keep going looking for somewhere to turn around. Finally I'm in a straight spot that seems to widen out. I pull right to start my U-Turn and find out it was just the snow drifted level with the road. I drop my right wheel into about 4 feet of snow. We try get it out and I just slide further down. Now we get out of the car, no cell service, no idea where we are going, and totally not dressed for the -20 weather. It just so happens there is one tiny spot we hit that has cell signal. Its so weak that if you held the phone to your head it would die, so we had to hold it up yelling into it... hehe. We walked the rest of the way to where they told us to go, it was about 11:45, I downed about 4 drinks in 10 minutes to try forget about my car thats sitting on a 45 degree angle. Got it towed out sheepishly the next day.

06-22-2006, 10:26 AM
I haven't really had one with any other car yet (knock on wood :D)....but last summer I was in Lethbridge with my cousin and we were driving around the west side (i think? i have no idea about where stuff is in lethbridge) no street lights, lots of new houses and shit. We were tyring to get home from his buddy's house. It was super dark on this one road, and I was already only driving like 30 even though the speedlimit was 60 because my car was slammed and the road looked a bit dirty/ some rocks etc. Then out of nowhere I hear a big bang like I hit something and my car jerked up and down and I see some smoke from the hood. So I go to look, and there was a huge ass bump in the road. There were none of those orange signs with the bumps on them indicating there is a bump in the road. So my radiator had a hairline crack and my lower radiator support was bent back. I was pissed off, so I ripped of the lower engine bay plastic gaurd and my wheel liners, which also tore after scraping on the bump. Then my cousin came up with the wicked idea of taking my scissor jack and bracing it against the engine to bend the rad support back out.....and voila, the car was fine again, short of the bent tow hooks. The next day I just bought a dual core half rad and drove home. I can only imagine the air I would have caught and resulting damage if I was going 60.

On another note, there is another similar bump (not as severe) with no warning on that road that goes by best buy in the NE if you come from barlow towards 52nd.........just a warning.

06-22-2006, 10:41 AM
Trying to make this story short. Almost a year ago. Friend calls me after work (I worked as delivery driver). Was about 3 a.m. to pick him up cause he was drunk and no bus. Anyways, get there, bunch of drunk people that can't walk are with him so I thought I'd give them a ride home since they live near me. 92 Prelude, those "rare" editions with the center console extending all the way to the back, so only 4 seats so I fit 6 people in it...dumb move. 4 people on the right and a skinny tall dude behind me. Going on Sarcee at about 80, maybe 75. There were two people on top of each other in the passenger seat and the guy on top kept falling and I was just too distracted, look up at the road and there's a car right in fron of me, at that time I was going about 90 so I was accelerating towards it so I just swerve to the right and thats where all the weight is in my car so then I just feel the two wheels on my side coming off the ground so I try to steer to the other side and she just spins out. Hit the median, well actually I went on top of the median, hit a light post and it just spins me over the median onto the other side of the road. I took down a light post so if you're ever going on Sarcee trail south just past 17th Ave intersection and wonder why one of the light posts is missing. It was me...No one was really hurt, the guy in front hit his head, I hit everything possible. People in the back, nothing happened at all.

After this, not really anything stupid. Although, I only have 1 passenger with me at all times from now on. Teaches you a lot about driving and money. Just sucks that I only had liability on it and I saved up to buy that car for a long long time and then all my efforts were lost.

06-22-2006, 11:53 AM
well i was driving down crowchild on my way to a test left early from work to make it on time...and im the in far right lane nobody in the middle guy in the far left lane. so i shoulder check and start to move over as does he, but he didnt shoulder check to well to notice that i was moving in aswell, well i back off to let him in i will still have 3/4 in my lane. he looks outta the corner of his eye when i was moving in there and he freaks out i guess.....i have no idea actually i was alone in my car and he was with 3 overs and i know it is a distraction. so he looks over freaks and then pulls the wheel hard left, when i mean hard to hard almost hits the cement in the middle(this is just past kensington road goin south). so ya her pulls hard left then back right. then back left and then again right. while this was happening i was just driving normally, until he came about inches i mine fuckin iches away from my front bumper with his. at this moment he hit the breaks pulled some crazy shit and came outta his 360 the right way still goin 50k or so.....it was nuts. i was scared i could barely write my test. i was shaking all that so freaked out, and more so cause i just got my car a couple weeks before.........

not really my fault or something stupid ive done but just some crazy shit.

i cant even begin to start to tell you the bulshit i go through with stupid fuckin drivers. ill make another post.

06-22-2006, 11:59 AM
ya so this was a couples days ago i turned off of 14th street on to 64th ave and if anybody knows a bit down the road there is an esso, well up until probably 4 meters away from the intersection there is no more merdian. so this fuckin jackass city worker decides to flip a bitch there. no not at the light just up ahead but at that point, oh heres the good thing no signal. all with the brightness outside it was kinda hard to see his tailights through the fuckin dirt. well he flips it and i slam on my breaks so close to rear ending him. i dont know but i slid more on the roads. dont know what its called but when they take the top layer of the road off and leave it kinda exposed....dont know a better way of explaining. i just dont understand how people can be so fuckin unaware of whats around them.......cause every fuckin incident ive had, not accident cause ive been very lucky to get outta the way. but incidents have been on the carelessness of other fuckin drives.

06-22-2006, 12:16 PM
so far i've only had one moderately scary moment. it was on the highway. i'm in the far left lane, theres an open lane to my right, and another car in the lane next to that one. we were both even with each other, and well, we both lane change into the same lane. luckily i noticed and swerved back but the guy had no idea what just happened. he was in this huge raised explorer or something. scared me shitless

06-22-2006, 12:30 PM
2 weeks after getting my licence When I was 16 I bought an 88 mustang for 300 bucks. I went to pick it up way out in the country at some guys farm (this is in northern ontario) And my best friend, his gf and my gf all came along, So we piled into the mustang and went for a rip down the country roads, I ended up fish-tailing the car all over the dirt roads at about 120 and completely lost control, did a couple 360's and jumped the car across a 5 foot ditch up onto a dirt slope, Totally fucked the car. Bent the front end up. My buddy hit the dash and broke his nose, and the girls in the back got banged up too. (seatbelts were on thank god) I had no insurance and no licence plates and only a learners licence. Thank god some redneck came and winched us out across the ditch and towed the car to my friends house. I learned a valuable lesson that day. 7 years later and I've only messed up twice more, The one time i dont do a shoulder check ther hapened to be someone in my blind spot, he swerved to miss me sideswiping him and then gave me the dirtiest look ever, I felt like a retard. And the other was going through an intersection that i thought had 2 left turn lanes, the one on the right being also a thru lane (could have sworn the sign said that) turns out i went straight through into the oncoming traffic lane and had to cut the guy off next to me to get over into his lane before I had a head-on. That was stupid.

06-22-2006, 12:53 PM
I went two whole years in my Nova not bashing it up or getting any tickets, then 3 days after getting the Talon I was bombing on a back road that is really well paved but very narrow... I was going 140 on a speed limit 60 road, the corner on it is usually no problem, its only a 30 degree bend, but today some fucker had gone off it in his truck and spit up a lot of gravel onto the road in the process... so I hit the gravel, my back end kicks out, I go to correct it but since my two outside tires had fallen off the road there was no way to fix it anyway, but I messed up correcting it, the car switches ends instantly goign 140 and I slide backwards into a barb wire fence. $3700 damage and I still need to fix the paint on my roof :D

Not too long ago I was driving down the road from my house, go through an underpass thinking the roads would be okay, but it was solid hockey rink ice from wall to wall. I was only going 50 and coasting, so since I had basically no weight on my back tires they started sliding out in a deadly drift, I go to correct it, and straighten it out somewhat, but straight does me no good when the road is still going left. I try to turn left going 40, nothing happens even with some braking, I jump the curb and hit the lightpost. It falls over and is laying across the road, an old guy who is apparently totally blind hit the light post .

End damage tally - $5500 for my car
$700 for lightpost
$11500 for his car (written off)

06-22-2006, 04:12 PM
haha i just remember another and wow did i feel like a fuckin tard after. i was driving crowchild on my way home from work, goin north i came off the kensington road and on to crowchild, got up to where it turns to 2 lanes just before 16th ave. i shoulder checked i swear but i didnt see this little beater. so close to hitting her but i got back in my lane, just drove by and i gave her a nice yep thats me an asshole wave.

06-22-2006, 05:34 PM
i have one :D

so i was going down shag at 11pm or so, you know that one road before 32nd that goes beside the mall? well i was going speed limit turning into that, it was green for our lane and there were no turners anyways so there was no need to stop for turning traffic. so i take the turn going 40, which normally would be no problems, but what do you know, the corner was covered in dust and stones. my front tires slide out in an awkward understeer, then my front tires catch, and my rear flies out. i countersteer, just barely missing the center median, the cars rear tires decide to catch and then fling me out the other way, and that side was covered in stones also (it was june i think) so my rear end goes and slides out again, ok so i counter steer again, this time i didn't get so lucky as my left rear tire smashed against the center median and i broke a trailing arm. and ended up facing the other way. luckily it was 11 at night so there weren't any cars.

06-22-2006, 05:38 PM
I have one too... Basically what happened was that I was taking a turnoff to 16 ave eastbound when I wanted to go westbound...

me being my stupid self, decided to bail at the last minute and cut back into the main road from the 16th ave eastbound ramp. So basically I cut off the car behind me. All was fine and dandy until I saw infront of me there was stopped car at the light directly after the 16th ave east turnoff.

In short, I caused a 3 car collision. I had to brake quite hard to stop in time, and so did the car behind me, but the car two cars behind me locked up his brakes and hit the car behind me. Then the car 3 cars behind me also couldnt stop in time and hit the car that hit the car behind me :nut:.

It was a pretty messy incident, but it eventually got solved... and me luckily did not have a scratch on my car to show for this.

Man that was dumb dumb dumb :banghead:

06-22-2006, 06:24 PM
I was driving back from the GF's place (she lived out of town) late on a Sunday night. The roads were a little wet, but not much. Temperature was right around zero, and the odd car that was on the road was enough to keep it from icing. I was cruising down through the Drumheller Valley the back way that doesn't go through town. When I hit the point after the bridge where the road flattens out and begins to climb, there was just enough water collected there that it had iced. I got sideways at about 120K, and managed to correct the slide twice before finally losing it. In the end, I hit the ditch backwards at about 110K and slid for about 100 feet that way. When the car came to a rest, it was about 10 feet up the high side of the ditch, with the passenger side of the front bumper pushed into the ground.

Ever since that day, I am much more cautious in wet and icy conditions.

06-22-2006, 06:31 PM
the killer traintracks on blackfoot...

i was going 100, in a 80 zone
my car is lowered 1.8''

bottomed out on the tracks, blew a wheel and did a 360 in the grass median...

800$ later... :cry:

06-22-2006, 08:00 PM
I read all of them.... You learn alot reading other peoples mistakes.

GTS Jeff
06-22-2006, 08:15 PM
Originally posted by CasperWho
the killer traintracks on blackfoot...

i was going 100, in a 80 zone
my car is lowered 1.8''

bottomed out on the tracks, blew a wheel and did a 360 in the grass median...

800$ later... :cry: WTF!! I hit that shit today at about 120 coming home from work. My car is lowered too, no problems.

06-25-2006, 01:22 AM
I have had a couple bone head moments all in the same area.
1. I was making a wide left hand turn which I can usually carry decent speed through so I never bother to slow down for it if there aren't any cars around. This night the only cars that were around were behind me. So I go to make the turn and I guess I might of turned a little late or a little to hard but my car did a 180 with two trucks behind me that had to stop to avoid me. I had to back into the parking lot to turn back around while the other drivers just gave me the "WTF were you thinking" glare.
2. This has happend a few times in broad daylight. Right after the above mentioned turn there is a right hand turn to head onto an overpass but if your comming from the opposite way then this turn is a left hand turn (with a light) and the above mentioned is the right hand turn. In this case I was making a left hand turn waiting for my light to turn green and I guess i wasnt paying much attention because the light to go straight turned green for both directions but not mine but yet I proceeded to make my turn cutting off the other traffic.

I pay alot closer attention to this area now!

06-25-2006, 08:46 AM

06-25-2006, 08:50 AM
Originally posted by GTS Jeff
It's very common for people, especially us car enthusiasts, to proclaim that we are better drivers than most other people. Now this may be true most of the time, but at some point or another, we've also all messed up behind the wheel. I think it'll be interesting to hear about all the mess ups. So let's hear the stories; I'll start.

I'm normally a very alert driver. I can be very aggressive during rush hour traffic, but I am always alert and I am careful to drive defensively to avoid accidents. However, a couple days ago, I nearly caused a ridiculous accident and it would have been my fault 100%. I was merging onto Deerfoot while going about 100 and while traffic was moving at about 80. I found a small spot to squeeze in and went for it. A bit of braking required, but no biggie, at least not until the car in front slammed on his brakes. I was fucked, I couldn't slow down enough, and I wasn't sure the car behind me would be able to avoid hitting me either. So I dodged back out. But there was already some Nissan SUV next to me in my original lane, so I basically ended up driving between two lanes for a couple seconds, while the SUV had to move over to avoid hitting me.

I felt like a total douche after. I think it was the dumbest shit I've pulled since being a teenager. :banghead:

Dude I did the same thing... except this was changing lanes on deerfoot and I didn't notice that the car in the far left lane was changing lane at the same time I was into the middle lane and I was like OMG!!! and I was in two lanes for a couple of minutes barely squeezing through cars on both sides of me I had like 1 ft between two cars a minivan and a nice red mustang.... holy shit was it the craziest stunt ever pulled.


06-25-2006, 10:53 AM
I've almost smoked people crossing the road before... :( It's my biggest fear when driving. Say you're on a 4-lane road, 2 lanes per side. You're closest to the curb, and someone's in the left lane, stopped. We all know people *don't* signal when they should, so it looks like they're planning to turn.

So I go, and almost knock down someone crossing the street.

One of my brother's friends' sister ( :nut: ) killed someone that way.

Hell I've seen someone try to cross MacLeod downtown @ 4:15pm... hah. Dude would walk and stop at the edge of one lane, then wait for everyone there to stop. Then he'd cross that lane, and wait again...

07-21-2006, 11:59 PM
1st: buy an 88 Honda Prelude Si...thought it was the shit, wanted RWD so i tried the hand brake out...worked good in the snow and it was fun, i got pretty good at it and tried showing off to a friend, ending up going a little more sideways than i wanted to, so i ripped the wheel back and hammered it to correct, just then i hit a patch of gravel and it shot me into some trees, wreck my prelude and sold it for $160...back to square 1, saving up money for a car, again...

my 2nd dumbass moment happend 30 min. ago...first speeding ticket...100 in a 50...but really i was doing 112 in a 50, but i was right at the 80 sign, first ticket...cop gave my the 100 in an 80 i got lucky, not gonna complain...my hearts still beating fast. And i thanked him very much...

On an odd note the cop told me he used to own the same car (240sx) one and he knows how fast they are,(i guess ...lol)...he straight up told me, "buy yourself a cold air intake and bigger exhaust (the legal ones) with a header, and it'll be fast!"

I told him: "nope...i think I'll pay this ticket off and if i have any money left over i'll concider your advice, have a nice night"

ugh...fuck, i was about to goto bed too, thats the worst part, i decided to go for a late night cruise instead to see if my buddies were around...poor decsion that was :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead:

07-22-2006, 12:17 AM
mine most recent one was 16th westbound brige over deerfoot construction zone........it was 3 lanes,reduced down to 2 then reduceds down to one (very right side was the open lane) so i saw sign earlier before i hit the contrcution zone,saw that it there were 2 open lanes accoridng to the sign so i was in the middle lane,hit stop light,me cars in all lanes, guy to left take off slightly faster then i did,guy on right slightly slower then me....left guy just cuts in my lane, lane cuts to the right,so i brake but the jackass on my right at the light was speeding now so i quick brake right beside the pylon,missed him by less then a foot,i was at an angle so i couldn't use my mirrorsi hit gas right after then i shoulder check a little late...i see another car he was going at a speed that i thought he couldn't brake in time....by this time had half carof car in the one lane...fuckin hit gas down all the way....look at rear view he was fkin close.....
all in a 50 zone........if my car was faster id have no problem....

p2:my first accident
going down edmonton trail towards downtown,steep down hill part)nice sunny day in march....most of snow melted infront of me was a subaru forester,a 5 ton truck infront of him, pedestrian light at the bottom of the hill...5 ton completely blocked my view of the lights saw there brake light brake so hard, what do know i braked on a patch of ice....skitted 15 feet at least BOOOM hit subie
there had 2 kid both under 3 years...o man...lucky there were nice n accpeted ot to go through insurance...

and any tall semi's,5tons block all views of lights..i h8 big semi n 5 tons...they smell like crap from emissions

07-22-2006, 01:52 AM
Nice thread Jeff.

Way back when I was 19'ish years old - I'm 42 now a buddy and I joined the CSCC and did the odd slalom at deerfoot mall. Eventually we did a rally or two in the novice class and the old TE 72's we had just weren't good enough in the bumpy roads, hard to navigate. Anyway I bought this rusted out 4dr Alfa Alfetta. With a broken speedo cable.

First night I had it we 'tested it.' This car had SHITTY headlights when I bought it only one high beam worked on one side it was aimed up doing anti aircraft duty and the left lowbeam worked and of course it was aimed down looknig for puddles.

Off we go at about 11:30 into the dark buzzing out of acadia onto blackfoot the as hard as I can onto glenmore east to look for some 'out of town roads'

I turned righ on 52nd near I think where James propane used to be.

Ok booting S now in the dark on 52'nd S at about 4500 RPM in 5th ~80-85 mph, (19 cocky and stupid I may add) ... and never been on the road before. My buddy says to me hey is that a cow up there. I had just enough time to think that there was definitely something there so I slammed on the brakes about 10 feet before .....

Now these days crossing the RR tracks S on 52 by the irrigation canal is no big deal. Back then the road was level with the ground and there was this WOODEN BRIDGE. Ever try to stop on smooth wood at 4500 RPM in 5th? (in the dark with lousy headlights while being 19 cocky and stupid) well lemme tell you it doesn't work so well.

Swwwwiiiiisshhh across the bridge.

After the bridge S on 52n'd there is the RR tracks. And then like now the tracks are raised a good 8 ft above ground level. Well the road used to follow the countour of the gravel and headed up the tracks at about a 40-50 degree angle.

Brakes locked SCREEECH (albeit a very short screech along the pavement up the side of the abutment.)

Followed by what felt like a lifetime of silence ... ok ok the car was silent. The two of us (still 19 cocky and stupid - but now AIRBORNE and scared out of our gord) in the car finally realized wtf was going on and started screaming in perfect unison the one and only thing you can in this situation.


Now I think a some higher power must of been watching over us, either that or the perfect weight distribution between the Alfa's aluminum block and rear mounted transaxle saved us ... we landed on all four tires .....

BANG SCREEEEECH ya foot still on the brake upon landing. (hard on the brake frozen in fear)

Car stops

We sit there a good 30 seconds just letting the adreneline clear from our systems then get out and start looking for damage.

None .. nothing broken, I was in awe. Next day we scoped out the skidmarks and we flew a good 60-80 feet past the tracks before landing.

Dumbest thing I ever did but I learned a few things that weekend ..

Halogens are a must
Never speed on an unkown road ... ever.
You can't stop fast on wood
Alfa Romeo suspension is inredible.

Did a couple more nav rallies and I think we came in 3'rd in the mudlark with a first in novice class that year with a broken speedo - did have a terratrip odometer installed though.

07-23-2006, 03:37 AM
last summer i ran down to lethbridge to visit a buddy who was there for work. (opening the superstore) anyways we were driving down the major road (Mayor McGrath or w/e) and i was following this mini van, goin 70 in a 60. I look at my buddy to make a comment, look back, and the minivan slammed on their brakes... All I remember is twitching the steering wheel right and all of a sudden i was 1 lane over, going 70, just cut off some nissan... all i could do was laugh at my stupidity... and shudder... and shake. I was scared shitless

07-23-2006, 04:44 AM
the rule about showing off drifting to your friends.....when u add passengers, the dynamics of the car changes and it's a whole new ball game lol. did it with my two roommates long time ago one winter night with fresh snow. one didnt have his contacts in so he had no idea how close we came to smoking a stop sign and a lamp post going up and onto the curb lol...the other however did. kinda funny when one's freakin out and the other is like wtf just happened, what's going on guys!?:rofl: it was inches...cant believe i didnt lose a sideview

i just love that gut feeling when you know....."oh shit here we go, i'm f*cked" lol

07-24-2006, 06:05 PM
last night around 5 pm i was leaving the foothills hospital after visiting a friend of mine who was in a huge roll-over (she's paralized, and that has taught me a lesson about dangerous driving). anyway i live in okotoks so my plan was to drive down crowchild to glenmore and then take glenmore to deerfoot and finally deerfoot to home. as i was leaving the hospital it started raining, hard. i was doing fine until i got to the glenmore-deerfoot turn off. i came donw the off ramp and merged into traffic safely but got hit with a shitload of spray from other vehicles. i couldnt see a thing, even with my wipers on full. ended up misjudging the speed of traffic (i was only going 65-70) and i could start to see the outline and red colour of brake lights when i realized i couldn't stop in time. so i tried to avoid hitting him by going into the left lane, when all traction in my rear end gave out and i slowly started to spin counter-clockwise. with my nose now at a 45 degree angle pointing at the median i saw a lampost. i knew that if i hit it one of two things would happen. 1. the car would be fucked and i would be hurt, bad. or 2. i would die. so i tried to counter steer as much as i could and i let go of the brake, hoping that it would at least let me side swipe the median and walk away from the crash. my front wheels gripped and took my counter steer a little too much. i was now spinning clockwise across the 3 lanes of traffic, when a miricle happened (so to speak lol). the rear bumper tapped the wall and the force was enough to straighten me out, or rather delay my rotation as it added some forward momentum and it was enough for me to avoid hitting anybody. the car ended up facing oncoming traffic on deerfoot directly out front of ikea, on the shoulder. the rear bumper came off clean. thank god it was a fibre glass bumper, the damn thing just popped off. the only other damage was that i scratched the exhaust tip. still waiting to hear back from my insurance company as to how much the damage is. i consider myself to have been extremely lucky i didnt end up sharing a room with my friend in the hospital.

07-24-2006, 07:08 PM
Nothing close to you guys.

When I was 17, the DAY AFTER I got my license, I was completely hungover and turned left after a light just came green. Hit the car that was coming straight, lol. $3500 in damages to his car, a small dent in the chrome around the headlight of my old `78 Aspen that thing was a tank.

Last winter on deerfoot at dusk, I shoulder checked before changing lanes, but somehow didn't see another truck already in that lane. Swerved back in time and didn't hit him, but felt embarassed as hell.

A week ago at night at I was East bound on Heritage at the red light at bonaventure drive . Talking to my wife, looking at a car parked at that scummy apartment complex, in the corner of my eye I saw a light change from red to green, so I hit the gas... turns out it wasn't my lights that turned green, it was the ones behind me that I saw in the rearview (heritage and macleod). Almost got t-boned, and once again felt like an ass.

That about sums me up. All other driving incidents have been other peoples initial faults.

07-24-2006, 07:25 PM
Well, i was headed down Deerfoot north and hitting the 17th exit. I was due for my suspension swap and said to my passenger lets see what this can do as of now.(All seasons+Stock springs) came doing about 110ish i cant remember and was ripping arround the corner but the outside edge was comming awfully close, so i tapped the break but the problem was that all the weight had shifted and i broke out into a CRAZY drift then dropped my clutch countersteared then slammed on my breaks kicking it back in then swirved two more times before doing the sign of the cross and thanking god hahah!! i came uber close to just flying over the curb and planting my car next to the exit! thank god i didnt and wont repeat the same dumb @$$ thing again :thumbsup:

07-24-2006, 07:38 PM
It wasn't in a Nissan powered Mustang, was it?


07-25-2006, 08:07 AM
Every morning, on our way to school, driving the parents civic, my brother and I would "drift", more like..... fish tail, this one corner going like.... 15 km/h. Spun out once, stopped a good 5 inches from a SUV.

:eek: so exciting eh?

07-26-2006, 11:43 AM
When around 5 years ago when my lude was new and I thought it was fast (stock) and thought I knew how to drive. I hillybilly'd out and raced me a pickup truck on circle drive freeway here from a red light. Scooped him on the outside lane in a curve while approaching 170.....back end breaks loose here. Passed a car ahead of me while sideways and had a nice look at the driver shitting her pants for a moment as at this point our windshields were basically facing each other as I swung around her. Not knowing how to fix this resulted in car swinging out the other way and so on and so on as I fishtailed down the highway. Finally spun around in a 540 and stopped with my back bumper about 18 inches from the guardrail. Brought all traffic to a standstill but managed not to hit anything.

Learned that I didn't (and really still don't) know shit about how to drive but left the scene with a healthy respect for my stock suspension what with it not rolling and all at that speed. Scared the F. out of me and felt like the luckiest day of my life.....plus I got a hick in a truck to tell me "That's the coolest thing I ever seen in my life.".

07-26-2006, 12:01 PM
ya so this weekend around 11pm i threw gas in my explorer and i headed out for an exit except it only went right cause there was a median and i wanted to turn left. so it being 11 pl my teenage brain figured i was the only person on the road in all of calgary, so i started to back out of the exit wen i heard a horn going off, didnt really care though cause i figured there was no possible way it was for me. so i kept goin and smoked a suburban. according to jaymez i threw the allignement of the front bumper off, but ya the guy let me off cause he figured nothing went wrong.

i kno everyone starts to get lazy after driving for a while, hence y they get in a accident. so hopefully that was my caution.

ps fuck it, i was over it b4 even happend:D

07-28-2006, 08:29 AM
Back in Winnipeg, I was stuck behind a Dodge Caravan with the soccer mom driving yakking on her cell phone doing 30 KM/H. Traffic was moderate enough that I couldn't get a spot to lane change. I had been behind this woman for 20 minutes and it was driving me fucking bonkers.

Finally, my intersection came to turn left. Turns out the soccer mom was turning left too. My blood began to boil. She makes the turn doing about 10 KM/H. I hammer it, powerslide the corner, and take off like a bat out of hell before I reach the parked cars and have to wait for her slow ass again.

I glance in my rear view to see a police car in the distance barreling down on me apparently he was about 3 cars behind me, and no lights on yet but I knew who he was coming for, so I pulled over immediately.

He stops behind me and comes up to the car and says "So, what was that little show all about?"

I try honesty: "Officer, you deal with idiot drivers every single day you're on the job," I say as I hand him my license and registration, "that minivan had been going 30 KM/H for the longest time, and I just wanted to get around her and continue with my commute, I didn't break the speed limit, I was just a little more spirited than the situation perhaps warranted. Can you go easy on me this time?"

The officer goes back to his car, discusses it with his partner, comes back, gives me my license and registration, and says "Take it easy next time" and let me off with a warning.

I have pretty damn decent luck with getting out of tickets. I don't know what it is. All I know is that it probably won't work in Calgary. :P

07-28-2006, 06:32 PM
closes thing I came to scary is driving home to edmonton from saskatoon and I dozed off at the wheel. did it like half a dozen times. after a while common sense kicked in and I now start to take naps on the side of the road.

I mean, come on, who doesn't like naps?

07-28-2006, 10:20 PM
i fucken rammed my crx into a truck, hit the hitch of the truck and we both get out and not a scratch on is car, glass everywhere on the road, on his truck, from my headlights, my front end was smashed in, it was my fault i dint see him stop but we get out and i was like where do we go from here, hes like well there no damage on my car so i was like ok can we forget about this? so i drove my smashed car home didnt get insurace invovled.
i learned not to look for my cell while driving

07-29-2006, 12:15 PM
Oh yeah, and I rolled my 03 F-150 S/C 4x4 a year ago. It was fun, like a rollercoaster ride... except for that whole part about "I could have been killed"... yeah I think that took away the 'fun' factor.

07-29-2006, 10:16 PM
when I was first learning to drive I asked if I could drive to work (I helped my moms on the weekends) she said okay but becareful, lots of ice and snow on the ground. as per usual i was day dreaming when she talked to me, I reached a stop sign and panicked slammed the brakes, started sliding..

luckily for me, our car was the only vehicle on the road.

another time was driving home from dinner with my parents (I just gotten off work and met up with them) I was really tired, and decided to speed home. About 5 minutes from my house I fell asleep, I could have sworn I just blinked.. haha.. LUCKILY again, I woke up about 5 car lengths away from rear ending someone. needless to say, I never drive when I'm tired now.

this was when I first got my lisence about 4.5 yrs ago.

07-29-2006, 11:06 PM
Driving home from Acme late at night when it is just starting to snow, but it was pretty warm so all the snow was melting as it was hitting the road. Very wet stuff. Anyways, driving fast on the road like I normally do because the snow/slush stuff is melting right away and a type of road i drove through many times. I come up to 4 cars that are driving about 60km/h on a 100km/h road. I don't know why they wre going to slow cuz the roads were not bad at that time as it just barely stated to snow. Anyways, its pitch black on a 2 way road, 1 lane per side. I can't see much ahead and didn't realize that there was a hill. I turn on my blinker and start to pass these people. 2 cars in a big ass semi comes from over the hill and i got 2 more cars to pass and less then 100 meters to do so. I turn on my signal to change back but there was no room as everyone was pretty much bumper to bumper. I know there is only 2 meters of room for my car to fit between the leading car and the following car and its not enough. I turn on my blinker and hope to god that the person sees it and slows down to create room for me to fit. So i pretty much cut them off and they slowed down and i fit in, a good 20 meters before being plowed into a semi trailer (who was flashing his lights like mad, and ditches on both sides of the road so no where to go) Since then I am very very careful when passing cars on the road, it was a near death experience for me and I believe that god didn't think it was my time yet. So yah, since there had very minor fuckups but nothing major, been much more careful since

08-13-2006, 03:36 PM
sounds like showing off gets a few people into accidents, did me, just extremely minor though. I had just had my liscence for like 1 week and went to the movie store with a buddy in my sweet 1992 escort 4 door( i know your green with envy, but i don't have it anymore, just a rustfree 240sx, shucks). The chick at the counter is really hot so as i am reversing out of my parking spot it pin it, and must have barinfarted because it didn't see the lightpost behind me till the last second, luckily i braked hard ond only hit it going 5 km an hour, small crack in the bumper. Then the same week i had gone mudding and got stuck and had to go to my pe teachers house right close and get him to pull me out with his truck, that was just a little embarassing. Nothing serious, still pretty dumb though. After that first week i must have smartened up, nothing since, but then, i just got my 240 so i hopefully won't be posting an update.

08-29-2006, 08:16 AM
I had to search for this thread as I felt like such a tool yesterday. Was out all day yesterday from 12noon to 10pm, went to the Zoo with some relatives and there was like 10 kids under 10yr's old with 2 of them being mine, running around and screaming like there was no tomorrow. Went to the mall after and then for dinner with everyone. They totally exhausted me. Drove one aunt home at around 9:30 and was at the intersection of Mcknight and 36, there are 4 lanes, 2 turns left and 2 goes straight, I was in the far right lane. Light turns green and the road goes to the right, but I went straight going into the 3rd lane that goes straight through. I was kinda out of it, but thought the lane beside me was the turn lane and they should be turning, then all of a sudden they all go straight and I was like WTF they should be turning, then I totally lay on the horn on this little asian lady and scared her pretty good, I got pissed (still thinking I did't do anything wrong) and started to do circles around her and starring her down. Then I was like whatever and didn't want to start anything as wife and kids and others were in the van sleeping still. Drove off and noticed that nobody was getting close to me, then after I got on 52 it finaly kicked in that I totally cut off a couple of people and scared the incocent little asian lady and the other cars probably backed off because they thought I was crazy.

08-29-2006, 08:24 AM
This was about 4 years ago. Winter, no snow on the roads, but it was cold (-20 or so). I was trying to make some good time in rush hour on the transcanada by COP to get home to watch some TV in my 944 turbo with winter tires. Every space I get, I'd change lanes, accelerate, brake. Repeat. The last attempt before the stoney trail turnoff, floored it towards an SUV. He saw me coming and decides to slam on his brakes. With no ABS, I braked hard (minor locking) then went slightly on the shoulder to avoid rear ending the guy. Cold roads, light gravel, no ABS resulted in locked rear brakes, next thing you know I'm facing the other way on the transcanada in rush hour :rofl:. Needless to say it was pretty fucking embarassing. Had to wait 2-3 minutes for traffic to pass before I whipped out a sweet looking U-turn and headed home in shame.

08-29-2006, 08:49 AM
4 way stop with heavy pedestrian and car traffic. I always bully others even tho most of the time it's not really my turn. Just don't want another pedestrian get on the crosswalk.