View Full Version : minor pointers for those who never maintiance there cars

06-24-2006, 03:14 AM
So I've been working at the shop now for about 3 years... and i have seen alot of things ppl don;t do that kill there money... I know theres alot of you that know what i'm about to say but this is for those that don't

One... the basics... Change your oil AT least every 5000K... and if you know you burn or have Vtec in your car ... check every gas tank... your oil should always be full...... number one engine killer is not checking your oil... especially on road trips... and you noticed the car runs smoother with full oil... especially hondas...
2.. if your auto tranny.. have it checked once a year... if your oil stinks then have it flushed... and not by Mr.lube.. there flushes don;t really get the shit out... you want someone that will.. drian the old fluided... add new fluid... run in Drive at normal operating temp for about 10-15 mins.. drain again and fill with new fluid...
I see alot of people that do not service there tranny and you will loose pickup from this... your car will also run alot smoother after you have this done...and it will save you gas...

2. tune up... if you have a 4Cyl... you can pretty much do it your self.. Air filter, spark plugs... cap and rotor if you have one...... the basics...

3. differential fluids... never chaged it?? get it done...

4.Tire pressure... check this at least once every 2 months and everytime you get gas do a quick lookaround see that there is no low pressure... if you run your tire and 20PSi for about 2-4 months.. you will notice that you have un even wear.. mainly the outter side of the tire... meaning the outter side will be bald while the rest of the tire is good... 20 psi on most tires isn't that noticeable... a tire gauge is like less then 5bucks.. 32PSi is what it should be at... doing this will save you money becuase even the cheapest tires will cost you at least $90 per wheel...

4. Brakes... if you hear the high pitched sound it means there low... get it replaced... better replacing the pads then to wait for the pads it wear out and then its metal on metal meaning... new pads and rotors and the chance to over heat the caliper meaning it might sieze up.. (high pitched noise could also mean a cracked pad...) and if your brakes don;t frip as well as the used to that means the rotors are over heated... you can have the meachined or replaces... and if it shakes while your braking it means there warped from over heating...

you can avoid a hole lot of spending money you don't want to spend by having it check once every 6 months... theres alot that people don;t know how to check like wheel bearings and front end stuff that if worse comes to worse.. could not onyl cause you alot of money but possibly and and accident or big damage for say your ball joint poped out or something...

agian people... these are just tips to help you save money... these are issues i've seen many of my customers go through... just thought i'd share with you all... your cars will be better on gas with the proper care... (well as good as it was designed to be)

Steve-O 00
06-24-2006, 11:02 AM
for those of you that have diesel engines you can go alot long between oil changes especially if it is a full synthetic

adam c
06-24-2006, 11:17 AM
good post :thumbsup:
should make it a sticky

06-24-2006, 11:19 AM
amen to this thread. Half the ricers out there with there stupid spoilers, fart cannon exhausts, and ugly ass cars dont even know where their damn oil filter is.

Hey maybe while your at it... find out if you have an owners manual and service manual.. if you dont, GET ONE!

You have no idea how many people i ask if they have an owners/service manual and they say they have no idea..... wow.

06-24-2006, 12:16 PM
true true true ^^^^^^ lol i knew this one girl that never had her oil changed she just kept puting in new oil all the time.

06-24-2006, 12:34 PM
If I don't pay attention to my brakes then maybe I'll finally be able to get my Brembo's!! :D

06-24-2006, 01:50 PM
Ummm yeahhh.... Lot of generalizations here

You do not have to change your oil at 5000KM. Different Manufacturers have different Oil Change intervals (IE VW recommends every 16 000 KM/1year in some of their engines). So change your oil at the intervals suggested in your owners manual. Changing your oil early is just a waste.
Those of you doing full highway driving can go even longer than your manufacturers recommendations (remember, your engine is going to be running longer if you run 5K in traffic vs 5k at 120KPH)

Tire pressures vary depending on the tire. Your tire will say the optimum tire pressure.

06-24-2006, 02:23 PM
Originally posted by nismodrifter
Ummm yeahhh.... Lot of generalizations here

You do not have to change your oil at 5000KM. Different Manufacturers have different Oil Change intervals (IE VW recommends every 16 000 KM/1year in some of their engines). So change your oil at the intervals suggested in your owners manual. Changing your oil early is just a waste.
Those of you doing full highway driving can go even longer than your manufacturers recommendations (remember, your engine is going to be running longer if you run 5K in traffic vs 5k at 120KPH)

Tire pressures vary depending on the tire. Your tire will say the optimum tire pressure.

Very true... I was aiming more at the older cars... :)

06-24-2006, 04:08 PM
Originally posted by nismodrifter

You do not have to change your oil at 5000KM.

Porsche 911 FTW in this case. First oil change: 60,000 Kms!! :eek:

06-24-2006, 06:55 PM
You should keep your tire pressure at the rate stated on your vin plate or manufacturers guidelines. Even with lower pro. tires.
That is the pressure the tire needs to hold the weight of you vehicle.
These guidelines are rated high to factor in the weight of passengers, cargo ect.

If that pressure is not enough for you, you need a bigger car or a truck!

Bad things happen when you stray too for from guidlines....thats why they are there. :)

06-24-2006, 07:12 PM
Originally posted by BiG_BoI_LuDe
So I've been working at the shop now for about 3 years... ... these are just tips to help you save money... these are issues i've seen many of my customers go through... just thought i'd share with you all...

what a douche, this guy needs to shut it:bullshit:

but seriously, follow the basic maintenance...from my own personal experience its a good idea lol:D

06-24-2006, 11:37 PM
this post is awesome i'm going to show to all my stupid friends who think cars can just run forever and don't even know where to get their oil changed!

06-25-2006, 12:48 AM
Good basic guidelines.

Dont forget point #5 though. Double check all your posts to see if you put in to many periods at the end of every sentence.

06-25-2006, 02:01 AM
Originally posted by v2kai

what a douche, this guy needs to shut it:bullshit:

but seriously, follow the basic maintenance...from my own personal experience its a good idea lol:D

This guy gets beat by his girl friend like a little bitch :D he has scares to prove it... but I love his girl friend :P

06-25-2006, 04:00 AM

06-25-2006, 04:08 AM
For those with rotory engines! Check your oil often! not just level, but color and consistency. These engines need it to keep the rotor seals all good and lubricated!

06-25-2006, 04:53 PM
Hey man I got a question for you. At work I see a LOT of people coming in needing new rad hosing. I asked my boss and he said Rad fluid goes acidic if not maintained and will eat through the hoses. How much of that is true and how do you watch the rad fluid? How often should I change it and what is a good rad fluid to use on a Honda?