View Full Version : Something to think about...

04-10-2003, 03:36 PM

Just a thought.

04-10-2003, 04:02 PM
I never realized how much of a problem it is there. Goes to show how informed we are over here. It's a very scary thought

04-10-2003, 04:17 PM
Shocking, holy somkes, that really, really makes a person think. man we are so uninformed over hear, I guess that's what they call scared reality:dunno:

04-10-2003, 06:24 PM
damn, that's brutal

04-10-2003, 07:02 PM
i think this is what Canadians, Americans, British, and other more advanced nations should show to young people and everyone. Everyone stresses "oh HIV and AIDS in africa needs a lot of help!" but no one looks towards asia. World War II, people looked at europe, but looked away at asia.

In a way, i'm not suprised by all this, i heard and seen a lot of this among those countries. One of the worst things i seen was at taiwan i saw these chained beggars at night street markets and they were told to beg for money from their "masters". Everyone just walked over them and ignored them like ants.

Humanity isn't cruel, humanity is just blind to see what itself is.

04-11-2003, 12:41 AM
Originally posted by Zephyr
In a way, i'm not suprised by all this, i heard and seen a lot of this among those countries. One of the worst things i seen was at taiwan i saw these chained beggars at night street markets and they were told to beg for money from their "masters". Everyone just walked over them and ignored them like ants.

Humanity isn't cruel, humanity is just blind to see what itself is.
my god brother, how long u haven't been back man??~went back there last year~glad didn't see any~but chained beggars??~where did u even see that??~i only saw beggars~but actually most ppl just walked over them and ignored them is because we know most beggars are fake~~but yeah~some of them are real~and they just crawling on the street~ask for money~actually those case happen in most countries~but ppl just don't realize it~~

04-11-2003, 09:08 AM
Originally posted by EVOI

my god brother, how long u haven't been back man??~went back there last year~glad didn't see any~but chained beggars??~where did u even see that??~i only saw beggars~but actually most ppl just walked over them and ignored them is because we know most beggars are fake~~but yeah~some of them are real~and they just crawling on the street~ask for money~actually those case happen in most countries~but ppl just don't realize it~~

haven't gone in a while. but i know taiwan is pretty much f--ked up. unemployment down the drain, young girls becomming escorts (i saw this on taiwan news this year) and a lot of ppl running to the states, and canada just to get jobs, theres like a suddenly flush of kids from taiwan i noticed... thats bad cuz more competition for college, and being that i'm about ready to switch to college, i'm saying "go back you fobs!" even though i'm one of them but i was born here.

i dont like going to taiwan because:
1. The heat during summer is freaking hot and so much humidity
2. There always seems to be a plague during summer.
3. Too dirty, you go there most foods are dirty.
4. Traffic is hell, worse than Los Angeles and New York City combined.
5. Government is very corrupt and sometimes they have something against American citizens.
yes i know this still applies to today...

04-11-2003, 11:57 AM
AIDS isn't only in some faraway country, two of my good friends (and a few of their friends) right here in calg are suffering from it right now. Very upsetting because when you contract it you feel fine for a long time, but when it begins the sickness becomes horrible and you know it's a guaranteed death sentence.

Very sad

04-12-2003, 04:34 AM
Originally posted by Zephyr

haven't gone in a while. but i know taiwan is pretty much f--ked up. unemployment down the drain, young girls becomming escorts (i saw this on taiwan news this year) and a lot of ppl running to the states, and canada just to get jobs, theres like a suddenly flush of kids from taiwan i noticed... thats bad cuz more competition for college, and being that i'm about ready to switch to college, i'm saying "go back you fobs!" even though i'm one of them but i was born here.

i dont like going to taiwan because:
1. The heat during summer is freaking hot and so much humidity
2. There always seems to be a plague during summer.
3. Too dirty, you go there most foods are dirty.
4. Traffic is hell, worse than Los Angeles and New York City combined.
5. Government is very corrupt and sometimes they have something against American citizens.
yes i know this still applies to today...

well~is not that f--ked up~most countries' unemployment down the drain~and young girls~i know this one~well~is bad~just some underage school girl having sex for money~but this one is not only Taiwan~Japan started it~and HK, , China,TW, JP, Korean~are all doing it~ha ha~what u expect~u live in California~so i guess you should just choose some colloege outside California~and you were born in American~shouldn't you be an ABC??

ha ha~those reason i might not agree with u if i never come to Canada~since i live in Taiwan for 3/4 of my life~i barely noticed~but when i went back last summer~i totally agree with u~but i don't have problem with #5 though~~actually this go way back~American was the one help China got into UN~so Taiwan forfeited its seat in UN~plus US charge TW for Animal right and human right~that why they are kind of against american citizens~I guess u probably u know all this~~
but seriously~man~if u got any chance~try to go to China~i went there last summer too~and i actually got very scare~most f--ked up countries i have ever been~~!!

04-12-2003, 11:37 AM
That stuff about japan in WWII was soo true. I find it very strange that north america only condems germany for the shit they were into then. I have not seen 1 movie or documentry about the equally ruthless and terrible japanese treatment of the chinese. I cant count the number of times there has been some sort of media special on the holocaust, and i also cannot count the amout of times there has been some sort of media special on the japanese, but both for very different reasons. The shit they did freaks the hell out of me. Its hard to believe that people could actually do that to other people.............

Luke 96 T/A
04-12-2003, 12:22 PM
Originally posted by hjr
That stuff about japan in WWII was soo true. I find it very strange that north america only condems germany for the shit they were into then. I have not seen 1 movie or documentry about the equally ruthless and terrible japanese treatment of the chinese. I cant count the number of times there has been some sort of media special on the holocaust, and i also cannot count the amout of times there has been some sort of media special on the japanese, but both for very different reasons. The shit they did freaks the hell out of me. Its hard to believe that people could actually do that to other people.............

I don't think it was quite as bad as the holocaust.... Did the Japanese kill 6 million chinese over the period of 4 years??? For ethnic cleansing?? Did they have thousands line up in front of specially made death chambers? (Acid showers, etc)

It's funny how China was refusing to quarantine SARS victims...
Especially since it can be transferred via coughing... (Unlike AIDS), and how quickly it kills....
Canada already has over 160 confirmed cases, including the infectious disease expert at Mount Sinai hospital...

It's too bad China won't get off their lazy asses (from what I've read) and take effective measures to stop the spread... Remember, SARS cases will grow exponentially...

04-12-2003, 12:30 PM
Originally posted by EVOI

well~is not that f--ked up~most countries' unemployment down the drain~and young girls~i know this one~well~is bad~just some underage school girl having sex for money~but this one is not only Taiwan~Japan started it~and HK, , China,TW, JP, Korean~are all doing it~ha ha~what u expect~u live in California~so i guess you should just choose some colloege outside California~and you were born in American~shouldn't you be an ABC??

ha ha~those reason i might not agree with u if i never come to Canada~since i live in Taiwan for 3/4 of my life~i barely noticed~but when i went back last summer~i totally agree with u~but i don't have problem with #5 though~~actually this go way back~American was the one help China got into UN~so Taiwan forfeited its seat in UN~plus US charge TW for Animal right and human right~that why they are kind of against american citizens~I guess u probably u know all this~~
but seriously~man~if u got any chance~try to go to China~i went there last summer too~and i actually got very scare~most f--ked up countries i have ever been~~!!

yea i'm a ABC, but my parents r both from taiwan and china so i listen to what they say, and my relatives come to visit from both countries so i know the situations. yes the government is corrupt and pretty much fucked up, recently the entire administration for the current "president" resigned, the entire administration, because they didn't like the president's actions. Yea i been to china, and some parts in china is bad, but at least its cleaner than taiwan. they dont have mad plagues killing tons of children every summer, from foot and mouth to the plague from the mosquitos...

04-12-2003, 11:35 PM
Originally posted by Zephyr

yea i'm a ABC, but my parents r both from taiwan and china so i listen to what they say, and my relatives come to visit from both countries so i know the situations. yes the government is corrupt and pretty much fucked up, recently the entire administration for the current "president" resigned, the entire administration, because they didn't like the president's actions. Yea i been to china, and some parts in china is bad, but at least its cleaner than taiwan. they dont have mad plagues killing tons of children every summer, from foot and mouth to the plague from the mosquitos...

well~actually~i hate to talk about political~because there are so many to talk about~let just hope it will be come better~
mm~actually i don't think china is cleaner~only bigger~that is why it seen cleaner~but if they don't do anything about it now~they will be worst~~oh~and i think China also have problem with plague~but they are bigger countries~u can't know anything~plus~thier government always try to hide the news~if u have a chance to see the news in China~~trust me is a joke~~

04-12-2003, 11:54 PM
Originally posted by EVOI
~if u have a chance to see the news in China~~trust me is a joke~~

no shit its controlled by the government for the "people" and why do u end sentences with ~, haven't u heard of a "period" "." i dunno its just annoying to read with

04-13-2003, 12:03 AM
Originally posted by Zephyr

no shit its controlled by the government for the "people" and why do u end sentences with ~, haven't u heard of a "period" "." i dunno its just annoying to read with

ha ha~just try to be different, i guess and i always type like that so~sorry to make u feel annoying.

04-13-2003, 12:21 AM
Originally posted by EVOI

ha ha~just try to be different, i guess and i always type like that so~sorry to make u feel annoying.

ahh just seemed weird, and i'm assuming ur a guy so it seems kinda gay IMO

04-13-2003, 12:21 AM
hey EVOI whats with the ~~~~~~
did u not learn grammar in school or something :rolleyes: ;)

ignorance is bliss.. i dont wanna know what goes on there. just brings more trouble into ones mind

love your sig btw

04-13-2003, 12:45 AM
Originally posted by Zephyr

ahh just seemed weird, and i'm assuming ur a guy so it seems kinda gay IMO

well then, i guess i should just change it, but is more like a habit now.

Originally posted by Lt. Max
hey EVOI whats with the ~~~~~~
did u not learn grammar in school or something :rolleyes: ;)

ignorance is bliss.. i dont wanna know what goes on there. just brings more trouble into ones mind

love your sig btw

ha ha, man. How do u know?:rofl:
damn my teacher!! :D

ignorance is bliss..well, i guess is true but i think that is also most people are.

04-13-2003, 01:06 AM
the ~~~ is usually a way of letting people know your a fob over the internet

04-13-2003, 10:54 AM
o well its all cool EVO as long as ur sentences are readable! not like "apple me like" :rofl:

04-14-2003, 01:08 AM
Originally posted by Zephyr
o well its all cool EVO as long as ur sentences are readable! not like "apple me like" :rofl:

ha ha, what wrong with "apple me like"???
well, i know is not readable but is understandable!!:rofl: :nut: