View Full Version : MS Streets and Trips with GPS locator question??

07-06-2006, 08:14 PM
Anyone have ny experience with MS streets and Trips with GPS locator.
Do you know if you could mount that GPS locator to a motorcycle and track it if it was stolen.
And do you need the program to track it.


07-06-2006, 09:24 PM
Hum....the gps locator only allows you to track it while it running on the computer, i don't believe there is a way to track your bike with the locator that comes with streets and trips unless you plan to leave your laptop hooked up to it and running on your motorcycle.

You need something else to be able to track it if i am not mistaken, unless there is a way to track gps recievers hooked up to computers in some other way that i am not aware of

07-06-2006, 09:37 PM
You'll need more hardware including the gps to do that. Basically have to add a 2-way communications receiver, similar to semi/service vehicles that have tracking.