View Full Version : Speeding

07-07-2006, 06:25 PM
Ok, I see a lot of ticket and speed limits threads in here.

Some people saying that 10-20 over isn't a big deal. But that 40+ over is a big deal.

When you think about it, 40 over isn't even THAT fast. I've witnessed 140 over, and I know that faster ~200 over has happened (highway).

Now what do you think of this? I'm sure a lot of people have seen Gumball, Player's Run, etc... What do you think of that? Guys with F40's, Enzo's etc totally disregarding the law and safety for the thrill.

Of course it's dangerous, but driving that fast is like nothing else I have EVER experienced. Nothing, comes close.


If you could put an end to speeding on roads, and harsher sentences, would you do it?

Would you like to see Gumball, Player's Run etc totally wiped out?

07-07-2006, 08:52 PM
I think the demerits and fines system is good as is...

However, I think there should be a much larger book to throw at people who cause accidents, or harm, because of speed/reckless driving. Especially while intoxicated. If you've been busted drinking and driving more than 3 times in your life, I think you should be banned from ever having a license.

07-07-2006, 09:03 PM
If your busted drinking or driving ONCE in your life, you should be banned from ever having a license again. It only takes one time getting behind the wheel intoxicated to ruin a familys life forever.

07-07-2006, 09:20 PM
I think the demerit system works fine. i think if you couldn't just go to the crown and get them to drop the demerits it would make us all think a lot more about not speeding and would make the roads a lot safer.

07-07-2006, 09:34 PM
Originally posted by Kirbs17
If your busted drinking or driving more than ONCE in your life, you should be banned from ever having a license again. It only takes one time getting behind the wheel intoxicated to ruin a familys life forever. :werd: no ones life should be at risk becouse of someones drinking.

07-07-2006, 10:02 PM
my opinion, see the link in the quote in my sig ;)

07-07-2006, 11:27 PM
Originally posted by Canmorite
Would you like to see Gumball, Player's Run etc totally wiped out?

hell no to that one...not everyone speeds in those anyway...ice cream truck? hello?


the debate about speeding is a never ending one...so i wont get into that

but no the system is fine as it is


07-09-2006, 11:35 PM
quick n' easy theory for me

NEVER SPEED if theres a sidewalk on the roadway

Go nuts (30 over max) on 70+ if the weather is permiting and the traffic is light. Have fun with that ticket tho.

07-10-2006, 08:45 AM
Originally posted by Canmorite

When you think about it, 40 over isn't even THAT fast. I've witnessed 140 over,

I hope you kill yourself before you kill someone else.

And, if you survive an accident where someone else dies, I hope you spend time in a jail cell with someone named Bubba.

07-10-2006, 10:02 AM
Any "Highway", and I think there should be NO LIMIT.

City limits.... blatant "money generating" areas need to be abolished. Best one was yesterday, I notice a school zone, with a cop there. Sign says "all year school", yet it has not been all year for 3 years, and asshole cop is still sniping.

Or areas like 52nd that if you are doing the limit (50) you are a danger. Limit needs to be raised to 70 minimum......

07-10-2006, 10:27 AM
IMO, they'd have to increase the speed limits before they increase the penalties... the world is evolving, people are busier than ever, having to commute more than ever, the laws do not change to reflect this. and people are impatient.

07-10-2006, 10:57 AM
Originally posted by Thaco
IMO, they'd have to increase the speed limits before they increase the penalties... the world is evolving, people are busier than ever, having to commute more than ever, the laws do not change to reflect this. and people are impatient.
The laws of physics don't change to reflect people's busy lives either.

Kinetic energy increases with the ratio ( v2 / v1 )^2, where v1 is the lower speed, and v2 is the higher speed. In the case of 50 to 70 km/h, that is almost double the kinetic energy. This energy will go into pedestrians, other cars, buildings, etc. that you impact.

Now roads like Deerfoot trail, perhaps. But not residential streets and playground zones.

07-10-2006, 11:11 AM
Originally posted by Toma
Any "Highway", and I think there should be NO LIMIT.

City limits.... blatant "money generating" areas need to be abolished. Best one was yesterday, I notice a school zone, with a cop there. Sign says "all year school", yet it has not been all year for 3 years, and asshole cop is still sniping.

Or areas like 52nd that if you are doing the limit (50) you are a danger. Limit needs to be raised to 70 minimum......

Highway with no speed limits? First they would have to improve the highways a lot before that happens. And too.......that would just bring out more idiots and the accidents would be much worse then they already are. I think I speak for everyone here when I say the last thing I want to hear or see is that a family of 5 were killed on a highway with no limits because some person with their high end sportscar crashed into them.

Well if the sign says "all year", then the cop has a reason to be their I guess until that sign goes down because nobody would win that in court.

And raising the speed limits does not always help with traffic. It just allows the speeders to go even faster which causes a problem. And there will always be slow drivers no matter what road you are on.

I completely agree that everyone should just go with the flow of traffic. Don't speed excessively or go way too slow. It just causes problems for everyone else on the road.

07-10-2006, 11:24 AM
Originally posted by barbarian

The laws of physics don't change to reflect people's busy lives either.

Kinetic energy increases with the ratio ( v2 / v1 )^2, where v1 is the lower speed, and v2 is the higher speed. In the case of 50 to 70 km/h, that is almost double the kinetic energy. This energy will go into pedestrians, other cars, buildings, etc. that you impact.

Now roads like Deerfoot trail, perhaps. But not residential streets and playground zones.
So where in your equation is the fact that modern vehicles disspiate kinetic energy much better and at a much faster rate... ;)

07-10-2006, 11:29 AM
You are presenting your whole opinion below as fact, when in fact it has no basis in reality.

With no speed limit, people tend to drive at a speed they are comfortable with, given the conditions. What good would driving at 240 be, if you have traffic and two lanes going 160?

Originally posted by DoubleLP

Highway with no speed limits? First they would have to improve the highways a lot before that happens. And too.......that would just bring out more idiots and the accidents would be much worse then they already are. I think I speak for everyone here when I say the last thing I want to hear or see is that a family of 5 were killed on a highway with no limits because some person with their high end sportscar crashed into them.

Well if the sign says "all year", then the cop has a reason to be their I guess until that sign goes down because nobody would win that in court.

And raising the speed limits does not always help with traffic. It just allows the speeders to go even faster which causes a problem. And there will always be slow drivers no matter what road you are on.

I completely agree that everyone should just go with the flow of traffic. Don't speed excessively or go way too slow. It just causes problems for everyone else on the road.

07-10-2006, 11:52 AM
Originally posted by Toma
You are presenting your whole opinion below as fact, when in fact it has no basis in reality.

With no speed limit, people tend to drive at a speed they are comfortable with, given the conditions. What good would driving at 240 be, if you have traffic and two lanes going 160?

I was just giving my opinion on it....so take it how you want it.

I just think that obolishing the speedlimit on the highways...especially Highway 2 as it is....would be a very bad idea.

If they ever get rid of the speedlimit they need to improve the highway first so that type of speed can be handled. We dont need a highway that has corners made for 160 and somebody trying to do over 200 on them.

07-10-2006, 02:36 PM
20% of fatals are speed related

07-10-2006, 02:39 PM
Originally posted by Traffic_Cop
20% of fatals are speed related

80% are not. :dunno:

07-10-2006, 02:47 PM
Originally posted by Traffic_Cop
20% of fatals are speed related
Now is that 20% of fatalities involving a motor vehicle, or fatalities in general?

Moe Man
07-10-2006, 03:31 PM
ok now how many of that 20% was going no more than 15kph over the posted limit...

07-10-2006, 07:48 PM
Originally posted by Toma

So where in your equation is the fact that modern vehicles disspiate kinetic energy much better and at a much faster rate... ;)
For the occupants of the vehicle they are much better. Not any better for the kid chasing the ball across the street.

By the way, modern vehicles are only superior in test into a immovable wall. This is rougly equivalent to hitting the same vehicle as themselves, head-on, at the same speed. That is why the light vehicles (Civic for example, or even a smart car) score so well, as the less mass, the less kinetic energy, but against an F-150 they all lose.

In any case, I don't think pickup trucks and SUV's are very controllable at speeds >130 km/h. If you raise the limit to, say, 120, there will be some going at that speed, or the SUV's and pickups will do the limit and other cars will do 20 over. You will still have the speed differential that causes so many accidents. Also, tractor-trailer trucks will still need to go 100 or 110 without some serious upgrades.

07-10-2006, 07:52 PM
Originally posted by barbarian

For the occupants of the vehicle they are much better. Not any better for the kid chasing the ball across the street.

By the way, modern vehicles are only superior in test into a immovable wall. This is rougly equivalent to hitting the same vehicle as themselves, head-on, at the same speed. That is why the light vehicles (Civic for example, or even a smart car) score so well, as the less mass, the less kinetic energy, but against an F-150 they all lose.

In any case, I don't think pickup trucks and SUV's are very controllable at speeds >130 km/h. If you raise the limit to, say, 120, there will be some going at that speed, or the SUV's and pickups will do the limit and other cars will do 20 over. You will still have the speed differential that causes so many accidents. Also, tractor-trailer trucks will still need to go 100 or 110 without some serious upgrades.

i wasn't referring to residential roads, more to highways.

07-10-2006, 09:29 PM
Originally posted by Moe Man
ok now how many of that 20% was going no more than 15kph over the posted limit...


I'd like to know of that 20% of speed fatalities, which are 5-15 over the limit, and which are of 50+ km/h over the limit.

When i'm driving faster, my concentration goes into nothing but my driving. No music, no cellphone, nothing.

07-10-2006, 09:32 PM
Originally posted by barbarian

For the occupants of the vehicle they are much better. Not any better for the kid chasing the ball across the street.

By the way, modern vehicles are only superior in test into a immovable wall. This is rougly equivalent to hitting the same vehicle as themselves, head-on, at the same speed. That is why the light vehicles (Civic for example, or even a smart car) score so well, as the less mass, the less kinetic energy, but against an F-150 they all lose.

In any case, I don't think pickup trucks and SUV's are very controllable at speeds >130 km/h. If you raise the limit to, say, 120, there will be some going at that speed, or the SUV's and pickups will do the limit and other cars will do 20 over. You will still have the speed differential that causes so many accidents. Also, tractor-trailer trucks will still need to go 100 or 110 without some serious upgrades.

Originally posted by Thaco

i wasn't referring to residential roads, more to highways.

Another good point.

I don't think raising speed limits in any residential areas or playground zones. Just outer city limits roads and highways.

07-10-2006, 09:58 PM
Originally posted by Canmorite
If you could put an end to speeding on roads, and harsher sentences, would you do it?


There's way too much overemphasis on speed enforcement already, and not enough attention placed on the zillion other bad driving habits/factors that can also lead to crashes.

People need to be reminded that all those other annoying (and dangerous) things that are seen on our roads daily won't be tolerated any more.

Speed combined with common sense, safe environmental conditions, and the equipment to handle it can and does work for many people who never have accidents.

Speed alone is not the root of all evil. But the police, the media and the insurance companies would have the general public believe it is.

07-11-2006, 12:43 AM
Originally posted by Moe Man
ok now how many of that 20% was going no more than 15kph over the posted limit...

Research shows :

- Speed MIGHT be a contributing factor in 15% to 25% of all collisions.

- 95% of all frontal collisions do not exceed the 48 kmph crash test


* A body remains in motion until acted upon by an imposing force

* The rate of Change is equal to the imposed force

F = MA

A vehicle is barrier tested at 48 kmph

This is equivalent to driving 100kmph (60mph) into a parked car of the same mass

At 48 kmph, on impact a 76.4 kg (164lbs) person attains a force equivalent to 17.3 kn (3,900lbs)

And you think speed limits should be raised??...thats gonna be a whole lot of carnage.

07-11-2006, 12:01 PM
As I said in the other thread, what happens in theory doesnt happen in practice.

If we were all lining up and driving into brick walls, that would hold weight. To see the truth, we dont need any math. There is overwhelming evidence of what the real effect of changing speed limits is. See the link in my sig.

07-11-2006, 12:08 PM
That's a good story in ur sig.. Raise the Limits!!

07-11-2006, 07:13 PM
Could it be that because the speed limits are so low, people allow themselves to be distracted by their cell, breakfast, makeup...or whatever else? If the limits were higher, you'd actually have to pay attention while you were driving ;)