View Full Version : MX6 got into an accident today

Cooked Rice
07-07-2006, 09:36 PM
So I can't open my right passenger door, there's a huge dent in my quarter panel, and my front right fender is completely ripped off my car. Insurance money is out of the question, because they will put me at fault for the accident. I was pulling out to the left onto a 2 way road, and there was a truck to my right, which made it hard to see all the way down the road, although I could see a good chunk. That was my mistake, I didn't consider there would be a vehicle coming that quick. So I gunned out out, and just when I was straightening out into my lane, and truck pulling a flatbed trailer side swiped me. His trailer did, his truck was fine, he trailer just had a few scratches in the corner. I laughed the incident off, it could of been worse, with me ending up in the hospital, because if he was a few seconds earlier I would of got t-boned. But what it did to my car:






How fast was he going? Look at what his trailer deck left in my fender? Almost a perfect mould of the corner of his trailer.

I got $6000 at the moment, plus more if I decide to sell parts off my MX6. It still drives fine. If anyone knows of a good car for sale around $6000 let me know. Didn't get much sleep due to a early morning meeting at work, so I wasn't alert as I should of been when driving. My fault but I learnt my lesson.

07-07-2006, 09:52 PM
Sucks to hear. Glad you are okay though.

07-07-2006, 10:03 PM
Sorry to see that Ray, are the 1st gen tail lights REALLY in demand? I haven't seen any wanted ads for them at all.

07-07-2006, 10:10 PM
As long as you're alright. Looking at that fender scares me though.

07-07-2006, 10:47 PM
Wow, that fender got owned! If I were you I'd just buy a new fender and throw it on. Looks like only cosmetic damage to me...