View Full Version : Street Racing Law Will Do NOTHING!

07-11-2006, 06:43 PM
Street Racing, Stupid Impaired Drivers & Politicians

There are no official Canadian statistics on street-racing and related deaths. The problem isn't serious enough to even bother having statistics kept. Isn't this group (street racers) being unfairly attacked? So unimportant is the problem that the Government of Canada has to reference US based statistics in their own bills because there is no Canadian statistical information in existence. Fact: The Street Racing fatality numbers are so low that Canadian legislators have to dig up statistics from a country with a population nearly 10 times greater than our own? Yes, yes, this seems like a problem that should be immediately addressed with extreme prejudice, widespread media coverage and a horse and pony car crushing display by some Eastern nim-witted Po Po’s. The legislation is clearly critical to decrease the traffic fatality rate, and yes, yes, the punishments to be levied should be of the utmost severity. The legislative assembly, in all it’s brilliance, will roar with approval!

According to data from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), in 2004, 16,694 people were killed in alcohol-related crashes - an average of one almost every half-hour. These deaths constituted approximately 39 percent of the 42,636 total traffic fatalities. There were 125 deaths as a result of Street Racing. So, in the United States, impaired driving caused 13400% more fatalities than Street Racing. To be fair Canadians would like to believe they are not quite as stupid as Americans. For the sake of argument, let's say that in reality Canadians are just as intellectually deficient. Then these statistics could probably be transferred over to Canada and be relatively accurate with regard to percentages. Naturally occurrence numbers are going to be lower due to our lower population.

Even though I don't street race, it's hard to defend the statement that this group is being rightfully and justifiably singled out. When in fact, impaired driving (perhaps even the random bar fight) is causing more deaths per annum than Street Racing. Toronto, one of the largest Canadian cities has seen only twenty-nine deaths in the last six years. That's right. Wow, Twenty-nine deaths over a span of six years of Street Racing with no special laws to punish it. Without doing the actual research, I'd say there is no question that random bar fights claimed more lives than Street Racing in the last six years in the city of Toronto. The numbers aren't even high enough to bother keeping track of officially. That alone is enough reason to toss this stupid bill into the trash and spit on it.

Ever wonder where such stupid bills come from? As quickly as that question can be asked the answer can be realized: Stupid impaired politicians. Dumb-fuck lawmakers in Ottawa wasting time and money in search of a way to appease an outraged public who need to be mad at someone or something at all times. Our government needs something to keep them busy. Surely after a while, sitting on your thumb whilst rotating becomes boring, and then a new law aimed at a fraction of a percent of people contributing to a specific problem simply must be drummed up. But Wait! Like any problem, you need to find the major source, and do something to eliminate it. A concept seemingly overlooked in the case of the Street Racing bill.

Let me be the bearer of some fantastic news!

Fortunately the fucker that introduced the original private members bill about Street Racing is already dead. I mean, just in case you cared or were hoping that the son-of-a-bitch, no-good, brain-less, dick-less moron of a politician who thought up this crap load of sludge should be somehow punished. He's already dead. I'm not going to research his life and lofty achievements any further. I am immensely satisfied, without further pursuit, that step one of eliminating really stupid private member bills is already achieved. It was his private members bill that was tabled, and eventually transformed into what we know as the Street Racing Bill. So, if you were hoping for vengeance against the think tank that decided pursuit of 0.29% of the problem was a worthy target to reduce traffic fatalities...I have great news for you! He's Dead, He's Dead, and He's Dead. What a fucking tool.

How do you reduce traffic fatalities? It is after all a very difficult decision to make. Any politician (with less than average intelligence, of course) would have great difficulty in understanding what should be pursued to reduce traffic fatality reduction. Clearly, when you have 39% of fatalities caused by Impaired Scum, and 0.29% caused by Street Racing Scum – the choice becomes obvious to any politician. Get the Street Racer Scum!

0.29% FTW!

You read correctly. Impaired drivers caused 13400% more fatalities than Street Racers.

But wait! If you really want to cut back on traffic fatalities, let’s consider Life imprisonment for impaired drivers. Let’s not let them kill someone before they get a measly 10 years in prison. Let’s just fill the prisons with drunks. Harsh, yes. Would it fix the problem? Yes. Right, so this is all that we require, why is that so hard? I should be a law-maker. Perhaps we could be lenient? Yes. Yes. Let’s only give them 3 years in jail for the first offence, then Life imprisonment with the added bonus that you don’t need to harm or injure anyone to receive the punishment! I mean, if you want to stop the problem, and you want severe punishment targeted specifically at a very large source of the problem. That’d do it. OK, so maybe it’s not such a great idea. But at least it would target a much larger group of people and would unquestionably effect the desired result of reducing traffic fatalities and the punishment would be so severe the crime would become a risk too high for most to take. I think Politicians don’t target drunk drivers specifically because many of them would like to avoid targeting themselves in the process.

But wait!

Because I am not a politician and I am semi-intelligent, I have come up with some seriously disturbing information. Statistical information, which is precise, exact and is undisputable. I’m afraid that if 0.29% of fatalities are caused by Street Racer Scum, and 39% of fatalities are caused by Drunk Scum, then that leaves a staggering 60.71% of drivers causing fatalities whilst not doing anything particularly stupid. Uhm, well folks, how exactly do we reduce traffic fatalities when the majority of them are occurring just due to plain old stupidity? Some will say that 60.71% are simply necessary if we all want to drive. I disagree. It seems very clear to me that the correct group of people to be targeting is the average daily driver. This is the group that needs the most attention. Followed very closely by the drunks. And the people looking the most golden needing the least amount of attention are the Street Racers. How oh How did the Politicians get it all so backwards? It takes more than lack of intelligence, it takes purified concentrated liquefied stupidity pumped directly into your veins to get that dumb. Yet the political forum is quite happy to pursue 0.29% of the problem, leaving the 39% of the problem status-quo and the real problem of 60.71% completely alone.

Don’t you have to pass Math to become a Politician? Seriously?

It seems much harsher penalties for impaired driving could go a long way to reduced traffic fatalities. Maybe we could reduce that 39% down to 20% and the overall number of fatalities would drop. Perhaps. That would be a marked improvement. But no matter what we do with the laws regarding Street Racing, the potential is never greater than 0.29%. Let’s pretend. I like pretend-time. So, if Street Racing laws were 100% successful and completely eliminated Street Racing, the law would inflict barely a dent in the fatality count of Canada each year as it would see only a 0.29% reduction in fatalities. Diddly. Dick. Squat. Nadda. Nuttin. Zilch. Zero. Zip. Fuck All.

That being said, and since I don't street race and don't plan on injuring or killing anyone with my car during a street race - I like the Bill. And the media loves a good Street Racing Death. It's guaranteed to sell papers and get people tuned in to their TV. But the statistical fact proves, beyond any question or shadow of a doubt, that tougher laws on Street Racing will not impact any significant reduction in fatalities on public streets. Efforts directed at stiffer penalties for the drunks among us will definitely decrease the fatality count. Overlooked is what should be a very extensive government designed and funded continuing education program for drivers, defensive driving courses, and perhaps the re-testing of drivers on a periodic basis. I mean, it’s us normal folk who are causing 60+% of the accidents out there. Hell, you could likely argue that perhaps since this is the largest group of fatality causing misfits, it should be the only group of people to place any additional focus upon. Let the impaired fucktards and Street Racing losers be as even when combined that group is less than 40% of the problem!

Street Racing causing just 0.29% of fatalities is a barely noticable blip on the radar. Pfft, in Canada that’s hardly a dozen people per year. Wonderful, a special law for the lucky dozen people who will kill another human-being during a Street Race. I’m so pleased my tax money could be directed to such a noble cause. Unfortunately, it means that in Canada thousands will die at the hands of drunk drivers in the same time frame, and seemingly nothing is being done to make those penalties suitable.

07-11-2006, 06:49 PM
very well written

07-11-2006, 07:59 PM

Originally posted by Khyron[B]
Plus it infuriates me to no end that a few punks racing in an industrial complex can be charged more harshly than rapists and repeat impaired drivers. Our laws can't even keep gangbangers off the streets, so go after suburban kids to make up for it??

And that the government is allowed to destroy private property - show me any traffic fine that exceeds 30,000 dollars! This law is political posturing, is redundant, and deals with a tiny subset of easilly identifiable people rather than targetting the far more serious issues. And faced with those higher charges, the punks are only more provoked into running, or worse, shooting the cop. Imagine if speeding was a 5 year sentence, with the car destroyed on site. How many people would stop. Would you be terrified walking up to a car that did stop?


07-11-2006, 08:04 PM
nicely written, i like your thinking :thumbsup: :D

07-11-2006, 08:07 PM
very well written....
send that to the city and a news channel.

GTS Jeff
07-11-2006, 08:08 PM
Originally posted by mikey_mo_love
very well written Yeah, it'd fit right into a campus paper. :rofl:

07-11-2006, 08:14 PM
finnally...someone sharing a simaler point of view as me, tho i could never say it as good as you did...not that i think racing should be legal...its wrong... but DAMN...such hard consequences!! good job:thumbsup:

07-11-2006, 08:25 PM
The squeaky wheel always gets the grease...

07-11-2006, 08:32 PM
entertaining, but weak.

for example :

Yet the political forum is quite happy to pursue 0.29% of the problem, leaving the 39% of the problem status-quo and the real problem of 60.71% completely alone.

" leaving the 39% of the problem status-quo and the real problem of 60.71% completely alone."?!?!?!?!?!

give your head a shake, man.

07-11-2006, 08:44 PM
Who cares.... I still rule the streets baby

07-11-2006, 08:55 PM
good read.

07-11-2006, 09:13 PM
Originally posted by Alex_FORD
give your head a shake, man.

That sentence is intended to make you think and is ofcourse twisting percentages to illustrate a point. The numbers seems strange because it is a very small percentage of people driving drunk causing 39% of fatalities. And a very large percentage of daily drivers causing the 60.71%. But it is an extremely low percentage of Street Racers no matter which way you cut the cake.

Fact is 60.71% of fatality accidents (the large majority) are not caused by Drunks or Street Racing. They are caused by every day drivers just plain and simply having accidents.

Wouldn't it be a wise course of action to pursue the development of a program that would combat that? If not, society is deeming it to be acceptable and expected that 60% of fatalities on the Public Roadways will simply just happen. That means we are perfectly OK in knowing that each year thousands of individuals will die in car accidents, with no government program to help reduce that number, other than laws which apparently aren't helping.

Thus, some would say those are the necessary fatalities simply so we can all get to drive, and the Street Racing and Drunk Driving fatalities are the only fatalities of significance. I'm sure, however, the large number of fatalities (and the majority) that are happening simply because of bad driving habits, speeding, or what have you are of great concern to the families of those who were lost.

Fatalities apparently can not be prevented with any type of government program, including all existing programs and laws - because those fatality statistics exists simultaneously within the framework of current laws and programs.

I'm just trying to illustrate that the focus of the Street Racing law is seriously misplaced and misguided if it is an effort to reduce fatality collisions on Public Roadways. And basically that is the expressed purpose of the law. By default, it's just plain ignorant of the facts to use that as a premise for the law. Really Street Racers aren't even contributing to the overall number of fatalities on the Public Roadways. Well, unless you consider 0.29% a contribution of significance. I sure as hell don't. Fuck, I bet faulty electrical in traffic lights is a bigger contributor of fatalities across the nation.

The sentence in question simply illustrates that fatalities are not just caused by drunks and street racers. Specifically that Street Racers cause an extremely low number of fatalities by comparison to drunks or everyday drivers just driving as per usual.

Bottom line, 99.71% of traffic fatalities are happening whether or not Street Racing occurs. So, eliminate Street Racing, and well, you've accomplished absolutely nothing other than to eliminate 0.29% of the problem. Great, now don't you think it would be wise to at least attempt to go after the other 99.71%? Yeah, me too!

07-11-2006, 09:27 PM
Originally posted by tabouli
Who cares.... I still rule the streets baby

"I live my life one post at a time... when im typing that post nothing else matters to me, not the shop, not the cars" "for that 30 seconds im writing these posts... im free"

Ps Very well written, i agree 100% they need to concentrate on somemthing more pressing rather than street racing that as you already stated doesnt even have its on statistic in canada.

07-11-2006, 09:43 PM
Originally posted by BerserkerCatSplat
The squeaky wheel always gets the grease...

That's the reality there.

These bills usually got made by politicans elected on a platform from a riding where the problem is not 0.29%. Probably more like 30%. So what do you think the politican should do, do nothing and risk not getting re-elected?

Street racing also got very high profile. Have you heard drunk driver killing any RCMP officiers? Street racing had and it's still fresh in most people's minds.

Bottom line is, what seems BS to us may mean a lot for someone else.

Yes, drunk driving probably kill more, but more people can relate to it than street racing so it get the attention. I'm not saying it's right, but it's life.

07-11-2006, 09:47 PM
You don't create a set of laws against violent crime without going after brutal murderers, right?

Street Racers are just the extreme top of the shit heap of stupid, reckless, criminally negligent drivers.

07-11-2006, 09:50 PM
Originally posted by Alex_FORD
entertaining, but weak.

for example :

" leaving the 39% of the problem status-quo and the real problem of 60.71% completely alone."?!?!?!?!?!

give your head a shake, man.

Alex remove head from brown eye before you post!! Z fan is totally correct in what he's saying!

I have never drivin impaired simply because i could not live with myself if i hurt or killed someone because of it. If you made it 10 years to life for drunk driving(first offence) then i think this law and all the tax payers money it will cost would be 100% justified.

I don't agree with street racing, but what's going to stop the police going after people that speed away from lights?

With such a small percentage of acutal street racers, and the deaths that occur because of them it's like having the gun registration all over again. it did nothing!!!

If i was a criminal carring a weapon hmmmmm would i register the gun i'm going to kill someone with:thumbsup: .

Alex if all you do is come in here to run your mouth, go talk to you mommy, maybe she will give a shit.

07-11-2006, 10:05 PM
For the record, and so there is no confusion, I am totally for the new Street Racing laws. How they read and what they will do is a fantastic step towards punishing these criminals.

But please oh please don't think these laws are going to do anything with respect to reducing fatalities. Because, well, there is simply nothing to reduce. They represent nearly nothing in the big picture of traffic fatalities. Yet it seems this is the primary focus of the media. Street Racing = Primary Reason For Death of Innocent People. Completely unfounded.

Perhaps an even bigger problem is that the concept of driving prohibitions for offenders is actually a really good idea. Read the criminal code and for some strange reason it is completely absent for impaired driving convictions. Yes, completely missing from the Criminal Code. Another oversight? So we'll just let the provinces decide on whether or not to suspend licenses? Hell no, it should be right in the Criminal Code just like the street racing driving prohibitions. Fantastic idea, now let's put the screws to the drunks who are actually causing a significant number of fatalities. Why are we leaving them alone? I don't get it.

I mean, at least then it [driving prohibitions] would actually affect some people.

07-11-2006, 10:12 PM
Originally posted by Cypresskilla

I don't agree with street racing, but what's going to stop the police going after people that speed away from lights?

The cops have always had things that they can charge people with when they speed away from lights.

Don't worry, you can still speed away from lights without risking a jail sentence.

07-11-2006, 10:14 PM
Originally posted by Z_Fan
Yet it seems this is the primary focus of the media. Street Racing = Primary Reason For Death of Innocent People. Completely unfounded.

haha so whats the closest media clip that you can google?

07-11-2006, 10:31 PM
I hope you aren't taking things out of context. I do mean killing innocent people via the use of a motor vehicle. :poosie:

Are you telling me you've never read an article about Street Racers killing either innocent civilians or themselves? Never heard of a street racing problem in Vancouver? Never head of a pedestrian getting killed by street racers? The media has never written of such things?

I think you probably know how to use Google. So, have at it!

07-11-2006, 10:47 PM
Originally posted by Alex_FORD
The cops have always had things that they can charge people with when they speed away from lights.

Don't worry, you can still speed away from lights without risking a jail sentence.

Yes, this is totally correct IMO. But there is a legal reason why. And why people shouldn't be so god damn worried.

“street racing” means operating a motor vehicle in a race with another motor vehicle on a street, road, highway or other public place.

Another vehicle must be present. If you are driving 280km/H down Deerfoot, alone, well - you're not street racing and can't be punished as such - even if you do crash and kill someone. You'd just get Criminal Negligence Causing Death. Street Racing wouldn't be a factor and could not be used no matter how fast your were travelling. The bill does specify that more than one vehilce must be involved in any "race".

Dangerous operation of motor vehicles, vessels and aircraft

249. (1) Every one commits an offence who operates

(a) a motor vehicle in a manner that is dangerous to the public, having regard to all the circumstances, including the nature, condition and use of the place at which the motor vehicle is being operated and the amount of traffic that at the time is or might reasonably be expected to be at that place;

Means you can leave a light as fast as you want.

Before they can utilize the street racing clause, they must be able to prove you violated the above. Therefore, it is highly unlikely, almost virtually impossible that speeding away from a light is going to get you charged with anything "street racing" related. Maybe stunting if you squawked the tires. Especially if you don't break the speed limit, since it would obviously be reasonable to expect vehicles travelling at the speed limit at that place at that time. ALL of the Street Racing charges stem from Dangerous operation of motor vehicles. They do not stand alone as a charge independent of other things.

In fact, in 80% of the charges applicable with street racing, you MUST injure or kill someone before the street racing clause can even be used as an aggravating circumstance. Keep in mind, all the charges currently exist. Nothing is new. They are simply being used in conjunction with street racing to toughen the penalty.

The most likely thing to be charged with for the average Joe is

Dangerous operation of motor vehicle while street racing

249.4 (1) Everyone commits an offence who, while street racing, operates a motor vehicle in a manner described in paragraph 249(1)(a).

In my opinion, this clause should be struck from the code. It's way too vague. The street racing as an aggravating circumstance should be left for the more serious offences where bodily injury or death resulted from the offence.

adam c
07-11-2006, 10:49 PM
i agree that spending millions to combat street racing is a waste when it can goto other means. but u also have to take into account, that yes it may only be 12 people dying a year due to street racing.

but those 12 people were innocent bystanders in most of the cases. those are 12 people who had family and friends, imagine the heartache on everyone connected with them.

there have been measures put in to prevent people from drinking and driving, and people still do it anyways, but i bet u anything if there were no measures at all, how many thousands more deaths would u see on the roads today if there was nothing in place.

ur points are very valid, i agree but u also have to look at things from another angle. dont get me wrong, i have watched the street races on more then one occasion, and sometimes enjoy them but u also have to think about the other spectrum. imagine if someone was killed because some kid wanted 12 seconds of andreline, what if that someone was u, or a family member. how badily would u want something in place like this?

adam c
07-11-2006, 10:51 PM
plus another thing to keep in mind. these stats are based off 1v1 racing, how about those idiots who race through traffic. i bet u anything those stats are mixed in with the '60.71' figure u have up there

07-11-2006, 11:06 PM
Originally posted by adam c
plus another thing to keep in mind. these stats are based off 1v1 racing, how about those idiots who race through traffic. i bet u anything those stats are mixed in with the '60.71' figure u have up there

Good point, if there's no witnesses (they are dead..), the other car involved in racing down the street is going to just disappear.

07-11-2006, 11:08 PM
Sure, I'd be upset and I totally agree with that point of view - something must be done! Punishment must be dished out.

Frankly, if my family member is dead because of someone elses actions in a car, I'm not likely to give two shits whether they were drunk, were racing, or just didn't stop for a red light. The severity of the crime is identical in all cases. A person is dead. My loss is the same. The punishment should be identical. I hardly think I will feel any better if it was merely an impaired driver who killed my family member...or am I supposed to feel worse if it was a Street Racer? Criminal Negligence is Criminal Negligence is Criminal Negligence! Ahem, causing Death.

But we already have laws that cover this. If someone I knew died as a result of impaired driving, street racing, or simply car accident because someone ran a red or was speeding (much more likely BTW;) ) then I'd want a law to punish them.

Lucky me, there is one. In fact, it's all the same charge. Since the crime to me is exactly the same (my family member is dead) why not just up the punishment with the existing law and call it a day. We achieve the same thing. We save a whole bunch of legal words in the Criminal Code that don't really matter...and all offenders are punished more severely. Perfect. Let's call it a day.

Oh, but wait - then it wouldn't be sensational. Then the media wouldn't have a big story. I remember now...

07-11-2006, 11:20 PM
Originally posted by Alex_FORD
You don't create a set of laws against violent crime without going after brutal murderers, right?

Street Racers are just the extreme top of the shit heap of stupid, reckless, criminally negligent drivers.

So, drunk drivers and people who talk on their cell phone while reading the paper and shoving a bagel into their mouth arent neglectful?

Personally, id say the average street race is SAFER then the average drunk driver going 20 blocks home. I dont have any stats to back this up, but I'm just saying.

Driving drunk should be taken care of immediatly. Harsher penalties, and bring us the death sentence for those who kill while driving drunk.

BTW, very good read.

adam c
07-11-2006, 11:22 PM
if its possible to stop something before it starts would u not want to do it. if somehow u could stop street racing, u would stop the death of at least 12 people per year

its like smoking. people are gonna smoke, the government is doing things to stop people from doing it. if the government didnt step in and provide stats and pictures and raise taxes on smokes and general awarness how many people would be smoking.. im sure more then 50% of the population

but back to the point at hand. no matter what u do, there will always be people out there disobeying the law, it happens everyday. but with this law in effect how many less people will be willing to partake in the events at hand. how many people who normally race would shit their pants at the thought of losing their car with countless mods and what not done to it. of course people will be stupid and do shit and race but there will be a lot who don't..

lets say 50% of people stop racing, well in turn that could save 6 lives per year, maybe more maybe less, who knows.

why does the government restrict drugs and guns, to keep u safe of course, stopping street racing before it starts its just another measure

07-11-2006, 11:54 PM
I dont disagree with stopping it. Im just saying there are bigger fish to fry.

07-12-2006, 12:32 AM
i think street racing is wrong in general...but maybe Government should consider renting out deserted roads for punk ass kid to rent out to race ,drift or wahtever...that way there in a environment where no bystander get hurt only them selves,plus govenment get revunue for road cause god damn they suck

adam c
07-12-2006, 12:40 AM
Originally posted by Slashin_
i think street racing is wrong in general...but maybe Government should consider renting out deserted roads for punk ass kid to rent out to race ,drift or wahtever...that way there in a environment where no bystander get hurt only them selves,plus govenment get revunue for road cause god damn they suck

that would be a good idea except for a few things..

if anyone died or got hurt the government would be liable unless everyone signed a waiver, even then the government would still get sued like mad. i also dont think they want to have people stationed out in a remote area of the prairies or wherever 'just' in case some people have something to prove..

IMO, i think opening up race city on saturdays and having the events run later would cut down a bunch on the street racing

07-12-2006, 01:37 PM
Why do people seem to think that this law will cause a flood of new 'racing' charges? Do people really think that if this law is introduced that the cops will just start looking for racing to lay the charge?

It is there for a serious case. Just like right now there is Careless Driving under the provincial TSA and Dangerous Driving under the Criminal Code, there is the Racing section of the TSA, and will be a racing section under the Criminal Code.

Just like the CC charge of dangerous driving isn't laid except for a very serious circumstance, the CC charge for racing won't be laid either. Hell with our legal system I know most cops will rather lay the TSA charge as the fine would be higher and the demerit points on the DL would hurt more than a CC charge in most circumstances unless there was some major midigating factors (major risk of life, injuries/death from a crash).

07-12-2006, 02:04 PM
They think this because they are uninformed. Simple as that. Thus, I point out that 80% of the available Street Racing charges require that you injure or kill someone.

Fact is, this law isn't going to effect the people going fast alone, nor is it going to effect people leaving lights quickly. That's not what this is all about.

Good luck making people understand that though. ;)

07-12-2006, 02:11 PM
Originally posted by DayGlow
Why do people seem to think that this law will cause a flood of new 'racing' charges? Do people really think that if this law is introduced that the cops will just start looking for racing to lay the charge?

I just think it's redundant. We already have Dangerous driving/speeding/Stunting/etc. There is a nice pile of charges you can lay on someone who is racing.

Why is there a special circumstance if there is another car involved? Why would the charge be different if there is 2 cars involved?

I am interested to see how they word the law. If the wording is not precise this could drag down street legal races such as TSD rally events.

07-12-2006, 02:59 PM
Everyone on this board always complains about how lax Canada's laws are when someone commits a horrible crime and gets 10 years for it. I'm one of them.

This is one tiny step towards stiffer punishment for the idiots that do their best to make our country a bad place.... criminals. Now I just hope we move on to the murderers, rapists etc.

Stiffer penalties = good. We are way too easy on criminals in this country.

07-12-2006, 03:45 PM
I still say there are bigger fish to fry. I mean, sure, its a start. But why not deal with the main issues.

If your foots in a bear trap you dont bother trying to cut your nails.

07-12-2006, 04:16 PM
Z_Fan, I agree with you wholeheartedly, however Xtrema has an good point, and probably "the point", based on that Street Racing is less relatable to the general public than Drunk Driving.

07-12-2006, 04:34 PM
well written, couldn't agree more :thumbsup:

you know what i'd really hate? when ur speeding (maybe cuz u gotta get home to take a dump) and some ricer driving along tries racing u and u end up getting pulled over for racing

that would suck :bullshit:

07-12-2006, 04:40 PM
Originally posted by Neil4Speed
Z_Fan, I agree with you wholeheartedly, however Xtrema has an good point, and probably "the point", based on that Street Racing is less relatable to the general public than Drunk Driving.

Yeah, I believe that's true.

But I have a hard time understanding why society feels the punishment for killing someone with their vehicle while drunk should be different from killing someone with their vehicle while racing. Either way a life has been lost because of someone elses criminal negligence, and that is the crime...

I mean, it's like saying if you kill someone with a gun, that should only be 10 years in prison and if you kill someone with a knife, it's 12 years. Why? Why change the punishment for the method used to take another life? That is exactly what is going on here. Drunk driving is far more popular and should be the primary focus of stiffer penalties - OR - just simply up the penalty for the existing crimes. That's what they should be doing here...

07-12-2006, 04:51 PM
once again, this law illustrates our society's tendency to attack our youth. young people are treated prejudiced all the time, and nobody cares to do anything about it!!! :banghead:

07-12-2006, 05:26 PM
Originally posted by fendercontender
once again, this law illustrates our society's tendency to attack our youth. young people are treated prejudiced all the time, and nobody cares to do anything about it!!! :banghead:

STFU you young punk or I'll campaign to raise the legal drinking age to 21 :devil:

adam c
07-12-2006, 05:33 PM
Originally posted by Alex_FORD

STFU you young punk or I'll campaign to raise the legal drinking age to 21 :devil:

i wouldnt mind the age limit being raised.. at least there wont be so many punks in the bars

07-12-2006, 06:13 PM

07-12-2006, 07:46 PM
You know why they made this law?

Cause Street Cars > Police Cars


07-12-2006, 08:49 PM
Originally posted by Z_Fan
I mean, it's like saying if you kill someone with a gun, that should only be 10 years in prison and if you kill someone with a knife, it's 12 years. Why? Why change the punishment for the method used to take another life? That is exactly what is going on here. Drunk driving is far more popular and should be the primary focus of stiffer penalties - OR - just simply up the penalty for the existing crimes. That's what they should be doing here...

Kill somone with a gun, just pull the trigger.

Kill somene with a knife, it's a lot more work and must have more conviction to do so. So hasher penalty.

Government rarely get piority straight. Just look at the US election. People are dying in Iraq, Canadian has to fight the afghan war, New Orlean is still dump and what are the politicians trying to raise as election issues? Gay marriage, violent video games and flag burning. It's like WTF!

07-13-2006, 02:27 PM
Originally posted by fendercontender
once again, this law illustrates our society's tendency to attack our youth. young people are treated prejudiced all the time, and nobody cares to do anything about it!!! :banghead:

Yes, it should be the youths' right to recklessly endanger other people by racing their cars on a public street. :rolleyes:

07-13-2006, 02:30 PM
Good write up, and oh so true.

Seems like the dumbass politicians play on media entertainment more than what is really needed to be done.

07-13-2006, 02:41 PM
Originally posted by DayGlow

Yes, it should be the youths' right to recklessly endanger other people by racing their cars on a public street. :rolleyes:

Im glad were on the same level. When will I be allowed to drifto my civic now? :rolleyes:

07-13-2006, 02:46 PM
I agree in that the Street Racing Law should not be the priority here. I had 4 friends killed by a drunk driver 10 years ago now, and you know what the drunk chick got for that?? NOTHING!!! Why you ask??

Because of a "technicality".

What kind of bullshit is that?? 4 people are dead. 4 families are affected. A whole community is in shock....and she gets NOTHING.

And that bitch still drinks and drives.....I have seen her leave a bar, cut, and get into her truck and leave. I can see it happening all over again but because of the laws and the way they are she will get barely hurt by it.

I agree in that the drunk driving laws should be stiffened a lot more then they are now. I think anytime that you kill someone, whether you are drunk, racing, or on your cellphone, or just plain stupid....you deserve the maximum amount of punishment that can be dished out.

07-14-2006, 12:27 AM
If you see her leave a bar and get into her truck, call it in.