View Full Version : Impark...

Honda EXR
07-18-2006, 09:14 AM
So I'm a weekly parker at a Impark lot. Yesterday, I went to park there and had a ticket on my car! The lot I usually park at was full so I parked at the lot behind it. (also Impark). Well apparently that is for monthly parkers only. So I call the number on the ticket and they said if I fax the weekly parking ticket and the violation ticket, they will see what they can do...

She also tells me I have a violation for parking somewhere on 10th Ave on April 29. I wasn't even downtown that night!? So I'm really confused on what to do. Do I have to pay these tickets? I've heard many different sides to this. Can someone please confirm it or something. Or a little advice on what to do before I go and do something drastic....... Thanx

07-18-2006, 09:21 AM
when you go to regester your car again get a new plate. Problem solved = clean impound record

07-18-2006, 09:35 AM
Its Impark. Rip your tickets up and throw them away.

There is nothing they can do. They will threaten with collections agencies and shit. They have no authority here at all.

07-18-2006, 09:43 AM
Just to let you know, the freedom of information act prohibates Impark from obtaining vehicle registration information. So the only thing they can do is tow you if they find you parking in one of thier lots without a valid payment.

07-18-2006, 09:45 AM
Originally posted by clockworkboy
Just to let you know, the freedom of information act prohibates Impark from obtaining vehicle registration information. So the only thing they can do is tow you if they find you parking in one of thier lots without a valid payment.

Not anymore. Alberta started selling them the info again as of about 6 months ago.

07-18-2006, 09:45 AM
Originally posted by thinmyster
when you go to regester your again get a new plate. Problem solved = clean impound record

Honda EXR
07-18-2006, 09:55 AM
My plate doesn't expire till next year.... If I go get a new plate, can I just turn mine in and get a new one? For how much?

A little off topic, how much are personalized plates?

07-18-2006, 10:13 AM
I think personalized plates are around 250.... This was as of 3 years ago.. I was trying to get ENRICH, but some asshole already took it... Funny cause I found the plate in a super store parking lot on a 4Runner Truck... bastard.

07-18-2006, 01:13 PM
Originally posted by DeeK
Its Impark. Rip your tickets up and throw them away.

There is nothing they can do. They will threaten with collections agencies and shit. They have no authority here at all.

that's not true
i threw out two tickets...SOMEHOW they charged my visa like amonth later..i have NO IDEA HOW

same thing happened to a buddy and he had 4 tickets!!

07-18-2006, 01:56 PM
ermmm... thats scary ^^^

07-18-2006, 03:56 PM
Originally posted by Grip172

that's not true
i threw out two tickets...SOMEHOW they charged my visa like amonth later..i have NO IDEA HOW

same thing happened to a buddy and he had 4 tickets!!

Umm... you guys gave them your visa numbers?

How else would they get it?

I've probably gotten 30 or more impark tickets, everytime I go downtown I park in an impark lot just so I don't have to pay parking. Sure enough I get a ticket everytime. And I have yet to pay even one of them. Nothing ever happens. (cross fingers)

I dunno man. That sounds a bit shady. Even the CPS cant just automatically charge your credit card. They have to get you to authorize them to withdraw the funds first. If you didn't authorize impark to take funds from your visa, I'd go to a lawyer. Something isn't right man.

07-18-2006, 04:00 PM
Originally posted by DeeK

Umm... you guys gave them your visa numbers?

How else would they get it?

I've probably gotten 30 or more impark tickets, everytime I go downtown I park in an impark lot just so I don't have to pay parking. Sure enough I get a ticket everytime. And I have yet to pay even one of them. Nothing ever happens. (cross fingers)

I dunno man. That sounds a bit shady. Even the CPS cant just automatically charge your credit card. They have to get you to authorize them to withdraw the funds first. If you didn't authorize impark to take funds from your visa, I'd go to a lawyer. Something isn't right man.

#1 - You don't need to see a lawyer you just call visa and say you never authorized or signed for the charge and they will do a charge back.

#2- You seem way to proud of screwing a legitmate business out of their money.....I am sure you make your parents proud

07-18-2006, 04:03 PM
Impark Is Hardly a Legitmate Business...I'm Proud That Im Not Paying them, I've Got Tons of Tickets
Fuck You Impark :thumbsup:

07-18-2006, 04:11 PM
Why are they not a legit business? You park on their property. They charge you for that time.

If you don't pay, they give you a ticket for more. Simple.

How about this. You go to work. Your boss doesn't pay you. You get a lawyer and sue and they pay you more. then when you go to work, you boss pays you on time.

07-18-2006, 04:22 PM
A big FUCK YOU goes out to Impark. They watch and wait for the minute your time is up.

Don't pay it...

07-18-2006, 06:17 PM
Fuck you impark! :thumbsup:

07-19-2006, 09:08 AM
I concur, and you can't a specific amount of time.
i parked at an impark lot, and they charged it this way:

8$ to 12pm
12$ to 4pm
14$ to 6pm

it was 3:30pm and it wanted me to pay 14$ for 2.5 hours

So i just left, never got a ticket either *Shrug*

I'd have respect if they weren't trying to gouge everyone who works downtown. I don't even go downtown anymore, it's too much of a pain in the ass to find a parking spot.

And yeah if you didn't authorise the charges to your visa, then get visa to reverse it.

09-01-2006, 12:28 PM
so how many tickets can you get until they start towing you? :p

09-01-2006, 01:12 PM
Originally posted by benyl
Why are they not a legit business? You park on their property. They charge you for that time.

If you don't pay, they give you a ticket for more. Simple.

How about this. You go to work. Your boss doesn't pay you. You get a lawyer and sue and they pay you more. then when you go to work, you boss pays you on time.

didn't you know? Relestate downtown is dirt cheap.

09-01-2006, 01:16 PM
Originally posted by yellowsnow
so how many tickets can you get until they start towing you? :p
not as many as the fees cost!

city of calgary gives you a 50.00 ticket

then the city tows it to impound. 90 to get out.

so your looking at about 140 in fees.

09-01-2006, 01:49 PM
Originally posted by DayGlow

didn't you know? Relestate downtown is dirt cheap.


Ahhh another sarcastic bastard! :thumbsup:

I got a ticket in a similar sort of scenario as you once in regina and I just went on the impark website and emailed them a real nasty (but relatively polite) message about how this shouldn't be and I expect it reversed immediately as it won't be paid.....don't even think of sending to collections or you'll hear from a lawyer....etc. etc.

I received a full grovelling apology from the manager of the regina office - mistake happen, sorry sir and so on.

It was well worth the effort. :D

09-02-2006, 05:42 PM
If they have someone watching the lot constantly, why don't they just stick them in a booth like it was done in the old days? Oh I know, it's because they are making more in "violations" than in parking fees.

You know that Impark lots are usually owned by a third party, and Impark runs it for them. Do you think that the third party gets a dime of the "violation" tickets? I'd be surprised if they even get the normal parking fee back from Impark for "violators".

09-03-2006, 12:22 AM
Originally posted by EnRich
.. I was trying to get ENRICH, but some asshole already took it...

That happened to me, when I was trying to register on Beyond.ca ;)

09-07-2006, 07:25 PM
I got it too while going to soho and i parked at one of the impark lot. Til today i get presents in the mail from them. :banghead:

09-07-2006, 11:21 PM
Originally posted by Billet

not as many as the fees cost!

city of calgary gives you a 50.00 ticket

then the city tows it to impound. 90 to get out.

so your looking at about 140 in fees.

How many times is that to park on a daily basis?

09-08-2006, 10:30 AM
Originally posted by benyl
Why are they not a legit business? You park on their property. They charge you for that time.

If you don't pay, they give you a ticket for more. Simple.

How about this. You go to work. Your boss doesn't pay you. You get a lawyer and sue and they pay you more. then when you go to work, you boss pays you on time.

Exactically, if your boss doesn't pay you sue and Win.
In the History Of IMPARK they have never EVER won a court case in which the person was made to pay the ticket fine. All the person ever owed was the price they should have paid to park in the first place.
That tells you they are not legit.

So As I stated Fuck you Impark you Scammers

09-08-2006, 12:08 PM
I got an ticket in Eau Claire this summer, but when I went to pay it at the registry, I was told I couldn't. Apparently I have to pay it in Vancouver?
I was willing to pay.... Then I sold my car and left the province. :)

Maybe if it wasn't such a hassle, they would get their money more often.

Also, my car was parked for maybe 10 minutes. My guilt didn't exactly kill me when I put the ripped up ticket in my muffler, and revved my engine.

09-10-2006, 06:59 PM
so to sum it all up, the overall advice here is then....dont pay your impark tickets:thumbsup:

09-10-2006, 07:17 PM
Exactically :thumbsup: Tons of tickets here and no problems...
FYI..Impark cannot effect your credit rating either..yet more evidence thatthey are not legit

09-11-2006, 02:26 PM
they still have the right to tow you.....they just have to go through a process to do so.....IT IS PRIVATE PROPERTY which means they can call the cops and get that car removed...but ya i fuckin hate Impark.......fuckin bastards girl i work with left her ticket on her dash but you couldnt see part of it and she got a ticket.......and im just saying that they CAN they have the right to because it is their property but most likely wont because its a big waste of time

09-11-2006, 02:36 PM
good cause i just got one....:D

09-12-2006, 02:11 AM
i got a letter from them at home askin for money - im not goin to pay it.. i wonder if they can send me to collections.. i remember parking there everyday for a month before getting towed.... paid 110 bux 2 get y car out...