View Full Version : So many "Canadians" in Lebanon...

07-19-2006, 06:39 AM
So who are all these Canadians in Lebanon ?? Forty Thousand plus of them. They can't all be visiting. Are they Lebanese ,who at some point, got their Canadian citizenship,moved back to Lebanon ,and kept their Canadian passports as a "Get out of jail free " card. Now Canadian taxpayers are expected to bail them out.
I'm having a hard time believing there's such a large group of Canadians visiting such a small country so far away.

If these people are living in Lebanon,they should pay for their
evacuation,not the Canadian Taxpayer.

07-19-2006, 06:52 AM
Initially the government said they only expected 5000 people to take advantage of the evacuation efforts. The rest were residing in Lebanon and were not expected to want out.

07-19-2006, 06:54 AM

Given the problems the middle east is plagued with, its not like those people didnt know there was a risk either.. I think you are right about it being a passport of convenience for alot of them...Those that have been there for more than 2 months or so should be charged the cost of their rescue..

07-19-2006, 07:05 AM
The US Government charges its citizens for evacuation efforts, they have to sign and be billed at a later date.

Lebanon Situation Update - July 15, 2006
July 15, 2006
This information is current as of today, Sat Jul 15 12:20:12 2006.

A message to the American citizens in Lebanon:

The Department of State continues to work with the Department of Defense on a plan to help American citizens depart Lebanon. As of the morning of July 15, we are looking at how we might transport Americans to Cyprus. Once in Cyprus, Americans can then board commercial aircraft for onward travel. Commercial airlines provide the safest and most efficient repatriation options to final destinations.

The Department of State reminds American citizens that the U.S. government does not provide no-cost transportation but does have the authority to provide repatriation loans to those in financial need. For the portion of your trip directly handled by the U.S. Government we will ask you to sign a promissory note and we will bill you at a later date. In a subsequent message, when we have specific details about the transporation arrangments, we will inform you about the costs you will incur. We will also work with commercial aircraft to ensure that they have adequate flights to help you depart Cyprus and connect to your final destination.

The Department of State continues to work around the clock and will continue to send updates as appropriate.


07-19-2006, 07:16 AM
^ They scrapped that idea actually, and for REAL citizens, rightfully so.

07-19-2006, 08:31 AM
I think the Canadian Government should arrange for free evacuation to Isreal.

Then, we will learn who is Canadian, and who is not Canadian, based on their actions.

07-19-2006, 08:35 AM
Originally posted by Tyler883
I think the Canadian Government should arrange for free evacuation to Isreal.

Then, we will learn who is Canadian, and who is not Canadian, based on their actions.


07-19-2006, 09:07 AM

07-19-2006, 09:11 AM
Originally posted by fast95pony
..... Now Canadian taxpayers are expected to bail them out.
I'm having a hard time believing there's such a large group of Canadians visiting such a small country so far away.

If these people are living in Lebanon,they should pay for their
evacuation,not the Canadian Taxpayer.
Send the bill to Israel.

07-19-2006, 09:43 AM
Originally posted by Toma

Send the bill to Israel.

...and if I blow my engine up at the track, I'll send
the bill to Ford..


07-19-2006, 10:14 AM
on this topic you make no sense.

We live in such a great nation. It is our duty to make sure our citizens where ever they be, how ever they be are safe.

Look at england for example, my mother and father both British nationals. If they hit rock bottom and bankcrupt, they call the embassy here, and england will arrange for a flight back to england, and a house in my parents name, as well as enough money a month to sustain the life style we had when we lived there 10yrs ago.

It is every nations duty to take care of its citizens, we must evacuate all Canadians from lebanon, even Israel at this point, if war breaks out even they are'nt safe.

07-19-2006, 10:15 AM
Originally posted by fast95pony

...and if I blow my engine up at the track, I'll send
the bill to Ford..

you would if they forced your right foot down and wouldn't let go for 58 years ;)

07-19-2006, 11:06 AM
Prime Minister Stephen Harper said Wednesday that he intends to go to Cyprus and use a government plane to help Canadians fleeing the fighting in Lebanon.

Prime Minister Stephen Harper: 'It's more than a symbolic trip. There is a need for air support in Cyprus.' (CBC) Harper said he will try to bring back as many as 120 Canadians using the Canadian Forces plane that took him to Europe earlier in the week.

There are an estimated 50,000 Canadian citizens among the foreigners in Lebanon, many desperate to escape the Israeli military strikes that began after Hezbollah militants crossed the border into Israel on July 12 and attacked an army outpost.

"Because of the seriousness of the situation and our relative proximity to Cyrpus, we have decided to take the Canadian Forces aircraft we have been travelling on to help airlift evacuees back home," Harper told reporters.

"It's more than a symbolic trip," Harper said. "There is a need for air support in Cyprus. We believe this is the right thing to do and that's why we are going to do it."

'Stripped down' crew gives more room for evacuees

Harper made the surprise announcement meeting with French President Jacques Chirac in Paris on Wednesday afternoon. Harper is on a week-long trip, visiting Europe and attending a meeting of leaders from the Group of Eight richest industrialized nations in Russia on the weekend.

The plane will be "stripped down" with as few crew members on board as possible to allow for more room for the stranded Canadians, Harper said. The rest of the Canadian delegation and reporters who have been travelling with the prime minister have been told that they cannot stay on the plane for the same reason.

Officials said only Harper's wife, Laureen, and a couple of his communications staff and his official photographer, will fly to Cyprus with him.

"It's more than a symbolic trip," Harper said."

Officials said only Harper's wife, Laureen, and a couple of his communications staff and his official photographer , will fly to Cyprus with him. :rolleyes:


07-19-2006, 12:07 PM
Originally posted by 5abi

Look at england for example, my mother and father both British nationals. If they hit rock bottom and bankcrupt, they call the embassy here, and england will arrange for a flight back to england, and a house in my parents name, as well as enough money a month to sustain the life style we had when we lived there 10yrs ago.

Totally different subject . However...

I was born in the U.K. I have a British passport.
If I hit rock bottom and go bankrupt I'm certainly not going to phone Tony Blair to fly me back to the U.K. and ask for money and
a house !
That's one of the U.K.'s problems..too many people looking for hand-out's , instead of getting of their arse's and working.

Celica TVS3
07-19-2006, 12:18 PM
Originally posted by 5abi
on this topic you make no sense.

Look at england for example, my mother and father both British nationals. If they hit rock bottom and bankcrupt, they call the embassy here, and england will arrange for a flight back to england, and a house in my parents name, as well as enough money a month to sustain the life style we had when we lived there 10yrs ago.

:rofl: Do you really belive that?

07-19-2006, 12:22 PM
Originally posted by Celica TVS3

:rofl: Do you really belive that?

Good point.

He probably does...

07-19-2006, 12:22 PM

07-19-2006, 02:28 PM
No its true.

Englands social service is the best in the world.

Supa Dexta
07-19-2006, 03:24 PM
Originally posted by 5abi
No its true.

Englands social service is the best in the world.

sounds like a program for nancy's by nancy's... you fuck up, you pay the price, everyone wants handouts these days..

07-19-2006, 04:16 PM
well if the US is supplying Israel for war machines and giving them billions and billions. so whats the big deal the evacuate americans and the us expense?


07-19-2006, 04:36 PM
Once the Canadians arrive in Cyprus and Turkey, they have been told they will be flown home, at Ottawa's expense.

Federal officials say the evacuation could take two weeks. An estimated 50,000 Canadians are in Lebanon

so about what about $2,000/person considering all the other people and politics involved

= total of $100 million!!!

07-19-2006, 05:51 PM
Originally posted by Toma

Send the bill to Israel.
Why not Hezbollah? Or you still thinking the sun shines out of their ass?..

07-19-2006, 06:22 PM
^ amen..why wouldnt we send the bill to hezobolah? theyre the ones that started it

07-19-2006, 06:39 PM
Originally posted by Toma

you would if they forced your right foot down and wouldn't let go for 58 years ;)

FORD doesnt DO that though, do they? You keep missing the point here....

How does FORD have anything to do you the amount of pressure you put on the gas pedal? your so called "points" are pointless because they dont even make sense, Just give up already, No1 likes terrorists!!!! imagine the gas pedal as Israel gettin the Pressure from your foot (hamas/hizballah capturing GOVT officials) is then again responsible for BLOWING your engine, I thought you knew that already since you do own a heavily modded stang, probably know why an engine just blows out of nowhere (Past-Redline revving maybe, or even hardcore abuse of tryin to show the perfomance aspect of a car maybe?) :rolleyes:.... Makes ALOT more sense you pointless fuck.

Stop posting, you seem to keep on trying to find a loop-hole to make a bunch of terrorists look better then jews.... i'm not blaming EITHER side in the situation like some people are :rolleyes:, Did i once refer to the terrorists as the Lebanese people? I support Lebs and Israelis thoughout this "war", Not Terrorists.... :rolleyes:

Your pathetic :thumbsdow , after posting countless articles hinting that these guys are up to no good, You still want to put the blame on a govt?.......You are a joke :rofl:

edit: sorry for sounding like an asshole, But a terrorist organization were responsible for the death of a few family friends i once knew., Quite frankly, I dont see why you keep on defending such scum?

07-19-2006, 09:30 PM
Originally posted by Billet
Once the Canadians arrive in Cyprus and Turkey, they have been told they will be flown home, at Ottawa's expense.

Federal officials say the evacuation could take two weeks. An estimated 50,000 Canadians are in Lebanon

so about what about $2,000/person considering all the other people and politics involved

= total of $100 million!!!

except that it is highly unlikely that even a third will take advantage of the evacuation as the majority are not there on vacation or business, they are residing there. Still will be a large amount but no where near 100 million.

07-19-2006, 09:43 PM
Originally posted by 5abi
No its true.

Englands social service is the best in the world.
I'd hate to be the one-in-ten over there who is a taxpayer.

07-19-2006, 10:42 PM
Originally posted by Maxt

Why not Hezbollah? Or you still thinking the sun shines out of their ass?..

Max.... I have never been one to "buy" the excuse that 'someone made them do it'....

For arguements sake only, perhaps Hezbolah is to blame for the attacks on innocent Israel. That IMHO STILL does not EVER warrant wide spread use of force, especially when the result is so dissproprtionate in outcome, and the fact that they are bad with their aim, and killing 10 civilains for every "terrorist".

They have also displaced close to 1 million civilains, and lets be realistic... when that happens anywhere else in the world (such as it did in Kosovo), the Americans went in and bombed the fuck out of them....

Dissproprtionate and indiscriminate use of force, AND hypocrisy is what bugs me, and there is nothing anyone can say that will change my mind....

Maybe that is why I was one of those doormen who COULD have beat the snot out of anyone I wanted..... but chose not too.... no matter what.

If you are gonna kill terrorists, fine..... make sure you DONT MISS ..... EVER. There is no such thing as "collateral damage" that is acceptable to me.... especially given the result we are seeing.

07-19-2006, 10:45 PM
Originally posted by RotaryDrifter

FORD doesnt DO that though, do they? You keep missing the point here....

blah blah blah... blah blah blah

blah blah ....
knew., Quite frankly, I dont see why you keep on defending such scum?
I dont even read your posts, cause you are clearly an illogical moron....

so forgive me if my posts do not entertain your encopretic drizzle.

07-20-2006, 09:01 AM
Originally posted by RotaryDrifter

Quite frankly, I dont see why you keep on defending such scum?

Toma preferrs to ignore these type of questions, unless he can come up with a snide illogical response that doesn't answer anything......and thats exactly what he's did here, again.

07-20-2006, 09:46 AM

07-20-2006, 10:13 AM
40,000 Canadians is like 1.3% of the population of Canada! WOW we got a lot of Canadians over there :eek:

07-20-2006, 10:15 AM

07-20-2006, 10:16 AM
Originally posted by eljefe

except that it is highly unlikely that even a third will take advantage of the evacuation as the majority are not there on vacation or business, they are residing there. Still will be a large amount but no where near 100 million.

it will be large either way

I just cant believe the bs complaining. Why is it taking so long? Where are they? 350 people show up to complain in Alberta??? wa wa waaaaa!


07-20-2006, 11:17 AM
Originally posted by barbarian

I'd hate to be the one-in-ten over there who is a taxpayer.

I bet their taxes are lower than ours :P

07-20-2006, 11:21 AM
Originally posted by nonsane

I bet their taxes are lower than ours :P

If memory serves they are one of the highest taxed nations.

07-20-2006, 11:24 AM
Originally posted by 5abi
on this topic you make no sense.


Look at england for example, my mother and father both British nationals. If they hit rock bottom and bankcrupt, they call the embassy here, and england will arrange for a flight back to england, and a house in my parents name, as well as enough money a month to sustain the life style we had when we lived there 10yrs ago.

I'd like to see something to back up that claim, I know they have very decent social programs but nothing I have heard aproaching that level.

07-20-2006, 11:59 AM
Originally posted by 01RedDX

You are comparing Serbia's systematic genocide (Srebrenica, Kosovo, etc, etc) and Israel's fight for survival, a conflict it has dealt with since its inception. According to you, only the Jews are capable of something like that, but when done by your own people it is somehow justifiable.

Your hipocrisy is appaling. I think you just called someone else an illogical moron, and then you wonder why NOBODY on this board takes you seriousy.
I suspect you know even less about Ksovo then you do middle east.... so I wont get into it with you....

And, darn.... a bunch of uneducated no name bafoons on a message board dont take me seriosuly? lol

ouch, am I hurt ;)

07-20-2006, 12:05 PM
Originally posted by Toma

I suspect you know even less about Ksovo then you do middle east.... so I wont get into it with you....

And, darn.... a bunch of uneducated no name bafoons on a message board dont take me seriosuly? lol

ouch, am I hurt ;)

Ok, enlighten me with your copious knowledge on the middle east: prove to me that a Palestinian nation and identity existed there before the Israelis came and made the area prosperous. Prove this to me and I'll never question you again.

07-20-2006, 12:13 PM
Originally posted by 01RedDX

Ok, enlighten me with your copious knowledge on the middle east: prove to me that a Palestinian nation and identity existed there before the Israelis came and made the area prosperous. Prove this to me and I'll never question you again.

Well of course it did not.... neither did Israel.... but the people have always been there, while the Jewish populations is a recent migration (in any significant number), and only in the last 100 years or so....

07-20-2006, 01:23 PM

07-20-2006, 04:55 PM
Originally posted by Toma

I suspect you know even less about Ksovo then you do middle east.... so I wont get into it with you....

And, darn.... a bunch of uneducated no name bafoons on a message board dont take me seriosuly? lol

ouch, am I hurt ;)

I suspect that this was just a mistake from an uneducated bafoon, and that you really don't beleive that its spelled "KSOVO"

07-20-2006, 05:19 PM
Originally posted by Tyler883

I suspect that this was just a mistake from an uneducated bafoon, and that you really don't beleive that its spelled "KSOVO"


07-20-2006, 05:50 PM
Anyone want to know the good outcome of a war against terrorism that WAS technically won by a Govt?

How they handled it........

-Horrible just like israel is handling a "terrorist-threat". why? LOTS and what i mean by that is thousands of innocent "kurds" died in the struggle for independence. ALOT more then what Israel has done since the start of this war.

Toma: Dont be sooooo ignorant man, Seriously!!, I thought you had some knowledge about things other then cars.

As a revolutionary left-wing organization PKK claimed there was a "mass violence by Turkish state on the Kurd identity" to justify its activities. In its activities main goal was to alienate the people from the state through pushing security forces into more and more overt and repressive countermeasures. So that PKK can claim itself as defenders of the people against the overwhelming power ("mass violence") of state. The section:Political-Justice section extends the results of this ideology and methods to the democratic processes and justice system in Turkey. In a democratic system, an ideology that questions the state's legitimacy, will of its population and its security apparatus was a hard to be accepted political view, which was shaped under section:HEP/DEP/HADEP story. Turkish governments did not negotiate with organization, so section:regional NGOs were channels between all the sides. Ill formed language act ban of 1983 and Terrorism law of 1991 were significant events. Also, amnesties were interesting during the conflict time, as each amnesty gave more human resource to the organization. The prison as a rehabilitation concept was a failure. The people who were jailed for non-violent activities were becoming militants during their jail time. Government's military operations against the prisons were the highest point in this failure.

As a revolutionary left-wing organization, the PKK perceived Turkish society as deformed by capitalism and imperialism. The PKK unleashed its aggression on enemies spanning all classes (farmers, business, etc.) and those that it considered puppets of the state. The section:cost of PKK's actions are significant. PKK had drastic effects on section:regional economy, as targeted infrastructure of the region. Regions' inability to join the economical activities were associated with the section:work force, costs (insurance premiums, facility costs, lost of trained personal, etc.) , and productivity (lost of work time, travel restrictions, inability to move in time, etc). The region had very high historical tourism potential, which has been dormant under the terrorism threat for many years.

VERY similiar to the current event imo, Wouldnt you agree?

Background info on these scums.....

The Kurdistan Workers Party (Kurdish: Partiya Karkerên Kurdistan or PKK), also known as KADEK and Kongra-Gel, is a militant group, aiming to create an independent Kurdish state in a territory (sometimes referred to as Kurdistan) that consists of parts of south-eastern Turkey, north-eastern Iraq, north-eastern Syria and north-western Iran. Its ideological foundation is revolutionary Marxism-Leninism and Kurdish nationalism. It is an ethnic secessionist organisation using force and threat of force against both civilian and military targets for the purpose of achieving its political goal. The PKK is listed as a terrorist organisation internationally by a number of states and organisations, including the USA and the EU[1] (The Party for a Free Life in Kurdistan (PEJAK) based in northern Iraq and operating in Iran is associated with the PKK.)

PKK was founded and led by Abdullah Öcalan. It emerged as an organisation during the 1970s and developed into a paramilitary organisation which rendered much of southeastern Turkey a war zone in the late 1980s and 1990s, for details see the conflict in south-eastern Turkey. Its actions have taken place mainly in Turkey and against Turkish targets in other countries, although it has on occasions co-operated with other Kurdish nationalist paramilitary groups in neighbouring states, such as Iraq and Iran.[2] The PKK argued that its violence was justified by the need to defend Kurds in the context of what it saw as massive cultural suppression of Kurdish identity and cultural rights carried out by governments in the region. However, in its campaign, the PKK has been accused of carrying out atrocities against both Turkish and Kurdish civilians. Its actions have been criticised by human rights groups such as Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch. To a lesser extent, some actions of the Turkish state in the past have been criticised by these same groups.

The degree of support for the PKK among Turkish Kurds is disputed. In some of the strongholds of Kurdish nationalism in the Tigris valley and mountainous regions on the Iranian border, PKK-linked parties have consistently polled close to or over 50% of votes cast in elections. However, PKK-linked parties have polled at most approximately one-third of the Kurdish vote (between 5% and 8% of the total Turkish vote), with the majority of Kurds voting for mainstream parties. In some of the more assimilated Kurdish areas, claimed by the PKK as part of 'Kurdistan', support for PKK-linked parties is at 10% or less. There is some electoral support for PKK-linked parties among Kurdish migrants in cities in Western and Southern Turkey such as Adana, Mersin and Ýzmir.

END results....

Captured guerilla group Leader speaks...

The Kurdish guerrilla leader jailed in Turkey, Abdullah Ocalan, has warned that Turkish military attacks on his group, the PKK, could cause a war.

In a message from the Turkish prison island of Imrali where he's appealing against a death sentence for treason, Mr Ocalan said the PKK would act in self-defence against Turkey if attempts to exterminate it continue.

The statement follows Turkish attacks on guerrilla bases across the border in northern Iraq, as well as Turkish government talks with rival Kurdish groups.

Mr Ocalan ordered his PKK to withdraw from Turkey following his arrest two years ago, saying he would help bring peace to the region.


Bow down?....

The Kurdish rebel leader Abdullah Ocalan has pledged to work for peace in Turkey in response to the Turkish Government's decision to delay the ratification of the death sentence imposed on him last year.


Finally realizes........ hahahah, Idiot!

The Kurdish leader apologised for the deaths of several thousand members of the Turkish security forces in the struggle with the PKK since 1985.

Next pig that needs to be captured an put to death is....


Maybe he will too realize what he stands for is wrong? :dunno:

FACT: Turkiye has over 70 million muslims(sunni,shia etc.) and is currently 12th place for Top tourist Destinations. I WONDER why? :rolleyes:

07-20-2006, 06:14 PM
If you want to learn more about what happens to terrorists according to other muslim states....


^^read there....

Remember: 30, 000 innocent people lost their lives BECAUSE of his sick ideas..., "Death sentence lifted, Ocalan gets Life-Imprisonment"

07-20-2006, 06:27 PM
There was a lebanese girl on the news tonight bashing Canada for not helping her get back to Canada. This really pisses me off. As far as I'm concerned, once you leave our borders, YOU ARE YOUR OWN RESPONSIBILITY.

Sure it would be nice for the government to help out, but don't fucking expect it, and don't bitch if they can't, there's only 40,000 other people in the same situation wanting the same help. What makes you so special princess? You don't like it, move to another country.

You are a grown adult, deal with your own shit. She obviously found her way back home, WAY ahead of many other canadian citizens, so she's obviously capable of it.

(sorry, that just really, really, very much, pissed me off)

07-20-2006, 06:28 PM
Originally posted by RotaryDrifter
If you want to learn more about what happens to terrorists according to other muslim states....


^^read there....

Remember: 30, 000 innocent people lost their lives BECAUSE of his sick ideas..., "Death sentence lifted, Ocalan gets Life-Imprisonment"

stop your rhetoric, the Likud party has more terrorists in it than Hezbollah ever did. Are you Aerial Sharons lapdog?

07-20-2006, 07:06 PM
Originally posted by Toma

Max.... I have never been one to buy the excuse that 'someone made them do it'....

For arguements sake only, perhaps Hezbolah is to blame for the attacks on innocent Israel. That IMHO STILL does not EVER warrant wide spread use of force, especially when the result is so dissproprtionate in outcome, and the fact that they are bad with their aim, and killing 10 civilains for every "terrorist".

They have also displaced close to 1 million civilains, and lets be realistic... when that happens anywhere else in the world (such as it did in Kosovo), the Americans went in and bombed the fuck out of them....

Dissproprtionate and indiscriminate use of force, AND hypocrisy is what bugs me, and there is nothing anyone can say that will change my mind....

If you are gonna kill terrorists, fine..... make sure you DONT MISS ..... EVER. There is no such thing as "collateral damage" that is acceptable to me.... especially given the result we are seeing.

Hahhahaha, You sir, Fit the definition of ignorance perfect.

"DONT MISS EVER?" see what i mean by ignorance, Turkish Govt missed ALOT more then Israelis did now, in the late 80's/90's?! The fight against a terrorist organization was responsible for the death of +30, 000 Innocent people, Most being kurds.... not in the hundreds like in Lebannon.

Are kurds not humans like the Lebanese,Israeli,jews or any others? according to you they are :rolleyeyes: , why dont you pick their side? Un-fair justice system is all i gotta say. not "Fuck the government because of their disproportionate acts!!"

Just one great example of another nation that went through the same problem in the late 80's/early 90's that Lebanon is going through right now!!, Both supplied ALSO by Irani shia muslims. Dont forget, Original Lebanese of the land are Sunni muslims just like the +70 Million sunnis in Turkey, not shia!


Turkiye........ During the late 80's/early 90's, A Shia Muslim group ALSO, supplied by iran, tryed to take over the Turkish Govt. What happens when a Govt is too powerful acts "ruthless" against the whole "terrorist" situation........

Kurds say?

Background info on the Partiya Karkerên Kurdistan or PKK.........

In the second phase (1984-1999),which is called terrorism stage, escalating attacks were made on the government's military and vital institutions all over the country. Objective was to destabilise Turkish authority through long, low-intensity confrontation. In addition skirmishing with Turkish military and police forces, and the local village guards, PKK have conducted suicide bombing on government and police installations, as well as local tourist sites. Kidnapping and assassination against government officials and Kurdish tribal leaders who were named as puppets of the state were performed. Widespread sabotages were continued from the first stage. PKK had performed kidnapping western tourists, primarily in Istanbul but also at different resorts. PKK have also attacked Turkish diplomatic and commercial facilities across Western Europe.

In the third phase, which is called guerrilla stage, conventional fighting is used to seize cities, overthrow the government and take control of the country. PKK seized cities, during the highest activity period and it affected the parliament through Turkey's own election system, but there is no case that during an active conflict PKK sustained its flag in a region within the borders of Turkey.

Now please explain to me why Turkiye still manages to be on the top Tourist destinations? ummm...Maybe because these +70 mill sunnis are in favour of a terrorist/seperatist-free state. :rolleyes:

sure +30, 000 innocent people died in this war...

You dont see ALLLLL these peoples family's whining do you?!? of course some (500 familys) are! But, as a whole they ALL still realize scum like these terrorist organizations are the main reason for economy to drop an give a country a bad name, so you cant really blame Turkiye for being RUTHLESS imo they did the RIGHT thing. If you have something to whine about like most of these kurds did about the govt, Then you file a human-rights lawsuit or somethin against the Govt, Dont resort to gettin attention you want by going an supporting what is very clearly known as a terrorist organization confirmed to have made terrorist-like attacks.

And here they are for breakin the International "Violation" called "war crimes"............

The report also draws attention to continued restrictions on the freedom of association. It is estimated that there were currently 500 cases pending against human rights defenders.[/b]

In its report for 2001, Amnesty sharply criticised Turkey for its human rights record, saying torture was widespread.

BTW: Lots of other Arab countrys DID realize their is a problem when defending other arabs. Hence the step in the right direction they made in many of them.

Ever since sept 11, Alot of other Arab nations on this planet strongly dont support ANY means of terrorism that sadly exists among other muslims. Last time i was notified, Jews are human beings just like you and me, "Destruction of Israel" is Non-sense. :thumbsdow:

07-20-2006, 07:17 PM
Well said Rotary.

07-20-2006, 08:10 PM
Originally posted by Toma

Max.... I have never been one to "buy" the excuse that 'someone made them do it'....

For arguements sake only, perhaps Hezbolah is to blame for the attacks on innocent Israel. That IMHO STILL does not EVER warrant wide spread use of force, especially when the result is so dissproprtionate in outcome, and the fact that they are bad with their aim, and killing 10 civilains for every "terrorist".

They have also displaced close to 1 million civilains, and lets be realistic... when that happens anywhere else in the world (such as it did in Kosovo), the Americans went in and bombed the fuck out of them....

Dissproprtionate and indiscriminate use of force, AND hypocrisy is what bugs me, and there is nothing anyone can say that will change my mind....

Maybe that is why I was one of those doormen who COULD have beat the snot out of anyone I wanted..... but chose not too.... no matter what.

If you are gonna kill terrorists, fine..... make sure you DONT MISS ..... EVER. There is no such thing as "collateral damage" that is acceptable to me.... especially given the result we are seeing.
How can you do that with pinpoint accuracy when the terrorist blend with the civillain population, not to mention the civillians have been apathetic in any kind of action to out them, if anything the civillians themselves have enable the terrorists in alot of those theatres of operation..
You expect Israel to just standby while they are attacked daily?.. Besides where do you think the "troops" of Hamas and Hezbollah come from? War has casualtes, and for the Lebanese and you to complain about civillians attacks yet be indifferent abouty\ hezbollah rockets being launched from suburbian areas surrounded by civillians is hypocrasy...
You should be questioning Hezbollah on reasoning of force, when Israel has been in withdrawl from lands and conflict over the last 6 months...

07-21-2006, 01:11 AM

07-21-2006, 02:21 AM
Originally posted by 01RedDX
Hizbollah is responsible for this mass murder of their own people. They hide among them, launch cowardly attacks and when retribution comes they dare say that Isrealis are cowards for not fighting face to face, while they gamble with the lives of the people they are sworn to protect. Imagine if they were like Israel, and always defended their citizens at all costs and valued progress and human achievement above all else. Lebanon could prosper, but it's once again a war zone.

and of course my deepest condolences to those in Lebanon and Israel who have lost loved ones. It's hard to imagine that kind of pain.

:werd: to that!

What ive been trying to explain after countless post to Terrorist-sympathizers like Toma. :banghead:

07-21-2006, 10:31 AM
Originally posted by fast95pony
So who are all these Canadians in Lebanon ?? Forty Thousand plus of them. They can't all be visiting. Are they Lebanese ,who at some point, got their Canadian citizenship,moved back to Lebanon ,and kept their Canadian passports as a "Get out of jail free " card. Now Canadian taxpayers are expected to bail them out.
I'm having a hard time believing there's such a large group of Canadians visiting such a small country so far away.

If these people are living in Lebanon,they should pay for their
evacuation,not the Canadian Taxpayer.

I'm glad someone put a thread like this because I totally agree with this. I believe you are exactly correct in that they are not all 'visiting'. They may have gotton their Canadian citizenship and moved back. If this is the case then the issue comes up that they do NOT pay their Canada taxes, most likely. So now there is trouble they get their Canadian passport out and demand for Canada's help on taxpayer's bill, a bill they most likely do not contribute to. This I do not agree with.

07-21-2006, 10:41 AM
There is no problem whatsoever in Evacuating it's own citizens from a country if they are at a threat. However Lebanons view of a Canadian ctizen is somebody residing there who is from there who came to Canada to get citizenship and then moved back and decided that if they ever need a safe house they can move to Canada. From what I saw all fo these people don't even speak english... How can you blame Canada for not bailing you out fast enough when you can't even speak english... How can we or they expect to be taken seriously as a Canadian citizen, when you can't even speak one of our national languages. And you blame Canada??? I think it's too bad so sad for them. You guys came and though we'd bail you out afteryou go back, and you knew there was a threat there. It's too bad for them for being stupid. I say we shoulda left em there. Take the REAL Canadians back... leave the fakers.

07-21-2006, 01:32 PM
i dont get why so much hatred for the canadians there.

so many calgarians visit there every summer

these calgarians work here, take out loans. build their homes in lebanon. they get bombed by israel. spent their entire life for nothing aftwards

i am not sure you dont understand their frustration.

07-21-2006, 03:45 PM
I wonder how many "fake" Canadians are living abroad in Europe (say Britain). I am sure there will be less outrage if this happens in an European country..

however I do agree that they should not complain about the evacuation.

07-21-2006, 05:19 PM
Originally posted by umreeka91

stop your rhetoric, the Likud party has more terrorists in it than Hezbollah ever did. Are you Aerial Sharons lapdog?

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

"Ignorance" i call it. :banghead: :rofl:


The leader of Turkey's Justice and Development (AK) Party has met the country's president for the first time since winning a landslide election victory on Sunday - but the two men did not discuss who will become prime minister.
Recep Tayyip Erdogan cannot occupy the post himself because a conviction for inciting religious hatred excludes him from parliament - although the BBC Ankara correspondent says Mr Erdogan already acts as if he is the prime minister.

07-21-2006, 09:18 PM
Originally posted by CalgarySupra
i dont get why so much hatred for the canadians there.

so many calgarians visit there every summer

these calgarians work here, take out loans. build their homes in lebanon. they get bombed by israel. spent their entire life for nothing aftwards

i am not sure you dont understand their frustration.

Not hating all them.....:nut:

Just the ones that seem to always be mad and whine about the situation they put themselves in. NOT the ones who notice the obvious problem.

My best friend's Lebanese-Canadian Mother has just arrived in London... :clap: She wasnt complaining, She has an idea to whats up.... :thumbsup:

07-23-2006, 02:00 PM
Originally posted by RotaryDrifter

Not hating all them.....:nut:

Just the ones that seem to always be mad and whine about the situation they put themselves in. NOT the ones who notice the obvious problem.

My best friend's Lebanese-Canadian Mother has just arrived in London... :clap: She wasnt complaining, She has an idea to whats up.... :thumbsup:

How the fuck did they put themselves in that situation. you think they flew to lebanon so they can get stuck in an attack?

Im pretty sure they were going on holidays.

07-23-2006, 02:57 PM
Originally posted by Tru_leb4life

How the fuck did they put themselves in that situation. you think they flew to lebanon so they can get stuck in an attack?

Im pretty sure they were going on holidays.

Refer here:


Ive grown up with MANY Lebs in Calgary.

In fact, My best friend is a Lebanese-Canadian. He even thinks like me... His mom just got back to Calgary from Lebanon, She knows whats up..... :thumbsup:

Give it a thought, Make sure you rate me on my article too... k ;) :)

07-23-2006, 03:01 PM
Originally posted by Tik-Tok
There was a lebanese girl on the news tonight bashing Canada for not helping her get back to Canada. This really pisses me off. As far as I'm concerned, once you leave our borders, YOU ARE YOUR OWN RESPONSIBILITY.

I'd like to see what you'd do if you travelled abroad and had your passport stolen.

07-26-2006, 12:30 PM
Originally posted by CalgarySupra
i dont get why so much hatred for the canadians there.

these calgarians work here, take out loans. build their homes in lebanon. they get bombed by israel. spent their entire life for nothing aftwards

i am not sure you dont understand their frustration.

Perhaps they should take out loans,and build their homes in CANADA .After all they are Canadians,right ??
I don't think Canada has been bombed by Israel...