View Full Version : Kidnapped Child in NE??

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07-20-2006, 07:30 PM
Anyone know whats up with the Amber Alert thing theyre flashing at the bottom of the screen on Global TV? My parents told me some kid was kidnapped somewhere in the NE, and the police are telling everyone to be on the lookout.

07-20-2006, 07:32 PM
Murcury Marquis

Older male driving, female with a small 10month old child... That doesn't happen very often with the tv warning :eek: Saw it on Ch. 3

07-20-2006, 07:34 PM
Amber alert, victim is a 10 month old infant; white skin with brown eyes and short brown hair and possibly wearing a light colored dress. Child was taken by her mother Theresa Michel a 32 year old woman, 5’3 with shoulder length brown hair, petite build, wearing a dark shirt and dark pants. The mother was seen leaving 576 64th Ave. NE in a Burgundy four door Mercury Marquis, License Plate: EMM 784. Traveling with Frank, and Italian 5’6 with stocky build with a brush cut and a large nose. NO NOT APPROACH OR APPREHEND THE SUSPECT CALL POLICE IMMEDIATELY.

07-20-2006, 07:34 PM
hmm not on tv cant see it
and this is fucked up hope the kid is back with its family

07-20-2006, 07:38 PM
Why not red? Amber just isn't urgent enough.

07-20-2006, 07:41 PM
Originally posted by QuasarCav
Why not red? Amber just isn't urgent enough.

It's an Amber alert because it was named after a girl named Amber who was abducted and murdered...

07-20-2006, 07:42 PM
Har har... iirc, it's named after a kid named Amber who was abducted somewhere down in the states after the public warnings were issued.

07-20-2006, 07:44 PM
I can't see what's so funny...

07-20-2006, 08:22 PM
Just found out the mom took the baby by knife-point from the father

07-20-2006, 08:27 PM
Yeah saw that on TV 1/2 hour ago. I think it was on Channel 3 too but that's about it.

07-20-2006, 08:41 PM
I thought it was Adam.

Like the "Code Adam" written on Wal-Mart doors.

07-20-2006, 10:56 PM
Originally posted by QuasarCav
I thought it was Adam.

Like the "Code Adam" written on Wal-Mart doors.

code adam is when a kid is lost in a store, and all employees are suppose to block off all exits so no child is aloud to leave the store until the child is found

07-20-2006, 11:40 PM
A kid being kidnaped is bad and all but i dont see why it has to be broadcasted all over the city. the kidnapper is the mom whats the worst that could happen.

like if it was some random person that kidanpaed her then maybe a city alert is needed.

07-20-2006, 11:44 PM
Originally posted by AzN'SKillZ
A kid being kidnaped is bad and all but i dont see why it has to be broadcasted all over the city. the kidnapper is the mom whats the worst that could happen.

like if it was some random person that kidanpaed her then maybe a city alert is needed.

Are you kidding me? A desperate parent can be the most dangerous, how many child/parent murder/suicides have there been because of bad divorces, desperate situations, INSANE parents, etc.?

07-20-2006, 11:58 PM
Originally posted by AzN'SKillZ
A kid being kidnaped is bad and all but i dont see why it has to be broadcasted all over the city. the kidnapper is the mom whats the worst that could happen.

like if it was some random person that kidanpaed her then maybe a city alert is needed.
you're an idiot.... :guns:
taking a 10 month old child by knife point doesnt need to be broadcasted??? Obviously if the child was kidnapped from the father, probably means that the father has full costody of the child most likely because the mother is an unfit mother, which is proven by kidnapping her child....

Kidnapping is a HUGE crime.... its not just a slap on the wrist and bail money.... it's a lot of time in jail... i think its like life....

I agree 100% with the amber alert of a child! 10 month old child can not defend for herself, they need her safe, which she is definetly not right now

07-21-2006, 12:02 AM
Originally posted by AzN'SKillZ
A kid being kidnaped is bad and all but i dont see why it has to be broadcasted all over the city. the kidnapper is the mom whats the worst that could happen.

like if it was some random person that kidanpaed her then maybe a city alert is needed.

You have got to be kidding me. Are you seriously that stupid?

You really think that EVERY mother is fit to raise a child in this world???
Ever think that the parents might be 2 cracked out addicts that do meth for breakfast????

From what I heard on the news the child was with family services and the birth mother came for a supervised visit. She went to the playground with the supervisor present and the car was waiting. She snatched the kid, ran off, and jumped in the car.

07-21-2006, 12:07 AM
Originally posted by nismodrifter

You have got to be kidding me. Are you seriously that stupid?

You really think that EVERY mother is fit to raise a child in this world???
Ever think that the parents might be 2 cracked out addicts that do meth for breakfast????

From what I heard on the news the child was with family services and the birth mother came for a supervised visit. She went to the playground with the supervisor present and the car was waiting. She snatched the kid, ran off, and jumped in the car.

:werd: :werd: ...well said

07-21-2006, 12:46 AM
ok so a mother kidnaps a baby. even if she was on crak and had a mental disability that still her baby obviously she just want to be with her. if she dislike the baby that much that she wanted to kill her she wouldent go to all the trouble of tryin to be with the baby.

i dont disagree that she isnt fit to take care of the baby as i dont no her. so i cant make a opinion about that.

but somthing like a city wide alert is jus too much. think abt it. theres so much other fken stuff goin on out there in the world. more important problems we shud be dealin with. this sort of stuff happens everyday in the world. there are worse things out there. robberies. innocent ppl being killed everyday in the street and jus atrocities that cud blow ur mind away if u knew all of them. but no we dont. we hear only a few. ones like these and we go overboard in publicizing them. i agree it is a sad thing for anyone to be kidnapped but here i jus dont see how critical it is to "amber alert" it all across the town. its serious but cmon. theres prolly 2 guys robbin a bank somewhere in the n.e and 3 ppl being shot downtown. y arent we hearin abt this. theres more kids in the s.e and s.w being beaten and brutally tortured jus for the hell of it. y isnt that an issue?

if the warning was about a murderer on the loose then yah there city wide alert is adequate.

07-21-2006, 07:21 AM
the reason why there is an alert is because she is dangerous, hence the "DO NOT APPROCH THIS VEHICLE"
kidnapping is kidnapping no matter if it is the mother or a stranger, the point is, the child was taken from the father and yes, there is every right for the amber alert to be sent off.
maybe when you have kids you will realize that if something happened to your child you would do everything in the world you can possibly do to make them safe....

07-21-2006, 07:30 AM
They said on the news there have been past problems with the drugged out mom endangering the kid.. that's why it was issued... it's a little more serious than the mom wanting to just be with the kid.

Code Adam was started after a kid named Adam was abducted from a Wal-Mart and killed... That kid was the son of John walsh from America's most wanted, who started doing the show after that happend...

07-21-2006, 07:49 AM
Originally posted by AzN'SKillZ
ok so a mother kidnaps a baby. even if she was on crak and had a mental disability that still her baby obviously she just want to be with her. if she dislike the baby that much that she wanted to kill her she wouldent go to all the trouble of tryin to be with the baby.

i dont disagree that she isnt fit to take care of the baby as i dont no her. so i cant make a opinion about that.

but somthing like a city wide alert is jus too much. think abt it. theres so much other fken stuff goin on out there in the world. more important problems we shud be dealin with. this sort of stuff happens everyday in the world. there are worse things out there. robberies. innocent ppl being killed everyday in the street and jus atrocities that cud blow ur mind away if u knew all of them. but no we dont. we hear only a few. ones like these and we go overboard in publicizing them. i agree it is a sad thing for anyone to be kidnapped but here i jus dont see how critical it is to "amber alert" it all across the town. its serious but cmon. theres prolly 2 guys robbin a bank somewhere in the n.e and 3 ppl being shot downtown. y arent we hearin abt this. theres more kids in the s.e and s.w being beaten and brutally tortured jus for the hell of it. y isnt that an issue?

if the warning was about a murderer on the loose then yah there city wide alert is adequate.


07-21-2006, 08:15 AM
Originally posted by AzN'SKillZ
ok so a mother kidnaps a baby. even if she was on crak and had a mental disability that still her baby obviously she just want to be with her. if she dislike the baby that much that she wanted to kill her she wouldent go to all the trouble of tryin to be with the baby.

i dont disagree that she isnt fit to take care of the baby as i dont no her. so i cant make a opinion about that.

but somthing like a city wide alert is jus too much. think abt it. theres so much other fken stuff goin on out there in the world. more important problems we shud be dealin with. this sort of stuff happens everyday in the world. there are worse things out there. robberies. innocent ppl being killed everyday in the street and jus atrocities that cud blow ur mind away if u knew all of them. but no we dont. we hear only a few. ones like these and we go overboard in publicizing them. i agree it is a sad thing for anyone to be kidnapped but here i jus dont see how critical it is to "amber alert" it all across the town. its serious but cmon. theres prolly 2 guys robbin a bank somewhere in the n.e and 3 ppl being shot downtown. y arent we hearin abt this. theres more kids in the s.e and s.w being beaten and brutally tortured jus for the hell of it. y isnt that an issue?

if the warning was about a murderer on the loose then yah there city wide alert is adequate.

come back when your old enought to conceive a child and you can give us an opnion

D'z Nutz
07-21-2006, 08:40 AM
Originally posted by AzN'SKillZ
ok so a mother kidnaps a baby. even if she was on crak and had a mental disability that still her baby obviously she just want to be with her. if she dislike the baby that much that she wanted to kill her she wouldent go to all the trouble of tryin to be with the baby.

Boy, it must be nice living an ignorant and sheltered life. I guess you've never heard of instances when people kill their own children just so their spouses/ex-spouses can't have them? Some people are so fucked up, they'll get back at their spouses/ex-spouses through their own children.

And how could any drug user or unbalanced person NOT be unfit to care for a child if he or she could not even control his or her own life?

Please don't have children. You're what we're trying to rid the gene pool of.

07-21-2006, 09:44 AM
Well I hope they find the little girl and I hope she's safe, and I most certainly hope the mother is locked away for a very long, long time.

07-21-2006, 10:25 AM
Originally posted by D'z Nutz

Boy, it must be nice living an ignorant and sheltered life. I guess you've never heard of instances when people kill their own children just so their spouses/ex-spouses can't have them? Some people are so fucked up, they'll get back at their spouses/ex-spouses through their own children.

And how could any drug user or unbalanced person NOT be unfit to care for a child if he or she could not even control his or her own life?

Please don't have children. You're what we're trying to rid the gene pool of.

i like how u selectivly quote

anyways i stated that id believe she is unfit to be a mother. hence thats y she dosent hav custody of the child. i think its like 90% of the time the mom always gets the children and the other 10% of the time is wen the moms crak out or like has mental disabillity. but im not sure about that. but anyways the point is if she dosent hav custody of the child then there is a good reason. and i dont wanta argue that!

yes there are fcuked up ppl out there. but obviously this mother just wants her kid back. if she wanted to harm the kid y not just kill the baby and run for it. y go througth the trouble of kidnapping the baby. anyways its really obvious waht tis is all about. she wants custody of the child and social services proble wouldent allow that. so thats y she went and kidnapped the baby. her intent is not to harm the baby!

but what im really trying to say is that stuff like this happens quite a bit where parents ague over custody of a child. there is no reason y there needs to be a city wide alert. at that very moment that they were broadcasting the alert there was probly another stabing somewhere. so y isnt that broadcast around the city. u think someone with a knife that just stab someone would be more dangerous then some mom that just want her kid.

in the 15 years i lived in calgary ive never herd of a city wide alert like that except for weather. so u would think if there was a city wide alert it would be somthing really important not some mother trying to get her kid.

Honda EXR
07-21-2006, 10:51 AM
Originally posted by AzN'SKillZ

i like how u selectivly quote

anyways i stated that id believe she is unfit to be a mother. hence thats y she dosent hav custody of the child. i think its like 90% of the time the mom always gets the children and the other 10% of the time is wen the moms crak out or like has mental disabillity. but im not sure about that. but anyways the point is if she dosent hav custody of the child then there is a good reason. and i dont wanta argue that!

yes there are fcuked up ppl out there. but obviously this mother just wants her kid back. if she wanted to harm the kid y not just kill the baby and run for it. y go througth the trouble of kidnapping the baby. anyways its really obvious waht tis is all about. she wants custody of the child and social services proble wouldent allow that. so thats y she went and kidnapped the baby. her intent is not to harm the baby!

but what im really trying to say is that stuff like this happens quite a bit where parents ague over custody of a child. there is no reason y there needs to be a city wide alert. at that very moment that they were broadcasting the alert there was probly another stabing somewhere. so y isnt that broadcast around the city. u think someone with a knife that just stab someone would be more dangerous then some mom that just want her kid.

in the 15 years i lived in calgary ive never herd of a city wide alert like that except for weather. so u would think if there was a city wide alert it would be somthing really important not some mother trying to get her kid.

When a child goes into protective custody, there is a reason. Anything from the mother/father using drugs, selling them, abuse, ect. Anything that endangers a child.
Social services only does supervised visits when they think there is a possilbe danger factor. But at the same time, they want the kids to see their parent(s). The whole thing about "the mother just wants her child back", of course she does. Not many people don't want their kids, but that does not mean she has the right to take her.
This is the first ever Amber alert issued in Calgary. Obviously for a good reason. And like legendboy said, when you have kids, you'll realize the meaning behind this. Just because she is a mother, doesn't mean she won't harm her child. You need to experience the REAL WORLD and learn what really goes on and stop being close minded!

07-21-2006, 11:00 AM
Originally posted by AzN'SKillZ
A kid being kidnaped is bad and all but i dont see why it has to be broadcasted all over the city. the kidnapper is the mom whats the worst that could happen.

there was a reason why this child was taken away from her mom in the first place. You have no idea what shit people do to their kids. MY wife works with the crisis center for Family Social Services and the CARRT team, there is a good chance that they all will turn up dead.

07-21-2006, 11:01 AM
Originally posted by Honda EXR

When a child goes into protective custody, there is a reason. Anything from the mother/father using drugs, selling them, abuse, ect. Anything that endangers a child.
Social services only does supervised visits when they think there is a possilbe danger factor. But at the same time, they want the kids to see their parent(s). The whole thing about "the mother just wants her child back", of course she does. Not many people don't want their kids, but that does not mean she has the right to take her.
This is the first ever Amber alert issued in Calgary. Obviously for a good reason. And like legendboy said, when you have kids, you'll realize the meaning behind this. Just because she is a mother, doesn't mean she won't harm her child. You need to experience the REAL WORLD and learn what really goes on and stop being close minded!

:werd: Damn Right!

07-21-2006, 11:03 AM
Originally posted by AzN'SKillZ
ok so a mother kidnaps a baby. even if she was on crak and had a mental disability that still her baby obviously she just want to be with her. if she dislike the baby that much that she wanted to kill her she wouldent go to all the trouble of tryin to be with the baby.

i dont disagree that she isnt fit to take care of the baby as i dont no her. so i cant make a opinion about that.

but somthing like a city wide alert is jus too much. think abt it. theres so much other fken stuff goin on out there in the world. more important problems we shud be dealin with. this sort of stuff happens everyday in the world. there are worse things out there. robberies. innocent ppl being killed everyday in the street and jus atrocities that cud blow ur mind away if u knew all of them. but no we dont. we hear only a few. ones like these and we go overboard in publicizing them. i agree it is a sad thing for anyone to be kidnapped but here i jus dont see how critical it is to "amber alert" it all across the town. its serious but cmon. theres prolly 2 guys robbin a bank somewhere in the n.e and 3 ppl being shot downtown. y arent we hearin abt this. theres more kids in the s.e and s.w being beaten and brutally tortured jus for the hell of it. y isnt that an issue?

if the warning was about a murderer on the loose then yah there city wide alert is adequate.

OMG you have no clue!

07-21-2006, 11:11 AM
Originally posted by rotten42

OMG you have no clue!

Leave him alone, apparently he likes being sheltered in his box in his basement, with no windows, or tv, and everything outside of beyond.ca parental controlled locked out on his internet.

07-21-2006, 11:20 AM
this board can fight about anything

07-21-2006, 01:32 PM
Originally posted by AzN'SKillZ

yes there are fcuked up ppl out there. but obviously this mother just wants her kid back. if she wanted to harm the kid y not just kill the baby and run for it. y go througth the trouble of kidnapping the baby. anyways its really obvious waht tis is all about. she wants custody of the child and social services proble wouldent allow that. so thats y she went and kidnapped the baby. her intent is not to harm the baby!

Her intent may not be, but she is still unfit to care for the child and as of this point, the child is under her unsupervised care which is very dangerous for the child.

07-21-2006, 01:34 PM
Also, it's not overkill to broadcast this to the city or go on Amber Alert. You've seen the news when they put out alerts for attempted child abductions. This is worse, this means an abduction has actually occured, therefore efforts to find them have to intensify. It's a natural step.

07-21-2006, 05:31 PM
Originally posted by sexualbanana
Also, it's not overkill to broadcast this to the city or go on Amber Alert. You've seen the news when they put out alerts for attempted child abductions. This is worse, this means an abduction has actually occured, therefore efforts to find them have to intensify. It's a natural step.

and plus, kidnapping is life in prison....

07-21-2006, 07:18 PM

actually i hav dealt with social sercives and been to AVE 15 many times. most of u probly dont even know waht it is. well its a tempory shelter for any one under the age of 18. overal iv been there 4 times and everytime i stayed around 1 month. kids with all kind of backgrounds ust to show up. some ran away from there parents. some were beaten and ran away. some were abandon by there parents.

about a month ago there was a stabing around country hills. there was a house party, two guys get into a fight one of them pulled a knife and stab the other couple of times. after he just left and the ppl inside the house called the police. the point of this story is that he wasent caught for at least couple hours from what i herd. i clearly remember that night i was listening to the radio all night. and i didnt hear no warning about a murder around my hosue. so basically there was a murder on the loose for couple hours or so y wasent there a broadcast warning about that? u think he would be more dangerous then a mother that just want to be with her kid.

07-21-2006, 07:19 PM
Originally posted by LittleAngel

and plus, kidnapping is life in prison....

I wish it was life in prison, my gf's mom's best friend had her two sons kidnapped by their estranged father and he took off with them to Oklahoma, the mom got the kids back a year later and he did about 2years in jail and that's it, although shortly after he got out, he was jumped and murdered.

07-21-2006, 07:20 PM
Originally posted by sexualbanana

Her intent may not be, but she is still unfit to care for the child and as of this point, the child is under her unsupervised care which is very dangerous for the child.

i hav never said that she should hav custody of the child. i do believe that the cops should chase herd down and take the baby away from her.

what im trying to say is that there is no reason for a amber alert. for somthing like this

Honda EXR
07-21-2006, 07:52 PM
Originally posted by AzN'SKillZ

i hav never said that she should hav custody of the child. i do believe that the cops should chase herd down and take the baby away from her.

what im trying to say is that there is no reason for a amber alert. for somthing like this

Do you not get that children cannot defend themselves? Nor can a child that age talk, scream for help, dial 911, run away, ect. They issue an Amber alert because the child cannot help themselves.

If some guy kidnaps a woman, lets say 22, there is a number of things she can do to try and pull away.

Now what is a child suppose to do? Authority's issue the Alert so they have a better chance to find the victim. If anyone you care about goes missing, I can 100% gaurantee that you will do anything to make them come home. SAFELY.

07-21-2006, 08:01 PM

Is it really such a big deal that you get inturrupted while watching a re-run of simpsons, or getting inturrupted while listening to the same song on the radio that has been played over and over, because of a city wide alert on TV?

Have a little decency, did this city wide alert really inconvenience you that much?


07-21-2006, 08:59 PM
Originally posted by AzN'SKillZ
A kid being kidnaped is bad and all but i dont see why it has to be broadcasted all over the city. the kidnapper is the mom whats the worst that could happen.

like if it was some random person that kidanpaed her then maybe a city alert is needed.

Dude, anybody who's fucked up enough to kidnap a 10 month old baby...do you think it's fair to just ignore it? They did the right thing. I'll agree that they should ALSO broadcast a murder etc. But at least they're issuing a city wide alert for something. If it is effective, I'm sure the city will evaluate that, and decide that city-wide alerts are a good idea.

07-21-2006, 09:40 PM
actually i was at work. and no it did not inconvience me. if this happend somwhere near my house i would probly try and help by keeping a eye out for the descprition car. goin back to the story that i posted before about the murder. that was right near my house. i would hav like to hear a warning next time somthing like that happens! to me a murder on the loose is way more important then a mother that kidnapped her own child. this whole thing is basically custody issue.

07-21-2006, 09:43 PM
Originally posted by rotten42

OMG you have no clue!

no u hav no clue.

just because u sit at home and read couple of news artickles about fcuk up ppl dont think u no the intent of ever person. also keep in mind that whatever u read in the news its not 100% acurate too.

07-21-2006, 10:25 PM
Yeah, they found the little girl!


07-21-2006, 11:19 PM
Originally posted by AzN'SKillZ

actually i hav dealt with social sercives and been to AVE 15 many times. most of u probly dont even know waht it is. well its a tempory shelter for any one under the age of 18. overal iv been there 4 times and everytime i stayed around 1 month. kids with all kind of backgrounds ust to show up. some ran away from there parents. some were beaten and ran away. some were abandon by there parents.

about a month ago there was a stabing around country hills. there was a house party, two guys get into a fight one of them pulled a knife and stab the other couple of times. after he just left and the ppl inside the house called the police. the point of this story is that he wasent caught for at least couple hours from what i herd. i clearly remember that night i was listening to the radio all night. and i didnt hear no warning about a murder around my hosue. so basically there was a murder on the loose for couple hours or so y wasent there a broadcast warning about that? u think he would be more dangerous then a mother that just want to be with her kid.

But you still have no clue when it comes to the welfare of kids.

07-21-2006, 11:22 PM
Originally posted by AzN'SKillZ
actually i was at work. and no it did not inconvience me. if this happend somwhere near my house i would probly try and help by keeping a eye out for the descprition car. goin back to the story that i posted before about the murder. that was right near my house. i would hav like to hear a warning next time somthing like that happens! to me a murder on the loose is way more important then a mother that kidnapped her own child. this whole thing is basically custody issue.

dude is a classic case of fetal alcohol syndrome....how can you be so dense not to get the importance of this?

07-21-2006, 11:27 PM
Originally posted by AzN'SKillZ

no u hav no clue.

just because u sit at home and read couple of news artickles about fcuk up ppl dont think u no the intent of ever person. also keep in mind that whatever u read in the news its not 100% acurate too.

no I have more than enough info ....more than any of you.....because my wife works for the department that apprehends these children in risk (over 15 years). If you retained any comprehension from reading the posts you would already know that my wife works for Family social services in the crisis unit....putz

..and you are correct, the news usually doesn't have all the correct information but the police do....that's why the alert was given. For an uninformed young punk you sure who how the world works....not.

07-21-2006, 11:52 PM
Originally posted by AzN'SKillZ

no u hav no clue.

just because u sit at home and read couple of news artickles about fcuk up ppl dont think u no the intent of ever person. also keep in mind that whatever u read in the news its not 100% acurate too.

My thoughts after reading your posts:

Dear God,
Please hasten the development of reprogenics.

Yours truly,
A member of the coalition against retards by choice.

D'z Nutz
07-21-2006, 11:55 PM
Originally posted by AzN'SKillZ
i like how u selectivly quote

Why wouldn't I selectively quote? My reply had nothing to do with your commentary on what's wrong with modern society. It had to do with your disillusioned perception of what kidnapper could be capable of.

07-21-2006, 11:59 PM
Originally posted by rotten42

dude is a classic case of fetal alcohol syndrome....how can you be so dense not to get the importance of this?

plz enlighten me!!!

so yah the mom returned the baby back unharmed. guess i was right her intent wasent to harm the kid.

07-22-2006, 12:03 AM
Originally posted by D'z Nutz

Why wouldn't I selectively quote? My reply had nothing to do with your commentary on what's wrong with modern society. It had to do with your disillusioned perception of what kidnapper could be capable of.

so the baby was unharmed. my dillusion or ur just jumping on the band wagon with everyone else?

07-22-2006, 12:04 AM
Originally posted by AzN'SKillZ

plz enlighten me!!!

so yah the mom returned the baby back unharmed. guess i was right her intent wasent to harm the kid.

You need to learn how to read, the mother didn't return anything, she had someone else return the baby while she disappeared again, she's still wanted and still a criminal who's wanted on abduction charges.Bottom line, you can't just take your kid if you don't have custodial rights, and I'm very proud of the fact the city issued an amber alert warning, I know if it was my kid, I'd want everyone to stop what they were doing to help find him/her, that's the only natural way to feel, if you are a good parent.

07-22-2006, 12:07 AM
Originally posted by AzN'SKillZ

plz enlighten me!!!

so yah the mom returned the baby back unharmed. guess i was right her intent wasent to harm the kid.

So you mean to say that her intention the whole time was to bring the baby to a friend who would return the baby to social services? That's why she needed a knife right? Riiiggghtt.

In case you missed it, she has a criminal record. Judging by your empathy for her, I wouldn't be surprised if you had one too.

07-22-2006, 12:08 AM
for a bunk uninformed teenager i sure as hell got the scinerio right.

and to all of u who thinks they no more about stuff like this then me well ur wrong! i live with a abousive family. i also been to drop in incenters for youth and hav had many many chats with social councilers. iv also lived with foster parents as well. with the exception of rotten42 i hav more insight then most of u posting.

07-22-2006, 12:09 AM
Originally posted by three33

You need to learn how to read

Learning how to read might be far fetched for someone who clearly does not have the intellectual capacity to play tic-tac-toe. You ask too much.

07-22-2006, 12:10 AM
Originally posted by Si_FlyGuy

Learning how to read might be far fetched for someone who clearly does not have the intellectual capacity to play tic-tac-toe. You ask too much.

Ok, ok, I guess that's being a bit harsh on him, not his fault he lives a sheltered life.

07-22-2006, 12:12 AM
Originally posted by three33

she had someone else return the baby.

u know waht i ment stop trying to be smart!

she had someone else return the baby for her cuz shes wanted for abduction.

dosent change the fact that her intent was not to hert the baby.

07-22-2006, 12:15 AM
Originally posted by Si_FlyGuy

So you mean to say that her intention the whole time was to bring the baby to a friend who would return the baby to social services? That's why she needed a knife right? Riiiggghtt.

In case you missed it, she has a criminal record. Judging by your empathy for her, I wouldn't be surprised if you had one too.

the knife was to get the baby from her dad. not to harm the baby!

she has a criminal record. it coulda been for anything. the criminal record was probly the reason y she lost custody and maybe other reasons too.

but that dosent mean shes gona harm the baby!

07-22-2006, 12:16 AM
Well even still, maybe she wouldn't have hurt the baby, but she's a flat out no good criminal, there's a reason she doesn't have her baby in the first place, whos to say if she had kept the baby, that she wouldn't have abandoned it, that happens, especially with these kind of people, once they realize the responsibility, they can't handle it.

07-22-2006, 12:17 AM
Originally posted by three33

Ok, ok, I guess that's being a bit harsh on him, not his fault he lives a sheltered life.

now ur the one that cant read right

i already said i dont live in a shelter world. im a little more optimistic towards the world then most but im not sheltered!

07-22-2006, 12:18 AM
Originally posted by three33
Well even still, maybe she wouldn't have hurt the baby, but she's a flat out no good criminal, there's a reason she doesn't have her baby in the first place, whos to say if she had kept the baby, that she wouldn't have abandoned it, that happens, especially with these kind of people, once they realize the responsibility, they can't handle it.

yes she realized the responsibility of her actions and that shes a wanted criminal. so she gave the baby to a friend to give back to the foster parents.

07-22-2006, 12:18 AM
Originally posted by AzN'SKillZ

dosent change the fact that her intent was not to hert the baby.

Do you honestly think that someone irrational enough to abduct a baby at knife-point is in the right frame of mind to be in custody of one? Don't you feel that her mental capacity of self-retrain, as well as judging what is right and wrong, is diminished?

Side Note: You sound like the guy who was defending that motorcycle-slut.

07-22-2006, 12:20 AM
Originally posted by AzN'SKillZ

yes she realized the responsibility of her actions and that shes a wanted criminal. so she gave the baby to a friend to give back to the foster parents.

No, I think she just got scared, and if she was responsible, she would have turned her baby in herself and turned herself into the police.

07-22-2006, 12:20 AM
Originally posted by Si_FlyGuy

Learning how to read might be far fetched for someone who clearly does not have the intellectual capacity to play tic-tac-toe. You ask too much.

u hav no insight at all. all ur doin is jumping on the band wagon with everyone else! i hav enought sences to make my own judgements. more then i can say for u.

07-22-2006, 12:23 AM
Originally posted by Si_FlyGuy

Do you honestly think that someone irrational enough to abduct a baby at knife-point is in the right frame of mind to be in custody of one? Don't you feel that her mental capacity of self-retrain, as well as judging what is right and wrong, is diminished?

Side Note: You sound like the guy who was defending that motorcycle-slut.

never herd of the motorcycle slut so probly no.

LEARN HOW TO READ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i already stated that i dont think she is fit to hav custody of the child!

my whole point of mentioning this was to support the idea that it wasent important enought for a amber alert.

07-22-2006, 12:24 AM
Originally posted by three33

No, I think she just got scared, and if she was responsible, she would have turned her baby in herself and turned herself into the police.

shes not responsible hence the criminal charges and not having custody of the child.

im not try to say that she should hav custody of the child im just trying to say that her intent was not to harm the child!

07-22-2006, 12:27 AM
Originally posted by AzN'SKillZ

u hav no insight at all. all ur doin is jumping on the band wagon with everyone else! i hav enought sences to make my own judgements. more then i can say for u.

If the world seems to be thinking differently, maybe it's time to look in the mirror.

07-22-2006, 12:28 AM
Originally posted by AzN'SKillZ

never herd of the motorcycle slut so probly no.

LEARN HOW TO READ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i already stated that i dont think she is fit to hav custody of the child!

my whole point of mentioning this was to support the idea that it wasent important enought for a amber alert.

Until you have kids of your own, or become an uncle, whatever, you will never understand how much value a childs life has, every child that goes missing deserves to be given an Amber Alert and anyone who says otherwise is an idiot, go to www.missingkids.com website, look at all the kids missing, in both Canada and the USA, it's sad, sadder then anything, I would hate to be those parents and have to live with not knowing if their kids are still alive or what not. But enough said from me, I know what is right to believe, and that's what makes me a good person.

07-22-2006, 12:30 AM
Originally posted by AzN'SKillZ

LEARN HOW TO READ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I find this particularly amusing, coming from someone who has an inability to spell 'have'. However, I will gladly retract my comments if you are in grade 2.

Are you? It's really tough to say, judging by the content of your posts.

I feel that this Amber Alert saved the baby from potential harm, perhaps even death. That alone warrants its deployment.

07-22-2006, 12:31 AM
Originally posted by Si_FlyGuy

If the world seems to be thinking differently, maybe it's time to look in the mirror.

well seems that the world was wrong!! kid returned unharmded!!

maybe im not stupid, maybe its everyone else that cant think at the level im at!

07-22-2006, 12:36 AM
Originally posted by three33

Until you have kids of your own, or become an uncle, whatever, you will never understand how much value a childs life has, every child that goes missing deserves to be given an Amber Alert and anyone who says otherwise is an idiot, go to www.missingkids.com website, look at all the kids missing, in both Canada and the USA, it's sad, sadder then anything, I would hate to be those parents and have to live with not knowing if their kids are still alive or what not. But enough said from me, I know what is right to believe, and that's what makes me a good person.

and how am i a bad person? i would hav helped out if i coulda

and im also creating awarness for the amber alert situation! no one ever mention using it for somthing else like murders exetra. now that i created awarness i hope that eventually ppl who organizes these things will figure oout " mmmmm........ maybe we could use this amber alert for more important things"

another example that i just thou of couple of years back there was this guy that got infected with AIDS. he got pissed off and ran around the city injecting his blood into other ppls body. i think like 30 victims or somthing like that. NOW THATS SOMTHING THAT CALLS FOR A AMBER ALERT!

07-22-2006, 12:38 AM
Originally posted by AzN'SKillZ

well seems that the world was wrong!! kid returned unharded!!

maybe im not stupid, maybe its everyone else that cant think at the level im at!

I'm sure glad that my mother wasn't anywhere near that potluck that produced you.

07-22-2006, 12:38 AM
Originally posted by Si_FlyGuy

I find this particularly amusing, coming from someone who has an inability to spell 'have'. However, I will gladly retract my comments if you are in grade 2.

Are you? It's really tough to say, judging by the content of your posts.

I feel that this Amber Alert saved the baby from potential harm, perhaps even death. That alone warrants its deployment.

no im not in grade two

english is my second language.

edit: its not a inability its more of a abrivating. i get a little lazy and leave the e outa have. i do this with alota words

07-22-2006, 12:39 AM
Originally posted by Si_FlyGuy

I'm sure glad that my mother wasn't anywhere near that potluck that produced you.

im sure glad i can think for myself and sure as hell smarter then u!

prove me wrong! was the kid not returned unharmed

EDIT: so now that i hav proven apoint ur just being ignorent and making stupid comments

07-22-2006, 12:43 AM
My opinion on this alert is, that because its a YOUNG girl, pratically an infant, ppl find it more important to find her back. I bet if it was a group of elderlys, it would still alert people, but just not as much. Cuz who cares more about the elder then a "cute" young "innocent" child...?

07-22-2006, 12:52 AM
Originally posted by Si_FlyGuy

I feel that this Amber Alert saved the baby from potential harm, perhaps even death. That alone warrants its deployment.

it didnt save the kids life. cuz the mother was never out to harm the kid in the first place

07-22-2006, 01:02 AM
Originally posted by AzN'SKillZ

it didnt save the kids life. cuz the mother was never out to harm the kid in the first place

Yes .. she was.

(1) She abducted the child from the childs rightful custodian at KNIFEPOINT

(2) She is mentally unstable

(3) she picked up the kid and ran holding a knife. UMmm ya that is dangerous.

If those points don't convince you then ... please oh please ... take yourself to some of those counsellors you say you talked to. You really need a professional to help you understand.

Mods Please close this thread.
Thank you.

07-22-2006, 01:12 AM
Originally posted by alloroc

Yes .. she was.

(1) She abducted the child from the childs rightful custodian at KNIFEPOINT

(2) She is mentally unstable

(3) she picked up the kid and ran holding a knife. UMmm ya that is dangerous.

If those points don't convince you then ... please oh please ... take yourself to some of those counsellors you say you talked to. You really need a professional to help you understand.

Mods Please close this thread.
Thank you.

she is mentaly unstable i wont disagree with u there! she abducted the child from the rightful custodian cuz she wanted the kid by her side. never said she ran holding a knife?

EDIT: she was not out to harm the kid! some of the actions takin might not hav been the most safe for the child.

07-22-2006, 03:01 AM
Originally posted by AzN'SKillZ

plz enlighten me!!!

so yah the mom returned the baby back unharmed. guess i was right her intent wasent to harm the kid.

For the record, most people never said that she INTENDED to hurt the child. The statement most of us are making is like the one I said before, she is in no way mentally stable enough to care for a child and as a result endangering the child's well-being. Think of the shaken-baby syndrome. This is often committed by parents who either don't know what they're doing, or unstable parents. In either case, they think they are helping the baby by shaking him when the baby cries when in fact, they're hurting the child.

Originally posted by AzN'SKillZ

u know waht i ment stop trying to be smart!

she had someone else return the baby for her cuz shes wanted for abduction.

dosent change the fact that her intent was not to hert the baby.

Originally posted by AzN'SKillZ

the knife was to get the baby from her dad. not to harm the baby!

she has a criminal record. it coulda been for anything. the criminal record was probly the reason y she lost custody and maybe other reasons too.

but that dosent mean shes gona harm the baby!

And there are plenty of parents that have criminal records that are parents, so that's not an argument. The argument is that she forcefully took custody of a child from a government employee as part of a court-mandated condition at knifepoint. Thus showing a history of violence and possible mental instability.

Originally posted by AzN'SKillZ

yes she realized the responsibility of her actions and that shes a wanted criminal. so she gave the baby to a friend to give back to the foster parents.

Or she realized she has a significant portion of the city aware of her actions, thus the alert did help.

Originally posted by AzN'SKillZ

shes not responsible hence the criminal charges and not having custody of the child.

im not try to say that she should hav custody of the child im just trying to say that her intent was not to harm the child!

Originally posted by AzN'SKillZ

it didnt save the kids life. cuz the mother was never out to harm the kid in the first place

You're right. We can't prove causality. We can't quantifiably establish that the alert did in fact save the child's life. NOR can you establish that the mother would have returned the child unharmed if there was no alert.

Originally posted by AzN'SKillZ

she is mentaly unstable i wont disagree with u there! she abducted the child from the rightful custodian cuz she wanted the kid by her side. never said she ran holding a knife?

EDIT: she was not out to harm the kid! some of the actions takin might not hav been the most safe for the child.

All personal insults aside, I think most people believe the issuance of an amber alert was a proper move. Because
a) It is a defenseless child that is probably unaware of the situation therefore can't help himself. Otherwise the abductor and abductee would fit into a regular crowd and no one would be the wiser;
b) It informs the public, which is what the news is for;
c) Places pressure on the perpetrator.
d) It's reassuring to the victims to see that at least something is being done.

07-22-2006, 04:39 AM



07-22-2006, 04:41 AM
ohhh PS

07-22-2006, 07:42 AM
Originally posted by AzN'SKillZ

well seems that the world was wrong!! kid returned unharmded!!

maybe im not stupid, maybe its everyone else that cant think at the level im at!

Did you even stop for a moment to realize it is very very likely that the amber alert that was initiated was the cause of this woman returning the child via a friend, that the alert being put out made her realize everyone was looking for her and the child. I think I can safely assume that this amber alert did exactly what it was intended to do.:thumbsup: Score one for the Amber Alert

07-22-2006, 09:17 AM
Originally posted by eljefe

Did you even stop for a moment to realize it is very very likely that the amber alert that was initiated was the cause of this woman returning the child via a friend, that the alert being put out made her realize everyone was looking for her and the child. I think I can safely assume that this amber alert did exactly what it was intended to do.:thumbsup: Score one for the Amber Alert


The child was found, and to me aswell the amber alert did it!! its been used 4 or 5 times in alberta already and everytime it is used, the child is found safe and unharmed!

azn skills guy, you need help. Ya it is great that the child came back safe, but the point is, this mother was nuts, its pretty sad when the police had to go to drug houses to check to see if she was there, that tells you right there that the mother is no mother!!! no baby seat in the car, thats another shitty thing a mother can do, put her child into a car with no child seat, unsafe.
Taking the baby on a supervised visit and running to a car?? that's no way to change in hope for a second chance...
The police believed the child was in danger, it met all requirements to call for an amber alert, so the did it, and it brang a 10 month old child back to a safe place, and the mother still ran which means she knows she's an idiot for taking the child in the first place.

I dont care how much the mother wants to be with the child, the child is better off without her. she is not fit to be a mother, she is into drugs, possibly prostitution, and god knows what else. There is a reason why these children are in care of the government, and that will never change, they dont care how badly you want the child, they care about the safety of the children, and im glad of that.

Glad the child is safe and back, and i hope they find her mother and put her away!

07-22-2006, 09:35 AM
Originally posted by AzN'SKillZ

u know waht i ment stop trying to be smart!

she had someone else return the baby for her cuz shes wanted for abduction.

dosent change the fact that her intent was not to hert the baby.

The intent was to take the baby from the father who was the legal guardian of the child. The major charge is not for waving a knife.. it's for taking the baby.

In comment to the previous posts about how there are more important things to alarm us about... what are people going to do if it was brodcasted that a bank was being robbed? what? phone the police? yea... no... they already know about it.

Amber Alert is to utilize the awareness of the public to look out for missing children. There is no way that you can leave the city without seeing another person or having another person see you but it is quite possible for you to leave the city without a cop seeing you.

Please, no more dumb comments on how they should inform us of a bank robbery or someone getting shot. The only place for that is on the news station.

07-22-2006, 09:49 AM
Originally posted by AzN'SKillZ

another example that i just thou of couple of years back there was this guy that got infected with AIDS. he got pissed off and ran around the city injecting his blood into other ppls body. i think like 30 victims or somthing like that. NOW THATS SOMTHING THAT CALLS FOR A AMBER ALERT!

You are one really stupid person, an amber alert is for a CHILD that has been KIDNAPPED. it was started when a 9 year old girl got kidnapped and then murdered.

An amber alert is a kidnapping, its not for someone murdering someone or someone going injecting blood into everyone else.

you really need to start learning before posting.....
here... educate yourself

07-24-2006, 07:31 AM
Amber Alert in Alberta 5 for 5 :thumbsup:

The emergency system started in Alberta 3-and-a-half years ago.

Alberta was the first province in the country to establish the Amber Alert system.

It's a voluntary program between law enforcement and local broadcasters, to send an emergency warning to the public when a child, or mentally challenged adult, is abducted.

This new alert makes the fifth Amber Alert issued so far in Alberta.

The first was in December 2003, and the second in March 2004, when two young girls were abducted from the Saddle Lake Reserve northeast of Edmonton.

The third was for an adult in February 2006, and the fourth just this past April in St. Albert.

In all cases, those who were missing were found safely within 24 hours.

Only police can issue an Amber Alert and the criteria is strict.

Police must confirm a child, or adult with mental or physical disabilities, has been abducted.

They must also establish there is a danger of serious bodily harm or death, provide a good description of the child, abductor and suspect's vehicle, and issue the alert within a reasonable time frame.

The Missing Children Society of Canada isn't directly involved with the alerts, but officials say it’s a good program, and the criteria are necessary.

The Amber Alert program was developed in the U.S. in 1997, after the abduction and murder of 9-year-old Amber Hagerman in Texas in 1996.


07-24-2006, 11:56 AM
Originally posted by Rav4Guy

The intent was to take the baby from the father who was the legal guardian of the child. The major charge is not for waving a knife.. it's for taking the baby.

In comment to the previous posts about how there are more important things to alarm us about... what are people going to do if it was brodcasted that a bank was being robbed? what? phone the police? yea... no... they already know about it.

Amber Alert is to utilize the awareness of the public to look out for missing children. There is no way that you can leave the city without seeing another person or having another person see you but it is quite possible for you to leave the city without a cop seeing you.

Please, no more dumb comments on how they should inform us of a bank robbery or someone getting shot. The only place for that is on the news station.

alright i hope some murder gos runnin around ur neiborhoood and kills someone in ur family!

or maybe some crazy guy with aids infects someone in ur family.

either one of those could be provented if u know there was some syko person around ur nebordhood

07-24-2006, 11:58 AM
Originally posted by AzN'SKillZ

alright i hope some murder gos runnin around ur neiborhoood and kills someone in ur family!

or maybe some crazy guy with aids infects someone in ur family.

either one of those could be provented if u know there was some syko person around ur nebordhood

Holy crap, you are one sick person, either that or you're only 12, pretending to be an e-thug, either way grow up man, everyone's tired of your bull stories, you don't know anything about anything, try going back to school as well, learn how to speak and type english properly.

07-24-2006, 12:01 PM
Originally posted by LittleAngel

You are one really stupid person, an amber alert is for a CHILD that has been KIDNAPPED. it was started when a 9 year old girl got kidnapped and then murdered.

An amber alert is a kidnapping, its not for someone murdering someone or someone going injecting blood into everyone else.

you really need to start learning before posting.....
here... educate yourself

actually no i didnt no that the sole perpose of the amber alert was for kidnap of children.

so i was wrong to say that the amber alert was used wrong.

i should be say:thumbsdow to th system

07-24-2006, 12:03 PM
Originally posted by three33

Holy crap, you are one sick person, either that or you're only 12, pretending to be an e-thug, either way grow up man, everyone's tired of your bull stories, you don't know anything about anything, try going back to school as well, learn how to speak and type english properly.

how am i a e thug?

english is my second language

how am i a sick person wen all i want to see is systems like "amber alert" put into good use

07-24-2006, 12:09 PM
Originally posted by AzN'SKillZ

alright i hope some murder gos runnin around ur neiborhoood and kills someone in ur family!

or maybe some crazy guy with aids infects someone in ur family.

either one of those could be provented if u know there was some syko person around ur nebordhood

By that direct quote from you, hoping someones famliy gets mudered is disgusting, I don't care who you are, personally to me I don't worry about murderer's on the loose, because it's not a common everyday thing, nor do I worry about psycho guys infecting people with AIDS, if you're that much in fear of your surroundings, A. You live in a sh@tty neighbourhood, or B.You should build yourself a bomb shelter and live in there, either way,the Amber Alert has done it's job and that's what matters.

Honda EXR
07-24-2006, 12:12 PM
Originally posted by AzN'SKillZ

how am i a e thug?

english is my second language

how am i a sick person wen all i want to see is systems like "amber alert" put into good use

Can I ask you what you think would be a good enough cause for an Amber Alert?

07-24-2006, 12:19 PM
Not that so much as wishing murder or deadly diseases upon people. I said earlier, that they SHOULD inform us of other situations, but if you have a murderer in a public place, an alert is issued, it may cause him to pull a gun and empty the clip into surrounding people. We can't save everyone, no matter how much we wish we could. This situation was assessed, and they decided that issuing an Amber Alert would increase the likelihood of the child returning safe. It worked. Now if there was a guy running around with a needle full of his tainted blood, then yes, an alert should be issued if possible. But sometimes it isn't. Here, there was a vehicle involved, and a proper description was one of the criteria(e?) to issue the alert. It's a lot tougher to describe a person in most cases. Either way, you are STILL messed up if you wish death or AIDS upon people you don't know, and have done nothing to deserve such things.

07-24-2006, 12:35 PM
There are two primary consequences of releasing an alert for everything:

1. It would cause mass hysteria.
2. After a while, people would just block them out, much like we do when commercials get re-run and re-run.

Besides...I don't want to have an interruption everytime some guy decides not to pay for his pho in forest lawn.

07-24-2006, 12:36 PM
i must apolegize i do not wish death upon no one!

i just wanted to show him some sinerios. might hav worded it in a not so nice way.

07-24-2006, 12:39 PM
Originally posted by Si_FlyGuy
There are two primary consequences of releasing an alert for everything:

1. It would cause mass hysteria.
2. After a while, people would just block them out, much like we do when commercials get re-run and re-run.

Besides...I don't want to have an interruption everytime some guy decides not to pay for his pho in forest lawn.

that is a possiblity that we would start blocking it out. so i guess it would be up to the ppl who make this alert to asses if the situation is important enought.

some guy not paying for his pho is a stupid reason to call for a city wide alert. only reason i see that would justify a alert if it could save lives.

it would also casue awarness. oh theres some murder on the loose maybe i should go get my children from outside. and make sure i lock my doors and be caustus

07-24-2006, 12:57 PM
As a parent all I care is

a) that "amber alerts" exist

b) that "amber alerts" work

:thumbsup: :thumbsup:

07-24-2006, 12:59 PM
Originally posted by AzN'SKillZ

that is a possiblity that we would start blocking it out. so i guess it would be up to the ppl who make this alert to asses if the situation is important enought.

some guy not paying for his pho is a stupid reason to call for a city wide alert. only reason i see that would justify a alert if it could save lives.

it would also casue awarness. oh theres some murder on the loose maybe i should go get my children from outside. and make sure i lock my doors and be caustus

They do issue alerts for murders and robbers. In the case of child abductors there is always a witness with a description of the kidnapper. In the case of that murderer in your neighborhood, I can see one of a few things that prevented the alert of a city.
A) They arrived after the fact to find only a dead body and no witness. As a result, they have no lead as to who it is yet, and to issue a city-wide alert with no information is insane.
B) No one wants to talk. People are intimidated by murders, therefor they don't want to talk to police for fear of repercussion.

The public is often alerted of serial murderers and rapists, as well as escaped convicts. So the issuance of alerts is not an uncommon event that is limited to just child abductions.

07-24-2006, 03:01 PM
Originally posted by AzN'SKillZ

that is a possiblity that we would start blocking it out. so i guess it would be up to the ppl who make this alert to asses if the situation is important enought.

some guy not paying for his pho is a stupid reason to call for a city wide alert. only reason i see that would justify a alert if it could save lives.

it would also casue awarness. oh theres some murder on the loose maybe i should go get my children from outside. and make sure i lock my doors and be caustus

"Amber Alert" is awesome! It is used for the right purpose and not abused for anything else!!! So everyone that I know is aware that when they hear an Amber Alert to pass the information along and to watch out for the individuals missing!!!!


08-01-2006, 02:29 AM
Originally posted by eljefe
As a parent all I care is

a) that "amber alerts" exist

b) that "amber alerts" work

:thumbsup: :thumbsup:

amber alert is only for kidnapping of children

many other possibilitys of dangers out there that could be provented

08-01-2006, 02:29 AM