View Full Version : Early payment on photoradar tickets

07-24-2006, 11:52 PM
The last photoradar ticket I got said that I would get a discount if I pay early.

I once heard that it is unlawful to raise a fine, just because a person chooses to fight it in court. Sure, I've heard of judges getting very made at someone and raising their fine, but its not supposed to happen to scincere people that a trying to plea not guilty.

Isn't an "early payment discount" no different than a "surcharge for failed defences"

Please vote

07-25-2006, 12:03 AM
How much is your last ticket and what was the discount offered?

07-25-2006, 12:08 AM
Originally posted by FiveFreshFish
How much is your last ticket and what was the discount offered?

I dont remember anymore. It was 9 clicks over in a 50 kmh zone, and it was over 2 years ago.

Perhaps $130 with a $20 discount if I pay early? Dont quote me on that.

07-25-2006, 01:39 AM
Last photo radar ticket I got (about 4 years ago, or so) didn't have an 'early payment' discount so much as 'avoid the late payment penalty' sort of encouraging words on it. Fighting it in court and being convicted would not add the same penalty as ignoring it and paying it when your registration is due.

Maybe someone with a more recent photo-radar ticket can enlighten us as tp what is says about early/late payment?

07-25-2006, 09:01 AM
Originally posted by BlueGoblin
Last photo radar ticket I got (about 4 years ago, or so) didn't have an 'early payment' discount so much as 'avoid the late payment penalty' sort of encouraging words on it. Fighting it in court and being convicted would not add the same penalty as ignoring it and paying it when your registration is due.

Maybe someone with a more recent photo-radar ticket can enlighten us as tp what is says about early/late payment?

Now, I'm not sure anymore. Does anyone have a recent ticket that they can read?

07-25-2006, 03:11 PM
dont pay go to Mr. Speedometer.....and your your speedo checked if its off by 1 kph then the tickets gets tossed...this can only be done once as the government has a record of you fixing the speedo problem or not......but it is a good way to get outta those really big ones..

07-25-2006, 04:05 PM
Just another ploy to make their moneymaking scheme more efficient.

If everyone who got a ticket took it to court (like they should) regardless of whether they were guilty or not (if you have to pay it anyways, you might as well try?).

Then they would not be able to give out nearly as many tickets, because all the cops would be in court instead of out there giving them.

In summary fight your tickets! that way the cop isn't out on the street giving more.

My 2 last tickets? 1, just coming towards the city limit sign and the 110 kph sign heading out past shawnessy on Mcleode, where it turns into the highway -- 80 zone changes to a 110 highway - I was accelerating into the 110 sign and got pulled over for doing I believe 114 and was literally parked getting my ticket right onfront of the 110 sign.

Last one? Cop followed me for about 10 minutes down mcleode (I'm think they have someone assigned to me now, my custom Apexi N1 exhaust / dual hks bovs are rather loud..) and I squeaked my tires a little bit on a green light with him parked behind me still following me, unintentionally - immediately pulled me over and gave me a 'stunting' ticket to the tune of 402$. And he took about half an hour to do it, and was threatening a ticket for my exhaust being so loud. I was even polite about it.

Fight your tickets. Then they can't give half as many. Period.

07-25-2006, 04:10 PM
^^^ yes fight your tickets and say by to the now registried owners thing......everybody will be lining up in courts costing the city more and more everyday just to hold these trials.......so are they gonna lose money while the insurance companies make money. i highly fuckin doubt that so ya fight your tickets and waste their time and they will see that private sectors should not get their way with shit like this.