View Full Version : Virus/Spyware/firewall programs

08-06-2006, 09:24 AM
On my current laptop I have Adware, and Avast. Previously I also have used Spybot, and the program by Webroot (forgot the name).

Lot time ago I had the Symantec suite but that was a resource hog.

I got a new laptop and want to get the best and least expensive choices.

What would you recommend?

Virus - Avast, AVG, Zone alarm, Microtrend
Firewall - Zone alarm
Spy ware - Webroot, spybot, adware

Thanks in advance

08-06-2006, 09:33 AM
So far the best spyware program i found hands down is spyware doctor. I am a tech and fix ppls virus/spyware issues all the bloody time, and adaware and spybot when run together still leave alot of stuff behind that spyware doctor finds. Spyware doctor is not free, but can be had online for like $30 bucks. For virus programs i always use antivir, get it at www.freeav.com. takes no resources, updated daily. Been using it for god knows how long and never had a single problem

08-06-2006, 09:33 AM


Used by some of the most active websites on the net!