View Full Version : Saddam had no ties to Al Qaeda

09-08-2006, 12:57 PM
So much for the big mans speach the other day lol ;)

Soooo, no WMD's, no Al Qaeda..... so it was the oil and Halliburton contracts? ;)

as if we didn't know.... but for those of you that didn't....


The finding is contained in a 2005 CIA report released by the Senate's Intelligence Committee on Friday.

US President George W Bush has said that the presence of late al-Qaeda leader Abu Musab al-Zarqawi in Iraq before the war was evidence of a link.

Opposition Democrats say the report has harmed Mr Bush's case for going to war.

The BBC's Justin Webb in Washington says that the US president has again and again tried to connect the war in Iraq, which most Americans think was a mistake, with the so-called war on terror, which has the support of the nation.

09-08-2006, 01:02 PM

09-08-2006, 01:03 PM
Originally posted by wainr

09-08-2006, 01:47 PM

09-08-2006, 01:48 PM

Welcome to 2 years ago. The war might be considered sketchy by many, but were are better off without Saddam and his nut job kids.

09-08-2006, 02:15 PM
I'd have to say, that no matter what side of the isreal/lebanon thread war you're on that's been going on in beyond.ca lately, it's pretty obvious that the US/Iraq thing was pretty much bullshit.

09-08-2006, 04:26 PM
Originally posted by l8braker

Welcome to 2 years ago. The war might be considered sketchy by many, but were are better off without Saddam and his nut job kids.

The world would be far better off than the bastards that funded and supported those bastards. All in all dont tell me this thing was worth the 1 000 000+ killed.

09-08-2006, 06:40 PM
Of course its obvious.... BUT when the WMD's didn't turn up, the excuse for their war crimes in Iraq was then of course ties to Al Qaeda...

There are a large percentage of Americans that still think it was Saddam that didi 911 lol

09-08-2006, 11:03 PM
Who cares! Saddam got what whe deserved. I consider the war is unfinished business from desert storm.

09-09-2006, 12:13 AM
I love the no WMD argument.

Let's see...they found the warheads used to deliver the chemical/biological agents, banned by UN resolutions. Stockpiles of the missile systems used to deliver the warheads, banned by UN resolutions. Camouflaged production facilities never shown to UN inspectors and banned by UN resolutions and many of the base chemicals used in the production of the agents.

Yes, there were no missiles on the launchers with a big flashing red launch button, but Iraq was defying UN resolutions plain and simple. Resolutions the UN for 10 years said, 'follow or else' but never had the commitment to do the 'or else'. The US said let our inspectors in or else, then followed through with the or else. A threat of force is only effective if you use the force you threat.

As for the Al Qeada links, the 9/11 commission stated that there were many meetings between members of the Iraqi government and the terrorist organization, but since these meetings were not documented it could not emphatically prove that these were official meetings nor could they determine what happened during them. I'm sure they were just discussing weekend social events though.

I 100% agree that the US tried to over market the war and it has come back to hurt them. But in the world climate today it had to be done. Really it should have happenned within a year of the first gulf war, but the UN and/or the US administration at the time didn't have the commitment. Instead the UN pussyfooted around for 10 years letting Saddam jerk them around over their resolutions and empty threats of force. The UN lost any credibility on the world stage at being able to back up their resolutions and it has created the climate of open defiance today by Iran and North Korea.

09-09-2006, 12:58 AM
^^^^ nope, they found none.

The rockets were shorter range then banned by the UN.

The ones they found "tainted" with Sarin gas were so badly degraded, they figured they were remnants from 15 years ago... and there were only handful.

Even the head UN weapons inspectors (two of them) said there were no WMD's, and an independant Russian commission found they had none, and as with Iran, were at least 10 years away from developing nukes if they wanted to (though there was no evidence of it).

You can justify it how you want, but they found NOTHING of substance. A few OLD errant rockets here and there are expected in a devestated country.

As for 9/11..... well, first of, Al Qaeda had nothing to do with it.... and even IF they did, certainly Saddam had nothing to do with them. That has been covered to death but FBI, CIA, UN, Russians again etc... The aledged metting in Europe were just that... aledged.

09-09-2006, 01:19 AM
You can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink.

You can lead Toma to rational thought,,,,,,

09-09-2006, 09:26 AM
Originally posted by Watcher
You can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink.

You can lead Toma to rational thought,,,,,,

listen, there is nothing worse than a person who cannot come up with their own good arguement and as such relies on degrading a person, rather than their argument to make a point.

it matters not if toma is right or wrong, what matters is how you are able to discuss the topic with him.

(end of pet peev rant)

09-09-2006, 09:34 AM
and who can justify the 90,000 iraqi civilians killed in this process?

09-09-2006, 09:52 AM
Originally posted by turab16
and who can justify the 90,000 iraqi civilians killed in this process?

nobody, that is what sickens me, daily in iraq we have 9/11's happening, and nobody seems to give a shit...seems foreign life to the americans means less? :dunno: :dunno:

09-09-2006, 10:59 AM
Originally posted by umreeka91

nobody, that is what sickens me, daily in iraq we have 9/11's happening, and nobody seems to give a shit...seems foreign life to the americans means less? :dunno: :dunno:

And who is doing this? Not the Americans. Dozens of people die each day by suicide bombers in Iraq, I am sure they have the Iraqi peoples best interest at heart... :rolleyes:

09-09-2006, 12:01 PM
Funny though.... the weekly death toll is much higher now then it was under Saddam (excluding the Kurd incident mind ya).

90,000 though... you guys are forgetting the 1 million kids that died from gulf 1 to gulf 2 due to sanctions, embargos and the daily US bombing of water treatment plants etc.

09-09-2006, 12:13 PM

09-09-2006, 12:18 PM
Originally posted by Toma
Funny though.... the weekly death toll is much higher now then it was under Saddam (excluding the Kurd incident mind ya).

90,000 though... you guys are forgetting the 1 million kids that died from gulf 1 to gulf 2 due to sanctions, embargos and the daily US bombing of water treatment plants etc.

Saddam's lower death toll than the US = US's Fault?

Saddam's higher death toll than the US = US's Fault, too?

Toma, you are so full of hatred it clouds your judgement.

09-09-2006, 01:08 PM
Originally posted by Watcher

Saddam's lower death toll than the US = US's Fault?

Saddam's higher death toll than the US = US's Fault, too?

Toma, you are so full of hatred it clouds your judgement.
Right now, SINCE the US war criminal invasion (gulf 2), the death toll is 3 times higher then during the Saddam days.... so yes directly the US's fault due to the instability they purposely created.

From 91- to 1997, approximately 1 million children died (that would not have died otherwise) due to US imposed, bribed, and coerced sanctions. They died from malnutrition and disease. The US would bomb water treatment facilities, then deny the equipment needed to repair them. No clean water, lack of food, many medicines and medical equipment impossible to get = death. American's fault again. This 1 million number comes to us courtesy of the red cross, doctors without borders, WHO, Unicef and the UN.

Now, since you think I am full of shit.... PEOPLE IN THE KNOW, on the front line publicly denounced the sanctions as murderous and gorotesque, and 3 high ranking UN officials resigned over them. These HEROS were:
1) Dennis Halliday - UN assistant secretary general and humanitarian coordinator in Iraq ... with the UN for 34 years
2) Hans von Sponeck replaced Halliday and then quit himself for the same reasons
3) Ms Jutta Burghardt - head of the UN World Food Programme in Baghdad

I know, I know.... they are less credible then GWB and his fellow war criminal americans.

According to the UN's own statistics, these sanctions have killed more than 1.7 million Iraqis - 750,000 of them children and the infant mortality rate has more than doubled since its implementation in the last nine years. A litany of other independant studies conducted by humanitarian groups have also supported and exposed the devastating inhumane situation in Iraq which is causing irreparable damage to an entire generation of children.

Mr. von Sponeck also criticised the inadequate Oil-for-Food programme for failing to meet the minimum humanitarian needs of Iraq's 22 million people. In fact, UN reports consistently highlight high malnutrition rates among Iraqis, especially the children.

All of Iraqi's oil revenue earned through the above relief mechanism are controlled by the Security Council. After allocations are taken out to pay billions of dollars for Gulf War reparations and UN administrative expenses, the amount of money which reaches the average person in Iraq is a mere 25 cents per person per day which is hardly enough for survival.

09-09-2006, 01:30 PM
Originally posted by Toma


Let me shorten that for ya.

All that matters is that the US in your veiw is responsible for more deaths than these so called insurgents who kill dozens daily, injure hundreds.. Not to mention the thousands who died under Saddam..

Seems a death caused by the US or its evil allies is more important than deaths caused by anyone else.

You are truly a twisted sick person who is so full of hate for the US and its allies you cant even see the forest for the trees.

I pity you.

09-09-2006, 01:43 PM
Originally posted by wainr

Let me shorten that for ya.

All that matters is that the US in your veiw is responsible for more deaths than these so called insurgents who kill dozens daily, injure hundreds.. Not to mention the thousands who died under Saddam..

Seems a death caused by the US or its evil allies is more important than deaths caused by anyone else.

You are truly a twisted sick person who is so full of hate for the US and its allies you cant even see the forest for the trees.

I pity you.
Lets see.... if YOU go in and CAUSE the instability that lets whoever kill people... YOU are responsible.

If YOU hire the hitman, YOU are still reseponsible.

If YOU order someone be killed... YOU are still responsible.

If YOU go into a jail housing the worst murderers and rapist and release them... and they do it again... YOU are responsible.

The US went into IRAQ TO cause instability ..... and that is what they are doing, and that is why they are still reponsible. Less people would have been killed had the US NOT gone in. PERIOD, FACT, END of story...


the education system REALLY failed you.... probably partially genetics....

09-09-2006, 02:11 PM
From 91- to 1997, approximately 1 million children died (that would not have died otherwise) due to US imposed, bribed, and coerced sanctions. They died from malnutrition and disease.

Do you really think your fan club is that stupid and gullable that you can post ignorant comments like this?

09-09-2006, 03:20 PM
Originally posted by Toma

Lets see.... if YOU go in and CAUSE the instability that lets whoever kill people... YOU are responsible.

If YOU hire the hitman, YOU are still reseponsible.

If YOU order someone be killed... YOU are still responsible.

If YOU go into a jail housing the worst murderers and rapist and release them... and they do it again... YOU are responsible.

The US went into IRAQ TO cause instability ..... and that is what they are doing, and that is why they are still reponsible. Less people would have been killed had the US NOT gone in. PERIOD, FACT, END of story...


the education system REALLY failed you.... probably partially genetics....


I am sure the US's sole intention was to go to Iraq and cause instability causing the death of hundreds of civilians weekly, not to mention dozens of its own soldiers, costing billions... what purpose could that possibly serve????? You have such a hardon for the US its kinda pathetic.

On top of that the instability is caused by outsiders (scumbag terrorists and two bit warlords from other arabic countries) who want nothing more than to fuel the conflict..

Jesus you really are a screw ball. :nut:

If anything ever failed it was the doctor who dropped you on your head when you were born.

09-09-2006, 03:24 PM
Originally posted by Toma

From 91- to 1997, approximately 1 million children died (that would not have died otherwise) due to US imposed, bribed, and coerced sanctions. They died from malnutrition and disease.


And I bet Saddam and his cronies never went hungry, and he had lots of money to spend on weapons and munitions...

I am sure he was sitting in his palace crying over the suffering of his people...

What a hero..

I have to ask you what is like to only ever see one side to things?

Seems very convienent, lucky you.

09-09-2006, 03:30 PM
Originally posted by wainr
I am sure he was sitting in his palace crying over the suffering of his people...

... on his gold plated toilet.


09-09-2006, 03:39 PM
Originally posted by wainr


And I bet Saddam and his cronies never went hungry, and he had lots of money to spend on weapons and munitions...

I am sure he was sitting in his palace crying over the suffering of his people...

What a hero..

I have to ask you what is like to only ever see one side to things?

Seems very convienent, lucky you.

So let me get this straight US IMPOSED sanctions that killed over a million people is Sadaams fault lol dude your an idiot just stop please your looking really bad

09-09-2006, 03:41 PM
Originally posted by knowtheledge

So let me get this straight US IMPOSED sanctions that killed over a million people is Sadaams fault lol dude your an idiot just stop please your looking really bad

Yes I know Saddam is your hero, but it had to be said.

You still have Osama. :thumbsup:

Now fuck off Taliban boy.

09-09-2006, 03:45 PM
Originally posted by wainr

Yes I know Saddam is your hero, but it had to be said.

You still have Osama. :thumbsup:

Now fuck off Taliban boy.

Neither Sadaam nor Osama is my hero because of the fact the US helped, trained and funded both groups :)

09-09-2006, 03:47 PM
Originally posted by knowtheledge

Neither Sadaam nor Osama is my hero because of the fact the US helped, trained and funded both groups :)

Then perhaps its the 12 year old from Gaza with a bomb strapped to his chest who blows himself up in a bus full of evil Jews... yea I bet that makes you hard.

09-09-2006, 03:49 PM
^ ah yes you must only bang the WHITEST of little boys

09-09-2006, 03:51 PM
Originally posted by knowtheledge
^ ah yes you must only bang the WHITEST of little boys

Whte meat > dark meat

09-09-2006, 05:53 PM
Originally posted by knowtheledge

So let me get this straight US IMPOSED sanctions that killed over a million people is Sadaams fault lol dude your an idiot just stop please your looking really bad

Well, in short, yes.

He is the leader of the Nation that wasn't following UN resolutions and UN imposed sanctions were in place because of that. Just like how people that disagree with this quagmire blame GWB because he's the top of the ladder for the US and is ultimately responsible for the actions of his people, Saddam as the leader of his nation is the same.

Funny how people say the US forced the UN into the sanctions, yet this overbearing control wasn't present when the US wanted to invade for a second time. So what is it? Does the US control the UN or doesn't it?

09-09-2006, 07:03 PM
Originally posted by Toma

From 91- to 1997, approximately 1 million children died (that would not have died otherwise) due to US imposed, bribed, and coerced sanctions.

Originally posted by knowtheledge

So let me get this straight US IMPOSED sanctions that killed over a million people is Sadaams fault lol dude your an idiot just stop please your looking really bad

Originally posted by DayGlow

Well, in short, yes.

He is the leader of the Nation that wasn't following UN resolutions and UN imposed sanctions were in place because of that. Just like how people that disagree with this quagmire blame GWB because he's the top of the ladder for the US and is ultimately responsible for the actions of his people, Saddam as the leader of his nation is the same.

Funny how people say the US forced the UN into the sanctions, yet this overbearing control wasn't present when the US wanted to invade for a second time. So what is it? Does the US control the UN or doesn't it?

Thats 2 Cuckoo birds with one stone.


09-09-2006, 08:00 PM
Originally posted by knowtheledge

So let me get this straight US IMPOSED sanctions that killed over a million people is Sadaams fault lol dude your an idiot just stop please your looking really bad

yeah the US/UN imposed sanctions on Sadam coz they had nothing better to do right? the white man just wanted to keep the brown man down, and steal his oil :rolleyes:

its kinda like that dude in Iran starting to kill off all non muslims and openly declaring war and threatening to blow the fuck out of anyone trying to fuck with him, and then when the world imposes sanctions on him, you, toma and everyone else like you would go bitching about the suffering this embargo brings, FORGETTING ALL ABOUT the reason the embargo was there to begin with, and how we got to that point :rolleyes:

i hope iran does start publicly executing all christians, budhists, and basically anyone and everyone who is not a devout muslim by their standards... i'd love to see tje world react and go in and kick their ass, only to have enlightened dumbasses have huge peace protests and bitch about the suffering the imperialist powers bring to the locals :zzz: :zzz:

09-09-2006, 08:05 PM
Originally posted by knowtheledge

So let me get this straight US IMPOSED sanctions that killed over a million people is Sadaams fault lol dude your an idiot just stop please your looking really bad

yeah the US/UN imposed sanctions on Sadam coz they had nothing better to do right? the white man just wanted to keep the brown man down, and steal his oil :rolleyes:

its kinda like that dude in Iran starting to kill off all non muslims and openly declaring war and threatening to blow the fuck out of anyone trying to fuck with him, and then when the world imposes sanctions on him, you, toma and everyone else like you would go bitching about the suffering this embargo brings, FORGETTING ALL ABOUT the reason the embargo was there to begin with, and how we got to that point :rolleyes:

i hope iran does start publicly executing all christians, budhists, and basically anyone and everyone who is not a devout muslim by their standards... i'd love to see tje world react and go in and kick their ass, only to have enlightened dumbasses have huge peace protests and bitch about the suffering the imperialist powers bring to the locals :zzz: :zzz:

iraq never really existed as a UNITED state except under sadam's rule... when the british were around, they basically split the country in 3 by religious dominance, hence why you have major areas controlled by various groups... its not like there is a unitated nation, working together to help itself out of poverty for the good of all its citizenry... we still have 3 major groups fighting with eachother, and instigators that thrive off this fighting and instability... there is no wonder shit is so slow to move ahead there...

09-10-2006, 09:11 AM
Originally posted by Toma

Lets see.... if YOU go in and CAUSE the instability that lets whoever kill people... YOU are responsible.

If YOU hire the hitman, YOU are still reseponsible.

If YOU order someone be killed... YOU are still responsible.

If YOU go into a jail housing the worst murderers and rapist and release them... and they do it again... YOU are responsible.

The US went into IRAQ TO cause instability ..... and that is what they are doing, and that is why they are still reponsible. Less people would have been killed had the US NOT gone in. PERIOD, FACT, END of story...


the education system REALLY failed you.... probably partially genetics....
Pay attention....
If they hadnt gone in , there would be only one side Iraq, well there pretty much was only one side left, Saddam had murdered enough people, to drive all the other sects to the perimeter, or into other states.... The amount of people Saddam killed makes the number since the war began a pittance...
As for no wmd's, the Iraqi regime, had intelliginece sources that were prewarning Iraq of inspections, and where they were going to be....
Saddam had the wmd's , the Soviets sold them to him, where they are now, is anyones guess..
The rest of this in house conspiracy crap is fuel from the American left, dare they ever face the truth that it was the complaceny of the preivous democractic regime that left the door open for the most of the events since then...
And Lefty canadians, gobble it up to fuel their anti american , we are morally superior snobbery..

09-10-2006, 09:33 AM
Originally posted by wainr

Let me shorten that for ya.

All that matters is that the US in your veiw is responsible for more deaths than these so called insurgents who kill dozens daily, injure hundreds.. Not to mention the thousands who died under Saddam..

Seems a death caused by the US or its evil allies is more important than deaths caused by anyone else.

You are truly a twisted sick person who is so full of hate for the US and its allies you cant even see the forest for the trees.

I pity you.
