View Full Version : Should i get an A4?

09-11-2006, 05:55 PM
Im looking for a new car and i was thinking about getttin an older audi...like late 90s earlyyyy 2000s ...i just dont know if itll be a good car for 1. Modding
2 . Fuel - i really dont have that much money to spend on premium fuel:P
3. Just Practicallity

Any input would be great

09-11-2006, 06:39 PM
Audi's are expensive to maintain, and are not cars that are for the faint of heart.

Honnestly, look out for an s4 befor an a4, they are completely different markets... the s4 is a sports luxury, whereas the a4 is luxury with a bit of sport in it.

If you are set on the a4, then look for a 1.8t, best platform for modding.

PS fuel is the least expensive part of owning an audi hahahah.

09-11-2006, 06:49 PM
^^ i would agree with doublepostwhore it seems audi's tend to be expensive to maintain like any other European car and reliability might not be their #1 game but if your up for it then S4 is a better choice, A4 isnt bad aswel. Its personal preferance and your ready to take on the maintanance of an AUDI, then giver and dont worry about gas.

or buy a honda or acura...:bigpimp: