View Full Version : Sheraton Pentagon 9/11 Video Tape!

09-11-2006, 09:08 PM
There seems to be a lot of 9/11 talk right now, and I wanted to specifically ask this question, and didn't want it to get lost in some other post:

About the Sheraton Hotel that is close to the Pentagon, and its supposed confinscated, and unreleased surveilance video footage ....

Does this tape exist? If so ... why hasn't it been released?

I think that releasing this tape would put an end to some of the debate surrounding 9/11. If the tape clearly shows a plane, and not a missle or "whatever" hitting the Pentagon, then it would be harder to argue that point.

Also - I believe the Pentagons own surveilance tape, which was released recently, does not clearly show a plane - which this Sheraton tape supposedly does.

So - does the Sheraton tape exist?

09-11-2006, 09:09 PM
Originally posted by creeper
So - does the Sheraton tape exist?

Good question. I doubt we will ever see it.

09-11-2006, 09:12 PM
See that's what I think. Because if it was so matter of fact, and just clearly showed a Plane hitting the building or whatever, they should just release it.

If I was the Sheraton Hotel company I would want it back.

09-11-2006, 09:20 PM
If you look into it enough u will find pictures clearly showing debris from a plane....I'll see what I can find and post a link when I find it....was just looking at a site the other day.

09-11-2006, 09:24 PM
I'm not saying it didn't happen - I'm just woundering if a clear tape of it exists (supposedly the Sheraton hotel had one, a gas station nearby, and a highway/freeway traffic cam). Because if they do exist, why can't we watch them? Put it (the Pentagon conspiracy) to rest, by simply releasing the tape, showing the full gory details of a mega-airliner smashing into the side of the building.

09-11-2006, 09:43 PM
While I'm at it ....

I would also be interested to see if the stuff about Mohhamed Atta's (I think that's who they said it was!) passport is correct.

What I have heard is, the recovered his passport from the ruins of the WTC. Is that possible to have 'survived' through that kind of explosion? Just curious!

And what else ...

I lost my train of though.

09-11-2006, 10:02 PM
Originally posted by creeper
See that's what I think. Because if it was so matter of fact, and just clearly showed a Plane hitting the building or whatever, they should just release it.

If I was the Sheraton Hotel company I would want it back.

lol sorry bud, FBI > Sheraton hotel ;)

Originally posted by creeper
While I'm at it ....

I would also be interested to see if the stuff about Mohhamed Atta's (I think that's who they said it was!) passport is correct.

What I have heard is, the recovered his passport from the ruins of the WTC. Is that possible to have 'survived' through that kind of explosion? Just curious!

And what else ...

I lost my train of though.

VERY unlikely, but possible. (but like 99.999999% unlikely lol)

09-11-2006, 10:17 PM

09-11-2006, 10:20 PM
Okay I read a bit more about this passport, and apparently it was not Mohhamed Atta like I though, but 'Satam al Suqami' instead.

The reason I bring this up, not to be a conspiracy theorist or anything, but didn't this explosion vaporize metal, and human bones and things like this, but then this random passport survives.

Was that in the Popular Mechanics explanation, and if not - is there an alternative explanation, "official" or otherwise, as to how this passport was recovered.

Or is this passport recovery story even true, I'm not finding a lot of information.

And as for "Why the towers fell", to prove this theory right/wrong/whatever, and show that the planes, and not secondary explosions, or controlled demolision or whatnot, was NOT responsible, would it be possible to create a computer simulation, that could account for all of the factors like the buildings themselves, the heat of the jet fuel ... ect, and just kind of play things out and see if this is all correct? See if the buildings would infact collapse when they did and so on ...

just curious if a computer simulation could achieve this.

09-11-2006, 10:23 PM
Originally posted by 01RedDX
Well if they planned on shooting a missile into the Pentagon, don't you think they would have maybe disabled some of the cameras around the perimeter first? I mean since they are not very good at covering up a blow job, they would have taken some extra precautions with covering up something as major as an attack on their own citizens.

If I understand your post, your saying that they didn't shoot a missle at the Pentagon, and a plane really did hit it. Because, if they shot a missle at the Pentagon, they would have disabled the security cameras. But isn't that what happened? Didn' t they take these tapes from places that showed different angles and whatnot, and then not release them.

Sorry, but I seriously dont think I understand what your saying.

I think if the FBI would have came around to the Sheraton hotel on say, Spetember 10th, and said "We have to disable your cameras" and then this happened the next day, wouldnt that be kind of strange. This way I guess it happens, soemthing hits the building, and they can zoom over and snag the tapes, for their investigation and then just not release them

09-11-2006, 10:40 PM

09-11-2006, 11:07 PM
I doubt a missle would have taken out light posts as it flew over...



09-12-2006, 04:21 PM
Originally posted by 01RedDX

Again, you are giving the U.S. gov't far too much credit. If they had actually shot a missile at their own facility, they would've had to take into account a lot of variables - people driving/walking by, tourists with cameras, etc. It would be fair to assume that this video exists along with possibly hundreds of other videos from different angles. In fact, a couple hundred security cameras were operating in the area at the time. The footage is classified for obvious reasons, and releasing it is not going to change anything.

What I don't understand is that an event which was obviously witnessed by hundreds of people can even have controversy. Why is it that people who were interviewed could not achieve any sort of solidarity in their account of that day? This should be a non-issue, yet somehow it can't be cleared up, and I don't understand why. Why is it that news reporters initially reported a missile strike, yet miraculously all changed their story in unison to indicate that it was absolutely, positively, a plane that hit. Does it not seem like some sort of third party intervention was made?

As for the cameras in the local area, to disable them would arouse suspicion, and would involve some sort of operation to even do it. To confisgate the tapes immediately after a crash is relatively standard FBI procedure, and possible a handy means to an end in this case without unnecessary questions. Interesting, though, that they were there to get them so quickly.

How are the tapes classified? We know the flight number, the passenger list, and everything about the incident. Some people will play the "inhumane" card citing respect for the people that died as justification enough not to release the tapes, but I find that hard to swallow when we've all seen the WTC crashes literally hundreds of times over.

09-12-2006, 05:43 PM
Why would a Hotel security camera be pointed at the pentagon?

09-12-2006, 09:07 PM
Originally posted by 01RedDX
The footage is classified for obvious reasons, and releasing it is not going to change anything.

But the WTC footage is splashed around all over TV, and has been for years - so what is the difference if they released the Pentagon footgae? What are the 'obvious' reasons that it is classified for?

Originally posted by Toms-SC
Why would a Hotel security camera be pointed at the pentagon?

As far as I know, it just happens to be in the shot. Same as the freeway cam, and the gas station cam, it just captured the event without being aimed directly at it.

Again, I'm not saying that it was a conspiracy, I am just curious if this footage exists, and if it does, why has it not been released.

09-13-2006, 02:00 PM
ok we see jamie macintire always countering web rumors on cnn

but where are the victims? are they real? where they recovered? pics of that? they do show small peices of airplane but a 747 is huge, 200+ seats, bodies, sheets of metal, come on get real people.

09-13-2006, 04:34 PM
after looking at those pics from the link wainr provided. its hard to believe that the area in which it hit the pentagon it only a small portion........if you look at the overhead pictures you see that the dmg does not look that that if an airplane would crash into it......just MO

09-13-2006, 07:32 PM

09-13-2006, 07:39 PM
I think it is a conspiracy that the Internet conspiracy theorists are getting even more retarded.

"How did the buildinz fall down n shiz. Themz be made of metal and concrete an stuff"

09-13-2006, 07:41 PM
Does anyone remember what happened exactly 2 months and one day after 9/11?

09-13-2006, 07:43 PM
Originally posted by frostyda9
Does anyone remember what happened exactly 2 months and one day after 9/11?


09-13-2006, 07:44 PM
I don't :D enlighten me

09-13-2006, 08:08 PM

American Airlines Flight 587 crashes in New York, killing 260 people, making it one of the worst crashes (fatality wise) to ever occur on American soil. More people die than on TWA Flight 800.

I bet most of you forgot ;)

09-13-2006, 10:07 PM

09-13-2006, 10:22 PM
Originally posted by boostinside
If you look into it enough u will find pictures clearly showing debris from a plane....I'll see what I can find and post a link when I find it....was just looking at a site the other day.

I remember seeing one of those conspriacy documentaries saying if a plane hit the pentagon where is the damage created by the wings FULL of fuel? Plus most sources say that the planes hit the pentagon wall straight on.

check it out:


I don't get it. :confused:

09-13-2006, 11:22 PM
Originally posted by andres_mt

I remember seeing one of those conspriacy documentaries saying if a plane hit the pentagon where is the damage created by the wings FULL of fuel? Plus most sources say that the planes hit the pentagon wall straight on.

check it out:


I don't get it. :confused:

The conspiracy nuts think there should be a cartoon cutout of the plane where it hit the pentagon.. this does not happen on a reinforced concrete building.. but thats just makes to much sense for the crackpots out there..

09-13-2006, 11:36 PM
Originally posted by wainr

The conspiracy nuts think there should be a cartoon cutout of the plane where it hit the pentagon.. this does not happen on a reinforced concrete building.. but thats just makes to much sense for the crackpots out there..
Its not that they think that there should be a cartoon cut-out of the plane, they're just saying that there should have ATLEAST been some damage from two MASSIVE turbine engines in the building!The supposed cockpit went supposedly through 3 walls was it? Yet some how, there arent an engines around that would probably be ALOT harder to break due to the way they are constructed and their sheer weight! Im on the fence with all this conspiracy stuff, would be a massive break through if someone figured it out.. but I dont think that will ever happen.

09-13-2006, 11:37 PM
So, basically anyone that questions the official line is a crackpot??

It's not logical to assume that everything the U.S., or any government for that matter, says is true, nor is it logical to assume that everything that they say is false. It is logical to assume, however, that everything the government puts out in public is very filtered information and is out there for a reason, whatever that reason may be.

09-13-2006, 11:52 PM
Originally posted by Envitro
So, basically anyone that questions the official line is a crackpot??

No, only the ones who only beleive the conspiracy theroies and shrug off any other explanations..

Those are the crackpots, there are quite a few here sadly.

09-14-2006, 09:28 PM
and you (wainr) are clearly too narrow minded to have ANY sort of a conversation/debate about conspiracy anywhoo.

even if the plane didnt make a cutout of itself when it hit, would that have not left the wings and engines outside and visible?


09-14-2006, 09:37 PM
I guarentee the whole fucking plane would not boom explode and leave a little piece of sheet metal.

What was carried away under the tarp by a few guys?
How come the pentagon full of military people come out side and say 100% they smelled explosives, same with media that knew the smell?

(it was not jet fuel or anything on a commercial airliner that did a 270 degree turn at 400mph)
that sounds unlikely

09-14-2006, 10:09 PM

09-14-2006, 10:39 PM
You can show someone a straw embedded in a brick, and tell them a tornado did it, but if they don't have faith in physics, they won't believe it.

There are videos of planes crashing into solid objects, and yes, wings fold in towards the impact point, and things do indeed get vaporized. Kinetic energy is not a linear line. A smart car crashing into a 200 ton concrete wall at 65 mph can move the entire structure as it hit, yet it doesn't even weight 2500 lbs.

Once again, you can't just say the Pentagon was a conspiracy, without believing the towers were as well. You think the gov saw the two jets hit the towers and said "OMG NOW'S OUR CHANCE!" and fire a cruise missile at the outer wall of the Pentagon? What's the point? They either were responsible for it all, or you have no motive at all.


09-14-2006, 11:10 PM
Originally posted by 01RedDX

Forensics expert, eh? Seen lots of jets slamming into buildings have you? Hmmm?

Here's a backgrounder:

So many people here as too narrow minded to consider that what REALLY hit the Pentagon was.... Flight 77. A lot more evidence to support that than any of the conspiracy theories.

It's an interesting video. However, I think for relevance you should look at this page as well:


09-14-2006, 11:35 PM

09-14-2006, 11:48 PM
Originally posted by 01RedDX

So does this somehow negate what was shown in the video?

No, not at all. But you have to admit that there's a bit of a conflict of interest there ;)

09-15-2006, 10:07 AM
So did the CIA fire a missle into the Pentagon before or after Flight 77 hit it? Or was there no jet flown into the Pentagon at all? In this case where is Flight 77? What happened to it? :nut:

09-15-2006, 05:45 PM
I don't like when people say that someone who doesn't take the 'official' story at facevalue is a crackpot. I have heard so many times "Well, how could they keep such a big thing a secret?".

It wouldn't be the first time the government directly lied about something. Remember secret prisons? Remember when 'The Bush' was saying that they absolutely for a fact, 100% did not exist. Well, turns out that was a complete and total lie.

And as for keeping things a secret ... Wasn't the Manhattan Project kept secret for years, and weren't there over 40,000 people involved?

So as for keeping something a secret. Easy.
The government lying? They absolutely do it ALL the time, and people are complacent and don't seem to mind. People should have shit the bed when they heard about the secret prisons. Why isn't this a bigger deal to anyone? That they have lie after lie after lie.

I'm not a crackpot, but I don't believe everything CNN or Fox or Glenn Beck is telling me. And sometimes, the government IS lying in your face.

09-15-2006, 05:46 PM
And back to the original post:

If the Sheraton tape exists, why hasn't it been released?

09-15-2006, 06:46 PM
Originally posted by 01RedDX

Forensics expert, eh? Seen lots of jets slamming into buildings have you? Hmmm?

Here's a backgrounder:

So many people here as too narrow minded to consider that what REALLY hit the Pentagon was.... Flight 77. A lot more evidence to support that than any of the conspiracy theories.

The fact that someone actually had to put that little video together blows me away. Yeah, the government missiled their own building for no reason at all. :rolleyes:

I heard a rumor that terrorist hijacked 4 different planes and crashed 2 into the twin towers, one crashed into the ground, and another one into the Pentagon!!! OMFG!!!