View Full Version : Reverse Radar

09-18-2006, 10:36 AM
Here's the story:

Been driving for a few years now, cps was a few hundred meters ahead of me, i was going probably 25 over the limit and as i slowed for the light and approaced the cop he flips the lights on and asks me to pull beside him.

he said he clocked me at 28 over the limit and i of course denied it :dunno:. he said he had has a radar in the back that he can use to aim at traffic behind him.

i was not aware they could even do this. I'll be sure to watch my speed around cops all the time now :)

09-18-2006, 10:44 AM
I've seen the devices in two different undercover traffic units. One of them told me they had rear laser as well. I doubt it, but yes they have rear radar.

09-18-2006, 11:02 AM
haha BS to rear laser. it has to be manually aimed and cant be shot while moving.

rear radar exists though yeah.

09-18-2006, 11:10 AM
I think when every there is a cop in plain sight, weather or not he has a radar gun or not, you should always obey the rules.

09-18-2006, 11:20 AM
i always figured they would have to be right behind you or in close proximity to get an accurate reading.... i cant imagine the chance of him tagging somebody going the opposite direction..

oh well.... i better just slow down next time and obey the traffic speed limits...


09-18-2006, 11:27 AM
Certain cops are also allowes to give tickets with not radar gun or lazer gun needed. They are allowed to estimate your speed and write you a ticket. There is even a spot on the ticket for them to check of estimated. So keep that in mind.

09-18-2006, 11:30 AM
Will do, thanks for the tip

09-18-2006, 11:33 AM
estimated speed tickets arent worth the paper theyre written on...

09-18-2006, 11:34 AM
do what another guy on beyond did when the cop estimated his speed. he brought a tennis ball into court, threw it past his head and told him to estimate the speed of the tennis ball.

09-18-2006, 11:36 AM
Originally posted by nos_efx
Here's the story:

i was going probably 25 over the limit

he said he clocked me at 28 over the limit and i of course denied it

Sooo , you really don't know how fast you were going , although it was about 25 over . Then , when the officer says he's clocked you going 28 over ( still very possible ) , you deny it . Why ???????

Now , if I was a cop , this is what would upset me the most . Being lied to . Folks doing shiat then , when confronted , goinging into total denial about it , like the cop is making stuff up . I just don't get it . And the worse part is that you seem so proud to admit you lied to the cop ? To me , lieing ( to anybody ) is cowardly . Like you're afraid to be responcible for your breaking the law . Unfortunately , lieing becomes like a bad habit with some people , and they just try and go thru life ' faking ' it . Pathetic in my opinion . How very mature of you .

09-18-2006, 11:49 AM
I honestly don't see how lying about a ticket can be grossly ovreplayed into being cowardly...

First off I did not once display/express any "proudness" in speeding, get your facts straight.

Hey if I can get out of a ticket, I'll do it, if he ends up writing me a ticket then I'll accept it and pay for it. I didnt post this to bitch about the cop, he in fact let me go with a warning.

09-18-2006, 05:27 PM
Originally posted by teggypimp95
They are allowed to estimate your speed and write you a ticket.

Estimating must be done on a direct visual. The cop has to be behind you or you have to blow by him. He can't estimate your speed if he sees you approaching in his rearview or sideview mirror.

09-18-2006, 06:04 PM
Originally posted by vietdood
do what another guy on beyond did when the cop estimated his speed. he brought a tennis ball into court, threw it past his head and told him to estimate the speed of the tennis ball.

That's fucking awesome!! :thumbsup:

09-18-2006, 11:03 PM
Originally posted by nos_efx
I honestly don't see how lying about a ticket can be grossly ovreplayed into being cowardly...

First off I did not once display/express any "proudness" in speeding, get your facts straight.

Hey if I can get out of a ticket, I'll do it, if he ends up writing me a ticket then I'll accept it and pay for it. I didnt post this to bitch about the cop, he in fact let me go with a warning.

It takes a certain amount of courage to stand up and admit you've made a mistake or you were wrong .

Even though you knew he was probably right about you being way over the speed limit , you chose to deny it rather then accept the possiblity of accepting a ticket for your negligence . You didn't stand up to your error or misjudgement and admit you made a mistake . You chose a path of denial instead . To me , that act of not being honest , whatever the consequence , is cowardly . Sooooo , failure to be responsible for your own actions ( lacks the courage to whatever the outcome ) = coward .

What really is sad , other then your lack of a honorable virtue , is that you'd still didn't see the obvious connection . Its like a game on this site , about how you're trying to outwit the other guy and get away scott free ( to quote you " and i of course denied it " ) . But then you try and justify it by saying , and I quote " hey if I can get out of a ticket i'll do it " . How about driving lawfully ?? Thats a new concept , eh ? Speed limit to slow for your tastes , reguardless of the majority trying to conform ?
Or how about this angle ? How far will you go to get out of a ticket ? Would you do anything other then lie to a cop ? Would you , say , sell out your best friend ? Rat on a neighbour ? Turn into a fink to get out of a ticket ?

You don't have to answer these questions , I wouldn't believe you anyway ....

09-19-2006, 09:32 AM
Again, blowing things our of porportion there buddy.

Because I lied that automatically attributes me to having a high potential to selling out my friends? Or hey better yet lets just say everyone who lies also has a huge potential to becoming a murderer. Quick being a drama queen :drama:

Relax there buddy.... its a traffic violation its not like ran over somebody over and then proceeded to lie or flee the scene.....

If you dont't have anything useful to contribute, keep your thoughts to yourself.....

09-19-2006, 02:36 PM
haha, lying in that situation isnt cowardly. you can either admit to it and be penalized, or deny it and possibly not be penalized. why would you volunteer to take a BS speeding ticket? even if i know full well i was blatantly speeding, ill make every effort to eliminate or reduce any penalty. :)