View Full Version : Calgary Police!

09-25-2006, 10:21 PM
We'll first of all I must express my opinion in that the police have way way way tooo much power and they abuse it. The other day I was downtown... and the lights turned red... some douche bag woman cop decides to turn on her cherries and speeds right through then turns them off.... not a few seconds later another cop does it at the same intersection.

Next time they do this... I'ma follow and tailgate their ass. When they pull me over... I'll ask "So... where's the emergency?" and "What's the emergency that made you run the red light?"

Seriously I had enough of cops being douch bags.

Plus also this parking job makes me frigging sick. Like go back to Driver's Ed you stupid pigs. Only reason why you give me speeding tickets is so I can pay for your friggin dounuts every morning.

http://img148.imageshack.us/img148/2175/img8921bcr0.jpg (http://imageshack.us)

09-25-2006, 10:23 PM

You have now been warned of being the next Whopper.

09-25-2006, 10:25 PM
Power Corruputs, and Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely.

09-25-2006, 10:25 PM
Yeah, that cop should have parallel parked properly before he responded to the murder call. How inconsiderate.

09-25-2006, 10:25 PM
I've seen your car parked at Canadian Tire. While your post is not right, I can see how it makes sense in your mind.


09-25-2006, 10:26 PM
Originally posted by bspot
Yeah, that cop should have parallel parked properly before he responded to the murder call. How inconsiderate.


09-25-2006, 10:30 PM
While I will agree with you on police officers abusing their right to go through red lights, the park job is totally viable. Would you want to have someone with a knife if your house stealing shit from you, meanwhile the police you phoned are busy doing a perfect parellel park. Get F^CKED.

09-25-2006, 10:33 PM
Wow...is that a charger? I didn't think it could be made to look any uglier than it already is but was I ever wrong! Mopar fanatics are rolling in their graves somewhere...

09-25-2006, 10:39 PM
so 2 cops running the same intersection within seconds of each other.......? that would lead you to believe that there was an emergency situation that required the attention of more than one officer. did you follow them to see if they were responding to a call or did you just assume and create a thread about it?
get a brain

09-25-2006, 11:14 PM
Originally posted by QuasarCav
I've seen your car parked at Canadian Tire. While your post is not right, I can see how it makes sense in your mind.


:rofl: LOL :rofl:

09-26-2006, 01:54 AM
Originally posted by Dayclone
We'll first of all I must express my opinion in that the police have way way way tooo much power and they abuse it. The other day I was downtown... and the lights turned red... some douche bag woman cop decides to turn on her cherries and speeds right through then turns them off.... not a few seconds later another cop does it at the same intersection.

Next time they do this... I'ma follow and tailgate their ass. When they pull me over... I'll ask "So... where's the emergency?" and "What's the emergency that made you run the red light?"

Seriously I had enough of cops being douch bags.

Plus also this parking job makes me frigging sick. Like go back to Driver's Ed you stupid pigs. Only reason why you give me speeding tickets is so I can pay for your friggin dounuts every morning.

http://img148.imageshack.us/img148/2175/img8921bcr0.jpg (http://imageshack.us)

:werd: :werd: :werd: :werd:

cept for the parking coment, i guess it depends on the situation, if there was a emergency then how they park should not be important, but if there was not then yah parkin like that is a problem.

09-26-2006, 01:57 AM
Originally posted by ricefarmer
so 2 cops running the same intersection within seconds of each other.......? that would lead you to believe that there was an emergency situation that required the attention of more than one officer. did you follow them to see if they were responding to a call or did you just assume and create a thread about it?
get a brain

well he did mention that the police turned of the sirens after they passed the intersection. usually they leave the sirens on if there was a emergency

so whos the one assuming and posting without using there brain and thinkin?

:confused: :confused:

09-26-2006, 02:10 AM
Originally posted by AzN'SKillZ

well he did mention that the police turned of the sirens after they passed the intersection. usually they leave the sirens on if there was a emergency

so whos the one assuming and posting without using there brain and thinkin?

:confused: :confused:

hmmm no... even when they response to an emergency, there are situations that they should keep their siren off. Think about it... are you still confused?

09-26-2006, 04:30 AM
Originally posted by AzN'SKillZ

well he did mention that the police turned of the sirens after they passed the intersection. usually they leave the sirens on if there was a emergency

so whos the one assuming and posting without using there brain and thinkin?

:confused: :confused:


09-26-2006, 05:45 AM
i fucking hate all these whiney bullshit post from faggot kids that have nothing better to do. News flash fucktards, the CPS is one of the best forces in North America, they save lives and protect. They do a DIFFICULT job, putting their life on the line everyday. Who gives a FUCK if the run the occasional red, with their lights on. The lights are on, they are not breaking the law. I am SUUUURE you have never broke the law:rolleyes:

As for the parking....holy shit that has to be the stupidest post on beyond. As stated earlier, should a cop responding to a call take the time to park properly so little uptight assholes can sleep better, or should they get to the scene, get out and do their job??

Fuck off CPS haters, stop breaking the law and you'll have less to complain about. Fart cans and 5 k over is breaking the law...we get away with that....the CPS can get away with shit too....

You people make me sick :barf:

Have a nice day.

09-26-2006, 05:52 AM
Its dumb to say that ALL CPS are no good as just like in society you have good people and bad people. The city should be thankful to the good CPS and well...the bad should be treated just like any other criminal in society....:guns:

09-26-2006, 06:08 AM
Sirens only come on when they need to. If they get a call that a store is getting broken into in the middle of the night, they will only use their siren if they need to so they can catch the crooks red handed and not give the crooks a warning that they are coming with their sirens blarring. Same thing goes for the day time, with the added anal people who get all confused when they hear sirens and sit there like retards.

09-26-2006, 06:41 AM
i don't think the poster has any fucking clue where that charger picture was taken. i was impressed at that park job as 90% of the cars/trucks that park there are way worse.

09-26-2006, 06:59 AM
Newflash: Cops don't even need to put their lights on to run reds. They can do it anyways.

To the OP: You're ignorant. Two cops running the same red is definately responding to a call. They just choose to throw their lights on at intersections so they can get through without stopping. Maybe it's a minor accident; maybe a domestic, maybe a missing child report; you know, something that's not an emergency.

As for the park job, I'm not even gonna comment. There's so many situations where it would be faster to do that, it's not even funny.

09-26-2006, 07:53 AM
Originally posted by Dayclone
Whiney emo cry baby

09-26-2006, 08:13 AM
Obviously the original poster "Dayclone" was having a bad day. Maybe he forgot to take his head out of his ass.

Look dumbass......you complain now but I guarantee that the one time a cop saves your ass you would not be complaining anymore. Unless of course he did not park correctly before doing so.

Remind me to tell the CPS that when they are going to help you to not run through a red light and to take the proper time to parallel park.


The Cosworth
09-26-2006, 08:18 AM
Originally posted by AzN'SKillZ

well he did mention that the police turned of the sirens after they passed the intersection. usually they leave the sirens on if there was a emergency

so whos the one assuming and posting without using there brain and thinkin?

:confused: :confused:

police dont always run everywhere towards emergencies with their lights going and sirens blairing. So they could have been going toward an emergency just being considerate by not blasting everyone downtown which is so loud because of reverb from the walls.

Anyone who has ever lived on 16th knows what im talking about

09-26-2006, 08:46 AM
I sure hope someone breaks into your car, when you really need CPS to be there for you. Or your mom gets mugged. THEN whine about cops.

Only reason why you give me speeding tickets is so I can pay for your friggin dounuts every morning.

Actually, I think they give out speeding tickets to PEOPLE WHO SPEED! Go cut yourself EMO, and remember, if you are serious, don't cross the street, go down the road.

09-26-2006, 09:50 AM
I lawled at this thread and the comments for both sides.

09-26-2006, 10:25 AM
Originally posted by Dayclone

Next time they do this... I'ma follow and tailgate their ass. When they pull me over... I'll ask "So... where's the emergency?" and "What's the emergency that made you run the red light?"

let us know what happens...
im sure they would love to explain to u:rofl:
then ticket u for wreckless driving... take your car to the impound lot....hhahaha... not really smart:dunno:

who knows if they needed to do it or not....
there will always be bad apples in every profession

i met a police officer that was really really awsome!!
then there are the jerks
just be polite and hopefully everything goes well

09-26-2006, 11:00 AM
Originally posted by QuasarCav
I've seen your car parked at Canadian Tire. While your post is not right, I can see how it makes sense in your mind.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Originally posted by AzN'SKillZ

well he did mention that the police turned of the sirens after they passed the intersection. usually they leave the sirens on if there was a emergency

so whos the one assuming and posting without using there brain and thinkin?

:confused: :confused:
azn skillz strikes again!!!

09-26-2006, 11:10 AM
Running red lights on purpose is a common our city's finest tend to do.

I was sitting at this red light and a COP car pulled up next to me....he looks at me..I look at him...he gives me this smerk and flashes his cherries and runs the light! But he stopped at the next set of lights! Why he did that i did not know?:dunno:

09-26-2006, 11:24 AM
do you want your tax dollars spent so that they can sit at red lights? id rather have them driving around and getting their work done instead of sitting at red lights wasting time...sure its annying to see them do it but so what?do you mean to tell me that if you could go through red lights when its safe to do so and you were given permission to do it that you wouldnt? :rolleyes:

09-26-2006, 11:34 AM
Even if they werent responding to a call :whocares: next time your in an emergency you would hope the cops run all the reds. give the boys in blue some respect just beause your hatin on them tryin to catch you ridin dirty doesnt mean there not doin there job

09-26-2006, 01:13 PM
One of the reasons this is done is because they are following someone or are circulatinng looking for someone. Or are going to a call as backup but not lights/sirens.

09-26-2006, 01:26 PM
Right now the CPS response time for 911 calls can take a full day (or in some cases they might not even show). Better let these guys run reds wherever they can or who knows how long they'll take to show up.

09-26-2006, 03:00 PM

09-26-2006, 03:18 PM
I already posted that pic so :dunno: Whats the big deal? Like, there are some really awsome cops out there, there are some really asshole ones. What are you going to do?

PS: the one giving you a ticket, is always that asshole one.

09-26-2006, 03:27 PM
Originally posted by dino_martini
I already posted that pic so :dunno: Whats the big deal? Like, there are some really awsome cops out there, there are some really asshole ones. What are you going to do?

PS: the one giving you a ticket, is always that asshole one.

He posted that picture (the same one you did) to try and convince us that CPS are not only incompetent because they run red lights, but they are jackasses in how they park their work vehicles.

Didn't work!

09-26-2006, 03:31 PM
Originally posted by ZorroAMG
i fucking hate all these whiney bullshit post from faggot kids that have nothing better to do. News flash fucktards, the CPS is one of the best forces in North America , they save lives and protect. They do a DIFFICULT job, putting their life on the line everyday. Who gives a FUCK if the run the occasional red, with their lights on. The lights are on, they are not breaking the law. I am SUUUURE you have never broke the law:rolleyes:

As for the parking....holy shit that has to be the stupidest post on beyond. As stated earlier, should a cop responding to a call take the time to park properly so little uptight assholes can sleep better, or should they get to the scene, get out and do their job??

Fuck off CPS haters, stop breaking the law and you'll have less to complain about. Fart cans and 5 k over is breaking the law...we get away with that....the CPS can get away with shit too....

You people make me sick :barf:

Have a nice day.

I had to laugh at this. They are actually one of the WORSE police forces. But other then that i agree with everything else and think they guy starting this tread was stupid. But its also stupid to say they are one of the best when they are one of the worst

09-26-2006, 03:51 PM
Originally posted by kaput
You can't honestly believe that. Cops don't show up for a day if at all for calling 911 what a joke. If your so sure why not just dial it and hang up after someone answers. See if they don't show up.

I'm basing this on a global news story I heard where some kids came home to find their house burgularized. They called 911 right away as they were not sure if there was anyone in the house still. The entire evening passed, the kids' parents came home from work, and yet no one showed; few days later the police released some statement with some sort of excuse about being stretched too thin. While I do agree that the CPS is stretched thin, I have a hard time believing they cannot make time to respond to a 911 call in a half day window.

09-26-2006, 03:57 PM
Originally posted by 5hift

I'm basing this on a global news story I heard where some kids came home to find their house burgularized. They called 911 right away as they were not sure if there was anyone in the house still. The entire evening passed, the kids' parents came home from work, and yet no one showed; few days later the police released some statement with some sort of excuse about being stretched too thin. While I do agree that the CPS is stretched thin, I have a hard time believing they cannot make time to respond to a 911 call in a half day window.

Did you watch the whole story or just part? The reason they were not able to get to that call is because more important and more dangerous calls came in. Yes they should have responded, but none of the kids were in the house and so the police responded to more dangerous calls.

Same thing happens in the ER. You come in with a broken leg, you are somewhat up the list compared to people with just a cold. But if someone comes in from a car accident or is having a heart attack they move to the front of the line.

Such is reality when there are not enough people to cover every single call that comes in. The CPS are doing a damn fine job considering the volume of calls they have to deal with.

09-26-2006, 06:19 PM
Originally posted by 5hift

I'm basing this on a global news story I heard where some kids came home to find their house burgularized. They called 911 right away as they were not sure if there was anyone in the house still. The entire evening passed, the kids' parents came home from work, and yet no one showed; few days later the police released some statement with some sort of excuse about being stretched too thin. While I do agree that the CPS is stretched thin, I have a hard time believing they cannot make time to respond to a 911 call in a half day window.

Oh Yeh I woulda called back and been like "So.. that guy that
was robbing my house? I shot him... mind sending some help?"



I where else can I park when I have to work at The Keg....
and plus their parking lot is too small and my manager bitches
at to move my f****in car....


09-26-2006, 06:52 PM
I have seen cops throw on the sirens at the 16th ave and parkdale intersection and park in timmies.

I have also seen cops busting punk with guns concealed in places that not even infrared could detect.

Take the good with the bad... how does it effect you if they run the light or not?

Grow up man.

09-26-2006, 06:55 PM
there we go all fixed


09-26-2006, 07:00 PM
I'm always shocked at the volume of people who defend the police force so vigorously on this forum. When they turn on their lights to go through an intersection, when they are not responding to anything, is total complete horseshit. Argue all you like, but it is bullshit, and you should know it.

Now 500 people can reply with a bunch of stupid shit, but I'm not going to read any of it.

When they go through an intersection, when they are not responding to anything, is utter bullshit. Fuck them, and fuck you if you don't agree.


09-26-2006, 07:09 PM
I'll agree if there is no where for them to go and they feel like throwin the cherries on to go through lights, it is garbage. But how is one supposed to tell if they are actually going to scene or not. Keep doing it, make it look like they are always busy

09-26-2006, 07:58 PM
Originally posted by creeper

When they go through an intersection, when they are not responding to anything, is utter bullshit. Fuck them, and fuck you if you don't agree.

Prove to me that when a cop flips his lights on for an intersection then puts them out when he's clear that he's not responding to a call.

The point is: YOU DON'T KNOW!

EK 2.0
09-26-2006, 08:10 PM

09-26-2006, 08:26 PM
Originally posted by kaput
You can't honestly believe that. Cops don't show up for a day if at all for calling 911 what a joke. If your so sure why not just dial it and hang up after someone answers. See if they don't show up.

Actually, my parents has done that twice and cops still showed up at my house. Reason beind my phone number starts with 8911 and sometimes they missed the 8, so the line would go through but it goes to 911. Both times cops showed up within 15mins to my doorsteps checking if there was actually an emengency.

btw: if any of you haters understands the process of being a cop, then you'll know that they are far from dumbasses driving around power tripping. Not to mention they have to put their live on the line as well.

09-26-2006, 10:31 PM
You dumbasses, they are allowed to run reds when not in full code. So his entire post was bullshit. Get a life Dayclone.

The police do not have "Absolute Power" either.

09-26-2006, 11:37 PM
I took a police studies program and the guys that are all upset at the Calgary police don't know what's really going on. The things they have to deal with, you guys would probably collapse under the stress and go crying and whining to your mother. So before you go slandering the Calgary police, pause, use your head and think instead of complaining first.

I'm not here to insult anyone just hoping to clear some things.


09-26-2006, 11:42 PM
Here's a senario for you. A domestic call comes in. They have a history of violence. Right now everything is calm in the house, but it could flare up. You need to get there, but don't need to be going balls to the wall to get there. So you clear intersections as you come to them depending on how busy they are. Often times I've sat at intersections until the cross traffic has a break, then clear it. Saves a lot of time in the response, but doesn't cause the mass confusion and *danger* to others flying lights and siren to a call.

Other times I've been going hard to a call and other units get on scene and air that everything is under control. So what do you see? A cop car flying lights and sirens, then stopping for no apparent reason.

So please don't try to be an expert on something you have no clue about.

09-26-2006, 11:44 PM
Originally posted by kaput
You can't honestly believe that. Cops don't show up for a day if at all for calling 911 what a joke. If your so sure why not just dial it and hang up after someone answers. See if they don't show up.

If not they call back right away and make sure u are ok. My lil Cuz called and hung up as a joke and they called right back. He never answered and they where at the door in 10 mins. Scared the shit outta him.

09-26-2006, 11:54 PM
Originally posted by 95EagleAWD
Newflash: Cops don't even need to put their lights on to run reds. They can do it anyways.

Actually technically speaking an emergency vehicle is only considered one when both lights and sirens are on at the same time. So if a police officer was to run an intersection without both lights and sirens and hit another vehicle and kill someone the can be charged with vehicular manslaughter the same as if a non police car was to run a light.

09-26-2006, 11:59 PM
Originally posted by wheelz

Actually technically speaking an emergency vehicle is only considered one when both lights and sirens are on at the same time. So if a police officer was to run an intersection without both lights and sirens and hit another vehicle and kill someone the can be charged with vehicular manslaughter the same as if a non police car was to run a light.

Actually emergency equipment won't remove a smidge of responsibility of the person operating the vehicle. The test that will be put forth is if the operator's action is in good faith, ie responding to an emergency or not and if the person operating the vehicle took every reasonable step to ensure the safety of others. A police vehicle is not bound by the TSA in it's operation and is exempt if it's being operated in good faith and within the lawful execution of it's duties, regarless of the state of the emergency equipment. The equipment is there to warn others and for safety only. (also vehicular manslaugher is an American charge. Here in Canada it would be dangerous driving causing death)

09-27-2006, 12:12 AM
I love it when 69cougar and dayglow post :D it makes me just chuckle at the original posters of such stuipd threads. on my ride along i asked the cop why do we see people do that, and he gave the EXACT same reason dayglow and 69cougar did. Its usually when they need to get somewhere quite hastily (but not an emergency) and dont want to "startle" people or cause a scene because that can only escalate it.

If cops are caught doing this (as in, if something EVER happened, if they hit somebody while running a light) and DIDNT have a reason, thats pretty much instant shit raining down on the cop, and im sure they dont want to deal with that.

09-27-2006, 05:18 AM
Originally posted by 95EagleAWD

Prove to me that when a cop flips his lights on for an intersection then puts them out when he's clear that he's not responding to a call.

The point is: YOU DON'T KNOW! :werd: so true

09-27-2006, 05:26 AM
Originally posted by wheelz

Actually technically speaking an emergency vehicle is only considered one when both lights and sirens are on at the same time. So if a police officer was to run an intersection without both lights and sirens and hit another vehicle and kill someone the can be charged with vehicular manslaughter the same as if a non police car was to run a light.

I love how sure of yourself you were in this post, when in fact EVERYTHING you said was completely wrong hahaha. :rofl:

09-27-2006, 07:20 AM
Originally posted by NGRPLZ.NET

I love how sure of yourself you were in this post, when in fact EVERYTHING you said was completely wrong hahaha. :rofl:

Actually, he's completely right. Police cars do not need lights or sirens on to break the law. It's usually the smart thing to do, as it lets other drivers know of the cruiser's intentions, but it's not required by law.

09-27-2006, 08:01 AM
I am willing to wager that the majority of the whiners who say "blah blah my tax dollars wasted blah blah" still live at home and don't even pay city taxes.

09-27-2006, 08:31 AM
Originally posted by creeper
I'm ...

Die in a slow burning car fire....while the police are stuck at an intersection.

09-27-2006, 12:38 PM
Originally posted by creeper

When they go through an intersection, when they are not responding to anything, is utter bullshit. Fuck them, and fuck you if you don't agree.

so, how many times have you seen a police car sitting at a red light that didn't light up and move through??

Thats what I thought.

09-27-2006, 01:04 PM
What if a cop is given a task to patrol an area? I often see cops turning on the cherries to u-turn at a red light at an intersection...I used to not get it, but now that I think about it, why would they waste time when they're on patrol, or looking for someone? Might as well keep moving.

09-27-2006, 01:13 PM
I get your point... the mind set of some officers is not what I would call responsible. We have to consider that they may be police officers, but they are also human... and believe me they are held very responsible when errors are made.

The attitude that I don't like in some officers is the "holier than thou" bullshit, they may be officers but they are NOT above the law... simply put they are here to enforce the law. Always keep in mind they are here to SERVE and PROTECT us, so in a big way they actually work for us.

Case and point, don't break the law and you wont have police doing there job. If you feel like you were miss-treated then escalate the situation.

Keep this in mind however... it's not often you see an individual who gets a ticket, or gets charged that feels like they completely 100% deserved it <-- that is how we justify our actions as human beings.

I say props to the police for doing a very difficult job, and shame on those who use there power for any other reason than enforcing the law and protecting the public. Police can be crooks as well, and as we've all experienced... all crooks eventually get caught.



09-27-2006, 01:52 PM
Originally posted by NGRPLZ.NET

I love how sure of yourself you were in this post, when in fact EVERYTHING you said was completely wrong hahaha. :rofl:

Read the Alberta motor vehicles act. It states it directly in there. A emergency vehicle can only break the laws when it has both lights and sirens on. One without the other is no good. If you want to keep discussing this read the motor vehicle act first then we can talk. If you have taken any training to operate an emergency vehicle such as NAPD courses, then you would of heard this over and over again.

Generally speaking when responding lights and sirens the sirens are shut off when not neccesary so that the neighbourhood is not woken up, but when ever running and intersection they are genrally on.

I can show you many court cases, including one in calgary where operators have been charged. Technically speaking they must also come to a complete stop first when running a red light. It is the emergency vehicle operators responsibility to make sure that other users of the road see them.

09-27-2006, 01:54 PM
Originally posted by Toms-SC

Die in a slow burning car fire....while the police are stuck at an intersection.

I think it would be the fire truck in this case that would be stuck at a light. They have a little more water on board.

09-27-2006, 02:16 PM
Originally posted by wheelz

Read the Alberta motor vehicles act. It states it directly in there. A emergency vehicle can only break the laws when it has both lights and sirens on. One without the other is no good. If you want to keep discussing this read the motor vehicle act first then we can talk. If you have taken any training to operate an emergency vehicle such as NAPD courses, then you would of heard this over and over again.

Generally speaking when responding lights and sirens the sirens are shut off when not neccesary so that the neighbourhood is not woken up, but when ever running and intersection they are genrally on.

I can show you many court cases, including one in calgary where operators have been charged. Technically speaking they must also come to a complete stop first when running a red light. It is the emergency vehicle operators responsibility to make sure that other users of the road see them.

Again, you need to read the act once more:

Emergency and Maintenance Vehicles

Use of siren

62 A siren on an emergency vehicle shall be operated only when the vehicle is being used in response to an emergency, an emergency call or an alarm.

Operating and parking emergency vehicle

63(1) Where, considering the circumstances, it is reasonable and safe to do so, a person driving an emergency vehicle may while the vehicle’s siren is operating do one or more of the following:

(a) drive the vehicle in excess of the speed limit;

(b) proceed past a traffic control signal indicating stop or a stop sign without stopping;

(c) contravene any provision that is prescribed by the Act, this or other regulations or a municipal bylaw governing the use of the highways.

(2) An emergency vehicle, while its siren is operating, has the right of way over all other vehicles.

(3) Notwithstanding subsection (2), when sirens are operating on emergency vehicles, the persons driving the emergency vehicles, where practicable, should drive the vehicles in such a manner so that the vehicles, with respect to each other, are operated in the following order:

(a) firstly, a vehicle operated by a fire protection service;

(b) secondly, an ambulance;

(c) thirdly, a vehicle operated by a police service;

(d) fourthly, a vehicle operated as a gas disconnection unit of a public utility;

(e) fifthly, a vehicle designated by regulation as an emergency response unit.

(4) Where, considering the circumstances, it is reasonable and safe, an emergency vehicle may, while its flashing lights are operating, be parked contrary to any provision that is prescribed by the Act, this or other regulations or a municipal bylaw governing the parking of motor vehicles.

(5) Where a peace officer is not present, the person driving and the other personnel of an emergency vehicle, if the circumstances so require, have the powers of a peace officer under the Act and this Regulation with respect to traffic control and direction to the extent necessary to enable them to efficiently perform their duties.

Police vehicles operating without siren

64(1) Where, considering the circumstances, it is reasonable and safe to do so, a peace officer driving a motor vehicle may, in carrying out the peace officer’s duties, do one or more of the following while not operating a siren:

(a) drive the motor vehicle in excess of the speed limit;

(b) proceed past a traffic control signal indicating stop or a stop sign without stopping;

(c) contravene any other provision that is prescribed by the Act, this or other regulations or a municipal bylaw governing the use of the highways.

(2) Where, considering the circumstances, it is reasonable and safe, a peace officer may, in carrying out the peace officer’s duties, park a motor vehicle, while not operating any flashing lights or siren, contrary to any provision that is prescribed by the Act, this or other regulations or a municipal bylaw governing the parking of motor vehicles.

A police vehicle does not need to use it's emergency equipment to contravene the act. It is there to warn others.

Also there is no min or max speed by law that you can proceed through an intersection. It boils down to common sense and individual responsibility for ones action. If I can't see all the lanes and make eye contact with all the drivers I assume there is a car coming and or the driver isn't aware of my vehicle and will not proceed until I am sure they are stopping.

09-27-2006, 03:50 PM
Thanks, Dayglow; I was scouring the 'net for that.

09-27-2006, 09:00 PM
Originally posted by 95EagleAWD

Actually, he's completely right. Police cars do not need lights or sirens on to break the law. It's usually the smart thing to do, as it lets other drivers know of the cruiser's intentions, but it's not required by law. Thats not what he said, read again. I KNOW a cop doesnt need to be in code to roll lights. Dayglow posted the traffic act relating to all of that a while ago.

09-27-2006, 10:08 PM
Originally posted by wheelz

I think it would be the fire truck in this case that would be stuck at a light. They have a little more water on board.


Going to a non-emergency without lights is understandable. Calgary (and presumably everyone other city on earth) tends to malfunctions quite dramatically when something out of the ordinary happens. Ambulances, police, whatever - cause Calgarians to loose their minds and do the most fucked up things when an emergency vehicle is behind them. However, I'm sure that it (running red lights, speeding) does happen for no reason. And, when it does - it's bullshit, like I said before. So, I do not think I deserve to die in a slow burning fire, because I don't agree with them running lights, or speeding - or in general being assholes, when not required. I don't see the point of being a cunt to a bunch of high-school kids who are doing something irrelevant, and thats why I disagree with this whole scenario quite a bit.

[revised point]
If the police run lights, or speed, or 'violate' traffic laws, when they are not responding to calls, or for any good reason - it's bullshit. You would be an idiot if you disagreed, simply because then you are stating that it's okay for the police to do whatever they please.
[/revised point]

So, if you bitch, and disagree now, this is for you:


09-27-2006, 10:18 PM
Originally posted by bspot
Yeah, that cop should have parallel parked properly before he responded to the murder call. How inconsiderate.

is that a fact that there was a murder or u just makin that up

09-27-2006, 11:33 PM
I stand corrected.
In the hard copy I was given that last section was not in there. I even double checked before I posted. So as far as I got was that the siren needed to operating. Sorry about the confusion.:banghead:

09-28-2006, 12:04 AM
Originally posted by NGRPLZ.NET
Thats not what he said, read again. I KNOW a cop doesnt need to be in code to roll lights. Dayglow posted the traffic act relating to all of that a while ago.

Misquoted... my mistake.


09-28-2006, 08:47 AM
If you are not a cop or in the emergency field what gives you the right to bash on cops for using red lights to go through an intersection.

Going through a red light with lights on is the single greatest risk when responding to an emergency I would know I am a medic and a firefighter.

Sure running lights and sirens seems cool for like the first month but trust me it gets old real quick and you start to realize very quickly how easy it is to get into an accident.

What also has failed to been mentioned is that all cops have radios and just because he was sitting at the light with you then flips on the red and blues and then stops at the next light dosnt mean he was abusing power but simply could have been downgraded or cancelled by the time he reached the next light.

09-28-2006, 05:20 PM
Since you are not in the police car at the time, I don't think you should assume and start bashing the cops, because there are many factors that lead to their decisions. One example that I heard on the police radio is, they are initally really responding to an emergency call, and have their lights and sirens on and after the red light, a unit on scene radio them all is ok, slow down so then they just turn their lights off and drive normally to the scene as back up and not cause a chaos on the road when the other end is under control. It could just be as simple as that and not what you call "power hungry"?

09-28-2006, 06:30 PM
Originally posted by DoubleLP

Yes they should have responded, but none of the kids were in the house and so the police responded to more dangerous calls.

Please tell me that during that particular 1/2 day window, there weren't any cops anywhere in the city sitting at radar traps because if there were...unacceptable is all I can say.

09-30-2006, 02:43 PM
Originally posted by Cruz

Please tell me that during that particular 1/2 day window, there weren't any cops anywhere in the city sitting at radar traps because if there were...unacceptable is all I can say.


09-30-2006, 05:37 PM

10-01-2006, 09:47 AM
Originally posted by creeper
I'm always shocked at the volume of people who defend the police force so vigorously on this forum.

Are you also shocked by the volume of police officers who defend people?

10-01-2006, 11:03 AM
Originally posted by 01RedDX
These cop-bashing threads are getting a little old. Waaaah, cops have more power than I do. Get used to it, yes most cops suck, and they are only human, but until you come up with an idea that can replace the police force... STFU!



lol j/k, i want to be a cop ;) hopefully will be able to join cougar and dayglow within a years time (or sooner!)

10-01-2006, 12:17 PM
lane jumping ricers patroling the NE in cop cars :eek: thats a scary thought. j/k

EK 2.0
10-01-2006, 12:43 PM
Originally posted by 403Gemini
lol j/k, i want to be a cop ;) hopefully will be able to join cougar and dayglow within a years time (or sooner!)

Just remember me if you ever pull me over Wayne...;)

10-01-2006, 09:01 PM

10-04-2006, 04:41 PM
Originally posted by 69cougar


Yeah ill just leave my district and drive accross town for a call. When the call comes in the situation is assesed and the call is coded with a priority.

Considering the situation that we are discussing...

Originally posted by 5hift

...a global news story I heard where some kids came home to find their house burgularized. They called 911 right away as they were not sure if there was anyone in the house still. The entire evening passed, the kids' parents came home from work, and yet no one showed; few days later the police released some statement with some sort of excuse about being stretched too thin. While I do agree that the CPS is stretched thin, I have a hard time believing they cannot make time to respond to a 911 call in a half day window.

...I would like to thank you for making my point. So in this particular instance, your argument is that when no other officers are able to attend the scene of a burglary, it is assessed a lower priority than writing tickets at a radar trap. Think about that for a minute, chew it.

10-05-2006, 12:12 AM
I'm not disputing your point, in fact I agree with it. What I'm conflicted about is cops making excuses for not attending a burglary for an entire day and then talking about 'prioritizing calls'.

At the end of the day, despite the arguments that are sure to come from this comment, catching traffic violators generates revenue and catching bad guys does not.

Justify it any way you like with 'call priorities' etc. but when it comes down to it and you have a couple of kids call in saying that their house is broken into and someone may still be inside, a unit should be dispatched sooner than a day later. And it wouldn't hurt the cops to admit that they made a boo boo instead of trying to justify their actions 'The Car Salon' style.

10-05-2006, 02:20 PM
When we are doing traffic enforcement we are booked out on a particular code however if any calls come in we do respond.

I guess its pretty easy to be an armchair police QB

10-05-2006, 02:23 PM
Like what has been said earlier..........I guarantee those that are saying the police need to "justify" there actions etc....would not bitch about it if they even had the slightest clue how the police work or how much shit they have to deal with everyday.

10-05-2006, 02:23 PM

10-05-2006, 02:33 PM
Who me?

10-05-2006, 02:43 PM

10-05-2006, 03:51 PM

That ass in your avatar FTW! :eek: