View Full Version : Playground Zones Start at 8:30 AM

09-27-2006, 11:59 PM
Public Service Announcement to all the douchebags who slow down at 7:45 am, think they are following the law, then glare at me when I drive by.

That is all.

09-28-2006, 12:09 AM
I couldn't agree more.... Although some people are idiots about this. On my way to school the other day the idiot 2 cars in front of me was doing this, so the dumbass in front of me thought it was a great idea to swerve into the oncoming traffic to pass her, IMO thats just retarded

09-28-2006, 12:12 AM
some school, and play ground Zones are in effect from sun rise to one hour after sunset, call me what ever, but when is it a bad Idea to look out for the saftey of children?:drama:

09-28-2006, 12:18 AM
Originally posted by RickDaTuner
some school, and play ground Zones are in effect from sun rise to one hour after sunset, call me what ever, but when is it a bad Idea to look out for the saftey of children?:drama: }

Rules are there for a reason. They create some kind of consistancy in all of our driving habits. Without this key feature, we end up getting drivers who drive 30 all the time not only because they dont actually know the law, but because "oh its just a good thing for the children". Im so sick of that being used to cover up ignorance. Maybe our children should be learning that big fuckin vehicles do lots of damage to little bodies, so stay clear, and learn how to use crosswalks.

Drive the speed specified at the time you are driving. Less confusion equals less accidents, and less pissed off drivers.

09-28-2006, 12:21 AM
Originally posted by RickDaTuner
some school, and play ground Zones are in effect from sun rise to one hour after sunset, call me what ever, but when is it a bad Idea to look out for the saftey of children?:drama:

You should check those facts. School zones are school zones, and they are all in effect from 8am to 5pm. Playground zones are playground zones and are in effect from 8:30am to 1 hr past sunset.

If you were meant to drive slowly 24 hrs in those zones, they'd be posted as such.

09-28-2006, 12:29 AM
Originally posted by ogpog

Rules are there for a reason. They create some kind of consistency in all of our driving habits. Without this key feature, we end up getting drivers who drive 30 all the time not only because they don't actually know the law, but because "oh its just a good thing for the children". I'm so sick of that being used to cover up ignorance. Maybe our children should be learning that big fucking vehicles do lots of damage to little bodies, so stay clear, and learn how to use crosswalks.

Drive the speed specified at the time you are driving. Less confusion equals less accidents, and less pissed off drivers.

Is that really a cover up for Ignorance? Kids are labelled as such because they do not have the menatality to comprehend and act responsibly, they are taught to be responsible individuals, which later on in life some do apply to thier lives.
I can't count how many times I have passed by a play ground or school zone and have had a ball shoot out into the street only to have little Johny chasing behind it.

The fact of this matter is that school and playground zones are designated as "Protected Areas" in which the driver must pay due attention regardless of the time.

I would turn this back on you and say that it's the ignorant though that most drivers put out in which they believe they are entitled to all manners of right of way when it comes to them operating a vehicle, hence forth leading to "accidents" that could have been prevented by just driving slower.

Speed kills, there is no two ways around that

09-28-2006, 12:31 AM
Originally posted by RickDaTuner

Is that really a cover up for Ignorance? Kids are labelled as such because they do not have the menatality to comprehend and act responsibly, they are taught to be responsible individuals, which later on in life some do apply to thier lives.
I can't count how many times I have passed by a play ground or school zone and have had a ball shoot out into the street only to have little Johny chasing behind it.

The fact of this matter is that school and playground zones are designated as "Protected Areas" in which the driver must pay due attention regardless of the time.

I would turn this back on you and say that it's the ignorant though that most drivers put out in which they believe they are entitled to all manners of right of way when it comes to them operating a vehicle, hence forth leading to "accidents" that could have been prevented by just driving slower.

Speed kills, there is no two ways around that

^^yea, well ignorance kills too. Follow the rules. Its a proven theory.

09-28-2006, 12:31 AM
Originally posted by lint

You should check those facts. School zones are school zones, and they are all in effect from 8am to 5pm. Playground zones are playground zones and are in effect from 8:30am to 1 hr past sunset.

If you were meant to drive slowly 24 hrs in those zones, they'd be posted as such.

you're right my refferneces might be off; each municipality has their own set of rules that govern those areas, I was re-calling a case I had over heard at an out of city court, relating to a similar matter

09-28-2006, 12:32 AM
Originally posted by ogpog

^^yea, well ignorance kills too. Follow the rules. Its a proven theory.

skim read much?

09-28-2006, 12:34 AM
Originally posted by ogpog

^^yea, well ignorance kills too. Follow the rules. Its a proven theory.

True, ignorace does kill. But, how many drivers have been killed because someone went 30 at 7:50 AM?

Alot more kids have been hurt by someone going 50 at 7:50 am.

I go slow if I see any children, regardless. I don't trust their sense of judgment, and for all I know they could dart out into the road. Its alot easier to stop in a hurry at 30 then 50.

Call me whatever you want, I'd rather not take a risk of hurting a child then make some person 20 seconds late for work.

09-28-2006, 05:08 AM
Originally posted by CarbonCopy

True, ignorace does kill. But, how many drivers have been killed because someone went 30 at 7:50 AM?

Alot more kids have been hurt by someone going 50 at 7:50 am.

I go slow if I see any children, regardless. I don't trust their sense of judgment, and for all I know they could dart out into the road. Its alot easier to stop in a hurry at 30 then 50.

Call me whatever you want, I'd rather not take a risk of hurting a child then make some person 20 seconds late for work. :werd: those zones are short anyways beter safe than sorry.

09-28-2006, 07:08 AM
I go slow if I see any children, regardless. I don't trust their sense of judgment, and for all I know they could dart out into the road. Its alot easier to stop in a hurry at 30 then 50.

Call me whatever you want, I'd rather not take a risk of hurting a child then make some person 20 seconds late for work.

That is very true. The worst example of that I see is patrollers. Those kids are there to help out other kids to prevent them from being hurt, yet most of the time they arent in school zones, and some people go way to fast through the intersections they are working.

09-28-2006, 08:49 AM
Some of you guys are complete douche-bags. Some schools start early tha others and there can be kids around that early. Are you tits that fucking self centered that you can't slow down near schools and playgrounds when there could be kids in those areas? We all tell our kids to look both ways before they cross but sometimes they get distracted...they are kids and they don't always do the right thing. But god forbid you have to slow down to 30kms even at 7:45.

Slow the fuck down and use better judgement. Or you could just hit some kid...yeah, that would teach them a lesson.:thumbsdow

09-28-2006, 08:59 AM
Children don't develop the mental capacity to correctly process factors like depth/distance, speed, and peripheral vision. All dimensions that we take for granted when we cross the street as pedestrians and as drivers.

09-28-2006, 09:02 AM
Originally posted by rotten42
Some of you guys are complete douche-bags. Some schools start early tha others and there can be kids around that early. Are you tits that fucking self centered that you can't slow down near schools and playgrounds when there could be kids in those areas? We all tell our kids to look both ways before they cross but sometimes they get distracted...they are kids and they don't always do the right thing. But god forbid you have to slow down to 30kms even at 7:45.

Slow the fuck down and use better judgement. Or you could just hit some kid...yeah, that would teach them a lesson.:thumbsdow

Why so harsh man?

If that is the case than the city should change the signs or make all of the zones start at the same time so that there is uniformity across the city. It sucks having some knob go 30 through the zone when there is no need for it.

Going 30 in a 50 zone is the same as going 70, you are not paying attention to the proper speed limit.

09-28-2006, 09:07 AM
Originally posted by rotten42
Some of you guys are complete douche-bags. Some schools start early tha others and there can be kids around that early. Are you tits that fucking self centered that you can't slow down near schools and playgrounds when there could be kids in those areas? We all tell our kids to look both ways before they cross but sometimes they get distracted...they are kids and they don't always do the right thing. But god forbid you have to slow down to 30kms even at 7:45.

Slow the fuck down and use better judgement. Or you could just hit some kid...yeah, that would teach them a lesson.:thumbsdow


Use logical judgement, or better yet just common sense that when you are in school or playground zones kids are present, regardless what the law says its better to be safe than sorry.

09-28-2006, 09:10 AM
Originally posted by Sprinter


Use logical judgement, or better yet just common sense that when you are in school or playground zones kids are present, regardless what the law says its better to be safe than sorry.


09-28-2006, 09:13 AM
It annoys the heck out of me when people slow down to 30 in a playground zone before 8am. You got a line up of cars tailgating each other, wondering wtf is the guy in front doing. The guy is oblivious to why everyone's mad at him.

According to you guys defending him, we should disregard posted speed limits and drive 20km/h slower.

Most of the road fatalities happen on deerfoot, everyone should slow down to 80km/h, that'll solve everything! :thumbsdow

Originally posted by CarbonCopy

Alot more kids have been hurt by someone going 50 at 7:50 am.

I don't know where you got the statistics for kids being hit in playground zones before 8:30am... please share.

I agree however when I SEE kids around the road, slow down... regardless of playground/school zones. I got no problems with that. But why don't they change all residential areas from 50 to 30? I see tons of kids on their front lawns or on sidewalks.

09-28-2006, 09:35 AM
Originally posted by QuasarCav

Why so harsh man?

If that is the case than the city should change the signs or make all of the zones start at the same time so that there is uniformity across the city. It sucks having some knob go 30 through the zone when there is no need for it.

Going 30 in a 50 zone is the same as going 70, you are not paying attention to the proper speed limit.

why so harsh?

You obviously don't have kids otherwise you would see how stupid it is to complain about this.

09-28-2006, 09:45 AM
Originally posted by yellowsnow
It annoys the heck out of me when people slow down to 30 in a playground zone before 8am. You got a line up of cars tailgating each other, wondering wtf is the guy in front doing. The guy is oblivious to why everyone's mad at him.

According to you guys defending him, we should disregard posted speed limits and drive 20km/h slower.

Most of the road fatalities happen on deerfoot, everyone should slow down to 80km/h, that'll solve everything! :thumbsdow

I don't know where you got the statistics for kids being hit in playground zones before 8:30am... please share.

I agree however when I SEE kids around the road, slow down... regardless of playground/school zones. I got no problems with that. But why don't they change all residential areas from 50 to 30? I see tons of kids on their front lawns or on sidewalks.

Comparing Deerfoot to a playgound/school zone is just plain stupid! The pain and suffering you must endure to have to go under the speed limit for a block or two....it must make you life that much more of a struggle.

Compare that to the pain and suffering to:
1) the kid you hit
2) the kids parents
3) to you

...if you should hit the kid.

IT would all be nice if children were completely responsible for their actions but they aren't....and this board has proved that quite often they still aren’t responsible when they are old enough to drive.

Some people get bent out of shape when their car gets smashed up.....that's peanuts to how a parent feels when their kids get hurt.

09-28-2006, 10:05 AM
The school next to my house is a playground zone. But when i leave for work on the morning between 7:45 and 8:00 there are kids at the school plus kids waiting for buses to go to other schools. Sorry if I am the douche bag that is doing 30ish through there. I will not have it on my conscience that i have hit a kid cause I was so impatient that I had to do 50 through the zone and gain that extra 10 seconds to ge to work. The speed limit is 50 under Ideal conditions. Kids runnig accross the street is not ideal.

Slow down, take an alternate route.

09-28-2006, 10:16 AM
Originally posted by Nate
The school next to my house is a playground zone. But when i leave for work on the morning between 7:45 and 8:00 there are kids at the school plus kids waiting for buses to go to other schools. Sorry if I am the douche bag that is doing 30ish through there. I will not have it on my conscience that i have hit a kid cause I was so impatient that I had to do 50 through the zone and gain that extra 10 seconds to ge to work. The speed limit is 50 under Ideal conditions. Kids runnig accross the street is not ideal.

Slow down, take an alternate route.


09-28-2006, 10:37 AM
Originally posted by Nate
The school next to my house is a playground zone. But when i leave for work on the morning between 7:45 and 8:00 there are kids at the school plus kids waiting for buses to go to other schools. Sorry if I am the douche bag that is doing 30ish through there. I will not have it on my conscience that i have hit a kid cause I was so impatient that I had to do 50 through the zone and gain that extra 10 seconds to ge to work. The speed limit is 50 under Ideal conditions. Kids runnig accross the street is not ideal.

Slow down, take an alternate route.

:thumbsup: :thumbsup:

09-28-2006, 10:39 AM
Didn't we beath this to death a few weeks ago....


09-28-2006, 10:42 AM
Originally posted by yellowsnow

I agree however when I SEE kids around the road, slow down... regardless of playground/school zones. I got no problems with that. But why don't they change all residential areas from 50 to 30? I see tons of kids on their front lawns or on sidewalks.

a very good point indeed...

residential areas with alot of kids running around is the same as any playground/school zone, it would be beneficial for them to do something about this

09-28-2006, 12:04 PM
In my area my school was in a playground zone(instead of a school zone, and school zone start at 8am). School started at 8:45, so alot of kids were around there at 8:00-8:15(extracurriculars). Because of this alot of drivers in my area slow down before the time has kicked in.

09-28-2006, 12:11 PM
Originally posted by sexualbanana
Children don't develop the mental capacity to correctly process factors like depth/distance, speed, and peripheral vision. All dimensions that we take for granted when we cross the street as pedestrians and as drivers.

The latest mainstream review of research in LENR occurred in 2004 when the US Department of Energy set up a panel of eighteen scientists. When asked "Is there compelling evidence for power that cannot be attributed to ordinary chemical or solid-state sources", the panelists were evenly split. When asked about low energy nuclear reactions, two thirds of the panel did not feel that there was any conclusive evidence, five found the evidence "somewhat convincing" and one was entirely convinced. The nearly unanimous opinion of the reviewers was that funding agencies should entertain individual, well-designed proposals for experiments in this field. Critics say that the DOE review had too limited a scope and inappropriate review process.

The popular press sometimes use the term "cold fusion" to describe "globally cold, locally hot" plasma fusion that occurs in table-top apparatus such as pyroelectric fusion. Another form of cold fusion is muon-catalyzed fusion; unfortunately, the muons it uses require too much energy to create and have too short of a half-life to make the process practical for energy generation.

On March 23, 1989, the chemists Martin Fleischmann and Stanley Pons at the University of Utah spoke at a press conference held by the University of Utah and reported the production of excess heat that they say could only be explained by a nuclear process. The report was particularly astounding given the simplicity of the equipment: essentially an electrolysis cell containing heavy water (deuterium oxide) and a palladium cathode which rapidly absorbed the deuterium produced during electrolysis.

In their original set-up, Fleischmann and Pons used a Dewar flask (a double-walled vacuum flask) for the electrolysis, so that heat conduction would be minimal on the side and the bottom of the cell (only 5 % of heat lost in this experiment). The cell flask was then submerged in a bath maintained at constant temperature to eliminate the effect of external heat sources. They used an open cell, thus allowing the gaseous deuterium and oxygen resulting from the electrolysis reaction to leave the cell (with some heat too). It was necessary to replenish the cell with heavy water at regular intervals. The cell was tall and narrow, so that the bubbling action of the gas kept the electrolyte well mixed and of a uniform temperature. Special attention was paid to the purity of the palladium cathode and electrolyte to prevent the build-up of material on its surface, especially after long periods of operation.

The cell was also instrumented with a thermistor to measure the temperature of the electrolyte, and an electrical heater to generate pulses of heat and calibrate the heat loss due to the gas outlet. After calibration, it was possible to compute the heat generated by the reaction.

A constant current was applied to the cell continuously for many weeks, and heavy water was added as necessary. For most of the time, the power input to the cell was equal to the power that went out of the cell within measuring accuracy, and the cell temperature was stable at around 30 °C. But then, at some point (and in some of the experiments), the temperature rose suddenly to about 50 °C without changes in the input power, for durations of 2 days or more. The generated power was calculated to be about 20 times the input power during the power bursts, and, according to Fleischmann and Pons, could not be explained by chemical reactions. Eventually the power bursts in any one cell would no longer occur and the cell was turned off.

09-28-2006, 12:49 PM
Originally posted by yellowsnow
It annoys the heck out of me when people slow down to 30 in a playground zone before 8am. You got a line up of cars tailgating each other, wondering wtf is the guy in front doing. The guy is oblivious to why everyone's mad at him.

According to you guys defending him, we should disregard posted speed limits and drive 20km/h slower.

Most of the road fatalities happen on deerfoot, everyone should slow down to 80km/h, that'll solve everything! :thumbsdow

I don't know where you got the statistics for kids being hit in playground zones before 8:30am... please share.

I agree however when I SEE kids around the road, slow down... regardless of playground/school zones. I got no problems with that. But why don't they change all residential areas from 50 to 30? I see tons of kids on their front lawns or on sidewalks.

Deerfoot is different, do kids walk across and along deerfoot? I've never once seen that. And I go slow in residential areas when I see children. Especially children on bikes, they can dart out without a since ounce of notice.

I don't have statistics, its just logic. More accidents will happen when a child darts out at 50 then 30. Might not just be a child getting hurt, but I know there have been multiple accidents caused by someone going 50, slammin on the breaks for a child and someone smashing into their car.

The school next to my house is a playground zone. But when i leave for work on the morning between 7:45 and 8:00 there are kids at the school plus kids waiting for buses to go to other schools. Sorry if I am the douche bag that is doing 30ish through there. I will not have it on my conscience that i have hit a kid cause I was so impatient that I had to do 50 through the zone and gain that extra 10 seconds to ge to work. The speed limit is 50 under Ideal conditions. Kids runnig accross the street is not ideal.

Slow down, take an alternate route.

So true. :thumbsup: I hate the people who tailgate and get mad too. If they would rather risk a childs safety then get the coffe at work before its cold, well thats just wrong.

The city really needs to set up some new laws here. School zones starting at the time they do is way too late. Alot of kids start to get to school as early as 7:30, and alot of them leave to take the bus even earlier. I know for fact the age of which children are bussing to school on city transit is getting much younger just from observations in my area over the last couple years.

09-28-2006, 02:39 PM
i dont understand why people are saying slow down? nobody is breaking the law by goin the SPEED LIMIT.....ya people should slow down for the safety of kids but nobody is breaking the law here and it is to ONE PERSONS judgement as to what they do.

09-28-2006, 02:41 PM
Originally posted by nadroj23
i dont understand why people are saying slow down? nobody is breaking the law by goin the SPEED LIMIT.....ya people should slow down for the safety of kids but nobody is breaking the law here and it is to ONE PERSONS judgement as to what they do.

Yes they are. The speed limit is there to be the maximum speed under ideal conditions. I know people who have gotten tickets for going too fast for road conditions, when they were doing under the speed limit.

09-28-2006, 02:42 PM
oh and let me add to this everybody knows not one person has the same values or morals as another.....if they choose to go the speed limit when they are aloud let them. just know that it wont be on your mind if you kill somebody....cause you wont

09-28-2006, 03:08 PM
Originally posted by drew_goring

Yes they are. The speed limit is there to be the maximum speed under ideal conditions. I know people who have gotten tickets for going too fast for road conditions, when they were doing under the speed limit.

ya thanks know that but in the morning, with no kids on a nice day...............come on now.

09-28-2006, 03:18 PM
man by my house i drive by tom baines around 720 every morning. school doesnt start till 8. most of the teachers arent even there yet (the parking lot is virtually empty) but yet EVERY SINGLE DAY ppl are driving 30. there is not a kid in sight for a 6 block radius.
and then you go down the hill more to a playground zone. STILL going 30. like wth there are no kids anywhere! pleeease ppl wake up a bit drink some coffee and at LEAST go speed limit.

09-28-2006, 03:26 PM
i think the key here is to use good judgment and common sense. when school zones arent in effect, then yeah i admit i drive at 50 through there. BUT if i see kids walking to school/running with their friends/sauntering around on their way to school, then my judgment and common sense dictates that i should be more careful, slow down as there is a possibility that one of them might dart across the road. there is absolutely no excuse for not being responsible behind the wheel, no matter what speed you are going. fuck you could be going 30 if school zones aren't in effect, but if you're one of those idiots that apply make-up on the rear-view in the morning, chatting on the cellphone, and not paying attention, what makes you so much better than a very careful and aware driver that does 50 through there?

Evo prec
09-28-2006, 03:29 PM
i drive by tom baines as well in the morning at about the same time and it is horrible people can not get a clue that playgroud zones dont start until 8 30 its pretty bad.

Supa Dexta
09-28-2006, 04:01 PM
The limit in front of my house was 70, with most doing 80-100.. And I never got hit, I learned the rules, look both ways... Something most adult calgarians can't comprehend, they think the flashing amber pedestrian signs are forcefeilds..

adam c
09-28-2006, 04:07 PM
i have to drive through 1 or 2, depending on which way i travel in the morning and it doesnt matter if its 7:40 am or 4:30 pm.. no matter what people drive 30 down every fucking street.. sometimes they give it a little gas and we end up going 40 in the 50 zone, and by my office. its a 60 zone.. but what the fuck lets drive 40 down the street anyways

i mean come on.. it takes me 30 minutes to drive less then 10 km in the morning cause people just wont fucking drive

09-28-2006, 04:29 PM
Originally posted by dennisaur
i think the key here is to use good judgment and common sense. when school zones arent in effect, then yeah i admit i drive at 50 through there. BUT if i see kids walking to school/running with their friends/sauntering around on their way to school, then my judgment and common sense dictates that i should be more careful, slow down as there is a possibility that one of them might dart across the road. there is absolutely no excuse for not being responsible behind the wheel, no matter what speed you are going. fuck you could be going 30 if school zones aren't in effect, but if you're one of those idiots that apply make-up on the rear-view in the morning, chatting on the cellphone, and not paying attention, what makes you so much better than a very careful and aware driver that does 50 through there?

Yeah. I've been guilty of going 50 through a school zone on a weekday. When class is in, no children in sight. In the morning alot of kids are making their way to school, the most important time to slow down.

09-28-2006, 04:38 PM
Originally posted by Schwa
Public Service Announcement to all the douchebags who slow down at 7:45 am, think they are following the law, then glare at me when I drive by.

That is all.

I don't slow down, thats the speed I use all the time on residential roads, if you don't like it then get the F@#$ out of my neighborhood.

09-28-2006, 04:54 PM
What the fuck is wrong with you people?! Are your lives so full of Hardship that this is the straw that broke the camels back? For the love of god quit fucking BITCHING about the littlest things and live with it. 20 seconds or even ONE WHOLE MINUTE is not going to end the world. Oh but wait what can i expect from a board with half its members spoiled fucking kids.

09-28-2006, 05:23 PM
Originally posted by QuasarCav

Going 30 in a 50 zone is the same as going 70, you are not paying attention to the proper speed limit.

:rofl: I suggest you go find a dictionary and look up the word 'maximum', then try that again.

Regardless, you all would be a lot happier I think if you would stop getting so worked up about little shit like having to slow down for a few blocks :drama:

09-28-2006, 05:33 PM
Originally posted by l/l/rX
man by my house i drive by tom baines around 720 every morning. school doesnt start till 8. most of the teachers arent even there yet (the parking lot is virtually empty) but yet EVERY SINGLE DAY ppl are driving 30. there is not a kid in sight for a 6 block radius.
and then you go down the hill more to a playground zone. STILL going 30. like wth there are no kids anywhere! pleeease ppl wake up a bit drink some coffee and at LEAST go speed limit.

and you know what thats the road i drive every morning also and i see the same 18 year old female running up the hill and adults waiting at bus stops nothing else no kids...oh sorry i did see kids in their parents arms getting dropped off at day care.....

09-28-2006, 05:42 PM
Originally posted by adam c
i have to drive through 1 or 2, depending on which way i travel in the morning and it doesnt matter if its 7:40 am or 4:30 pm.. no matter what people drive 30 down every fucking street.. sometimes they give it a little gas and we end up going 40 in the 50 zone, and by my office. its a 60 zone.. but what the fuck lets drive 40 down the street anyways

i mean come on.. it takes me 30 minutes to drive less then 10 km in the morning cause people just wont fucking drive

Similar situation. Its a big piss off.:werd:

09-28-2006, 05:47 PM
Originally posted by adam c
i have to drive through 1 or 2, depending on which way i travel in the morning and it doesnt matter if its 7:40 am or 4:30 pm.. no matter what people drive 30 down every fucking street.. sometimes they give it a little gas and we end up going 40 in the 50 zone, and by my office. its a 60 zone.. but what the fuck lets drive 40 down the street anyways

i mean come on.. it takes me 30 minutes to drive less then 10 km in the morning cause people just wont fucking drive

do the math, that's less than 5 km/h. It's not the 30 km/h people that are slowing you down to 5km/h.

09-28-2006, 10:19 PM
I think the problem here is that it's just very annoying to do 30km when it's not at all nesessary. The same as when someone cuts you off, or doesn't wave when you go out of your way to let someone in.

09-28-2006, 10:28 PM
I always drive 30 through a school zone because a good habit.

I always drive 30 in my neighborhood because I firmly beleive that you don't rod around in your own neighborhood. Show some respect for you neighbors, and their children.

09-28-2006, 10:30 PM
Originally posted by Watcher
I always drive 30 through a school zone because a good habit.

I always drive 30 in my neighborhood because I firmly beleive that you don't rod around in your own neighborhood. Show some respect for you neighbors, and their children.

You always sit home alone on a friday nights too i assume.

People who drive thirty all the time in their neighborhood because its "good habit" either has no education or have down syndrome.

09-28-2006, 10:35 PM
Originally posted by ogpog

You always sit home alone on a friday nights too i assume.

People who drive thirty all the time in their neighborhood because its "good habit" either has no education or have down syndrome.

Have you seen how narrow they are building the roads in new neighborhoods?

09-28-2006, 11:17 PM
Speed depends on the road itself. There are plenty of residential roads that the limit of 50 is fine on - Driving 30 on these roads is just idiotic and pisses people off.

There are also roads that have cars parked on both sides with barely enough room for 2 cars to fit through AND kids playing on the front lawns/sidewalks - This is where you drive slow because if any kid jumps onto the road from inbetween 2 cars, chances are you won't be able to stop in time.

Summary: Use your brain.
Driving 30 in a road that is suitable to drive 50 on is stupid. Just like driving 50 on a road that is only suitable to be travelling at 30kph is stupid.

09-28-2006, 11:58 PM
I don't see the problem in slowing down to make a safer world for children.

09-29-2006, 12:00 AM
Originally posted by forkdork
Speed depends on the road itself. There are plenty of residential roads that the limit of 50 is fine on - Driving 30 on these roads is just idiotic and pisses people off.

There are also roads that have cars parked on both sides with barely enough room for 2 cars to fit through AND kids playing on the front lawns/sidewalks - This is where you drive slow because if any kid jumps onto the road from inbetween 2 cars, chances are you won't be able to stop in time.

Summary: Use your brain.
Driving 30 in a road that is suitable to drive 50 on is stupid. Just like driving 50 on a road that is only suitable to be travelling at 30kph is stupid.

Sorry for double post.. but YES!!!

Thats 100% what I've been trying to say.

a social dsease
09-29-2006, 12:10 AM
Originally posted by Watcher

Originally posted by adam c
i mean come on.. it takes me 30 minutes to drive less then 10 km in the morning cause people just wont fucking drive

do the math, that's less than 5 km/h.


I agree it sucks when people drive under the speed limit, but at least if they do it in a playground zone, even if it is a bit early, they have a good reason! What really gets me is people who drive under the speed limit on perfectly normal roads, for example the other day I got stuck behind TWO people driving 45km/hr down 90th (limit is 60) side by side!!! I mean come on, at least let me and the 10 other cars stuck behind pass!!! Thats what really gets me.

09-29-2006, 12:23 AM
Originally posted by nadroj23

and you know what thats the road i drive every morning also and i see the same 18 year old female running up the hill and adults waiting at bus stops nothing else no kids...oh sorry i did see kids in their parents arms getting dropped off at day care.....

ive seen like 5 kids been drop off at that day care...and they are on the OTHER side of the road. going the opposite direction.
im pretty sure the 18yr old female is not dumb enough to run in front of a car.
and im sure adults waiting at the bus stops arent gonna run onto the street because their skateboard flew into the middle of the road while trying to do a kickflip.

09-29-2006, 07:42 AM
Originally posted by Watcher
I always drive 30 through a school zone because a good habit.

I always drive 30 in my neighborhood because I firmly beleive that you don't rod around in your own neighborhood. Show some respect for you neighbors, and their children.

Plus , you might hit ogpog riding around on his trike...

09-29-2006, 08:12 AM
Originally posted by fast95pony

Plus , you might hit ogpog riding around on his trike...

But its OK,

He'll have a helmet on,,,

and elbow pads,,,

and knee pads,,,

and training wheels,,,

09-29-2006, 08:13 AM
Originally posted by fast95pony

Plus , you might hit ogpog riding around on his trike...

I've seen that trike before! he comes whizzing past my house at 50 km/h. He's not breaking the law, but its kinda a blind corner, and there's lots of kids playing on their front lawns. :devil:

adam c
09-29-2006, 08:18 AM
Originally posted by Watcher

do the math, that's less than 5 km/h. It's not the 30 km/h people that are slowing you down to 5km/h.

no u have to do the math, if im driving at 5 km/h and it takes me 30 minutes to get to work, i would only drive 2.5km..

i drive an average of 30km/h so divide that by 2 and u get 15km, but u have to account for stop signs and traffic lights which accounts for 5 minutes.. so there u go 30 minutes for 10 km

09-29-2006, 08:33 AM
Originally posted by adam c

no u have to do the math, if im driving at 5 km/h and it takes me 30 minutes to get to work, i would only drive 2.5km..

i drive an average of 30km/h so divide that by 2 and u get 15km, but u have to account for stop signs and traffic lights which accounts for 5 minutes.. so there u go 30 minutes for 10 km

LOL I'm not doing the same math as you.

Lets me rephrase what you are saying: You are saying that it takes 30 minutes to go 10 km. and you accounting for 5 minutes worth of stop signs and traffic lights.......

average speed(kmh) = distance(km) x minutes in motion / 60

10 x 25/60 = 4.1116 kmh

Therefore, Adamc, at an average speed of 4.1116 kmh, you must be the guy that pisses off the 30kmh crowd.


09-29-2006, 08:35 AM
lol, I dont know where me and the trike come in, but oh why not hah

09-29-2006, 08:39 AM
Originally posted by Watcher

LOL I'm not doing the same math as you.

Lets me rephrase what you are saying: You are saying that it takes 30 minutes to go 10 km. and you accounting for 5 minutes worth of stop signs and traffic lights.......

average speed(kmh) = distance(km) x minutes in motion / 60

10 x 25/60 = 4.1116 kmh

Therefore, Adamc, at an average speed of 4.1116 kmh, you must be the guy that pisses off the 30kmh crowd.


Good ol' Beyond.ca, where a thread about playground slowies causes the calculator to come out.

Oh and 20 under and 20 over have something in common. A 20km/hr difference.

adam c
09-29-2006, 08:41 AM
Originally posted by Watcher

LOL I'm not doing the same math as you.

Lets me rephrase what you are saying: You are saying that it takes 30 minutes to go 10 km. and you accounting for 5 minutes worth of stop signs and traffic lights.......

average speed(kmh) = distance(km) x minutes in motion / 60

10 x 25/60 = 4.1116 kmh

Therefore, Adamc, at an average speed of 4.1116 kmh, you must be the guy that pisses off the 30kmh crowd.


damn u got me.. cause i love driving less the 5km/h
nothing scares me more then watching my speedometer needle move


09-29-2006, 08:42 AM
Originally posted by QuasarCav

Good ol' Beyond.ca, where a thread about playground slowies causes the calculator to come out.

Oh and 20 under and 20 over have something in common. A 20km/hr difference.

Another difference is the 20 over crowd knows how to do multiplication and division of 2 digit numbers wthout screwing it up. :devil:

09-29-2006, 08:59 AM
Originally posted by adam c

damn u got me.. cause i love driving less the 5km/h
nothing scares me more then watching my speedometer needle move


good, then we are both in agreement on how ridiculous this sounds.

So I'll repost my original comment to you "It's not the 30 km/h people that are slowing you down to 5km/h."

Maybe you should get your car tuned up, I heard a dirty air cleaner and old plugs can really hurt a vehicle's performance.

D. Dub
09-29-2006, 10:58 AM
Originally posted by Nate
The school next to my house is a playground zone. But when i leave for work on the morning between 7:45 and 8:00 there are kids at the school plus kids waiting for buses to go to other schools. Sorry if I am the douche bag that is doing 30ish through there. I will not have it on my conscience that i have hit a kid cause I was so impatient that I had to do 50 through the zone and gain that extra 10 seconds to ge to work. The speed limit is 50 under Ideal conditions. Kids runnig accross the street is not ideal.

1. Slow down,

2. take an alternate route.


may I add...

3. act like a mature responsible adult?

adam c
09-29-2006, 11:07 AM
Originally posted by Watcher

good, then we are both in agreement on how ridiculous this sounds.

So I'll repost my original comment to you "It's not the 30 km/h people that are slowing you down to 5km/h."

Maybe you should get your car tuned up, I heard a dirty air cleaner and old plugs can really hurt a vehicle's performance.

ur still a fucking idiot

if i was driving at 4km per hour it would take me over 2 hours to get to work..
seriously wtf are u smoking

09-29-2006, 11:37 AM
Originally posted by Watcher

LOL I'm not doing the same math as you.

Lets me rephrase what you are saying: You are saying that it takes 30 minutes to go 10 km. and you accounting for 5 minutes worth of stop signs and traffic lights.......

average speed(kmh) = distance(km) x minutes in motion / 60

10 x 25/60 = 4.1116 kmh

Therefore, Adamc, at an average speed of 4.1116 kmh, you must be the guy that pisses off the 30kmh crowd.


:confused: What country did you learn that math in? 10 km in 30 minutes is an average of 20kmp/h.

09-29-2006, 11:54 AM
Originally posted by Watcher

LOL I'm not doing the same math as you.

Lets me rephrase what you are saying: You are saying that it takes 30 minutes to go 10 km. and you accounting for 5 minutes worth of stop signs and traffic lights.......

average speed(kmh) = distance(km) x minutes in motion / 60

10 x 25/60 = 4.1116 kmh

Therefore, Adamc, at an average speed of 4.1116 kmh, you must be the guy that pisses off the 30kmh crowd.


Uhh no.

The units of speed to want to use are KM/H

Km x 1/Hour = Km/hour
30 min = .5 hour
= 10km x 1/.5Hours = 20Km/H = You must have failed grade 5 math, grade 10 science, grade 11 physics, and 1st year university physics.

Using your stop lights it is 10km x 1/.416hours = 24km/h = You are still an idiot.

Now.... What were you saying something about the 20 over crowd knowing how to multiply 2 digit numbers?

09-29-2006, 01:14 PM
Originally posted by forkdork

Uhh no.

The units of speed to want to use are KM/H

Km x 1/Hour = Km/hour
30 min = .5 hour
= 10km x 1/.5Hours = 20Km/H = You must have failed grade 5 math, grade 10 science, grade 11 physics, and 1st year university physics.

Using your stop lights it is 10km x 1/.416hours = 24km/h = You are still an idiot.

Now.... What were you saying something about the 20 over crowd knowing how to multiply 2 digit numbers?

I think they're right... 30 minutes, 10 KM... 60 minutes is 20 KM then. 60 minutes in an hour, 20 KM travelled, 20 KM/Hr

adam c
09-29-2006, 01:15 PM
20 km is still a hell of a lot faster then 4

09-29-2006, 02:10 PM
:poosie: :rofl: I may come from a different country but you guys cant f#cken read!!!

Originally posted by Watcher


adam c
09-29-2006, 02:17 PM
tell me in what universe can i get to a point 10km away in 30 minutes by only tavelling 4km/h

seriously u gotta be fucking dumb

09-29-2006, 02:58 PM
Originally posted by Watcher
:poosie: :rofl: I may come from a different country but you guys cant f#cken read!!!

Why do you still visit this site after being banned multiple times?
Are you really that dense?

09-29-2006, 04:20 PM
I think if you are passing an elementary school where very young children are around... You should drive carefully and slowly.

09-29-2006, 05:13 PM
In late July of this summer, on a Sunday, at around 8:00 PM, I saw
someone slow down to 30 km/h in a school zone. Ahahaha, could they have been more off?

Actually, it was kind of nice to see someone even notice the signs. I think a lot of the time, people just blow through them because they don't notice at all. Wouldn't surprise me at all in this town, they all drive like a bunch of fucking morons.

09-29-2006, 05:31 PM
Originally posted by creeper
In late July of this summer, on a Sunday, at around 8:00 PM, I saw
someone slow down to 30 km/h in a school zone. Ahahaha, could they have been more off?

Actually, it was kind of nice to see someone even notice the signs. I think a lot of the time, people just blow through them because they don't notice at all. Wouldn't surprise me at all in this town, they all drive like a bunch of fucking morons.

I see that alot... Then again, I live near a year round school.

People need to slow down if there are children, bottom line. Going slow on sundays when there isnt a child in sight is just plain ludicris.

I show the same respect for anyone near the side of the road. If someone is pulled on the shoulder on deerfoot I just change lanes. Nobody wants to sit there with cars going 100 KM past them feet away, I've been there many times when my clutch was acting up. I've had beer bottles thrown at me. Some people's lack of respect for those broken down, and the safety of others (including, and especially childred) drives me NUTS.

09-29-2006, 05:47 PM
I have no problem if people are willing to slow down to 30 even if it's past the time by a few hour's or sill light out (playground and school zone's). But Fuck there is no logical reason to slow down to 30 in the playground zone before 8:30. Some of them are extremely long, and you won't see kid's playing on the street anytime before that. (Unlike a school zone)

The rules are there for a reason, and in regard's to playground zone's in specific before 8:30, Safety isn't even a issue.

09-29-2006, 05:53 PM
so this is the thread where the idiot drivers of calgary unite and agree with eachothers ignorance and stupidity huh? What i mean is if you cannot get it through your head that a school zone is a zone where there is a very good chance that there could be kids who stumble out on the road (whether its crossing or lack of attention) and therefore can lead to fatal injuries or even death of these young childrens, and its because you fuckers think its ok to speed through it just before the clock hits 8:00. I'll be the first to admit that it does piss me off sometimes when people drive slow, but if you're in a residential area then slow the fuck down and don't be exceeding 50km/h, simple as that. 20km/h is not a significant difference, but if you're going 20 over then it is.

playground zone:100m
speedlimit: 30km/h

At 30km/h it takes you 12 seconds to cross the 100m mark of a playgroundzone, and the same distance going 50km/h you finish the playgrond zone at 7.2s. So you save a HUGE 4.8 seconds to risk lives of little kids. I did your math now do you really think its such a big fucking deal afterall?

09-29-2006, 05:58 PM
Originally posted by Police
so this is the thread where the idiot drivers of calgary unite and agree with eachothers ignorance and stupidity huh? What i mean is if you cannot get it through your head that a school zone is a zone where there is a very good chance that there could be kids who stumble out on the road (whether its crossing or lack of attention) and therefore can lead to fatal injuries or even death of these young childrens, and its because you fuckers think its ok to speed through it just before the clock hits 8:00. I'll be the first to admit that it does piss me off sometimes when people drive slow, but if you're in a residential area then slow the fuck down and don't be exceeding 50km/h, simple as that. 20km/h is not a significant difference, but if you're going 20 over then it is.

playground zone:100m
speedlimit: 30km/h

At 30km/h it takes you 12 seconds to cross the 100m mark of a playgroundzone, and the same distance going 50km/h you finish the playgrond zone at 7.2s. So you save a HUGE 4.8 seconds to risk lives of little kids. I did your math now do you really think its such a big fucking deal afterall?

Time is money :clap:

09-29-2006, 07:51 PM

09-29-2006, 08:19 PM
Originally posted by ogpog

You always sit home alone on a friday nights too i assume.

People who drive thirty all the time in their neighborhood because its "good habit" either has no education or have down syndrome.
More like people like you have no respect for you neighbors and their families, as well as obviously being very selfish.
I assume you are the house on the block that everyone thinks is a complete asshole with complete disregard for anything but themselves. I think it's also safe to assume that you are one of the cool people who crank their subs up on residential roads at 2am because noise doesn't hurt anyone.
It's called respect.:drama:

Also for the record he would average 24 km/h:thumbsup:

09-29-2006, 08:30 PM
exactly, how much faster can u get to the end of the playground zone by going 50 anyways

09-29-2006, 08:42 PM
Originally posted by dragonone
exactly, how much faster can u get to the end of the playground zone by going 50 anyways
Assuming a playground zone is about 400m long, roughly 20 seconds lol.
I guess time is money to some, a whole 20 seconds of money:nut:

10-03-2006, 06:17 PM
wellll this topic may NEVER EVER come up again. they (news) just said that playgrounds zones may be wiped out.

10-04-2006, 08:55 AM
links anyone?

10-04-2006, 10:28 AM
Yep I heard about it too.... fukin retarded. They say statistically speaking there is no difference in safety from going 30km/h or 50km/h. edmonton and toronto no longer have the 30km/h playground zone rule anymore.

saving people 5seconds in a playground zone... big whoop... can't city council find something more important to do... like put more money into healthcare since there were THREE cases of miscarriages because of wait times in the last 3 months??

10-04-2006, 10:32 AM
Originally posted by yellowsnow

saving people 5seconds in a playground zone... big whoop... can't city council find something more important to do... like put more money into healthcare since there were THREE cases of miscarriages because of wait times in the last 3 months??

your post is confusing. The miscarriages weren't because of the wait times. The wait times just resulted in those women having their miscarriages in the emergency waiting room as opposed to a hospital bed. Healthcare is majorly lacking, but those women may not have been the worst victim in the hospital, and thankfully, those who are in the worst condition get seen first.

10-04-2006, 10:44 AM
Originally posted by abyss

your post is confusing. The miscarriages weren't because of the wait times. The wait times just resulted in those women having their miscarriages in the emergency waiting room as opposed to a hospital bed. Healthcare is majorly lacking, but those women may not have been the worst victim in the hospital, and thankfully, those who are in the worst condition get seen first.

No, I'm pretty sure the miscarriages happened because of wait times. The women were in labour, and they were told to just sit in the waiting room. I believe one waited over 6 hours, until she started bleeding everywhere and had her miscarriage in front of everyone in the wait room.

10-04-2006, 10:49 AM
Originally posted by cman

More like people like you have no respect for you neighbors and their families, as well as obviously being very selfish.
I assume you are the house on the block that everyone thinks is a complete asshole with complete disregard for anything but themselves. I think it's also safe to assume that you are one of the cool people who crank their subs up on residential roads at 2am because noise doesn't hurt anyone.
It's called respect.:drama:

Also for the record he would average 24 km/h:thumbsup:

Actually i have no subs, helped organize our streets summer party, and am viewed as a helpful young adult who doesnt mind helping anyone out if they need a hand. I just happen to respect the reason that rules and regulations are put into place.

Dont make an ass out of yourself.

10-04-2006, 11:02 AM
Originally posted by yellowsnow

No, I'm pretty sure the miscarriages happened because of wait times. The women were in labour, and they were told to just sit in the waiting room. I believe one waited over 6 hours, until she started bleeding everywhere and had her miscarriage in front of everyone in the wait room.

You can't prevent a miscarriage from happening. If it's gonna happen it's going to happen, it's unfortunate that these women had to go through that in the waiting room as opposed to in a bed, or at home. However they may not have needed to be there in the first place either, I don't know the individual scenarios in great detail (how far along the women were, the extent of cramping (not labour) etc.) but unless you're cramping and bleeding profusely it doesn't always warrant a trip to the emergency room. Again, it's unfortunate this happened, but I would be willing to bet that the media has exaggerated the situation a little bit to play on the sympathies of the readers. I would still rather someone who needed the attention more get it.

edit: Those women more likely should have gone to their family doctor or a walk in clinic instead of the emergency room. But again, I don't know the whole scenario in great detail so that is just my opinion based on what I've read of the stories.

D. Dub
10-04-2006, 11:08 AM
Originally posted by abyss

Again, it's unfortunate this happened, but I would be willing to bet that the media has exaggerated the situation a little bit to play on the sympathies of the readers. I would still rather someone who needed the attention more get it.

Thats what they do--sensationalize and crucify---usually with a skewed view of the facts.

10-04-2006, 11:19 AM
Originally posted by Watcher
links anyone?


#1 on the list should be the Elbow Drive/4th St. zone.