View Full Version : Question for any Police Officers

09-28-2006, 10:18 PM
Do Police Officers have the descretion to issue an additional fine, if you pull someone over, and they choose an unsafe place to pull over?

for example: 52nd Street Northbound, a speeder in a Honda stopped in the middle of the right hand lane. There was a side street 5 feet in front of him!!!!

So, not only could he have gotten his vehicle off of a busy street, but he was making it very unsafe for traffic that was attempting to turn.

09-29-2006, 12:02 AM
dont u hate those fuckers that stop in the middle of the road, especially when its busy? shit i always put my hazards on, give em a friendly wave and pull into the nearest safe spot

09-29-2006, 12:05 AM
I watched my friend get pulled over north of 16th, he had the common sense to pull over into the bus lane stop :P

09-29-2006, 08:39 AM
I have friends and family that work as professional drivers, and they were trained to find a safe 'marshalling area' to do quick check on their trucks.

But think about it, where do you think the term 'marshalling area' came from? IMO, it comes from people pulling into a safe area, when the marshall wanted to talk to them?!?!?! :dunno:

It makes sense to get off the road when its safe to do so. Even if its just a matter of courtesy for the officer, and the morning traffic that is trying to get to work.

09-29-2006, 09:55 AM
No such ticket unfortunately, and yes people do the craziest things when the emergency equipment on a Police car is activated.

9/10 the officer will activate his equipment to initiate a traffic stop where he/she feels its safe to do so. We have lots of flashing lights that warn motorists where we are. As soo as you see the lights on, pull over, if its unsafe the officer should just simply tell you to move.

09-29-2006, 12:23 PM
I was pulled over on Anderson West, just off of Deerfoot where there's a soft curb and a wide section of dirt. I pull onto the dirt completely OFF the road. The officer ends up parking his truck across a lane of traffic and the first thing he did was ask me "Why the hell you up there when the road's down there?". Before I could even open my mouth he asked for my cards. Made me furious at the time.

09-29-2006, 02:21 PM
Originally posted by Traffic_Cop
No such ticket unfortunately, and yes people do the craziest things when the emergency equipment on a Police car is activated.

9/10 the officer will activate his equipment to initiate a traffic stop where he/she feels its safe to do so. We have lots of flashing lights that warn motorists where we are. As soo as you see the lights on, pull over, if its unsafe the officer should just simply tell you to move.

what about a generic ticket like "undo care and attention"?
Would that hold up in court when the driver has done something extremely stupid like the example I posted?

09-29-2006, 04:24 PM
Originally posted by Watcher

what about a generic ticket like "undo care and attention"?
Would that hold up in court when the driver has done something extremely stupid like the example I posted?

I wish!!!!!

09-29-2006, 05:49 PM
Is it frustrating to try to drive around a busy street, when you've been called to an emergency?

Example, On a 4 lane, divided street here in Red Deer, full of cars for about 150M (red light), a police car was trying to get through the traffic, but there was no where for people to pull over. It took them about 4-5 minutes to navigate through.

09-29-2006, 06:24 PM
i got yelled at by a cop because i pulled into a parking lot, the home depot lot by chinook, he says when i pull u over you stop, then he made me do a breathalyzer and wouldnt let me get back in my car, tshirt, -25,standing for 10 minutes outside=pissed off theken and no ticket cause i wasn't doing anything wrong or drunk

09-29-2006, 06:29 PM
Originally posted by theken
i got yelled at by a cop because i pulled into a parking lot, the home depot lot by chinook, he says when i pull u over you stop, then he made me do a breathalyzer and wouldnt let me get back in my car, tshirt, -25,standing for 10 minutes outside=pissed off theken and no ticket cause i wasn't doing anything wrong or drunk Why do all the cocks hang out in that area?

09-29-2006, 06:50 PM
Sometimes the offending vehicle doesn't have the option of choosing where he receives his ticket(s).

09-29-2006, 07:47 PM

09-29-2006, 09:57 PM
Originally posted by theken
i got yelled at by a cop because i pulled into a parking lot, the home depot lot by chinook, he says when i pull u over you stop, then he made me do a breathalyzer and wouldnt let me get back in my car, tshirt, -25,standing for 10 minutes outside=pissed off theken and no ticket cause i wasn't doing anything wrong or drunk

All you have to do is say "Yes sir, I will do that, but I was only thinking about your safety"

09-29-2006, 10:04 PM
I got the lights flashed on macloed, so i signalled and pulled over into the next parking lot and the cops claimed i was trying to run away, they came out with their guns, asking me to put my hands up in the air, i was amazed at how pulling over in a parking lot means you are trying to run away?

09-29-2006, 10:21 PM
^ They just wanted an excuse to play with their guns.

09-30-2006, 10:13 AM
Originally posted by jcrules99
I got the lights flashed on macloed, so i signalled and pulled over into the next parking lot and the cops claimed i was trying to run away, they came out with their guns, asking me to put my hands up in the air, i was amazed at how pulling over in a parking lot means you are trying to run away?

I would have gone to media.

GTS Jeff
09-30-2006, 11:31 AM
Originally posted by theken
i got yelled at by a cop because i pulled into a parking lot, the home depot lot by chinook, he says when i pull u over you stop, then he made me do a breathalyzer and wouldnt let me get back in my car, tshirt, -25,standing for 10 minutes outside=pissed off theken and no ticket cause i wasn't doing anything wrong or drunk Put on your hazards next time.

09-30-2006, 01:45 PM
probably a lot more to the reason why the vehicle was stopped.

09-30-2006, 02:38 PM
If they dont like where you stop they simply tell you to move

10-02-2006, 11:15 AM
I think some officers like you on the side of the road because then you get people mad at you for getting the ticket. Kindof a public humiliation thing.

10-02-2006, 02:23 PM
Originally posted by 69cougar
If i dont like where you stop i simply tell you to move where I would but most places work you just vary the angle of your police vehicle accordingly.

most places work for you, maybe. But if you are still on the road, you end up causing a traffic jam for the rest of us.

I get really pissed when I have several 5 light intersections, just to find out that there is a speeder parked in the middle of the road.

10-02-2006, 08:30 PM
Originally posted by Watcher

I get really pissed when I have several 5 light intersections, just to find out that there is a speeder parked in the middle of the road.

The real problem is the genral public. "Oh my god a police car with a car pulled over. We better drive by and rubber neck because we have never seen this before and probably never will again"

Calgary has the worst rubber neckers of everywhere I have ever been.

10-02-2006, 08:39 PM
is traffic_cop and actual cop?!

10-02-2006, 08:46 PM
Yes he is.

10-02-2006, 09:37 PM
thats SWEET!

10-02-2006, 10:31 PM
Originally posted by sh0ko
is traffic_cop and actual cop?!

As is Dayglow and 69cougar.

10-02-2006, 10:35 PM
Usually the COP will pull you over where he thinks is a safe place to stop! Don't you notice b4 there turn on their lights...they follow you up close for a bit of time?

10-03-2006, 08:17 AM
Originally posted by 69cougar

The real problem is the genral public. "Oh my god a police car with a car pulled over. We better drive by and rubber neck because we have never seen this before and probably never will again"

Calgary has the worst rubber neckers of everywhere I have ever been.

:werd: I hate this, too.

I saw another example of parking in the middle of the road last night:It was east bound on 17 Ave SE at 52nd Street approximately 8pm.

The police officer and speeder were taking up the right hand lane, and right beside them is an EMPTY PARKING LOT in front of Work WearHouse. The parking lot is no more than 10 feet away, but am i too beleive that staying on the main road is preferred, perhaps even encouraged?

I'm sure this is a topic that has come up during safety meetings, or even during lunch breaks. How do police officers feel about this? How many tend to agree with this idea?

10-03-2006, 08:35 AM
Actually, youre supposed to do the OPPOSITE. Youre only allowed to pull into a side street up ahead if the officer tells you to, otherwise you do it when and where he says to. So, dont get mad at people for doing this.

Officers are taught to basically tail you until its safe to tell you to pull over, or else they will pull you over and quickly instruct you to pull into a lot up ahead or something. When you voluntarily pull into the lot ahead or a side street they do really weird shit sometimes, like accuse you of running. Often they dont mind but you still arent supposed to do it.

10-03-2006, 09:35 AM
Originally posted by googe
Actually, youre supposed to do the OPPOSITE. Youre only allowed to pull into a side street up ahead if the officer tells you to, otherwise you do it when and where he says to. So, dont get mad at people for doing this.

Officers are taught to basically tail you until its safe to tell you to pull over, or else they will pull you over and quickly instruct you to pull into a lot up ahead or something. When you voluntarily pull into the lot ahead or a side street they do really weird shit sometimes, like accuse you of running. Often they dont mind but you still arent supposed to do it.

That's unfortunate, don't you think?

10-03-2006, 08:29 PM
Originally posted by GTS Jeff
Put on your hazards next time.
yeah, he turned his lights on about 100 feet from the turn in, so i figured it would be better to pull of a main street

10-05-2006, 07:12 AM
Another example last night. This time you'll have to convince me that the officer knows how to pick a safe place before turning on his lights.

Right hand land, north bound on 68St NE, just north of the trans canada highway. With the right hand lane blocked, it was effecting the turning traffic on transcanada. Also, both turning lanes were so backed up that it was effecting all east bound traffic on the transcanada.

And, I was northbound on 68th, traffic was backed up atleast 300 meters and growing worse by the minute. It took 10 traffic light cycles to get through the intersection.

What really pisses me off, there is a mall within 30 seconds of drive time. WTF is wrong with "Hey buddy, lets go to the mall parking lot, so we dont cause traffic problems on 2 busy roads."

GTS Jeff
10-05-2006, 08:33 AM
Originally posted by Watcher
Another example last night. This time you'll have to convince me that the officer knows how to pick a safe place before turning on his lights.

Right hand land, north bound on 68St NE, just north of the trans canada highway. With the right hand lane blocked, it was effecting the turning traffic on transcanada. Also, both turning lanes were so backed up that it was effecting all east bound traffic on the transcanada.

And, I was northbound on 68th, traffic was backed up atleast 300 meters and growing worse by the minute. It took 10 traffic light cycles to get through the intersection.

What really pisses me off, there is a mall within 30 seconds of drive time. WTF is wrong with "Hey buddy, lets go to the mall parking lot, so we dont cause traffic problems on 2 busy roads." haha you get pulled over lots. It's probably karma for being such an internet douche.

10-06-2006, 08:13 AM
What are you talking about? I haven't been pulled over in 10 years.

10-07-2006, 05:10 PM
Originally posted by Watcher
Another example last night. This time you'll have to convince me that the officer knows how to pick a safe place before turning on his lights.

Right hand land, north bound on 68St NE, just north of the trans canada highway. With the right hand lane blocked, it was effecting the turning traffic on transcanada. Also, both turning lanes were so backed up that it was effecting all east bound traffic on the transcanada.

And, I was northbound on 68th, traffic was backed up atleast 300 meters and growing worse by the minute. It took 10 traffic light cycles to get through the intersection.

What really pisses me off, there is a mall within 30 seconds of drive time. WTF is wrong with "Hey buddy, lets go to the mall parking lot, so we dont cause traffic problems on 2 busy roads."

Parking lots are a complete traffic stop nightmare, thats why we dont want you to pull into them. We are trained to angle our veicles in certain ways, which provide for officer safety, parking lots do not provide this for us, furthermore there are people walking everywhere, rubberneckers driving by and to top it off where most people tend to stop has us completely blocking off an entire parking lot. On top of that Mr joe Public feels that this is the prime time to ask the Police for directions to the nearest highway exit. It truly is the worst case sceario for us.