View Full Version : Your first computer

09-28-2006, 10:27 PM
486 33dx 32mb ram(edo) 800mb i think i was in grade 7 when the 1GB hit the big time. Duke Nukem was big and same with those voodoo cards maybe a pentium 60??

Mr. Burns
09-28-2006, 10:31 PM
486dx33 4MB RAM(later upg'd to 16MB) 640Mb HD. Was sweet at the time!

09-28-2006, 10:55 PM
Radio Shack TRS80 Color Computer 2
8k RAM with another 8K upgrade - totaled 16K but it took 8K just to map out the graphics mode - LOL
Tape drive
it took 20 minutes to load Zaxxon.
Awesome tutorials on how to program in BASIC.

Then I got an Atari 600 computer, I loved the fact that it took game cartridges. Even years later, I used to play the games: Pole position, chopper lifter, dreadnought,space master.centipede

Tandy PC. 16 color CGA, instead of the average XT that was 4 color CGA. It had a 20Meg HD.
Games like Tetris and Sokoban were new and hot.

ALR 386 SX, this was a $5000 dollar system in it's day. I had it fully loaded with 5Meg RAM, and 130Meg HD. It played a version of 'Battle of Britian'(Lucas Games) which was everybit as good as MS combat flight simulator(8 years newer). I upgraded this system with a single speed CD ROM drive. I played Simcity, and Ultima 7, Doom, Wolfenstien,

09-28-2006, 11:04 PM
IBM XT from 1984 (almost as old as me). It had 8k RAM, a 10MB HD (I think), and ran on DOS/Windows 3.0. Had a 16 colour CGA monitor as well, but the only time I was able to make use of the colour was creating WordPerfect documents, with their highlighted (in colour) words when you bolded, italicized, etc the words. Even Windows was black and white at the time. I still remember dreaming of owning a 486! :bigpimp: Boy, those were the days... Oh yeah, can't forget my 0.3ppm dot matrix printer too!

09-28-2006, 11:10 PM
All I can recall was it was a Tandy 1000 and my dad payed a fortune for it. The first color system we had I remember playing a game called free BC and that was the bomb

09-28-2006, 11:13 PM
Tandy PC with that chief gui???

09-28-2006, 11:18 PM
Dell 450 or 750 cant remember..

09-28-2006, 11:23 PM
Good old Vic-20, what memories are made of. And shortly thereafter, the trusty Commodore 64 had it's day.

09-28-2006, 11:34 PM
intel 286 "turbo charged" = i had an option to increase my cpu speed to 25 Mhz. Well i guess it wasn't a uniqe option since many computers had that botton on their cases at that time. Its just funny when i think about it right now.

09-28-2006, 11:45 PM
What is those faster apples after II, IIis???

09-28-2006, 11:47 PM
i had a commodore 64 in elementary. then i got an apple IIe from school too. then came a 386, 486 and finally a pentiumII in grade 9 which i used all the way until 3 years ago lol.

09-28-2006, 11:50 PM
commodore 64 for me also. Plugged it in just now and booted her up. Still purs and tried Ultima... so many precious memories :cry:

09-28-2006, 11:53 PM
i'm feelin all nostalgic i found my vectrex

09-28-2006, 11:55 PM
I believe I first had a 386 with 8 megs of ram and a 80 mb hard drive. It was later upgraded to a 486. I had alot of fun with it... especially with the original microsoft flight simulator and F19 stealth fighter. I remember when I was in about grade 3 or 4 when my cousin got a Pentium 66 mhz, and I was so envious! LOL.

09-29-2006, 01:17 AM
heh i remember when i got my 486 and played doom on it... stayed up lots of nights playing that. then got a pentium 133 and playing quake on it as well as all the other id software games because they were all on the quake shareware cd that you could crack hehe... oh yeah and duke nukem 3d was the shit back in the day haha

09-29-2006, 01:58 AM

09-29-2006, 02:24 AM
commodore 64...lmao

09-29-2006, 02:39 AM
I remember our first computer that we got around 1990, i think it was a 386 or something....the best shit was "prince of persia"...then "wolf"...kick ass games for the day:D

09-29-2006, 02:44 AM
Overclocked & debadged HP-41CX.

09-29-2006, 09:52 AM
My Computer history

1. Apple II



2. Apple IIc


3. Macintosh Classic


4, 5, 6, 7. A bunch of random POS pc's cause school said I needed them....until 2001:

8. iMac G4


9. MacBook Pro

09-29-2006, 09:57 AM
Commodore Vic 20......

Tape drive for memory and plug in games cartridges.

Remember this.....

09-29-2006, 09:57 AM
I can't remember the year i got it but it was a 286 and was top of the line at the time. And i remember wasting many days playing dune 2 on it. God that game was awesome.

09-29-2006, 10:13 AM
486 SX 66. Didn't even have a math coprocessor so I couldn't run the latest games at the time though I paid a premium for it. I think I got it in 1993 as a present from my parents. Upgraded it using a 586 100mhz processor that I paid a bundle for.

It was a compaq all-in-one unit. I couldn't even get a cdrom drive for it because there was no bay so I bought a backpack drive for $500 because it was the only external one at the time.

09-29-2006, 10:19 AM
Originally posted by Unknown303
I can't remember the year i got it but it was a 286 and was top of the line at the time. And i remember wasting many days playing dune 2 on it. God that game was awesome.

Harkonnen units approaching from the south.

I got a 8086 5Mhz (or 10 with Turbo) from one of my Dad's co-workers when I was about 6.

Then the EGA 286 with 12Mhz and a 60Meg HDD

386 25Mhz

486 SX/25, DX 50 and the big daddy DX4 100.

09-29-2006, 10:51 AM
AMIGA 500 baby...I played Falcon and Duke Nukem on that thing fo EVA

09-29-2006, 11:49 AM
i'll nerd myself out by exposing the geek side . being the oldest and raised in a family who's business was owning arcade's and computer/electronic repair shops . i was kinda forced to use some stuff you'd think was quite obscure .

but before you say that was a game console, not a computer. think again. they actually had a keyboard and a modem . the modem would allow games to be downloaded with a subscription .

Nabu - read more (http://www.pcworld.ca/pages/newscolumn.aspx?id=f83fbbf00a01040800fa55e65be39dac)
doubt anyone has heard of this . my family was involved in the company and sadly it crashed so we became poor for a bit lol . but the system was ahead of it's time . they were z80's connected to a mainframe via a cable modem. gotta remmeber this was 1982!! the cable worked only one direction, would download the data, and upload via modem .

apple ][
was actually an Apple ][ . but not any normal apple ][. it was built from a kit . my father used apple's for his programming, but since i was apparently supposed to fall in the family footsteps i was taught to solder at a young age and understand schematics . so at the age of 9 or 10 i actually built most of the pc myself by soldering almost every chip socket to the board . and when programming the eprom's with the apple's system program, i changed the APPLE ][ boot to DJ'S . so that was neat :) . i originally began programming in Basic.. it had the basic interperter which was nice . then eventually i moved to Integer . that was probably my favourite language! and had to do some stuff in machine language by call -767 would bring you to * prompt lol . or peak(-16336) would tick the pc speaker . awh i miss the apple . i used to LOVE coveted mirror, borrowed time, gruds in space, auto duel!, sammy lightfoot, spare change, oh boy the list can go on for ever.

i have an apple emulator on my gaming pc and sometimes i play these old games . then i feel sad and go to bed.

had 512k and a 10 mb hard drive . with a black and green crt.
i was given this to program on for our family business . i wrote and sold this silly program that used x10 devices to control lighting and billing for pool halls . lol the latest version is still in use today *shrug* it's already 14 years old though .

this is the machine i learned my 8086 assembler on and learned how badly i needed a 80287 . grrr . my father has the 80386dx with the math co so i was always jelous. i started a demo group off this machine . then later this computer was used for my bbs "digital disease" with 2 nodes! heck yah, 2400 & 9600 lol . ran SBBS (super bbs) and quarterdeck Desqview . i split up that 1 meg of ram real well

486 dx4 100
the dx4's and dx2's were neat machines . at one time i remember having enough money to ramp this box up to 16mb . and a 1gb hard drive . i even still have the receipt for it: click here (http://atomic.speculation.org/Graphics/1995-00-00%20Thunder%20Bay%20Old%20Scanned%20Pictures/first%20gig%20harddrive.jpg) . even with my 486 i still hated windows and i heard 95 was coming out soon (code named chicago at the time) . it was always dos for me .

486 slc 50 ibm laptop
this thing was amazing . it was probably the smallest laptop you ever saw . i had moved out with a friend and our house got invaded by the cops for his bbs with "zero day warez" and my computers got taken also, so his dad felt bad and bought me this . nice to have rich parents i bet . i still have this laptop in a box . it had 12 megs of ram and a 120 mb hd . color screen! i remember before i had enough money for pcmcia network adapters, i made my own serial cable out of a phone cable it was like 50 ft . and i'd use trumpet winsock from the laptop to connect to pppd on my linux pc via 38400 bps. killer! this is how i got onto the linux development team for ipfwadm and insane_firewall

pentium 75
i had a friend who worked at the super store and he'd steal the computers brought in for warranty returns lol . and he'd bring them to me and i'd fix them . usually required a reinstall of windows only . and he'd sell them later . so i managed to squeeze one out of him and it was a p75 with like 16 megs of ram .

dual pentium pro 200
this computer still exists . it was my linux web server up until 2 years ago . now it's in my back yard . i put it in my back yard last october 28th for a bet with a friend . the bet was that the computer could sit outside for a year and i'd be able to turn it on and it would boot up fine . he doesn't think it will . well, here is a pic of it sitting in the back yard (http://atomic.speculation.org/Graphics/2005-10-28%20Calgary%20Dan%20J%20Bet/DSC04772.JPG) . here is before it went outside (http://atomic.speculation.org/Graphics/2005-10-28%20Calgary%20Dan%20J%20Bet/DSC04769.JPG)

a countless number of laptops and computers that don't mean as much
now i just buy and throw out machines like the rest of you because there is very little nastalia . although, i'm pretty tight with my laptop cause i need it to live!

lol hope u enjoyed my boring nerd story

edit, oh oh anyone remember doing this!

dos=high, umb

menuitem=xms, XMS Memory
menuitem=ems, EMS MEMORY
menucolor=15,0 <---i think i forgot what white and balck was

device=c:\dos\emm386.exe NOEMS

device=c:\dos\emm386.exe RAM


@echo off
set path=c:\dos;c:\cmds;c:\windows;c:\ultrasnd
set temp=c:\temp
set blaster=A220 I5 D1 T6
set ULTRASND=hmm i forget these settings for my gravis! lol

hmm i am pretty sure i had to load some other things but i forget .. maybe

lh smartdsk.exe 1024 (1 meg of disk cache! woo)

09-29-2006, 05:29 PM
1999 - PIII - 64 megs of ram :)

09-29-2006, 05:42 PM
edit, oh oh anyone remember doing this!

I am getting some vague memories of having to edit the config.sys and load with a boot disk to have enough EMS to play Wolf 3D. You could never take for granted that a game would even work although according to the stats your PC was good enough.

We got a 2400 baud modem in 1990 I think, I can remember Nucleus was one of the bigger BBSs and I played L.O.R.D. on some Board I cant remeber, something to do with a spaceship.

09-29-2006, 06:42 PM
Originally posted by QuasarCav

I am getting some vague memories of having to edit the config.sys and load with a boot disk to have enough EMS to play Wolf 3D. You could never take for granted that a game would even work although according to the stats your PC was good enough.

We got a 2400 baud modem in 1990 I think, I can remember Nucleus was one of the bigger BBSs and I played L.O.R.D. on some Board I cant remeber, something to do with a spaceship.

i think LORD was Legend Of Red Dragon . and it was a fantasy roll playing game that would save your state . so other ppl can run into you . and attack .

i also remmeber configuring it to link with other bbs's .. every few hours my bbs would send and receive mail packets called QWK to other bbs's .. and it would also do it with LORD information .

hmmm . i don't know of the LORD with a spaceship

Wolf3d was amazing when it came out . the first version of Wolfenstien and Beyond Castle Wofenstien was scary in it's day . the germans would talk . and yell . and sirens would go off . and u'd have to run around and shoot . and unlock safes . and search the dead bodies for weapons and keys or saurkrout lol . but it wasn't in 3d

09-29-2006, 07:10 PM
Crapple IIc with an amber screen and extra external floppy.


09-29-2006, 10:12 PM
Originally posted by atomic

edit, oh oh anyone remember doing this!

dos=high, umb

menuitem=xms, XMS Memory
menuitem=ems, EMS MEMORY
menucolor=15,0 &lt;---i think i forgot what white and balck was

device=c:\dos\emm386.exe NOEMS

device=c:\dos\emm386.exe RAM


@echo off
set path=c:\dos;c:\cmds;c:\windows;c:\ultrasnd
set temp=c:\temp
set blaster=A220 I5 D1 T6
set ULTRASND=hmm i forget these settings for my gravis! lol

dem dere's fighting words!!!!:rofl:

09-29-2006, 10:18 PM

I used to play oregeon trail and number munchers on those in elementary school haha

09-29-2006, 10:18 PM
Commadore 64 :)


09-29-2006, 10:27 PM
Had the good ol' Vic-20 as my first computer hooked up to the TV:

Before the floppy drives were out, I was loading my games and programs off of this:

So easy to pirate back then, all I had to do was dub a tape... :D

09-29-2006, 11:00 PM
1993 - Dell 75Mhz Pentium
I told people I had a Dell and everybody was like "WTF is a Dell...". That was back when the shit was brand new.
-2x Sony Cd-rom
-2mb video card
-540mb HD
-8mb ram
-14" monitor
- Windows 3.1
- Soundblaster 16

Pimp shit. 13 years later I still have pieces of this PC in use.

Supa Dexta
09-29-2006, 11:02 PM
yeah vic20's, commodores, and a mac classic here.. I cant even recall what games used to be on them, Something like battleship on the either the vic or commodore, submarines perhaps.. And dark castle was the shit on old macs..


09-29-2006, 11:03 PM
Haha this thread reminds me that back then I was such a pro at DOS... now, I hardly remember any of the commands.

09-30-2006, 12:32 PM
Our first comp was a Hyperion. This was the 1980's idea of a "portable" computer.


Interestingly, Hyperion was a Canadian company, and these were manufactured outside Ottawa.

After that we had a Sony 386 that had the "HeadStart Environment" as the OS. What a POS that was. That OS sucked so hard that even Google doesn't have any info on it.

09-30-2006, 08:02 PM
Originally posted by nismodrifter
1993 - Dell 75Mhz Pentium
I told people I had a Dell and everybody was like &quot;WTF is a Dell...&quot;. That was back when the shit was brand new.
-2x Sony Cd-rom
-2mb video card
-540mb HD
-8mb ram
-14&quot; monitor
- Windows 3.1
- Soundblaster 16

Pimp shit. 13 years later I still have pieces of this PC in use.

Pentiums came out in 1996 if i'm not mistakin

09-30-2006, 08:05 PM
Originally posted by Proboscis

Pentiums came out in 1996 if i'm not mistakin

Nope. 1993.


09-30-2006, 08:16 PM

09-30-2006, 08:23 PM
Originally posted by FiveFreshFish

Nope. 1993.


shit I was thinkin of the MMX one

09-30-2006, 09:50 PM
Commodore 64, had a ton of games for that baby!

09-30-2006, 11:05 PM
Originally posted by Proboscis

Pentiums came out in 1996 if i'm not mistakin

dun m3ss wif da h4x0r!! I know what I'm talking about yo. I can still remember the day that PC came to the door haha and can actually still remember the service tag # lol.

09-30-2006, 11:50 PM
Wow... you know you're getting older when you read some of these brands. Haha..

Very first computer was a 386SX given to us. I didn't really know much about any computer stuff back then (I was in Grade 7 - circa 1993). Played around and learned off that for a little while. OS was MS-DOS 6.1 and Windows 3.1.

My dad purchases our first brand new computer in 1995:
- 486 DX/4 100
- 16MB of RAM (upgrade from 8MB - cost over $350 to do this)
- 420MB HD
- Sony 15" Trinitron Monitor ($600+)
- Microsoft Ergonomic PS/2 Mouse (everybody was ergonomics crazy back then)
- DOS 6.22 and Windows 3.11 for Workgroups

The system cost over $5500 dollars. First game I played on this machine was Wolfenstein 3D - and it has SOUND! I was so stoked! Haha. I also remember that the Pentium 90 had just been released and HD's just broke the 1GB barrier.

*sigh* Memories... :D

10-01-2006, 01:07 PM
Gateway 2000...all i know is that it had to be Pre-Pentium and it ran windows 3.1 later upgraded to 95...

then i had an IBM aptiva - Pentium 166MHz and 10GB over 2 drives.

after that i had a dell inspiron 4100 - PIII m 1 GHz and 256 MB ram (when that died, dell replaced it with a 600m, which i still use)

and then i built my own...started off with a P4 1.4 GHz, then got a P4 2.4 (OC to 2.8) and now i have a P4 3.0 (630) and its OC'd to 3.5 GHz

damn, when you look at it like that, I came a long way hehe

10-01-2006, 01:13 PM
Originally posted by nismodrifter

Pimp shit. 13 years later I still have pieces of this PC in use.

I'm using a 21" Silicon Graphics monitor (sony trinitron) from 1996 from my second pc. Thing is a tank and uses more power than a smart car. I just love the color from it compared to my lcd. And my floppy from my first pc is in my current rig. If it works

10-01-2006, 01:14 PM
Tandy trs8- portable. Even much music was using this computer. For those of us who remember the beginning of Much Music... how I miss Christopher Ward.

tape drive, ribbon printer...modem. You could dial into Radio Shack and use the BBS they had set up for support and games like pong. haha! A box of paper for the printer was like $90.00 and it was the green and white stuff, you had to rip off all the edges. I thought I was it!


10-01-2006, 01:19 PM
Back in grade 8 (2000), i remmeber getting my first computer and bragging about it to my friends who were all envious, i had the fastest computer, Pentium 3, 533Mhz, 128mb ram, 13gb HDD, paid 1800 for that sucker, still in use by my cousin

10-01-2006, 01:24 PM
old old school 486. playing carmen san diego on the 1 color (yellow) monitor brings back memories. next was another old laptop with lemmings, wolfenstein 3d, and commander keen :rofl: doom 1 and 2 then duke after that. :werd: