View Full Version : Diagonal Lines On My TV

10-09-2006, 10:35 AM
I recently started experiencing diagonal lines on my TV when I use my receiver for sound.

Here's the setup.

DVD Player
- Component to Receiver (Video)
- RCA to Receiver (Audio)

Surround Receiver
- Component to Television

- Component from Receiver

Nothing fancy. However when I have this setup and watch a DVD with sound through the receiver I get faint diagonal lines running through the picture from bottom right to top left. If I remove the DVD-to-Receiver RCA connection (and connect the DVD player to the TV audio input) the lines go away.

The strange thing about this is that I dont have to connect the RCA jacks necessarily to the receiver. I can get the same thing from just touching the cables to anything metal on the receiver.

Any ideas?

I have read the "Ground Loop Interference" threads and I dont think this is the case as everything is plugged into the same outlet.

GTS Jeff
10-09-2006, 12:04 PM
Switch to digital audio. That'll solve the problem and improve SQ.