View Full Version : Reverse Onus

10-17-2006, 09:28 AM
Yay? Nay?


Is this a good idea? or a slippery slope towards a fascist government? ( :lol: )

10-17-2006, 09:51 AM
I don't see it as being a step towards facism; though there are probably other examples out there that would suit that description.

This just seems to target the worst-of-the-worst violent offenders and doesn't really seem to introduce much that is new other than the reverse onus - there have been dangerous offender designations for years, and even this is nowhere near as stern as the '3 strikes' laws in many U.S. states.

I think that if you have somebody convicted of three violent sexual assaults, then the onus should be upon them to show why they are not likely to victimize a fourth person if they are released, and not the other way around.

10-17-2006, 11:24 AM
its not full reverse onus as the onus is still on the state to PROOVE conclusively (AKA 100%) that they committed the crime. once you are committed of a crime, you loose some of your civil rights. This bill is talking about sentencing, not conviction. As such, if you are convicted of sex or violent crime 3 times, i personally do not see this as a negative.

The problem MAY be that we end up with a california system where stealing a book (as a third strike) gives you 15 years, thus overloading the prision system and costing the government and by government i mean taxpayers, loads of money.

Main point: sentencing comes after you have been convicted and lost civil rights. Your right to due process and a fair trial can never be tampered with.

10-17-2006, 11:29 AM
The whole 'dissent into fascism' bit was really just to incite a debate, not really serious. I agree with the idea, too. I find it ridiculous that the onus should be on the prosecution to prove someone is dangerous after they, for example, raped three people. Dammit, this debate sucks, where are the conspiracy theorists?:bullshit:

10-17-2006, 11:47 AM
Originally posted by ZedMan
Yay? Nay?


Is this a good idea? or a slippery slope towards a fascist government? ( :lol: ) What the fuck are you talking about a fascist government? Are you on glue? I think you were joking.. I sure hope so anyways. This government needs a bit of fascism ffs.

10-17-2006, 11:50 AM
Originally posted by ZedMan
Dammit, this debate sucks, where are the conspiracy theorists?:bullshit:

Don't you watch the newsss maaaannnnn!?!?! It's a HUGE conspiracy to keep the natives in jail, and label them as dangerous offenders! Native inmates have increased in numbers by 20%in the past 8 years mannnnnnnn, it's ALL a CONSPIRACY!!!

No... wait... maybe it's because natives just break the law more and get caught easier?

10-17-2006, 12:26 PM
too late, Fascism is already here....

I've always believed in a 3 strikes you're out rule for violent and/or sex crimes.