View Full Version : Maintence/Reliability issues on imported cars

10-18-2006, 01:20 PM
I'm looking for general feedback of the types of general problems you all have encountered when your JDM cars were imported. I don't mean stuff like inspections but rather, gaskets/seals leaking general condition fo these cars when you get them, batteries, tuneup's etc (ie: reliability). Like do they require a little freshening up or do you just jump in and go on a road trip without a cellphone? A little backgound, I'm looking at importing a Soarer (grade 3.5), but not the 1jz but rather the V8 as a comfortable daily driver. The 1jz will turn into a project that will turn out to be faster than my car (and we can't have that); and since the same car was sold here as the SC400, parts should be fairly acessible and I won't get the "WTF is that?" when I go to Toyota for service. Also if you know of any general issues with these SC400 plz post them up. I've been googling for the past hour just so you know. Thanks in advance!

10-20-2006, 10:40 AM
Nice no one has an imported car here huh?

10-20-2006, 11:04 AM
there was just a thread about soarers

10-20-2006, 11:46 AM
That thread was about 1jz Soarers, i'm lookin at a V8 Soarer. I was looking for more info along the lines of general maintence issues with imported cars, gaskets, seals, general condition, to give me some insight inot how people in japan treat their cars.

10-20-2006, 12:05 PM
maintence issues?
about the same we have here, you buy a rotten egg, thats what you get. Lol

Usually they are pretty good, but you have to understand these are old cars though, they have been sitting for quite sometime if they were not active over in japan.

The general body condition of the japanese markets is a lot better then here due to the weather we have. Its a lot like buying a car from places like califorina.

As for availability of parts, depends on the car. But its nothing you cant trace down! :) some parts are more rare then others, but if you do your share of research, you can find them or find interchangable parts with similar cars made in usdm.

10-20-2006, 12:39 PM
there is actually a uk soarer forum forget the link

i remember them bashing the V8 though cause its slow lol

10-24-2006, 05:07 AM
I've only had general wear issues with my import (grade 4 IIRC, but that's really just cosmetic). It needed new clutch when it came over, then one of the turbos went, and the steering rack bushings needed to be replaced. (Well, it had a bad ECU too, but I rewired it). That's it. Nothing major.

I do all my own maintenence on my vehicle, so that's not an issue. I have heard of some toyota mechanics working on 1JZs, but I would have NO idea where they get parts.

You should have no problems with maintnence on your car. 99% of the car is identical to the SC400. You have the same chassis, and the same engine (1UZ). your only differences are steering rack, and dash.

If the car runs well now, it will run well later provided you maintain it. It IS a Toyota afterall.

You should have got the 1JZ :drool: . Haha, ok, that's just me talking.

10-24-2006, 07:59 AM
Have you test driven an Sc400 yet? Make sure you drive one first. When I drove a SC400 here in Calgary I was a bit dissapointed. I would hate to import something and then it be not exactly as I had hoped.

10-24-2006, 08:21 AM
Finding a reputable dealer is one thing, then getting it to pass OOP is another. With the laws getting tighter and tigher on JDM vehicles, it's not as easy as it once was.

Companies like World Link and Racebred Performance (I'd pick this one out of the two) come with an OOP, so anything that neeeds to be done will be covered. It will be more expensive though. Buying from an auction is just like here, you could get a smokin deal or get the shaft the size of the Calgary tower. Grading of cars seems to be irrelevant about half the time with finding a good car. Dock workers are another story.

Second gear tends to be used more than any other gear I find. A lot of parts can be found here, especially cars with similair or same engines of course. It all depends on how the previous owner has treated the car, no matter how nice the paint may be. It's just the same as here, you could end up with a lemon or a monster that goes for years trouble free.

If you want anymore info just PM me. I'm doing my research now because in the summer I'm planning on importing.

10-24-2006, 08:36 AM
I imported my car. It's an MR-2 and it arrived in July. So far no problems, I only had to replace an air filter, everything else is great....But then again it might be because my car only had 37,800kms on it :D

10-25-2006, 01:15 PM
I would love to get the 1jz but am worried about getting parts for it here, reliability, and also I really want sumthin with leather.

10-26-2006, 04:44 PM
Originally posted by DonJuan
I would love to get the 1jz but am worried about getting parts for it here, reliability, and also I really want sumthin with leather.

Champion Toyota down in the states will get you any parts you need, at very cheap prices (eg: a full gasket set for <$200).

As for leather, I can't help you with that. :)

10-27-2006, 09:28 PM
Originally posted by Mitsu3000gt
Have you test driven an Sc400 yet? Make sure you drive one first. When I drove a SC400 here in Calgary I was a bit dissapointed. I would hate to import something and then it be not exactly as I had hoped.

Could you please expand on this? I was just curious as most word i have heard about SC400 has been very positive

10-27-2006, 10:17 PM
Just went on a roadtrip last summer in a JDM car. Made it back in one piece haha, but that's cuz me and my good buddies did a good basic maintenance one it before hand. ( checked all fluids, plugs, major sensor check, etc. )

And I own a JDM car and I'm proving wrong every guy who says JDM cars are unreliable. It's true for I'd say 60% come landed with some minor problems. Mine yet has to have a mechanical or electrical problem of any sort.

But just remember that don't import a JDM car if your not planning to take good care of it. But looks like your going to be working on it anyways so good luck man:thumbsup:

Arthur Dent
10-30-2006, 04:51 PM
What about smoke smell in interiors? The Japanese love to smoke but do they do so in their cars generally?