View Full Version : Download Limits

10-18-2006, 10:06 PM
I just got a question about downloading limits on Telus ADSL. Will they do anything if I download over the cap limit this month? The cap limit for Telus is 30gb.

10-18-2006, 10:14 PM
i have been up to 140 gigs in one month.. all i got was a e-mail.. if it happens frequenty, i am sure they will do something... i usualy use about 35-45 gigs..

10-18-2006, 10:15 PM
Well, friend, i'm in the same boat as you. As far as I know they call you and "warn" you about it. I don't think there is an actual limit, which they would cut you off at tho. If they call you, just tell them to piss off or you'll switch to Shaw, that'll do the trick! :)

10-18-2006, 10:25 PM
^^^ True. I knew someone who downloaded like crazy, got called for it by telus about it, and said to fuck off or he was switching to shaw. When they call you, can you maybe also bitch about that "All of our circuts are busy" fucking horseshit they always have going on?

Godspeed buddy.

10-18-2006, 11:04 PM
i went 30gb over the limit but its my first time going over

10-18-2006, 11:50 PM
You can download over 30gb a month, they only call/notify the ppl that appear at the top of the list for the month. Since most ppl download 120+gb a month it is unlikly that you will show up on the list if u keep it below 60 gb.

10-19-2006, 01:40 AM
I think the highest download i have done is 170gig in a month
Then they start sending u spam email about how your using
XXX times more then the average user and what not
then u just email them back and say you will deal with the problem
as soon as possible.. Havent heard from them since and im sure
its still around 120 gigs/month

10-19-2006, 08:25 AM
Shaw extreme, 100GB/month

I average about 80GB with some months into 140ish. Just switch to Shaw if they're being an asshole about it.

10-19-2006, 09:16 AM
threatning by switching to another company will work everytime hahahaha they know that other companies will match plans and deals or make them better then what they have with their currant companies.

10-19-2006, 04:17 PM
Shaw has e-mailed me a couple times about my usage. The conversation went like this the second time.

"We expect our regular users to use less bandwidth than our business users who are capped at 25GB per month".
"Are you going to suspend my account?"
"We expect you to use less"
"Are you going to suspend my account?"

I haven't heard from them since and I've been over the 25GB cap everything month since June. September I hit 160GB and got nothing.

Luke 96 T/A
10-19-2006, 04:45 PM
Good to know that shaw won't charge you for going over!!
Videotron in Quebec will!

10-19-2006, 04:49 PM
Originally posted by Mibz
Shaw has e-mailed me a couple times about my usage. The conversation went like this the second time.

"We expect our regular users to use less bandwidth than our business users who are capped at 25GB per month".
"Are you going to suspend my account?"
"We expect you to use less"
"Are you going to suspend my account?"

I haven't heard from them since and I've been over the 25GB cap everything month since June. September I hit 160GB and got nothing.

Lucky, they turn off my modem and make me call them back. Although I did 220 for 2 months straight.

10-19-2006, 05:16 PM
Where can u check how much you have d/l in a month? For Shaw

10-19-2006, 05:42 PM

10-19-2006, 05:48 PM
I got stuck with telus at my new place, had to call to upgrade to thier "lightning fast" 3Mb what a joke, shaws max is 10. I asked about the caps and the most they will do is suggest you upgrade to a business plan at a whopping 4mbps again a joke. but they can't charge you or shut you down. Telus sux, use shaw!!!!

10-19-2006, 05:53 PM
ive had a few warnings

10-21-2006, 10:52 AM
I haven't heard from them since and I've been over the 25GB cap everything month since June. September I hit 160GB and got nothing.

AFAIK, Shaw doesn't have a 25GB cap.

Lite - 10 GB
Reg - 60 GB
Extreme - 100 GB

These "published" caps are fairly new - they used to just mention "less than business users", but I got them to give me a number a few years - 50 GB. When they recently published the 60 GB number, I was very happy...

10-21-2006, 10:56 AM
for you Telus users.. what warning did you get?

I got a notice of copyright complaint a few months ago.. didn't think much of it.

10-21-2006, 10:59 AM
You guys have it pretty good down there. Up here we have one line feeding the whole north its internet. My service is 5gb a month max, and $15 a gig after that. I really have to watch what Im doing online because I pay out the ass for it.

10-21-2006, 11:03 AM
Bandwith limits are a scare tactic and nothing more. I worked for Rogers for almost 4 years in Toronto and they used to send the occasional email to customers who consistently exceeded the limit but that's where it ended.

With the current ISP saturation in the market, I'm sure most of them would hesitate to lose a customer over an occasional bandwith breach.

10-21-2006, 11:04 AM
haah telus wont do anything

ive been running a server for years now...7 years ago i got suspended for a month off telus because of the server but ever since then ive had the same server on and my download/upload is maxxed 24/7/365 and they havent done anything. Infact ive called them every year and complained about free offers and what not and got compensation like a month or two free.

however when i was with shaw way back when maybe 6 years ago i always used to get calls and emails and poor service...which was the whole reason i ended up going with telus. No problems...good price but only bad thing is 3 year contract which will be up pretty soon so i dont care.

download as much as you can use the free 56k account too :thumbsup:

10-21-2006, 11:11 AM
i go over on telus adsl just about every month
at least 60GB if not more

10-21-2006, 11:17 AM
heres my yearly server updating. Hence why theres less bandwith being used most days but you get the idea haha

10-21-2006, 04:01 PM
how do you check it on telus?