View Full Version : Fucking Robbers

10-26-2006, 01:51 AM

A couple days ago a team of people broke into my parents home in Victoria BC and stole my parent's safe. One East Indian woman walked into the house (house is connected to the florist my parents own and work in) and pretended not to speak english. I assumed she scouted the place, but my mom was inside eating lunch and she left, pretended like it was an accident.
Later on a group of people came into the store, distracted my parents and one of them slipped back in, opened the main entrance to the house from the other side, jacked the safe and gone. In motherucking broad daylight, at a busy intersection (Cook Street just up from the Village area). There should have been people all over the place wtf.
Police have the video of the people that came in the store but otherwise nothing much. I don't think authorities can do much really...
Lost all the important documents, passport, birth certificate, watches, you know, stuff important enough to be locked up. I talked to my dad and he sounds so sad about all this, seriously he does not deserve this shit, he works so hard and shit like this just comes to slap him in the face. Now he has to go through the hassle of locking everything, restarting accounts and whatnot.
I am motherfucking pissed, this is in Fairfield too, that's a quiet senior neighbourhood in Victoria. Fucking robbers I hope they get caught because right now I just want to go bust a Jet Li or Tony Jaa on them and break all their limbs.


10-26-2006, 02:05 AM
How did they know where the safe was located?
I hope everything gets sorted out. Death to the fockers who did this.

10-26-2006, 06:41 AM
I think they did a quick scan of the house and just grabbed whatever they saw and ran for it because nothing else was touched. There was some stuff on the dresser but all they took was the safe.

10-26-2006, 08:27 AM
Thats fucked up.
I guess the only thing you can do now is get another safe but get one that is in the ground.

10-26-2006, 08:38 AM
wow that sucks hows they scam ya for?

10-26-2006, 09:32 AM
Sorry to hear about this :(

I guess next time bolting the safe to the ground would be a good idea.

10-26-2006, 09:36 AM
I dont know why your dads so choked, insurance should cover all of it :thumbsup:

10-26-2006, 09:37 AM
Sorry to hear and hope that they do get caught - but why dont' they have a safe deposit box at a bank!?!?! I don't really understand why people insist on keeping really valuable stuff at their own house - as this could have happened when no one was around (vacationing or out of the city/country) - bank security is usually much better then what anyone can get for their own personal residence...unless the drop some serious coin for a vault.

10-26-2006, 09:57 AM
Originally posted by grrrouch
I dont know why your dads so choked, insurance should cover all of it :thumbsup:
I dont think insurance is going to get them new passports, birthcertificates or anything of that matter...

Sorry to hear man, I hope they catch the guys:thumbsdow

10-26-2006, 10:06 AM
Originally posted by grrrouch
I dont know why your dads so choked, insurance should cover all of it :thumbsup:

Just the idea that someone has gone into your personal space and has done something like this to you wouldn't make you feel great even if insurance covers it. You feel violated. Plus you make it sound like insurance is a breeze to deal with. His Dad will have to deal with insurance company for months now to recover what was stolen.

10-26-2006, 10:12 AM
Originally posted by Sharpie

I dont think insurance is going to get them new passports, birthcertificates or anything of that matter...

umm yes it will buddy, if he had a buisness he most liekly had full coverage that covers ALL stolen property...and if he claimed an estimated amount of how much was in the safe.

Originally posted by eb0i

Just the idea that someone has gone into your personal space and has done something like this to you wouldn't make you feel great even if insurance covers it. You feel violated. Plus you make it sound like insurance is a breeze to deal with. His Dad will have to deal with insurance company for months now to recover what was stolen.

feel violated that somone touched documents of paper that were mine? And I doubt it will take months, they handle everything once you call it in...

why do people make threads about every episode in their life? This happens everyday to hundreds of people. If you want to post a thread about something like this at least give US info on how me can maybe help you out, and try to find these guys. dont just rant and rave about how "motherfuckin" mad you are..

10-26-2006, 10:18 AM
Originally posted by grrrouch

umm yes it will buddy, if he had a buisness he most liekly had full coverage that covers ALL stolen property...and if he claimed an estimated amount of how much was in the safe.

feel violated that somone touched documents of paper that were mine? And I doubt it will take months, they handle everything once you call it in...

why do people make threads about every episode in their life? This happens everyday to hundreds of people. If you want to post a thread about something like this at least give US info on how me can maybe help you out, and try to find these guys. dont just rant and rave about how "motherfuckin" mad you are..
You must have never had to deal with insurance, in most cases they will not just write a check and send it within 5 days. Usually it takes months.

Also he posted on here to rant, if you dont like that then dont read it. Also this is a calgary based forum, with few people from BC so it would be a slim chance that anyone on here could help find the robbers.

10-26-2006, 10:33 AM
Originally posted by grrrouch
feel violated that somone touched documents of paper that were mine? And I doubt it will take months, they handle everything once you call it in...

Nothing like ID theft if they took his passport/birth certificate or even his SIN card...do you actually know what can happen if they have that info? Nothing like getting a bunch of bills or credit card statements that you never applied for and then having to clean all that up as well. Having your personal information stolen can can really hurt you for a loooonnnnnng time (buddy had to go through that) and it takes forever to clean it all up...Just look at all the Dateline studies and specials that they aired in the US.

Yes getting a check cut is one thing from your insurance once you have proved you had said amount in your safe - it's not like they will believe you had X amount in your safe if you can't prove it...Insurance fraud is a big deal when it comes to home robberies plus having to take a bunch of your time to apply for and get all your personal papers again is not difficult but it is a pain in the ass.

10-26-2006, 10:51 AM
How does one walk into the house without any barriers?

I know everyone like to leave everything unlocked in a small town. Shouldn't the gateway from shop to house be locked ALL the time?

10-26-2006, 11:03 AM
Werd. Bolt your safe down next time. And I agree with keeping the really important documents in a saftey deposit box at a bank, and just keep jewellery that you wear occasionally, laptops, etc. in your bolted down safe.

Good luck w/ the paper work.

10-26-2006, 11:25 AM
Originally posted by grrrouch

feel violated that somone touched documents of paper that were mine? And I doubt it will take months, they handle everything once you call it in...

So you're telling me if someone broke into your home or vehicle you wouldn't feel violated at all? It doesn't matter if they touched personal documents or not. The fact that they were in your home snooping around was an invasion of privacy.

On the matter of documents such as passports, birthcertificates and so on. If they had their SIN cards in that safe that was stolen then good luck on obtaining any form of ID easily.

"...they handle everything once you call it in..." Right:rolleyes:

Originally posted by grrrouch
why do people make threads about every episode in their life? This happens everyday to hundreds of people. If you want to post a thread about something like this at least give US info on how me can maybe help you out, and try to find these guys. dont just rant and rave about how "motherfuckin" mad you are..

Why do people like you feel like you have to be a dick about it? The guy is feeling bad for his parents having to experience this and is ranting/venting about it. Have the common decency to support a member of this board or just fuck the hell off. Boards like this don't need members like you:drama:

10-26-2006, 11:26 AM
Originally posted by eb0i

Why do people like you feel like you have to be a dick about it? The guy is feeling bad for his parents having to experience this and is ranting/venting about it. Have the common decency to support a member of this board or just fuck the hell off. Boards like this don't need members like you:drama:


10-26-2006, 12:32 PM
buy a nice dog

10-26-2006, 12:49 PM
Best of luck and i hope the cops catch them!

Isnt a safe suppose to be heavy?! How did one person manage to carry it off by himself?

10-26-2006, 12:58 PM
Originally posted by adidas
Best of luck and i hope the cops catch them!

Isnt a safe suppose to be heavy?! How did one person manage to carry it off by himself?

Safes which are supposed to be anti robbery or whatever are supposed to have extra weight in them so that they aren't as easy to lift and carry away.

The normal water proof and fire proof ones, I personally don't find that heavy depending on the size, if your strong you can carry it your self although the shape can make it a bit akward. Otherwise a 2 man team can easily carry it away by lifting it up with some straps.

10-26-2006, 01:00 PM
wow, hope all goes well for your parents. sorry to hear. i live in Victoria, it's kinda weird to hear this shit happen in such a small peaceful city, but then again, it happens everywhere. best of luck.

10-26-2006, 01:49 PM
sorry to hear kamen, somethign sorta happened like that to my friend as well.

he lives with his gf and his parents, they were all at work already and his gf just got home from school to find the front door smashed.

they tore the house apart looking for things to steal, ended up taking some jewerly and their safe. like nothing expensive was in the safe, just passports, id and shit like that.

insurance comes in - its not like its gonan take a few days, it takes a few months, its just a big hassel for everyone. I dont think anyone deserves getting stolen from.. its just wrong. (Not to mention all the work that you have to go through with the goverment again to get all your papers, passport, id's, credit cards and whatnot or whatever else you left in the safe.

hope your parents feel better soon man, I know how you feel (but not to the extent) my mom's shop was partially robbed before, this was way back when i was younger. we closed the shop as usual, get a call at 5 in the morning "sir the alarm is ringing off, shall we get the police?" dad said - well it is 5am , might as well just in case. get there to the shop only to find the windows smashed down and the cash register gone. (it was a string of badluck as well, a few days earlier to the robbery a malfunction happened in my old house - the stove caught fire and almost burned my house down)

i fucking hate thieves.

10-26-2006, 09:28 PM
Probably one of the worst personal experiences someone can go through. And as far as people who think that dealing with stolen documents is easy, think again. I've been through it and it's painstaking as hell.

Your parents have my sympathy.

10-27-2006, 09:32 PM
I skimmed the replies here, and I was just saying shit happens and it sucks. If you don't want to read about it, hit the back button. I don't come on Beyond and rant and rave about my anger all the time, I bet most of you don't even know who I am, but if I want to vent on a public forum with nice people who give a fuck, I will. When was the last time you saw a thread about an episode in my life grrrouch? Yea, I thought so.

As for the choked thing, yea my dad does have a safe deposit box, but I mean people do still keep valuables at home with them at times too. He is choked at this happening, and the fact that there are things people keep in safes that are more than fiscal goods. I'm sure people lock up things they regard with high sentimental value as well, it may be garbage to some people, but who can determine the intrinsic value of personal items?

It was a team of people who organized this robbery, not just 1 person jacking a safe. We don't leave the doors unlocked or anything, but this must not have been a 1 time thing; they had to have planned it somehow. If someone wants in bad enough there are many ways. I'm just glad nobody got hurt in the process.

For an update, they found the safe now, all the valuables are gone but the documents and cards are still there, just soaked. I guess they tried to dump it in the river or something. Still, going through the process of getting new accounts and such. JordanEG6 is right, it's just shocking to hear about something happening like this in a rather smaller city, but the world is a changing place.

I guess my 2 chihuahuas didn't put up enough of a fight.
;) Oh well, could have been worse, I just wish I was in town to help them somehow, it's always disheartening to hear bad news when you are away from home. Thanks to everyone for your support :thumbsup:

10-27-2006, 09:36 PM
How did they open the safe is it easy to open? Glad to hear they found it and found some of the stuff

10-27-2006, 09:41 PM
What a shitty situation - hope they catch 'em.

On a positive note though, one good thing is that it didn't get violent. So many of these types of robberies go south and then the victims get physically hurt. Thankfully this didn't happen to your folks - unlike all the other stuff, they simply just aren't replaceable.

10-27-2006, 10:29 PM
I don't know how they opened it. If I did, maybe I would go steal one... lol just kidding.

10-27-2006, 10:52 PM
why do people post gay shit like this you guy got fucked over thats it

10-27-2006, 11:36 PM
Originally posted by husler12
why do people post gay shit like this you guy got fucked over thats it

fuck off asshole, you don't know what it feels like to be jacked like that

10-27-2006, 11:48 PM
Originally posted by husler12
why do people post gay shit like this you guy got fucked over thats it

Did you skip too many classes of ESL or are you just illiterate?

Never mind, you don't have to answer.

In answer to your question, probably because we are compelled to share our angst with our fellow man.

Fair enough that your question got answered. I guess now it's your turn to answer one of mine...

So what compells you to make a post like this? Are you truly this much of an asshole at the root of things, does it give you some twisted joy to post something like this knowing you're going to get flamed or can you not help yourself much like the child that picks his scabs? I really am curious...

10-30-2006, 06:18 AM
Originally posted by husler12
why do people post gay shit like this you guy got fucked over thats it :english: