View Full Version : Can I tell the origin of an email?

10-26-2006, 04:00 PM
Can I check the IP of the email sender, and find out where one is from? Reason being is that I have been interacting with this person who says he is from YYY. I would like to check out the legitimacy of the person.

First of all, how do I get one's email address if I am using Yahoo. How about Shaw or Hotmail? Outlook?

Secondly, if I have the IP, what other info. can I get?


10-26-2006, 04:13 PM
If he's offering you money and from some country like Nigeria its a scam.

10-28-2006, 12:31 AM
If he is e-mailing you from a free based e-mail service IE Gmail, Hotmail, Yahoo ect. then no you will not beable to trace his IP, as under few cirmumstances will these providers release IP's for Liability reasons.

Even from an ISP based e-mail address it would be VERY difficult to trace as it would involve cooperation from said ISP, and they only give up that kind of information if a scam has taken place, and Police have requested this information.

I am sure there are illegal ways to check for the validity of an e-mail address, but I am fairly sure by your posted question, that these methods would be somewhat difficult to use. (FYI I have no clue how that stuff works, so I am not being condedending)

Easiest way to check his IP would be to get him to add you to an instant messaging program, then do a look up from CMD prompt (look up the codes for this on google).

Hope I was somewhat helpful.