View Full Version : Anyone do cool decorations?

10-27-2006, 11:31 PM
Anyone make a cool decoration for halloween? Neat stuff outside your house? Post it up!

We decided to build the "billy" doll from Saw. He's creepy enough! Anyhow, it was a biatch finding the mask, and then a matching suit! Plus had to buy a trike and then build the guy up.....Check it out! Oh, and I put an "I love East Village" button on him for giggles


10-28-2006, 12:36 AM
Most of the stuff we usually put up get vandalised by punk university kids all drunk and hopped up on rat poison.

Last year my brother and I spent days constructing a "haunted" corridor up to our door for some punk kids to knock down at 2am.

The kids loved it, the parents laughed, though, so it wasnt a total loss I guess.

:thumbsdow for living by the u of c.