View Full Version : "Muffin Tops" - Your opinion?

11-06-2006, 12:34 PM
After spending the night at the Dixie chicks concert last night, it really occured to me that most women dont wear clothes that fit them. I was waiting for my dad outside the men's bathroom and some of the girls walking by made me sick, and I'm a girl!

The big thing right now seems to be girls who buy pants WAY too tight for them and the "love handles" hang over the sides like fat rolls. I've heard of this being called "The Muffin Top" on several occasions. I saw two girls, dressed pretty slutty, both double fisting their coolers, wearing low rise jeans to show the little tattoos on their backs thinking they were total hot shit. They weren't fat, waist size probably around the 30 mark, but it looked like they tried to squeeze into jeans that were at least a 25, maybe smaller, and just looked gross.

So what's your opinion on this? Do you guys care about the muffin tops? Do they bug you? Turn you on?

For reference, a picture of "The Muffin Top"

11-06-2006, 12:37 PM
It's fucking disgusting. :barf:

And if anyone's to blame it's dudes that give fat chicks hope. All we have to do is stop getting wasted and sleeping with fat chicks and I'm sure they'd get the hint and put down the fork.

11-06-2006, 12:38 PM
muffin tops are just weird.
i think girls do it so the pants are tighter on there ass and its just a bi-product.

11-06-2006, 12:39 PM
thats no muffin top

heres a muffin top


11-06-2006, 12:39 PM
1 word: ewwy

11-06-2006, 12:44 PM
Originally posted by DepTrotter
thats no muffin top

heres a muffin top




:barf: :barf: :barf: :barf: :barf: :barf:

11-06-2006, 12:45 PM
haha I've been bitching about the Muffin Top trend forever. Not that I'm a pedophile (ok maybe i am haha) but I've noticed the young chicks are getting more and more plump these days. It's like EVERY chick is a muffin top. Whats' up with that?

11-06-2006, 12:55 PM
Originally posted by rage2
haha I've been bitching about the Muffin Top trend forever. Not that I'm a pedophile (ok maybe i am haha) but I've noticed the young chicks are getting more and more plump these days. It's like EVERY chick is a muffin top. Whats' up with that?

you dont see the trend?

more mcdonalds.. more wendys... more pizza hut

more muffin top

mmm chocolate chip muffinssss

11-06-2006, 12:57 PM
mmmmmm, getting hungry....

11-06-2006, 12:57 PM
Originally posted by rage2
haha I've been bitching about the Muffin Top trend forever. Not that I'm a pedophile (ok maybe i am haha) but I've noticed the young chicks are getting more and more plump these days. It's like EVERY chick is a muffin top. Whats' up with that?

As soon as they leave high school it seems to happen.

:dunno: :rofl:

11-06-2006, 12:59 PM
The "muffin top" is a huge turn off for me. I don't know how chicks can't realize that they have one. :thumbsdow

D'z Nutz
11-06-2006, 01:10 PM
:drama: :barf:

EK 2.0
11-06-2006, 01:15 PM
^^ hahah I was just looking for that pic to post up...haha...

11-06-2006, 01:19 PM
I blame the stores and trends more than I blame the girls. Although it's gross IMO it is impossible to find pants that fit you nowadays. But I'd rather see clothes that are too big than clothes that are too small. Blech on the muffin top. I've come across more than one pair of pants that was made for someone with no ass whose waist and hips are the exact same size, augh, so frustrating, no girl has a body like that!

11-06-2006, 01:38 PM
lol dont you juss love girls that wear clothes that are too small for them?

but muffin tops are disgusting...... SICKKKK honestly buy the next size up

11-06-2006, 02:04 PM
Muff-T = :barf:

went to Outlaws this weekend and there seemed to be no absence of it :barf:

11-06-2006, 02:05 PM
muffin tops are disgusting. if you know you shouldn't be wearing form fitting clothing...then you really shouldn't.

Mr. Burns
11-06-2006, 02:12 PM

11-06-2006, 02:26 PM
i didn know they called that a muffin top. Those tight pants make womens asses look hawt tho, but then you look up and :barf:

11-06-2006, 02:29 PM
Ew, Is 'muffin tops' it really thread-worthy?
Turn your eyes away..

11-06-2006, 02:31 PM
Originally posted by rage2
haha I've been bitching about the Muffin Top trend forever. Not that I'm a pedophile (ok maybe i am haha) but I've noticed the young chicks are getting more and more plump these days. It's like EVERY chick is a muffin top. Whats' up with that?

i agree its the younger girls that have the "muffin tops" now. and it's because they're wearing tighter jeans to make them look like they have an ass, and smaller tops to show off the stomach they don't have.

if you want to wear tight jeans, just wear a better fitting shirt...

11-06-2006, 02:31 PM
Originally posted by D'z Nutz
:drama: :barf:

lol i was thinking about that episode before i even opened this

but ya, its gross. i see so many girls in the mall like that trying to make there ass look smaller no matter how big or small they are

11-06-2006, 02:46 PM
Originally posted by abyss
I blame the stores and trends more than I blame the girls. Although it's gross IMO it is impossible to find pants that fit you nowadays. But I'd rather see clothes that are too big than clothes that are too small. Blech on the muffin top. I've come across more than one pair of pants that was made for someone with no ass whose waist and hips are the exact same size, augh, so frustrating, no girl has a body like that!

^^so true, most pants are low rise/hip hugger, and as you go up size you increase your chances of a plumbers butt.

There is a huge diff with between dressing like a complete Ho and dressing classy or like a "lady". I think its disturbing the younger they are the less they think they need to wear. But there will always be nasty girls no matter what "trend" is out there or not. Although some women can just pull it off. I just want to say to them "get a second opinion before you buy"....
PLEASE:rofl: :rofl:

11-06-2006, 03:15 PM
Originally posted by abyss
Although it's gross IMO it is impossible to find pants that fit you nowadays........ I've come across more than one pair of pants that was made for someone with no ass whose waist and hips are the exact same size, augh, so frustrating, no girl has a body like that!

Yes! That's exactly what I experienced this past weekend jean shopping. I left dejected, and asked myself "WHO has a body like this???" But in reality, I do know! It's young women who have no shape due to leading an obese or overweight lifestyle. YUCK.

Do these women NOT have a mirror?!? Seriously, it's ridiculous and my eyes are offended.

Aside from that, the ULTRA-low rise. WHAT the heck is up with that? It's disgusting anc I can't possible imagine that someone thinks it's attractive.

:banghead: <--- how I feel!!

11-06-2006, 03:25 PM
Originally posted by rx7girlie

Aside from that, the ULTRA-low rise. WHAT the heck is up with that? It's disgusting anc I can't possible imagine that someone thinks it's attractive.

:banghead: <--- how I feel!!

I am all for ultra low rise on skinny girls who's waists are 26" or below and do not have muffin top syndrom. Yes, it is a syndrom, because no one who is healthy would dress that way.

Ultra low rise is nasty, especially when fat girls who wear them sit down and all you see is CRACK. Crack is not sexy. Remember kids, Crack is bad.

EK 2.0
11-06-2006, 03:27 PM
Originally posted by benyl
Crack is not sexy. Remember kids, Crack is bad.

hahah we should make a Beyond PSA...haha...

11-06-2006, 03:28 PM
It's a crime to have an ass and a small waist nowadays. I wish I had been born back when clothes were still designed for women who were curvy. :whipped:

11-06-2006, 03:29 PM
Originally posted by abyss
I blame the stores and trends more than I blame the girls. Although it's gross IMO it is impossible to find pants that fit you nowadays. I've come across more than one pair of pants that was made for someone with no ass whose waist and hips are the exact same size, augh, so frustrating, no girl has a body like that!

Originally posted by rx7girlie

Yes! That's exactly what I experienced this past weekend jean shopping. I left dejected, and asked myself "WHO has a body like this???" But in reality, I do know! It's young women who have no shape due to leading an obese or overweight lifestyle. YUCK.

Do these women NOT have a mirror?!? Seriously, it's ridiculous and my eyes are offended.

I have similar problems. I have no bum and really long legs. Finding pants is hard, but I'd rather look until I find something that fits, looks good and feels good, then buying something that is too tight, feels tight and looks bad, just so I can say "Ohh, I wear a size 1" instead of a size 3. I don't know, maybe it's a self esteem thing? A girl would rather wear a 5 than a 9 so they make it work? I'd hate to have to lay down on the bed every morning just to get my pants zipped, totally would not be worth it!

11-06-2006, 03:32 PM
Originally posted by khtm
All we have to do is stop getting wasted and sleeping with fat chicks and I'm sure they'd get the hint and put down the fork.

Gold! :rofl:

11-06-2006, 03:44 PM
Originally posted by benyl

I am all for ultra low rise on skinny girls who's waists are 26&quot; or below and do not have muffin top syndrom. Yes, it is a syndrom, because no one who is healthy would dress that way.

Yeah, I agree, if a girl can pull off that look or any look for that matter, then that's great. But way too many girls try to fit into pants that are not their size (as mentioned above), so it looks aweful and realize they CAN'T pull it off! I'm curious what causes women to have no insight.
Mirrors... they're in the change rooms for a reason.

Example, I use to always wear a size 0 in a particular style of gap jean like 2 years ago. Well, they started to get rather tight around the waist (yikes!), so guess what, I folded them up, put them in my closet, bought the next size up, and feel to so comfortable, it makes me feel great . Why would I fool myself into forcing myself into my previous jeans????

11-06-2006, 03:48 PM

11-06-2006, 03:53 PM
Damn, I thought this thread was about literal muffin tops. Now I'm not hungry anymore.

11-06-2006, 04:00 PM
Man none of you should complain, it's worse down here

:cry: :cry: oh god my eyes! :cry: :cry:

EK 2.0
11-06-2006, 04:52 PM
Originally posted by Zephyr
Man none of you should complain, it's worse down here

:cry: :cry: oh god my eyes! :cry: :cry:

I dunno I love how you look in "dem jeans"...

11-06-2006, 05:11 PM
All i can say is :rofl:

and M-T are :barf:

11-06-2006, 05:21 PM
Originally posted by benyl
Ultra low rise is nasty, especially when fat girls who wear
them sit down and all you see is CRACK. Crack is not sexy. Remember kids, Crack is bad.

Hairy crack is even worse. I walked into a dollar store, the chick is working on the lower shelf and I see a bunch of hair coming up that crack. :barf:

11-06-2006, 05:31 PM
Originally posted by Xtrema

Hairy crack is even worse. I walked into a dollar store, the chick is working on the lower shelf and I see a bunch of hair coming up that crack. :barf:

haha yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

11-06-2006, 06:56 PM
It's odd that a girl-rant would bring this topic to light but I'm glad that it's out in the open because it makes me puke.

:barf: :barf:

It's when they are all hot in High School and they keep partying at the same rate as when the are 18, when they are 20 something. Nature catches up and the waredrobe stays the same, leading to tattoos and the muffin top.

DJ Lazy
11-06-2006, 08:43 PM
Originally posted by Cruz

Gold! :rofl:

It's sig worhty, if I wasn't already at my max limit... :(

Gondi Stylez
11-06-2006, 09:26 PM
i love mmmmmmmmufin tops! just grab a hold and dont let go! yee-haww!!:D

11-08-2006, 03:07 AM
Being fat and ugly won't be made better by wearing tight pants.

That being said, you have to extremely thin to not have any fat rolling over the top at all. But, that probably means you shouldn't wear those kind of clothes. I think 'wholesome' girls can be attractive, and a good way to do this is by wearing clothes that fit your shape.

11-08-2006, 04:36 AM
Mmmm, while we're on the topic of muffin tops, how about skinnys?

I guess it is a fad right now but on most people that I see wearing this style, it brings out their flaws rather than make them look better. I think skinnies will make anyone's thighs look bigger because they are so tapered at the bottom ... not always the wisest jean choice.