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11-08-2006, 12:31 AM

11-08-2006, 12:49 AM
:rofl: :rofl:

11-08-2006, 12:51 AM

adam c
11-08-2006, 12:52 AM

The Great John is substantially more robust than a standard toilet. Standard designs are not meant to withstand a big person. For STABILITY, we designed a super wide base. To insure STURDINESS, we also added reinforcements into the base. Our toilets are tested to 2000 lb. To eliminate the problem of the SEAT SLIDING, we provide "Anti-Side" fins for safety. This also prevents pinching. Finally, GJ has added a second SET OF ANCHORS at the front sides of the base to increase protection against movement of the unit from the floor.

lol! fuck

11-08-2006, 01:02 AM
bahahah holy fuck that's not right, i feel bad laughing at fat people but daaamn that just encourages the problem. IF you are too fat and cannot use a regular toilet than you should realize that you need to lose weight!! not go and buy GREAT JOHN :rofl:

11-08-2006, 01:18 AM

11-08-2006, 01:33 AM
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

11-08-2006, 01:35 AM
Now they need to invent the air freshner to accomidate that.

11-08-2006, 01:42 AM
i hate fat ppl , they break my stuff!!!!

11-08-2006, 01:52 AM
thats awesome, the hole seems to small for a big fat guy shit though

11-08-2006, 02:44 AM
One time at my high school, someone shit out a water-noodle sized ... 'piece'. I (unfortunately) never got the chance to witness this myself, but from what I heard, it was pretty rude.

11-08-2006, 09:01 AM
Originally posted by creeper
One time at my high school, someone shit out a water-noodle sized ... 'piece'. I (unfortunately) never got the chance to witness this myself, but from what I heard, it was pretty rude.

what school.....cause i remember one at my school that was the size of my fuckin fist and almost as long as my arm. and i fuckin saw the thing hahaha it was the talk of the week.

11-08-2006, 09:54 AM
^^^ omg


11-08-2006, 09:59 AM
Originally posted by ogpog

At least they seem happy.

11-08-2006, 10:07 AM
:rofl: :rofl:

11-08-2006, 10:46 AM
Lol..... Go lose some weight!!!!

11-08-2006, 10:50 AM
Well then their is the flip side...skinny visitors can go to their house, fall in fat toilet and sue their fat a$$es!

11-08-2006, 11:24 AM
Fuck, so people are getting a toilet to match their problem of being a fatass instead of losing weight so they can use normal appliances? Isn't that a sign that you're getting too fat when you can't use a normal toilet?

Fat people :rolleyes:

11-08-2006, 05:47 PM
the gif :rofl: :rofl:

11-08-2006, 05:53 PM
Originally posted by Super_Geo
Fuck, so people are getting a toilet to match their problem of being a fatass instead of losing weight so they can use normal appliances? Isn't that a sign that you're getting too fat when you can't use a normal toilet?

Fat people :rolleyes:

lmao, exactly what i was thinking...:rofl:

11-08-2006, 05:57 PM
Originally posted by Super_Geo
Fuck, so people are getting a toilet to match their problem of being a fatass instead of losing weight so they can use normal appliances? Isn't that a sign that you're getting too fat when you can't use a normal toilet?

Fat people :rolleyes:

Serious, they need to encourage fat people to get heathy and loose weight, not make them feel more comfortable being fat, what motive is that?

11-08-2006, 10:30 PM
How fat would you have to be to need a bigger toilet seat :nut:

I can't even imagine.

11-08-2006, 10:55 PM
It should come with a treadmill and everytime you flush it it should yell "Don't come back, fatty!"

11-08-2006, 11:08 PM
Originally posted by nadroj23

what school.....cause i remember one at my school that was the size of my fuckin fist and almost as long as my arm. and i fuckin saw the thing hahaha it was the talk of the week.

LOL! Was this in Wisewood around '99? I remeber in grade 11 some guy shat an arm out or something. It was the talk for days hahah.

11-09-2006, 12:04 AM
I dont think its right for you guys to laugh at obeast people. Its not always completely their fault. Sometimes its just genetics. You also have to realise that a lot of obeast people such as myself try hard to lose weight, but its harder to lose than gain. So next time before you start ignorantly laughing and mocking us, please think again. Thanks.

11-09-2006, 12:12 AM

11-09-2006, 12:16 AM
Where's that mind of mencia clip on fat people?



11-09-2006, 01:48 AM
Originally posted by VW02
I dont think its right for you guys to laugh at obeast people. Its not always completely their fault. Sometimes its just genetics. You also have to realise that a lot of obeast people such as myself try hard to lose weight, but its harder to lose than gain. So next time before you start ignorantly laughing and mocking us, please think again. Thanks.

Hey, I'm fat. I admit it. But I can still sit on a goddamn regualr toilet seat.

p.s. obeast :rofl:

11-09-2006, 01:53 AM
Originally posted by VW02

That's my new word for "fatass" from now on. "Look at that land whale - she's not fat, she's a fucking obeast!"

It's got a ring to it...

11-09-2006, 01:58 AM
Definately :rofl:


11-09-2006, 02:02 AM
^Shit! And there I thought it was a new word! Damn you, Urbandictionary! :rofl:

11-09-2006, 02:18 AM
Originally posted by BerserkerCatSplat

That's my new word for "fatass" from now on. "Look at that land whale - she's not fat, she's a fucking obeast!"

It's got a ring to it...

you need to write it like this: she's not fat, she's fucking obeast!

no "a" in there

ps I use a regular toilet too, but some people cant so dont make fun of them for that. Just like how you dont make fun of mentally challenged kids either...

11-09-2006, 03:05 AM
Originally posted by Super_Geo
Fuck, so people are getting a toilet to match their problem of being a fatass instead of losing weight so they can use normal appliances? Isn't that a sign that you're getting too fat when you can't use a normal toilet?

Fat people :rolleyes:

well, look at helmets :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: we're not stopping the activities that potentially break our skull, we're just adding some padding so it takes longer till we injure ourselves :nut:

11-09-2006, 03:22 AM
being fat sucks

11-09-2006, 04:45 AM
What?? All that R&D and no self cleaning/wiping toilets? I mean, the Japanese should get their technology into this piece of modern machinery; have they forgotten their sumo wrestlers already?!

11-09-2006, 10:18 AM
Originally posted by VW02
ps I use a regular toilet too, but some people cant so dont make fun of them for that. Just like how you dont make fun of mentally challenged kids either...

If someone was born mentally challenged I would not make fun of them, but if their mental retardation came from years of sniffing way too much glue knowing it was going to make them retarded....

11-09-2006, 10:24 AM
Originally posted by VW02

you need to write it like this: she's not fat, she's fucking obeast!

no "a" in there

ps I use a regular toilet too, but some people cant so dont make fun of them for that. Just like how you dont make fun of mentally challenged kids either...

Nah, I think it sounds better as a noun.

11-09-2006, 10:25 AM
Originally posted by 95EagleAWD
It should come with a treadmill and everytime you flush it it should yell "Don't come back, fatty!"



11-09-2006, 12:51 PM
Originally posted by Darkane

LOL! Was this in Wisewood around '99? I remeber in grade 11 some guy shat an arm out or something. It was the talk for days hahah.

no it was at queen in 2002 i think and it was in the girls locker room......

:barf: :barf: :barf: :barf: :barf: :barf:

11-09-2006, 07:48 PM
Originally posted by Super_Geo

If someone was born mentally challenged I would not make fun of them, but if their mental retardation came from years of sniffing way too much glue knowing it was going to make them retarded....

Yes but eating food is just a natural thing in life. Is it my fault that I had a extremely low metabolism as a kid? no I dont think so. Did I know I was going to get obeast as a kid? nope

11-09-2006, 09:24 PM
Originally posted by VW02
I dont think its right for you guys to laugh at obeast people. Its not always completely their fault. Sometimes its just genetics. You also have to realise that a lot of obeast people such as myself try hard to lose weight, but its harder to lose than gain. So next time before you start ignorantly laughing and mocking us, please think again. Thanks.

after hearing what you eat for "breakfast" in the other thread i dont think you can say anythinga bout "genetics"

11-10-2006, 12:10 AM
Originally posted by 403Gemini

after hearing what you eat for "breakfast" in the other thread i dont think you can say anythinga bout "genetics"

Most people with fast metabolisms wouldnt gain a single ounce from what I eat. I am simply unlucky. But its too late now I guess so no point in complaining.

11-10-2006, 12:33 AM
Hmm seriously some people are just fat and dont want to lose weight, so just seeking more comfort. I wish I thought of it first.

11-10-2006, 02:00 AM
Originally posted by VW02

Most people with fast metabolisms wouldnt gain a single ounce from what I eat. I am simply unlucky. But its too late now I guess so no point in complaining.

:cry: :cry: :cry:

oh boohoo, it's not my fault :cry:


Most people with 'fast metabolisms' exercise. Since their output is more or equal to their input they don't get fat.

11-10-2006, 03:51 PM
Originally posted by ZedMan

:cry: :cry: :cry:

oh boohoo, it's not my fault :cry:


Most people with 'fast metabolisms' exercise. Since their output is more or equal to their input they don't get fat.

I wasnt giving myself self pity...

11-10-2006, 04:05 PM
Hahah that was a helluva breakfast. I could eat that all maybe in a day. Maybe!....Firefox 2.0 sees "Hahah" as a spelling mistake, but not "helluva". Weird.

11-10-2006, 07:32 PM

11-10-2006, 11:47 PM
Originally posted by VW02

Most people with fast metabolisms wouldnt gain a single ounce from what I eat. I am simply unlucky. But its too late now I guess so no point in complaining.

i have a fast metabolism, i work out, and i eat healthy.

but if i went on this diet:

Originally posted by VW02

Lets see. For breakfeast I usually have about 10 strips of bacon, 4-5 eggs. 4-6 slices of toast with butter or jam. Couple glasses of juice or choclate milk. Few boals of cereal. Maybe some waffles. A couple of pizza pops, maybe some chips, depending on my mood. But thats prob the min/average amount I eat for breakfast. I dont think you want to know what I have for lunch and supper, as well as all my other "mini" meals in between. I think My calorie count was at 16 000? Cant really remember. Its actually not that high if you think about it.

you'd better believe id become a fat fucker, even working out i couldnt keep up.

11-11-2006, 03:19 AM
Originally posted by 403Gemini

i have a fast metabolism, i work out, and i eat healthy.

but if i went on this diet:

you'd better believe id become a fat fucker, even working out i couldnt keep up.

You probably could eat double and maybe gain a pound in a few days, MAYBE

11-11-2006, 12:53 PM
HOLY CRAP that's a lot of food! Your breakfast is easily my entire daily intake of food plus a bit extra!! :eek: :eek:

11-11-2006, 01:14 PM
Originally posted by VW02

You probably could eat double and maybe gain a pound in a few days, MAYBE

Alright I've got a mega fast metabolism, have been skinny my whole life, and if I ate 16,000 calories in a day (that is almost FIVE times my normal intake), I would gain at least a pound and a half per day. That is, if I didn't vomit all the grease back up. You are just making weak ass excuses.

11-11-2006, 01:22 PM
Originally posted by VW02

Most people with fast metabolisms wouldnt gain a single ounce from what I eat. I am simply unlucky. But its too late now I guess so no point in complaining.

if thats how you think, no wonder youre so fat. that breakfast is disgusting. try eating like a non-fatass and see what kind of results you get. no one that is fit EVER eats that kind of breakfast.

11-11-2006, 02:36 PM
Ok well if im a "fatass" then I would eat like one now wouldnt I...
Just like if you were skinny you would eat like a skinny person. You cant act like something you are not, just got to be who you are.

11-11-2006, 02:41 PM
so maybe if you didnt eat like a fatass, then you would move towards not being one? hmm what a concept...

youre not "unlucky" in any way, youve just come up with a few ways of poorly justifying your behavior.

man if you eat that much just for breakfast i bet youd drop like 10 pounds instantly just by not eating 1 day.

11-11-2006, 03:05 PM
I don't know about this, kind of offensive

but i did gain 15 pounds when i was eating only fast food cause i was to lazy to cook. Than my girlfriend started to comment on it. Thats when i started to realize it myself.

but on topic, this is just giving people no incentive. it is one thing being naturally larger but i mean when for people who problems getting out of a freaking chair. I feel sad for these people because once you gain the weight its hard to lose it. All i see with this product is that fat people can stay fat. And to me it all has to revolve around poor judgement of food choices and what you do in your spare time.

well i deleted most of my rant lol

11-11-2006, 04:52 PM
Originally posted by VW02

Lets see. For breakfeast I usually have about 10 strips of bacon, 4-5 eggs. 4-6 slices of toast with butter or jam. Couple glasses of juice or choclate milk. Few boals of cereal. Maybe some waffles. A couple of pizza pops, maybe some chips, depending on my mood. But thats prob the min/average amount I eat for breakfast. I dont think you want to know what I have for lunch and supper, as well as all my other "mini" meals in between. I think My calorie count was at 16 000? Cant really remember. Its actually not that high if you think about it.

You're joking...right?

If not, you give obese people with legitimate problems that are trying to deal with them a bad rep.

I know this thread started out with a toilet and some of the comments are pretty funny, but there is a serious side to it that we are all going to face in terms of our rising health care costs. Health care professionals consider our rates of obseity (non and morbid) epidemic.

Only part of the issues are related to quantity intake (Obviously a breakfast like this for anybody would lead to serious health issues). Other things though, such as the amounts of processed foods and our conditioning of foods or efforts to grow more faster with steriods and fertilizers are having negative effects on our metablisms. Genetics play a role as well, but not as big of one as people would purport...

11-11-2006, 05:53 PM
Can't believe a post about toilets for chunky trunks could get so many replies:dunno:

11-11-2006, 07:10 PM
I would lose weight with a breakfast like that, as I would vomit a lot. Then I would simply die from that. I'm a skinny bastard, but I don't eat like one. I eat quite a bit for my size, but that is still absurd. The fact that one can accept that he is obese, and think it's normal, well it's not. You don't have any medical condition that is causing it. You are simply eating enough daily that could feed several families in a third world country. You hate the results of it (well at least you should, I'm not saying everyone should be superstar skinny, but nobody should be HAPPY for being that big) I hate to read that someone eats that much food on their own, and the child I sponsor in Africa has been through hell trying to find food earlier in his life. Ridiculous. It's people like VW02 that give the obese with medical problems a bad name. I knew a bigger girl in school who was never skinny, but wasn't at the obese level. She then had a few operations, and her medicine that she had to take caused her body to retain massive amounts of water. That I can understand...even then this person wouldn't need 2 seats on an airplane (or a Great John toilet, to stay topical). We know communism gets abused, but maybe only being able to get a certain amount of food wouldn't be such a bad idea for some people on this continent. It's a waste of food, and is what I like to call "visual pollution". (especially the fat girls who wear very skimpy clothes)

11-11-2006, 07:19 PM
I would lose weight with a breakfast like that, as I would vomit a lot. Then I would simply die from that. I'm a skinny bastard, but I don't eat like one. I eat quite a bit for my size, but that is still absurd. The fact that one can accept that he is obese, and think it's normal, well it's not. You don't have any medical condition that is causing it. You are simply eating enough daily that could feed several families in a third world country. You hate the results of it (well at least you should, I'm not saying everyone should be superstar skinny, but nobody should be HAPPY for being that big) I hate to read that someone eats that much food on their own, and the child I sponsor in Africa has been through hell trying to find food earlier in his life. Ridiculous. It's people like VW02 that give the obese with medical problems a bad name. I knew a bigger girl in school who was never skinny, but wasn't at the obese level. She then had a few operations, and her medicine that she had to take caused her body to retain massive amounts of water. That I can understand...even then this person wouldn't need 2 seats on an airplane (or a Great John toilet, to stay topical). We know communism gets abused, but maybe only being able to get a certain amount of food wouldn't be such a bad idea for some people on this continent. It's a waste of food, and is what I like to call "visual pollution". (especially the fat girls who wear very skimpy clothes)

11-11-2006, 09:14 PM
Originally posted by VW02
Ok well if im a "fatass" then I would eat like one now wouldnt I...

Originally posted by VW02
Lets see. For breakfeast I usually have about 10 strips of bacon, 4-5 eggs. 4-6 slices of toast with butter or jam. Couple glasses of juice or choclate milk. Few boals of cereal. Maybe some waffles. A couple of pizza pops, maybe some chips, depending on my mood. But thats prob the min/average amount I eat for breakfast. I dont think you want to know what I have for lunch and supper, as well as all my other "mini" meals in between. I think My calorie count was at 16 000? Cant really remember. Its actually not that high if you think about it.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

To fix your problem, you must first accept there IS a problem.

11-12-2006, 02:09 PM
I dont actually eat as much as you make it sound.. My friend who is about 180lbs has about 7-8 thousand calories per day. Which is about half of what I eat and hes not fat, just ripped. I dont know why people like to flame us obese people. Just because you guys are skinny dont make you better. And for NissanAddict, how is me eating food "wasting" it? Maybe if I vomited it like you it would be a waste, but I actually ingest and digest the food which means I put it to good use.

11-12-2006, 03:16 PM

11-12-2006, 06:54 PM
Originally posted by VW02
but I actually ingest and digest the food which means I put it to good use.

Ahh, it is the fact that you AREN'T putting it to good use that is the problem.

11-12-2006, 07:04 PM
next they'll make smaller ones for skinny people like me so we dont' fall in.:D

11-12-2006, 07:10 PM
Originally posted by VW02
I dont actually eat as much as you make it sound.. My friend who is about 180lbs has about 7-8 thousand calories per day. Which is about half of what I eat and hes not fat, just ripped. I dont know why people like to flame us obese people. Just because you guys are skinny dont make you better. And for NissanAddict, how is me eating food "wasting" it? Maybe if I vomited it like you it would be a waste, but I actually ingest and digest the food which means I put it to good use.

Dude, obese people generally have a slower metabolism than skinny people. Your friend that eats 7-8 thousand calories a day has a super fast metabolism and if he is ripped probably hits the gym hardcore every day. Now I am not saying that it is all genetic, but yes some of it is. However seeing your eating habits, your problem has nothing to do with genetics. The only people that I know who eat like you are obese.

Now before you go on about me bashing fat people, I am too a fat person. I am around 6'3". 280ish (down from 330ish 3 months ago:bigpimp: ) It is not hard to lose weight, but honestly, if you continue your diet you will be dead before you are 30. You should seriously go to a doctor, and make sure that you don't have an eating disorder, and get a physical. I used to eat like shit for 2 years straight and gained about 100 pounds. Now, I eat around 2500 calories a day eating the right foods, and am more full and have a helluva lot more energy than when I was 330 eating over 5k calories a day worth of fast food. On my meal plan now, I am losing around 3-4 pounds a week.

Now I still eat out once and a while, but that is it...once and a while. Not every day.

Honestly. PM me if you want to change and need a hand putting together a meal plan and exercise schedule

11-12-2006, 07:19 PM
Originally posted by VW02
I dont actually eat as much as you make it sound.. My friend who is about 180lbs has about 7-8 thousand calories per day. Which is about half of what I eat and hes not fat, just ripped. I dont know why people like to flame us obese people. Just because you guys are skinny dont make you better. And for NissanAddict, how is me eating food "wasting" it? Maybe if I vomited it like you it would be a waste, but I actually ingest and digest the food which means I put it to good use.

Haha, Bulimia joke. It'd be funnier if I actually was bulimic, but I'm not. I just don't stuff my face all the damn time. How is it wasting it? I understand if you wanna eat a big meal every now and then, but you can feed several countries with one of your breakfasts for a week. If you're so concerned with not being a "Fat-ass" then try to become thinner. Not eating 3 fridgefulls of food for breakfast is a wonderful start. Lol at the "I don't actually eat as much as you make it sound" line....umm, you listed what you eat for breakfast. That is freaking ridiculous!! You're the one that said it, and it sounds like a lot of food, and it IS a lot of food. Listen to Drew Goring here too. It's not impossible to lose weight. Determination is very important though. If you just "accept" that you're a "fat-ass" then you're in trouble, and that's not healthy.

11-12-2006, 08:30 PM
Originally posted by drew_goring

Dude, obese people generally have a slower metabolism than skinny people. Your friend that eats 7-8 thousand calories a day has a super fast metabolism and if he is ripped probably hits the gym hardcore every day. Now I am not saying that it is all genetic, but yes some of it is. However seeing your eating habits, your problem has nothing to do with genetics. The only people that I know who eat like you are obese.

Now before you go on about me bashing fat people, I am too a fat person. I am around 6'3". 280ish (down from 330ish 3 months ago:bigpimp: ) It is not hard to lose weight, but honestly, if you continue your diet you will be dead before you are 30. You should seriously go to a doctor, and make sure that you don't have an eating disorder, and get a physical. I used to eat like shit for 2 years straight and gained about 100 pounds. Now, I eat around 2500 calories a day eating the right foods, and am more full and have a helluva lot more energy than when I was 330 eating over 5k calories a day worth of fast food. On my meal plan now, I am losing around 3-4 pounds a week.

Now I still eat out once and a while, but that is it...once and a while. Not every day.

Honestly. PM me if you want to change and need a hand putting together a meal plan and exercise schedule

Yea I have been cutting down the fast food. I am at 14k calories average right now, so it has gone down 2k calories.

Originally posted by Nissanaddict

Haha, Bulimia joke. It'd be funnier if I actually was bulimic, but I'm not. I just don't stuff my face all the damn time. How is it wasting it? I understand if you wanna eat a big meal every now and then, but you can feed several countries with one of your breakfasts for a week. If you're so concerned with not being a "Fat-ass" then try to become thinner. Not eating 3 fridgefulls of food for breakfast is a wonderful start. Lol at the "I don't actually eat as much as you make it sound" line....umm, you listed what you eat for breakfast. That is freaking ridiculous!! You're the one that said it, and it sounds like a lot of food, and it IS a lot of food. Listen to Drew Goring here too. It's not impossible to lose weight. Determination is very important though. If you just "accept" that you're a "fat-ass" then you're in trouble, and that's not healthy.

Being bulimic means u puke your food up, im assuming you dont eat your puke. which means the food you ate goes in the garbage which means its a waste. Thats what I meant by that.

11-12-2006, 08:33 PM
I know what bulimia is. I don't eat my puke, nor do I puke often at all. I just said I'd puke if I tried to put down your "breakfast". Wayyy too much food for me.

11-12-2006, 08:41 PM
Originally posted by VW02
I dont actually eat as much as you make it sound..

blah blah

...how is me eating food "wasting" it? Maybe if I vomited it like you it would be a waste, but I actually ingest and digest the food which means I put it to good use.

Actually, it's not how we make it sound, it's how you made it sound.

Just because you ingest the food doesn't mean it is put to good use.

Ever hear of a little thing called gluttony? You're probably not religious, but it is considered one of the seven deadly sins. The fact that you ingest roughly 10 times as much as your body needs for that meal is gluttonous.

If you don't want to consider eating rougly 10 times more than you need in a meal as gluttonous, then you must be able to at least recognize that it is way overly self indulgent.

Who pays for all this food anyways? Are your parents and the rest of your family obese as well?

11-12-2006, 09:26 PM
genetics yes for a small minority of fat people but for the rests it what they eat

north americans eat fat "Foods" and dont even care.

I mean what countries have big macs, (so called meat) big gulps, disgusting. itsall american garbage

funny thing i notice, even in an american truck take for example a surburban gmc what ever its called, if you notice the flimsly pastic in it you will notice the cup holder and how it has a iner circle in it to hold extra size beverages just perfectly.

also notice how the steering wheel is position flat out to your chest its its easier for fat /lazy people so they dont have to each out

next door i live to these fat ogers. they are so fat and alazy, when the mow the lawn they dont even put hte grass in garbage bags just dump it anywhere (no its not a compost)

there garbage is so messy dont even put it noramlly in bags all you see is:

fast food
garbage frozen junk food
and other easy preperation "foods" i cant recall

what ever happened to real food? do canadians not buy raw materials anymore and actually cook things?

then people complain about overweight problems, instead of fixing it they accomadate over weighers

then you get how north americans are already too fat to fit in MIR's i mean you are already dying because of your weight and you cant even fit in a a machine to scan you.

Supa Dexta
11-12-2006, 09:29 PM
If we were in the wild fat ppl would be dead long ago.. plain and simple... I'm not sure where the mantality came from that huge people were born to be that way. They couldn't provide for themselves if not for the current way of life, and the human body was not designed to live that way...

11-12-2006, 10:22 PM
Originally posted by VW02

Yea I have been cutting down the fast food. I am at 14k calories average right now, so it has gone down 2k calories.

You are not going to get anywhere cutting 2k calories off of a 16k diet. You have to either do it or don't do it. Make an entire lifestyle change. Sure, for the first bit it is going to be tough, but you have to want it. It won't be easy repairing the damage that you have done to your body with years of excess eating.

Rat Fink
11-13-2006, 12:19 AM

11-13-2006, 10:50 AM
Im trying to cut 100 calories a day. And eventually it will be much lower. Most of my food is "raw" materials which I do cook. And yea my parents pay for all my food as well. And no I dont really have a religion, I believe in God and all but I dont go to church, ever.

11-13-2006, 12:04 PM
14,000 calories per day? WTF?

What are you eating to be able to consume that much in one day?

11-13-2006, 01:39 PM
Originally posted by VW02
Im trying to cut 100 calories a day. And eventually it will be much lower. Most of my food is "raw" materials which I do cook. And yea my parents pay for all my food as well. And no I dont really have a religion, I believe in God and all but I dont go to church, ever.

Dude, either do it or quit bitching. I kept saying I'll do it tomorrow for 2 years. 100 calories a day off a 14-16k diet is a joke. Fuck, sometimes 100 calories is half a meal for me. (6 meals a day).

Rat Fink
11-13-2006, 01:56 PM

11-13-2006, 02:31 PM
Originally posted by VW02

Just like how you dont make fun of mentally challenged kids either...

as bad as it sounds I DO

11-13-2006, 02:42 PM
haha, as if there is any difference at all between 16000 calories and 15900

11-13-2006, 02:58 PM
Originally posted by googe
haha, as if there is any difference at all between 16000 calories and 15900

It just means he will gain 1/35th of a pound less a day. However he is already packing away around 5 pounds worth of calories a day:eek:

11-13-2006, 05:03 PM
omg they called it the GREAT john :rofl:

11-13-2006, 06:39 PM
Originally posted by Rockski

as bad as it sounds I DO

Well some people have at least a little self respect not to insult and make fun of unfortunate situations.

Well 100 calories a day, in a month I will have dropped 3000 calories so then i would be at 13000. 2 months after that and I will be at 7000 which will be quite effective. Its like if you were addicted to smoking you cant just stop all of a sudden, you gotta smoke less and less untill you dont smoke at all.

11-13-2006, 06:42 PM
Some people are better at quitting things cold turkey....so do what works for you.

11-13-2006, 06:55 PM
Originally posted by VW02

Well some people have at least a little self respect not to insult and make fun of unfortunate situations.

Well 100 calories a day, in a month I will have dropped 3000 calories so then i would be at 13000. 2 months after that and I will be at 7000 which will be quite effective. Its like if you were addicted to smoking you cant just stop all of a sudden, you gotta smoke less and less untill you dont smoke at all.

Even at 7000 you're not likely to be effective - I would believe you need to be under 2000 to see some results happening.

Not to berate you, but you can see how pretty much everybody on this forum is absolutely shocked at the amount of your intake. I find it hard to believe at this point in your life that you would consider it approximating anything near normal. For example, when you go out to breakfastk at a restaurant, the meals usually involve a couple of eggs, bacon, toast, and hashbrowns. Has it not occurred to you that your eating is excessive in these situations?

Lots of people eat (and some smoke or do other things) as an emotional crutch (to give them comfort somehow). Is it possible that you are doing this? If on reflecting on that the answer is yes, the perhaps you should get some counselling along with your weight loss efforts...

11-13-2006, 07:06 PM
You still dont understand that you cant go from approx 16000 to 2000 in an instant... Someone who smokes 2 packs of cigarettes a day cant suddenly start smoking just 2 smokes a day now can they. What I eat may be somewhat excessive, but if you all eat 2000 calories a day, then yes it is EXTREMELY excesive, but someone who ate 7000 calories would think its a little above average.

11-13-2006, 07:11 PM
Theoretically you can. It depends on how you're better at quitting habits. I recently quit coffee, and highly caffeinated drinks (including coke, except when mixed with alcohol). I find for me personally, I pick a last day, indulge like hell (to the point where it almost disgusts me) and quit. Some people are better at the reduction trick. If that works for you, then go ahead. We just hope you know that what you're doing is unhealthy, and to be topical, most anybody who NEEDS a Great John toilet, is of unhealthy girth and weight.

Supa Dexta
11-13-2006, 07:14 PM
you can go from smoking 2 packs a day to nothing the next day if you have the strength, just because you won't own up to your problem, doesn't make your excuses any more viable..

11-13-2006, 07:23 PM
Originally posted by VW02
You still dont understand that you cant go from approx 16000 to 2000 in an instant... Someone who smokes 2 packs of cigarettes a day cant suddenly start smoking just 2 smokes a day now can they. What I eat may be somewhat excessive, but if you all eat 2000 calories a day, then yes it is EXTREMELY excesive, but someone who ate 7000 calories would think its a little above average.

Yes you can. It is not going to be easy. Looks like you are looking for the easy way. And don't even think of trying any of those fat burning pills. They will fuck you up even more.

11-13-2006, 08:20 PM
Originally posted by VW02
What I eat may be somewhat excessive, but if you all eat 2000 calories a day, then yes it is EXTREMELY excesive, but someone who ate 7000 calories would think its a little above average.

7000 calories is still excessive. There isn't a "relative' scale of healthiness, or "relative" calorie intake - either you're overeating, or you're not. You're overeating, and if you keep it up it will kill you. End of story.

Cutting it down to 2000 calories will not kill you - you seem to think that 7000 is acceptable, but it isn't. It's still much more than your body needs, and you will continue to gain weight. 7000 cals will make your body pack on fat as a slower rate, while 2000 will make your body consume the blubber it's already stored - thus reducing your mass. That's how it's done, and it's pretty simple. Considering the point you seem to be at, I'd ask you doctor if stomach stapling is a viable solution. Because hey - I don't want you to have a heart attack from clogged arteries at age 30, either.

11-13-2006, 11:29 PM
Originally posted by VW02
You still dont understand that you cant go from approx 16000 to 2000 in an instant... Someone who smokes 2 packs of cigarettes a day cant suddenly start smoking just 2 smokes a day now can they. What I eat may be somewhat excessive, but if you all eat 2000 calories a day, then yes it is EXTREMELY excesive, but someone who ate 7000 calories would think its a little above average.

Actually, yes you can. It might sound a little harsh, but look at it this way - either you do it of your own volition, or ride it out and see what happens - you might just find yourself being forced into it at the icu after your ticker gives up the fight.

11-13-2006, 11:56 PM
Ok well apparently I am not as "strong" as everyone here. I guess you guys just have the most enviable will power that man kind has seen. I just ordered some really good fat burning pills from the states and we will see how those work out. I hope they do because they cost me 70$ USD.

11-14-2006, 12:00 AM
you idiot! fat burning pills are no substitute for actually getting active and eating properly...you're exhibiting a psychological trait known as learned helplessness, if you just start a bit of physical activity every day and start watching what you eat the pounds will melt away

you've got to get angry at all of us, envy everyone, we all want you to fail, prove us wrong you fat fuck, no one is going to fight for you

11-14-2006, 12:03 AM
Originally posted by VW02
Ok well apparently I am not as "strong" as everyone here. I guess you guys just have the most enviable will power that man kind has seen. I just ordered some really good fat burning pills from the states and we will see how those work out. I hope they do because they cost me 70$ USD.

Yes you are just as strong. Maybe though, you just don't want it badly enough. Don't give up on yourself.

Sorry to break it to you, but the Fat burning pills are a dead end. Try and get your money back if you can...

11-14-2006, 12:07 AM

11-14-2006, 05:23 PM
Originally posted by VW02
Ok well apparently I am not as "strong" as everyone here. I guess you guys just have the most enviable will power that man kind has seen. I just ordered some really good fat burning pills from the states and we will see how those work out. I hope they do because they cost me 70$ USD.

Nice. See ya when your heart blows up because of all the ephedrine and caffeine you are giving it. Those pills are hard on people who are extremely healthy. For somebody who is overweight already putting a strain on their heart they are bad news.

11-14-2006, 09:01 PM
Originally posted by drew_goring

Nice. See ya when your heart blows up because of all the ephedrine and caffeine you are giving it. Those pills are hard on people who are extremely healthy. For somebody who is overweight already putting a strain on their heart they are bad news.

The infomercial said it was safe, just had some possible side effects such as diarrhea, headaches, etc some minor stuff. Ill just take double the regular dosage, eat less and I should be good to go right? It cant be that bad for the heart..

11-14-2006, 09:08 PM
Originally posted by VW02

The infomercial said it was safe, just had some possible side effects such as diarrhea, headaches, etc some minor stuff. Ill just take double the regular dosage, eat less and I should be good to go right? It cant be that bad for the heart..

NO! There is no such thing as a "magic pill" that will help you out with your weight loss. The Fat burner must be in conjunction with a) a healthy diet and b) regular exercise. I'm in the same position (somewhat) and tried a bottle of fat burners and while they did work, they gave me bad panic attacks because one pill equalled 3 cups of coffee (6 pills each day). Just watch what you do, and don't think about upping the dose of that. Get outside and get active, you'd be surprised about how much better you feel allaround (and less posting online lol)

11-14-2006, 10:16 PM
Originally posted by VW02

The infomercial said it was safe, just had some possible side effects such as diarrhea, headaches, etc some minor stuff. Ill just take double the regular dosage, eat less and I should be good to go right? It cant be that bad for the heart..

Shit, if you want to lose weight the easy way just take up crystal meth. I guarantee that you will be a skinny bastard in 8 months.

11-14-2006, 10:28 PM
he should go eat the forbes burger, or maybe 2

11-15-2006, 09:44 PM
Originally posted by drew_goring

Shit, if you want to lose weight the easy way just take up crystal meth. I guarantee that you will be a skinny bastard in 8 months.

crystal meth eh... How much does that stuff cost?