View Full Version : Where to start....

11-09-2006, 11:57 AM
I need some real legal advice:

I met a guy from this website.

He tells me hes a cop. (cps) (has a badge)

I asked if he would let me make payments and he keep the truck intill being paid. (he let me)

He came to my house and saw i had good electronics , rims (the normal stuff)

He then asked to do some trades...(the balance on the vehicle for some electronics/ rims..what not

After the trade (acouple days later) he said he would give me $8000 for the vehicle in stocks.

After a month i was watching the stock go up and up...

And buy then i had given him on trades and what not all my good house stuff, car, seadoo. which all came too $70,000.00

Now you pay ask why so dumb....My g/f was in horrible debt with revenue canada and had to pay them this was our only way out. It seemed so easy.

I met him in feb/march and by may the stock had gone up and i said i would like to invest some money in real estate

May 1st i gave my notice. The house that he said he bought never came true...by june 1st i was sleeping in a garage at my old place...by july 1st i was living in a car right through till last week.

My cats and dog were impounded i had fees and fees to pay.

Either way i know i was dumb...but this is what i know...

I have found 2 other people that he has ripped off.

child maitance is looking for him.

He has no D.L. and yet drives everywhere.

He hasn't taken off he lives in airdrie. I don't want to slander anyone as im not sure what my next move is.

Now for the past month he has said his dad will pay the debt off...no number i can talk to this dad...blah blah blah...

He tells me now i have to go to a lawyer (his lawyer) friday 2pm to sign a mutual release. I really need you're help beyond members...I have next to NO cash right now the g/f/ cries every night over this. HELP!

11-09-2006, 02:41 PM
I'm a little confused by your story, but I would go talk to a real lawyer, to get real legal advice.

11-09-2006, 02:50 PM

11-09-2006, 02:53 PM
sounds like - your fucked! :thumbsdow

11-09-2006, 02:59 PM
I don't get the whole story but, Do you have any written proof of this stuff? If not, you could be screwed.

11-09-2006, 03:45 PM
WTFBBQ? (second time I've used that today!)

Need some cliff notes, or something more coherant and readable.

Honda EXR
11-09-2006, 03:53 PM
Legal Aid Society of Alberta

Call them, the do low cost leagl assistance. Worth a shot?!?!

Also, did you notify CPS about any of this especially that there is some guy flashing a badge?

11-09-2006, 04:09 PM
I read that post 3 times and I still dont' knwo what the hell is going on. So you bought a truck from him that you couldn't pay for so you ended up giving him a bunch of your stuff? Then why is he paying you for the vehicle? :confused: And you gave him money for him to buy a house that he never bought?

GTS Jeff
11-09-2006, 04:09 PM
Ahhh, see kids, see what happens when you don't go to school?

11-09-2006, 04:16 PM
Let us know how to decode your post then we can help you.

11-09-2006, 04:46 PM
Originally posted by harley11
I need some real legal advice:

I met a guy from this website.

He tells me hes a cop. (cps) RCMP? (has a badge)

I asked if he would let me make payments and he keep the truck intill being paid. (he let me) the 'cop' keeps his truck until you make the full payment for that truck?

He came to my house and saw i had good electronics , rims (the normal stuff)

He then asked to do some trades...(the balance on the vehicle for some electronics/ rims..what not

you had no money but you had other assets that's worth money and he wanted them?

After the trade (acouple days later) he said he would give me $8000 for the vehicle in stocks.
this part is what confuses me, he would give you $8000 in stocks for the vehicle which is HIS or YOURS? why would he give you money for a vehile you want to buy from him??

After a month i was watching the stock go up and up...

And buy then i had given him on trades and what not all my good house stuff, car, seadoo. which all came too $70,000.00
so you gave him everything in return for the stocks?? what?? so the stock went up in value from 8G to 70G but why do you have to pay him? he gave you the stocks, it's your gain isn't it?

Now you pay ask why so dumb....My g/f was in horrible debt with revenue canada and had to pay them this was our only way out. It seemed so easy.
WTFBBQ?? put more money in stock because it's easy money so you can pay off ur gf's debt?

I met him in feb/march and by may the stock had gone up and i said i would like to invest some money in real estate

May 1st i gave my notice. The house that he said he bought never came true...by june 1st i was sleeping in a garage at my old place...by july 1st i was living in a car right through till last week.

My cats and dog were impounded i had fees and fees to pay.

Either way i know i was dumb...but this is what i know...

I have found 2 other people that he has ripped off.

child maitance is looking for him.

He has no D.L. and yet drives everywhere.

He hasn't taken off he lives in airdrie. I don't want to slander anyone as im not sure what my next move is.

Now for the past month he has said his dad will pay the debt off...no number i can talk to this dad...blah blah blah...

He tells me now i have to go to a lawyer (his lawyer) friday 2pm to sign a mutual release. I really need you're help beyond members...I have next to NO cash right now the g/f/ cries every night over this. HELP!

okay i give up trying to decode this crap, :english:

11-09-2006, 04:46 PM
So lemme see if I can understand.

You bought a truck off someone from beyond.
You ended up making monthly payments for the truck, while he kept it?
You decided to sell some of your electronics/rims to pay off the remaining balance of the truck.

ok this is where you lose me.

2 days later, he comes back with an offer to give you $8000 worth of stocks for his truck back?

You then trade all your stuff totalling to $70,000... for what? more stocks?

Now a few months later, after the stock prices have risen a lot.. you decide you want to sell your stocks to invest in real estate

he supposedly bought a house? but didn't.... Are you saying he bought a house for you using your stocks??

You gave your old landlord the notice to move out, because you were going to move into this new home.

Sorry I just don't understand the rest. Was he suppose to use the value of your stock to purchase a home for you? I've never heard of anyone doing that...

I hope you kept all your documents of the stocks you purchased, the sale of the truck? and whatever else. What happened to the stocks you purchased? Did he just run away with your money?

:confused: :confused: :confused:

11-09-2006, 05:04 PM
:banghead: Holy god my brain hurts after that one.....

Can't help ya if I don't understand whats going on....

Please rewrite that entire story if you can so we can suggest some things to you.

11-09-2006, 05:08 PM

One thing that i can say about this..

Don't believe anyone on the internet claiming to be a police officer.

Now please go put on a helmet of some sort; hockey, football, biking, etc. So you can protect what brain cells you do have.

11-09-2006, 05:20 PM
Get off beyond, go see a lawyer, get this settled. If a case exsists you can look into pressing charges later.

11-09-2006, 05:53 PM
Originally posted by pinoyhero
Get off beyond, go see a lawyer, get this settled. If a case exsists you can look into pressing charges later.

Even O.J's dream team wouldn't have been able to decode that explanation in the original post...

11-09-2006, 06:06 PM
Originally posted by harley11
I need some real legal advice:

I met a guy from this website.

He tells me hes a cop. (cps) (has a badge)

I asked if he would let me make payments and he keep the truck intill being paid. (he let me)

He came to my house and saw i had good electronics , rims (the normal stuff)

He then asked to do some trades...(the balance on the vehicle for some electronics/ rims..what not

After the trade (acouple days later) he said he would give me $8000 for the vehicle in stocks.

After a month i was watching the stock go up and up...

And buy then i had given him on trades and what not all my good house stuff, car, seadoo. which all came too $70,000.00

Now you pay ask why so dumb....My g/f was in horrible debt with revenue canada and had to pay them this was our only way out. It seemed so easy.

I met him in feb/march and by may the stock had gone up and i said i would like to invest some money in real estate

May 1st i gave my notice. The house that he said he bought never came true...by june 1st i was sleeping in a garage at my old place...by july 1st i was living in a car right through till last week.

My cats and dog were impounded i had fees and fees to pay.

Either way i know i was dumb...but this is what i know...

I have found 2 other people that he has ripped off.

child maitance is looking for him.

He has no D.L. and yet drives everywhere.

He hasn't taken off he lives in airdrie. I don't want to slander anyone as im not sure what my next move is.

Now for the past month he has said his dad will pay the debt off...no number i can talk to this dad...blah blah blah...

He tells me now i have to go to a lawyer (his lawyer) friday 2pm to sign a mutual release. I really need you're help beyond members...I have next to NO cash right now the g/f/ cries every night over this. HELP!

So you were making payments on a truck.
He comes to your house and offers to take some items instead of cash as payment for the truck.
After the truck is paid off with the trade he offers to buy the truck back with 8k in stocks.
You watch the stock climb in value and then begin to trade more of your stuff for more stock.
Then he says he will take back the stock he sold you in trade for a house.(downpayment I am assuming)
You give him the stock back but you never get the house.

So basically you got conned

Am I right?

BTW I was in small claims court all day so I guess I learned how to decphier jibberish :D

11-09-2006, 06:08 PM
Cliff notes? :dunno:


11-09-2006, 06:16 PM
I find it totally ironic that your title of this thread is "Where to start..." and goes along nicely with how well organized your first post is:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

11-09-2006, 06:16 PM
1. Makes payments on guys truck while guy has truck

2. Pays off balance of truck in electronics and rims

3. Guy offers to buy truck back for 8K of stock

4. OP sees stock go way up

5. He trades all his shit for stock to pay for G/F's debt

6. Guys house is non existant and OP sleeps in garage and car

I think......

11-09-2006, 07:57 PM
Originally posted by msommers
I find it totally ironic that your title of this thread is "Where to start..." and goes along nicely with how well organized your first post is:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

HAHAHAHAH thats just amazing, i didn't even notice that title. Yeah i dunno i read it 5 times and i haven't gotten to far. One piece of advice that i can give you is that if you don't have paper work your pretty much screewed.

11-09-2006, 11:55 PM

I don't really get the details either. But, if you had 70g worth of items.. would not selling all of that prior.. get your g/f out of debt in the first place?

Anyways, if this dood had no D/L... there is no way he could be a CPS member, obviously.. so, impersonation is worth some jail time.. fo sho. You have not yet reported the situation?

Like was said before, no paperwork = screwed. I got conned before by being irresponsibly naive. Live to learn.. There is NO such thing as an easy way out or 'the big ticket', if the deal sounds too good to be true.. it's likely a friggen scam all together or you'll get shafted one way or another. :whipped:

11-10-2006, 12:58 AM
Delete this thread and ill start all over....with someone else writing it out as my nerves are shot and my life almost came to an end because of this guy.

11-10-2006, 01:10 AM

11-10-2006, 01:24 AM
Originally posted by harley11
Delete this thread and ill start all over....with someone else writing it out as my nerves are shot and my life almost came to an end because of this guy.

Or you could go to a real lawyer and get real legal advice. Not to offend anyone here of their "legal counseling skills" but this sounds fairly serious and should be dealt with a lawyer specifically.

11-10-2006, 01:29 AM
no offence but does this threat starter even sound credible... he joined in 2006, he came on here lookin for advice, and still has not responded once to this.

11-10-2006, 01:45 AM

11-10-2006, 01:48 AM
I remember the guy he used to post lots in the marketplace, wanted to open up a pawnshop/second hand store, i even reclal him saying he was a cop or wanted to join the cps or soemthing

11-10-2006, 03:57 AM
Originally posted by liquidboi69
no offence but does this threat starter even sound credible... he joined in 2006, he came on here lookin for advice, and still has not responded once to this.

he is a good guy i know him he just had some shitty luck.

11-10-2006, 10:57 AM
I talked to him today he says there's an appointment today at 2pm...he has lied and lied about everything. I'm just stressed out...

"So you were making payments on a truck. YES

He comes to your house and offers to take some items instead of cash as payment for the truck. YES

After the truck is paid off with the trade he offers to buy the truck back with 8k in stocks. YES

You watch the stock climb in value and then begin to trade more of your stuff for more stock. YES

Then he says he will take back the stock he sold you in trade for a house.(downpayment I am assuming) YES
You give him the stock back but you never get the house. YES

So basically you got conned YES

Am I right? YES


Q. Then he says he will take back the stock he sold you in trade for a house.(downpayment I am assuming)

A. He always had the stock in the first place. He said he would invest on my befalf (incare of) The stocks i so called invested in...NEVER WERE REAL!!!

Q. You give him the stock back but you never get the house.

A. I never had the stock he only ever told me about it. Made me go on websites...he would send me online money transfers....deposit slips for $100,000 all the time. The transfers were always fake.

11-10-2006, 11:21 AM
Makes sense now, have you contacted the Calgary Police? I think that they could do something about this.

11-10-2006, 11:40 AM
Originally posted by Weapon_R
Makes sense now, have you contacted the Calgary Police? I think that they could do something about this.

I have not ....but my uncle is with the r.c.m.p. And weapon (r) you know who the guy is...but keep it silent intill i figure this all out.

I just talked to the lawyer and i dont even have to be there today...there's no money been put into a trust account which makes the appointment useless.

He's playing games again.

11-10-2006, 11:53 AM
Damn, sounds like you're a bit of a pickle, but from your descriptions, that "deal" should have raised red flags all over the place., sirens going off like a mother fucker.

11-10-2006, 11:54 AM

11-10-2006, 12:00 PM
I hope you have some sort of paper trail for all the transactions.

Even if you do not still get a lawyer ASAP

11-10-2006, 12:14 PM
I should have clued in along time ago.....

I had a seadoo, eagle talon,
He wanted the talon and gave me over what it was worth 8k and i kept driving it...then one day he wanted me to sell it and he would invest more money into stocks for me...i sold the talon and gave him the money...same with the seadoo...

Anyways the $40k in equity (stuff i gave him) turned into $70k return...when the stock went up.

A month ago the $70k was $144,000 and then red flags went up.

We were homeless staying at his house for one week and i asked my dad to dig into this guy's life...We were sitting at the dinner table and all of a sudden the cell phone rang and my dad started naming things that this guy has done, people he has ripped off.

And the fight started we then left and its been a battle ever since. I really trusted this guy and NO there was no paperwork accept the email funds transfers and a few emails.

11-10-2006, 12:18 PM
Originally posted by harley11
paperwork accept the email funds transfers and a few emails.

thats a start the judge accepted my email exchanges as evidence