View Full Version : Fixing My GEEETAR

12-06-2006, 03:55 PM
Well as the post said, I'm fixing a guitar.

Been doing a lot of random guitar work (putting new pickups in, killswitch etc).
and I have a guitar that was.... broken. It's an Ibanez SA160AH. Had broke it
doing a stupid stupid thing.

So the story is I was playing a show with an old band, did a guitar spin at the
usual point in a song (had done MANY) and my strap broke. The guitar hit the
ground, and the fret board fell off. I know it sounds weird, but it fell right off.

I've never seen this happen in my LIFE. So yesterday I figured, what the hell
try to fix it... the worst outcome is I'm still stuck with a broken guitar hahaha.

OH and the reason I didn't bring it into a shop was because they wanted some
ridiculous amount of money to fix it. I think I was quoted $200ish and the
guitar itself is only worth $600.

SO... all the beyonders that play guitar will get to see my step by step process of
how I rigged this together to get fixed and see how well it's come along.

DAY 1 (December 5th, 2006)

Went to Rona, bought some supplies which were:
100grit all-purpose sand paper ($5)
Small bottle of carpenters glue ($3.70) *told by a luthier to get this*
2 spring loaded hand clamps ($4 each)
Allen Key set ($11)

Have the rest of the basic tools...

Got lazy... didn't do anything that night hahaha.

DAY 2 (December 6th, 2006)

FINALLY got off my ass to work on this.

So I started by taking the strings off, taking the back plate off so I could
remove the trem springs.

Then the good ol prep work.
Only took about 5-10 mins per part, but I sanded the exposed neck so there
was no more glue residue as well as the backside of the fret board.

Now the messy part...

Applied glue generously to the neck and then placed the fret board
on. Had to line it up and with the glue dripping out the sides, it was annoying.

Lined up the neck, then wiped up the spill-out glue.
Then clamped the neck down. Let it sit for the night.

When I get home tonight I'll post pics, updates and whether or not this
actually worked =)

12-06-2006, 04:06 PM
don't see any reason it won't work :)

12-06-2006, 04:09 PM
Yep, sounds like you did it properly. The fretboard shouldn't undergo much in the way of shear force, so the carpenter's glue should suffice.

Unless you fling it across a stage again, that is. ;)

12-06-2006, 04:19 PM
Hahaha well I do intend on re-doing guitar spins now =)

I guess my biggest issue is how it'll hold when I have to re-adjust
my trussrod tonight. Hopefully it bonds well because the neck will
bow a little and probably has since it happened so my biggest concern
is the bond from the glue isn't strong enough... we'll see =)

12-06-2006, 04:28 PM
If it doesn't work... buy a Dean 7 string to replace it :poosie:

12-06-2006, 04:28 PM
Hahahahahahaha ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

We'll see man.. we'll see =0

02-28-2007, 05:58 PM
How did this turn out? Did your fix work?