View Full Version : Anyone know anything about T.V's?

12-11-2006, 01:12 PM
i turn it on and it makes this buzz sounds some light come on the screen but not much then it shuts off.:werd:

12-11-2006, 01:34 PM
how old is it, crt?

it could be anumber of things, like if it's really old, it could be the tube is pooched,

like i've got an old sony 27", that it buzzes for awhile and then stops, and the tube will work half the time, it's either show the whole picture like normal then the next minute it'll just be a blight line in the center of the screen.

12-11-2006, 02:19 PM
yea shes gettn old, its a 32inch how much to get it fixed you think? i just have it in the garage so it dont really matter but if i could fix it for cheap then why not. but more than likely its not gona be that cheap. who knows

thanks mane.

12-11-2006, 02:53 PM
probably not cheap, as far as i remember from some service shops in regina it was like 35-45 bucks just for an estimate, but that gets applied to the cost in repairing it if you do get it fixed. So of the old stuff isn't too much worth it. Just b/c these days you can find a new 32" crt flatscreen for like $300? about that or even less.

Worse case is that it's the tube needs to be replaced, and if so then it's not worth it, that damn part is expensive. You'd probably be better off just buying a used crt tv from someone or even a pawnshop for cheaper then having it repaired. However if it isn't the tube then, it could just be that some/couple/few transistors/capacitors/resistors need to be replaced b/c their old or burnt. In a case like that the cheapest could be abotu 80-100.
But if you wanna find out how much'd cost then take it in and get it checked, worse thing is that it's to much to repair and u leave it with them so you don't have to pay the estimate fee, if the tv's not worth it.

That's actually what a lot of ppl did in regina at a service shop, tv's/vcr's/old amps, the cost to repair them wasn't worth it and instead of paying any fee to have an estimate done, they just left it with the shop. Then they just sit around collect dust then soon enough their been there for like 6months to a year and they get thrown out.