View Full Version : Cheapest place to buy Sony memory Cards?

12-12-2006, 07:27 PM
Hey guys, i'm planning to do the secret santa thing at my local children's hospital. The little boy I got picked for wants a 4 gig memory stick for his PSP. Does the PSP only run the memory gates? And is it cheaper to buy 2x 2 gigs than 1x 4 gig? Where is the cheapest place to get them ? I dont really care if its online or from a physical store the present has to be by the hospital on the twentieth.

12-12-2006, 08:37 PM
Wow, 4gb for a psp. What else are they using it for to need that much space. I can't even fill my 1 gb up.

I would suggest to get a 2gb at Best Buy for $99.99

Or Memory Express 4gb $149.95

It is 169.95 at Best Buy for a 4gb. Ebay would be the cheapest but you probably wont get it by the 20th

Good luck

Xaroxantu Zero
12-12-2006, 10:26 PM
I would steer clear of eBay for memory sticks. Lots and lots of fake stuff there.

12-12-2006, 10:28 PM
Originally posted by Xaroxantu Zero
I would steer clear of eBay for memory sticks. Lots and lots of fake stuff there.

sure its fake...but its functional...so its not too bad...jus dont expect a real "sony" memorystick even though it comes with very identical packaging.

Xaroxantu Zero
12-12-2006, 11:09 PM
The problem is that should you think about flashing your PSP, you wouldn't want to do it with a fake, unless you don't care about the risk of bricking it.

Also, fake ones tend to have problems going into the PSP slot.