View Full Version : Cameras: Boxing day sale

12-14-2006, 12:53 PM
Hey all,
I’m a camera newb but thinking about getting into the photography hobby; I’m thinking about getting a Nikon DSLR camera on boxing day.

I read a couple of post and the general notion is that vistek is pretty pricey; what other places should I check?

Do camera stores usually have good deals on boxing day?

12-14-2006, 05:27 PM
Digi cams are quite popular nowadays, I use to work at Futureshop and getting a good deal on something that you actually want is pretty tough. Of course if you dont mind getting up VERY early in the morning to be the first ones in.

12-14-2006, 05:30 PM
yea as long as u can get up like 3-4am and start lining up the usual places always have "huge" sales ie futureshop, a&b sound, best buy, walmart...

also check japan camera

12-14-2006, 06:27 PM
thecamerastore is the best for pricing on cameras for the most part. Saneal is ok everynow and then too. I avoid Vistek like the plague. Not a single good experience. They've stopped approaching me now. I walked around the store for 20 minutes looking for a bag, no help. no hello. Typical for the crap I've gotten from them in the past

12-16-2006, 05:20 PM
I just bought a Canon from The Camera Store (http://thecamerastore.com/productslist.aspx?CategoryID=1&selection=2&SubCategoryID=45&subSelection=0&sub=true&man=True). Best prices in town and they'll price-match.

If you buy a camera there before Christmas, they'll throw in a few extra goodies:
- 1 spare battery
- Guide to Digital Cameras DVD
- Introduction to Digital Photography seminar
- 10 4x6 prints

12-17-2006, 01:58 AM
London Drugs sometimes has deals on boxing day on their camera stuff... but I rarely see the DSLR's go on sale on boxing day...

12-17-2006, 02:09 AM
put memoryexpress on your list as well. they carry quite a few dslrs now too

12-17-2006, 05:37 PM
I JUST exchanged a camera at Bestbuy.

I ended up getting the SD700IS,

It retails for $469.99,
The girl gave me the cam for $399.99, but then said "oh wait, there's another 10% I can give you...

She did something wrong I THINK, but I ended up paying $329.99
for the camera!!!!!!!

So goto Best Buy, they rule.

AND on top of this the girl was a cutie!!!!!


12-17-2006, 08:37 PM
yah she must of done something wrong haha giving you 140 dollars off just like that

:thumbsup: atleast you wont need to price match it