View Full Version : Need some Male Advice!!!

12-15-2006, 11:06 AM
Need a bit of advice for an xmas gift for my BF;

For the office:

Dress Shirts - Sizes how do you figure this out? For example if his neck size is a 16, and he wears or prefers XL t-shirts/ Golf Shirts. is about 6'2 185, Do I get him a "tall Fit" in XL? He tends to wear more just golf shirts, but needs to start dressing in ties and such.:dunno:

Pants - what is a better look, Flat front or pleated? He has pleated now but just wondering general opinions and what you guys prefer

Stain/Wrinkle resistant fabric - is the extra cost worth it?

I would get him a gift certificate except I know he won't use it or just forget about it.
Thanks to all those who can help out! :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

EK 2.0
12-15-2006, 11:10 AM
oh, you have a boyfriend??...:(

heck, what do I care, I'll still help...haha...

I don't know much about the shirt situation. But it's a good idea to mix up flat and pleated fronts. Gives more variety around the office environment. My general rule of thumb??...The pleated pants when in a chino or khaki style are more of a casual pant...and the flat front are more of a bidness look.

As for the stain resistance...HECK YES!!...It's essentially insurance...you may never need it but will be happy you have it when you do.

12-15-2006, 11:14 AM
Dress shirts aren't measured in S, M, and L. Well, actually, Zellers shirts are probably measured this way but you don't want that. They are typicaly measured by the neck size and sleeve length. For example, 15 1/2, 32/33 would be 15 1/2 neck size, 32/33 sleeve length. For a taller guy like him, you'd want something like a 16, 34/35 sleeve length. A good quality shirt can get quite expensive, but it's very easy to notice.

Wrinkle free shirts are awesome. Less ironing, but you won't find as much selection. If he's a slob, you may want stain resistant but the wrinkle free ones are great because they require so much less maintanence.

As for the pants, pleated IMO are ugly. They make a guy look bigger than he is, and it doesn't look right. I like non-pleated.

Hope that helps. Other opinions will differ, but everyone has a preference.

12-15-2006, 11:15 AM
Dress shirts come with a neck size and arm length. For example 16, 32 - 33. I think this is measured in inches. So u need to know both his measurements for these. And if his neck measures 16, make sure you buy a bit bigger shirt like a 16.5 or 17. Nothing worse than a tight neck.

As for dress pants its a matter of ones own style I guess. Personally I can't stand dress pants with pleats but thats just me. Judging from the fact that he already has ones with pleats maybe he likes them though.

I would definatly try for wrinkle resistant stuff as I hate to iron. I don't worry too much about the stain resistant as u can always use stain remover or drycleaner to get stains out if need be.

If he wears a suit often, you might consider buying him some nice lightweight sweaters. I like to wear these under a suit a couple days a week. Its a nice change from the shirt/tie and gives a bit more casual, modern look.

Moores on Macloed Tr by the back alley is a place I like to go for dress clothes. They have good service and prices I find. Winners also has some good deals for dress shirts if u can find what u want.

edit....weapon r we think alike. lol

adam c
12-15-2006, 11:17 AM
im not a fan of the pleated pans, i prefer the flat pants.. also they seem to fit a little better

as for sure.. a good variety is key, mixing polo's with a nice shirt and tie combo will do wonders

if he prefers to wear bigger shirts then you should probably get him that or else he won't wear it. i know i have clothes that i got as a present, they're nice but i just won't wear them because. but also on the other hand.. if the shirts look to big on him then it makes his appearance look sloppy

for those above
the cheap dress shirts come in s/m/l/xl
the actual nice dress shirts come with measurments

12-15-2006, 11:21 AM
Originally posted by joyridder
Need a bit of advice for an xmas gift for my BF;

For the office:

Dress Shirts - Sizes how do you figure this out? For example if his neck size is a 16, and he wears or prefers XL t-shirts/ Golf Shirts. is about 6'2 185, Do I get him a "tall Fit" in XL? He tends to wear more just golf shirts, but needs to start dressing in ties and such.:dunno:

Pants - what is a better look, Flat front or pleated? He has pleated now but just wondering general opinions and what you guys prefer

Stain/Wrinkle resistant fabric - is the extra cost worth it?

I would get him a gift certificate except I know he won't use it or just forget about it.
Thanks to all those who can help out! :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

Dress shirts - depends on the brand - its all based on the neck size but fit is dependant on the brand and their different lines.

Pants - flat front, pleated are for old guys

12-15-2006, 11:24 AM
6'2" 185 isnt really big enough to go for a tall size.
i'm 6'5" 240 and i wear a 17 1/2 extra long from tip top? so he could probably fit in a regular sleeve length shirt.

and like has been said, stain resistants is solid. sometimes when your just not paying attention things slip haha.

and also varying up his style would be great. there is guys in my office who look the same everyday and its kind of lame.

12-15-2006, 11:31 AM
just buy gift certificates for the place. that way they can go and buy whatever they please

12-15-2006, 11:31 AM
Pleated is disgustingly old. What's your budget?

There're usually 30% off sales at the downtown Bay on the weekend if you want stuff that's not Moores or TipTop, and relatively inexpensive.

If he's used to baggy clothes, and his neck is exactly 16, you might want to think 16 1/2 just so that he doesn't feel strangled when he wears a tie. Each designer fits differently too. Placement of the 2nd button from the top matters if he doesn't wear a tie all the time. Too high will make him seem uptight.

How many outfits are you going to get him? Stay away from flashy stuff if he only has a few shirts. For pants, go with a polyester blend or light wool (dry clean). Cotton tends to fade quickly.

Wrinkle free is nice if he doesn't get his stuff dry cleaned or laundered/pressed at the cleaners. It's not really that much more expensive.

Also, get a nice all-purpose black 2 button jacket that he can wear often. ;)

12-15-2006, 11:42 AM
Excellent Advice - Thanks alot
just to clarify - he wears an XL because he had wide shoulders. I hate pleated look, as it is more of a casual look, however 1 pleat does look good on some men.
Thanks again guys...:thumbsup:

Edit: SI_Fly
Budget - don't really have one, but I would like to get him 3 shirts/Pant Combo. And Def a blazer as well....

12-15-2006, 11:57 AM
Flat front, straight leg pants FTW. I would avoid dress pants that are pleated or tapered.

I get a fair amount of my "casual" dress shirts from Banana Republic. For the nicer ones I go to Holt Renfrew, Henry Singer or Harry Rosen.

+1 for getting a nice, black blazer. Does wonders to dress up jeans or dress down a little for casual Fridays :thumbsup:

+1 again for a nice light sweater. I have a few, definitely nice for a change with a dress shirt underneath :thumbsup:

12-15-2006, 12:00 PM
Originally posted by Mixalot27
Nothing worse than a tight neck.

nothing looks worse than a loose fitting shirt as well

pleats or no pleats, depends on the look that he goes for, bigger guys usually look better in pleated pants

where smaller built guys like myself tend to pull off the slimer no pleated

depends on his personal style

12-15-2006, 12:01 PM
Originally posted by HRD2PLZ
Flat front, straight leg pants FTW. I would avoid dress pant that is pleated or tapered.

I get a fair amount of my "casual" dress shirts from Banana Republic. For the nicer ones I go to Holt Renfrew, Henry Singer or Harry Rosen.

+1 for getting a nice, black blazer. Does wonders to dress up jeans or dress down a little for casual Fridays :thumbsup:

didnt read this post earlier

banana republic and Harry FTW!

12-15-2006, 12:03 PM

12-15-2006, 12:04 PM
Originally posted by joyridder
Excellent Advice - Thanks alot
just to clarify - he wears an XL because he had wide shoulders.

Try and find "slim cut" dress shirts for him. I'm the same way....6'2 and 210lbs but I have wide shoulders. When I buy a standard XL (or 17 neck, 34/35 sleeve) dresss shirt....it looks like I"m wearing a tent as the body is cut for a big guy which doesn't work for me.

12-15-2006, 12:06 PM
depends on what your BF likes to wear.... have a seamstress or a tailor measure what's the appropriate lengths/size for him. If you'd like, have shirts custom made. =)

IMO, don't get stain resistance/wrinkle free dress pants.

12-15-2006, 12:07 PM
Wrinkle free is very handy. Also nice to have if he ever needs to travel.

I am also not a big fan of pleated pants. I think it just says "old man", but having one in the wardrobe isn't always bad.

Also, Hugo Boss sizing for the arm is measured differently (ie a 34/35 on any other brand will be more like a 38 (?) with Hugo Boss). Very important to ask the salesperson. If they are good, they will know the approxiamte size differential.

12-15-2006, 12:08 PM
Also, when you buy white shirts, spend money on them. A good white shirt should cost you around $100. There's nothing worse than those retards who wear white dress shirts and you can see their undershirts and/or chest hair through.

Also, measure his neck size. While it's uncomfortable to have a tight fitting shirt, it looks worse with a loose fitting one. Or worse yet, when guys use their ties to tighten the gap because their shirt is too loose and everything bunches up together lol.

12-15-2006, 12:15 PM
Originally posted by EK 2.0
oh, you have a boyfriend??...:(

No ring, no problem, Arif. lol.

12-15-2006, 12:39 PM
get him a gift certificate for Harry Rosen.

than you can go with him some day :)

12-15-2006, 03:06 PM
Originally posted by xrayvsn

Also, Hugo Boss sizing for the arm is measured differently (ie a 34/35 on any other brand will be more like a 38 (?) with Hugo Boss). Very important to ask the salesperson. If they are good, they will know the approxiamte size differential.

I sold Hugo Boss clothes during high school and university....the sizing on the dress shirts is a bit wonky...but it goes like this..

38 - 15, 32 sleeves
39 - 15.5, 32/33
40 - 15 3/4, 33 sleeves
41 - 16 ' neck, 33 sleeves
42 - 16.5', 34 sleeves
43 - 17' neck, 34/35 sleeves
44 - 17.5' neck, 34/35 sleeves

12-15-2006, 03:10 PM
Thanks Pacman that helps alot...

12-15-2006, 03:11 PM
So alcohol is already out...?

Gondi Stylez
12-15-2006, 04:18 PM
I am a shorter, slimmer guy so I prefer no pleats and straight leg. Since your BF is bigger build he might look better with a single pleat?!

For shirts I presonally get everything dry cleaned so I prefer to buy blended shirts. When dry cleaned properly you can fold it and then run a iron through it when you need to and it will be wrinkle free! Don't spend the extra flow IMO! The sizing for shirts was describe already and the Hugo Boss shirt conversion sounds right because I wear 39 and 15.5 for most other sizing!

A great blazer is key and can be dressed up or down! I prefer browns, neutrals etc but that is because I don't like black! :D

I agree with HRD2PLZ in that sweaters are great to vary the look a bit. When I worked down town for my summer job I ised to wear a thin sweater/long sleeve with a collerd shirt underneath and a blazer on top with dress pants.

But then again, I prefer wearing suits and varying w/ ties, no ties, sweater etc.

12-15-2006, 05:26 PM
just get me a gift certificate ;)

12-15-2006, 06:37 PM
Originally posted by sxtasy
just get me a gift certificate ;)
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

GTS Jeff
12-15-2006, 09:29 PM
Daaaamn, when a girl has to ask guys for fashion advice, that sends out all sorts of warning signals.

12-16-2006, 12:40 AM
Originally posted by GTS Jeff
Daaaamn, when a girl has to ask guys for fashion advice, that sends out all sorts of warning signals.

Meh just admit it we are better @ some things :nut:
I actually enjoyed myself, its a lot simpler than shopping for my own clothes. The only part that sucked was the crowds at Chinook. Thanks again for the advice, it helped a lot :)