View Full Version : what would you do?

05-13-2003, 11:26 PM
Lets say that you have assigned parking at work and that for the past 4 months you've had 6 obvious scratch marks on your passenger side door. You suspect that they're caused by the person who parks beside you (same person everyday in the same spot cause it's assigned) cause the scratch marks are consistent with the color of the car parked beside you. You know it's not from anywhere else cause you only drive your car to work. What would you do? I think I can rule out siting there all day with a vid cam trying to get the act on tape as prove. Or should I leave this person a note to please be more careful getting in and out of their car?

05-13-2003, 11:34 PM
tell the person to chill on the doors. If that don't work, then pay back is an bitch !!!!

05-13-2003, 11:40 PM
Why bother leaving a nice note? I'm sorry but if someone dosen't respect your property, then in turn why respect them? I wouldn't leave a note, i would probably ask them why the fuck they have to damage my property to get out of their piece o crap. See what the reponse is, then tell them to fix your door. They have done it more than once, they won't learn untill there told.

05-13-2003, 11:44 PM
Park really close to their car so that they have to get in through the sunroof.

GTS Jeff
05-13-2003, 11:56 PM
pee on their car

05-13-2003, 11:59 PM
damn.. someone hit my car last week and left some nice scratches on my bumper and then took off and didn't tell me... grr...

D'z Nutz
05-14-2003, 12:00 AM
Originally posted by sml
I think I can rule out siting there all day with a vid cam trying to get the act on tape as prove.

If you're positive, I would just set up a hidden cam in the back seat pointing through the window or something. That shit's not cool.

Originally posted by GTS Jeff
pee on their car

Naw, pee on their air filter. Hahaha!!

05-14-2003, 12:47 AM
Originally posted by GTS Jeff
pee on their car

hahah thats fuckin funny, deffinatelly door handles... then tell them if you see another mark you will jump on their hood

05-14-2003, 08:43 AM
Originally posted by 5gluder
Why bother leaving a nice note? I'm sorry but if someone dosen't respect your property, then in turn why respect them? I wouldn't leave a note, i would probably ask them why the fuck they have to damage my property to get out of their piece o crap. See what the reponse is, then tell them to fix your door. They have done it more than once, they won't learn untill there told.

I'd leave a kind note FIRST, less confrontational that way, then if the note doesn't work, go face-to-face. Maybe ask them to pay for repairs. Key point is this is at WORK, you have to be professional about it and make incremental steps to resolve things, no full bore beatdowns.

If the notes/talk do not work, then it is time for ACTION!
You have to draft up a 'Strategic Battle Assessment', whereby you weigh factors like who has the nicer car, who needs their job more, who has the means to inflict more damage, who can better avoid damage (not park at work anymore), what are the potential costs (not park at work anymore), etc.

If all efforts at a peaceful resolution have failed and it is determined that you have a clear strategic advantage over your enemy.....Unleash HELL! :guns:

P.S. Do not get caught. :angel:

GTS Jeff
05-14-2003, 08:54 AM
Originally posted by mwmhong

I'd leave a kind note FIRST, less confrontational that way, then if the note doesn't work, go face-to-face. Maybe ask them to pay for repairs. Key point is this is at WORK, you have to be professional about it and make incremental steps to resolve things, no full bore beatdowns.

If the notes/talk do not work, then it is time for ACTION!
You have to draft up a 'Strategic Battle Assessment', whereby you weigh factors like who has the nicer car, who needs their job more, who has the means to inflict more damage, who can better avoid damage (not park at work anymore), what are the potential costs (not park at work anymore), etc.

If all efforts at a peaceful resolution have failed and it is determined that you have a clear strategic advantage over your enemy.....Unleash HELL! :guns:

P.S. Do not get caught. :angel: blah blah blah just pee on his car

05-14-2003, 09:02 AM
Originally posted by GTS Jeff
blah blah blah just pee on his car

Well this did happen 1 night for me and MR8, we were at woodys at country hills BLD and parked infront of a white DSM, when we left we noticed his hatch was pee on........ No respect..

05-14-2003, 09:12 AM
Originally posted by D'z Nutz

Naw, pee on their air filter. Hahaha!!

get a thing of piss, and pour it into the heater/cold air intake thingy, so when he turns it on, it reeks :)

or confetti... should work too, hehe


05-14-2003, 09:47 AM
I would obviously like to make this unconfrontational as possible since it is at work (eventhough he work out of a different office), I will be parked there for a while so whatever I do to his car he might suspect me and might seek revenge then we'll just be destroying each other's car, and I am only 99% sure that it's him since I don't have any prove of him commiting the act. I will try to find a civil way of resolving this and mwmhong is right, if diplomacy fails, then all hell will break loose!!! :guns:

05-14-2003, 10:27 AM
A video cam will not work...how the hell can you point the cam to actually see contact to the door , unless he hits it hard enough to shake the cam inside the car? Seriously, just tell him to fuck off with the dings or you'll take a shit on his windshield.

05-14-2003, 10:52 AM
poo on a rag and wipe it under the door handles!!

D'z Nutz
05-14-2003, 10:59 AM
Man, I hope I never piss any of you guys off. The last thing I want to see on my car is bodily fluids and excrement :barf:

"Ain't no pigeon drop a bomb like that!"

05-14-2003, 11:04 AM
Originally posted by kevie88
poo on a rag and wipe it under the door handles!!

that is soooo wrong, hahaha
I say catch him in the act, when u do that
a) Slash his tires so then he wont be taking his car to work anymore for at least a week. (what i would do)
b) The more permanent solution which is blowing up his car (but u might get caught)
c) If u want to be really really sneaky clog up his exaust pipe with something (potatoe in a sock works good) , hopefully when he drives home from work he will passout/ die at the wheel and his body we be randomly dismantled into peices when he crashes into something causing a firey death that looks accidental

These solutions may sound harsh, but he/she obviously has no respect for other people's property, if u dont have the balls to do any of these ther is always...

d) kick him/her in the junk/camel toe (highly effective)

:thumbsup: i hope it works out for ya

05-14-2003, 11:51 AM
haha, this so reminds me of a song from the blood hound gang on the CD "horray for boobies"

track 1: I Hope You Die

download it and listen to it :)