View Full Version : Really dark picture on tv

12-26-2006, 11:07 PM
So I picked up this TV about a year ago for reasonably cheap (free) and it has a really dark tube... makes it impossible to play halo 2, GoW or any other dark game, as it's pitch black... When I picked it up, he said it would of been like... $50 to fix, wondering if anyone has any suggestions on a do-it-yourself (I work on PCB's and such so i'm ok there) or any good tv-repair shops.

NOTE: Gamma, contrast, and all that other stuff is all adjusted to give me the brightest image possible, and I WOULD move the xbox to a better tv, but then I lose Xbox Live... soooo.... :dunno:

New tv is also not an option

12-26-2006, 11:22 PM
it would be cheaper (or at least easier) to get the wireless plug in and move it to one of your other tvs (I'm guessing your using this tv because its close to your router).

12-26-2006, 11:27 PM
Originally posted by LilDrunkenSmurf
So I picked up this TV about a year ago for reasonably cheap (free) and it has a really dark tube... makes it impossible to play halo 2, GoW or any other dark game, as it's pitch black... When I picked it up, he said it would of been like... $50 to fix, wondering if anyone has any suggestions on a do-it-yourself (I work on PCB's and such so i'm ok there) or any good tv-repair shops.

NOTE: Gamma, contrast, and all that other stuff is all adjusted to give me the brightest image possible, and I WOULD move the xbox to a better tv, but then I lose Xbox Live... soooo.... :dunno:

New tv is also not an option
not sure if you thought of this but try googling your problem
Ie: dark picture
or <tv model> dark picture

I think you might get the hang of it if you dont find what your looking for right away

12-26-2006, 11:28 PM
Well the problem is I don't know the model... and the reason i'm using this tv, is because it's in my room, near my PC as well as my router... and unfortunately this house has a habbit of killing wireless routers (dunno how)